Tuesday, July 23, 2024

NWA Powerr 7/23/2024

NWA Powerr 7/23/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/nwa-powerrr-7162024.html

Blunt Force Trauma vs The Heavenly Butterflies (Faboo Andre and Tony Donati)

Damage hits a knee to the gut and elbows to the back of the head. Tony takes a double back elbow. Andre takes his jacket off in the ring and Carnage lariats him over. Tony hits shots on Carnage then takes a facekick. Damage corner splashes Tony then spinebusters him.

Tony jawbreakers Damage. Andre slingshot kicks Carnage then takes a dropkick. Carnage gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one as expected here with BFT grabbing the win. I thought the jobbers could have been destroyed a bit more here. 

BFT and Aron Stevens are interviewed. Aron says we are looking at the best tag team in the history of wrestling. He says we are doing better than ever. Aron says tag team wrestling is back and asks people to bow down to their tag team champs.

Drew Garabo and Wrecking Ball Legursky do a promo. Drew says he has 6'4, 400lb Legursky. He says he will make mincemeat of him. Ball says when he wins the title, he will be 6'4. 410lbs as he will have the 10lbs of gold.

NWA National Title - Thom Latimer (c) vs Kerry Morton

Thom waistlock throws him down. Thom wristlocks Kerry then Kerry reverses it on him. Kerry kips up to get out then is thrown down after he taunts him. Kerry slaps Thom then Thom shoulders him over.

Thom shoulders him over again then bangs Kerry's head off the buckles. Kerry takes a back body drop. Kerry slides out then pulls Thom's neck over the top rope. Kerry slingshots over Tom then neckbreakers him for 2.

Thom hits a punch to knock Kerry off the apron. Kerry chokes him with the ring skirt then drive by dropkicks him on the apron. Kerry is thrown off the buckles. Kerry pulls Thom down into the buckles and chokes him.

We go to break and return. Kerry knees him in the back then suplexes him. Kerry dropkicks him. Thom sunset flips him for 2. Kerry knees him in the gut.

Kerry goes up top and is hit. Thom superplexes him. They trade shots. Kerry forearm flurries him then bangs Thom's head off the buckles. Thom no sells it and stares him down. Thom atomic drops him then backdrops him. The bell then rings as the time limit has expired.

Thoughts: What we got was good here. Kerry was a great heel as usual here and Thom did fine as the most serious and bigger face against him. I suppose this leads to a rematch?

Jax Dane and Baron Von Storm do a promo. Jax says they know and hear things about The Southern Six. Jax says it's cute that they think they own the territory. Jax says he will give them a lesson in territorial violence. Jax brings up Kerry saying that they don't them like him (Kerry). Jax says they don't make them like us (Jax and Baron) anymore.

Blk Jeez and Mims do a promo. Jeez talks about some team with Mims and Cheese. Mims says he is with Jeez as he lacks something important. He says he has a difference maker in Jeez and said it may stop him from losses like last week where he lost to Zyon with Austin Idol's help. He says Jeez is the difference maker he needs. Jeez says he knows all of Idol's tricks and weaknesses and says next time will have a different outcome. 

NWA Women's Title - Kenzie Page (c) vs Missa Kate

This is a random one. Page is backed up in the corner twice. Page piefaces her then is thrown backwards by the hair. Page piefaces her again. Kate takes her down and hits mounted shots. Page's head is banged off the buckles. Kate goes for a shot on the ropes but has to think about it. Kate then licks her face and Page is grossed out.

They get back in and Page elbow drops her. Page pulls her down backwards with a headscissors. Page hits chops and a boot. Kate is snapmared into a kick in the back. Page chinlocks her.

Kate backdrops her. Page la mistica drops her into a crossface. Kate bites Page's hand to get out. Kate russian legsweeps her then camel clutches her. Kate fish hooks Page.

Page slaps her. Kate slaps herself then hits corner spears. Kate is thrown into the buckles face first then Kate pumping knees her on the ropes. Kate hits a reverse ddt for 2. Page cutters her and wins.

Thoughts: Well, this was something. It was entertaining with Kate doing wild things here before being put down.  Kate got over with it here and we'll have to see if they follow up on it.

Daisy Kill and Talos are interviewed. Daisy says the fans don't get a song. Daisy said they face The Fixers next week. He said he hopes they fixed some things as they go back against them.

We get some weird "Onlyslams" video which hypes up some wrestler who has a video like Val Venis. It was very sexually suggestive.

NWA Title - EC3 (c) vs Wrecking Ball Legursky

Drew Garabo is with Ball here. Ball shoves him over and poses off the lock up. EC3 side headlocks him a few times. EC3 shoulders him multiple times then Ball knocks him over with one. Ball corner splashes him.

Ball chokes him and hits punches. Ball chokes him on the ropes. They trade chops and Ball hits an elbow drop. Ball side slams him for 2. Ball hits punches then he bearhugs him. EC3 jawbreakers him then hits a big lariat. Ball takes another lariat.  Ball misses a butt drop then EC2 2nd rope thesz presses him. 

Ball hits a powerslam for 2. Ball misses a splash off the ropes and EC3 hits a stroke. EC3 then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was fine but not great. Ball controlled most of this then EC3 made his comeback and won. This came about from an incident weeks ago with Drew and EC3. They had said we would see it later on in the show on that episode but it took until this episode to see it.

Overall thoughts: I liked the show as a whole. All 4 matches were fine. Nothing was must see here though.

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