Tuesday, July 30, 2024

WWE NXT 7/30/2024

WWE NXT 7/30/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/wwe-nxt-7232024.html

Hank and Tank are goofing around and sneaking into the arena They set off the alarms and blow the fuse. The lights are out and then they turn the arena lights on.

It's Night 1 of The Great American Bash 2024.

We see wrestlers arrive and see Oba Femi arrive in front of The D'Angelo Family.

Women's Tag Titles - Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn (c) vs Meta-Four (Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)

Lash and JJ are attacked during intros. Lash is choked on the ropes and thrown out. Lash is thrown into the rails. JJ cradles Alba then Alba stomps her. JJ is thrown into the buckles shoulder first. JJ is then thrown into a tarantula on the ropes by Isla.

JJ takes a double suplex. Lash pump kicks Isla then pushes Alba over the top. JJ then dives through the ropes onto Isla. We go to PiP break and return. 

JJ step up enzugiri's Isla. Lash chops Isla over then hits forearms and lariats. Lashl fallaway slams Isla then swinging backbreakers Alba. JJ chokeslams Islam for 2. Isla backcrackers Lash then Alba top rope swantons Lash while she's in the hold.

JJ knocks Isla down on the floor. Alba tornado ddt's Lash. Lash corner spears Alba. Alba is on Lash's shoulders and is held for a cutter from JJ for 2. Isla pulls Lash over the top rope. Isla meteora's Lash on the floor. Alba superkicks JJ. JJ takes a double team gori special and is pinned.

Thoughts: Lash had a decent showing here. It wasn't great or anything but Lash and JJ did an okay job here keeping up with better opponents.

Ethan Page comes out. He says Meta-Four came up short. Page says there won't be any fluke victories next week from Oro. Page tries to hit Oro with the title then Oro rolls him up and Lash/JJ count three for him.

Cedrick Alexander talks to rookies in the back. Shawn Spears comes in. He said he's making a difference in Jensen's life and says some people are a lost cause like him. Jensen goes up to Ced and tells him to talk tonight if he wants to talk.

Tavion Heights is interviewed by Hank. Tank talks about his amateur wrestling credentials and says big matches don't scare him. He says Tony D was a college wrestler from Buffalo. He says he's a shooter too.

Tank interviews The D'Angelo Family. Tony says Tavion is a legit guy. He says he doesn't do it every 4 years though, he does it every day. He says Tavion will find out tonight.

Pete Dunne does a video. He says he has been in the business for a while and sees grown men who can't figure it out. He says he's YXB - Young and Bitter. He said  the first time he followed someone's advice, he got a bad nickname in Butch. He said Sheamus went home and Ridge came to NXT and said Bate is injured. He talks about riding the bus in England and handling business. He says Trick is in for a painful lesson next week and he will force him to figure it out.

We see Trick watching the video. He says we will see who has it figured out next week. He says, "forget Whoop That Trick, I'm gonna whoop that @ss".

WWE NXT Heritage Cup - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Tavion Heights

Round 1 - They lock up and grapple. Tony takes him down and Tav gets on top. Tony fireman's carry takeovers him. Tav hip throws him. Tony does some takedowns. Tony side headlocks him. Tony side headlock takeovers him. Tav sleepers him. Tony ankle locks him and the round ends.

Round 2 - We see Wren Sinclar cheering on Tav from the crowd. We go to PiP break. Tav side headlocks him. Tony yanks the arm then fujiwara armbars him. Tony hits corner punches and Tav neckbreakers him. Tav is pulled face down onto the top buckle. Tony 2nd rope superplexes him.

Round 3 - Tav goes for a suplex and Tony falls on him. Tony hits a fisherman suplex and pins him.

Borne goes to pick up Tav and Wren pushes him over. Wren slaps Tav and tells him to go do it.

Round 4 - Tav runs over Tony then headbusters him. Tav belly to belly suplexes him and pins him. We are tied at 1 fall a piece.

Round 5 - They trade punches. Tony misses a corner charge and takes a karelin's lift for 2. Tav knees him in the gut then overhead suplexes him. Tav misses a charge and goes into the ropes. Tony hits punches and flying back elbows him. Tony hits a belly to belly suplex then spinebusters him. Tony hits another spinebuster and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special as expected. Neither of these guys are that great in the ring. Some of the suplexes were nice. Tav looked like he got hurt when Tony fell down on him. I didn't expect Tav to get the win here.

We see Jacy, Nyz and Fallon talk outside. Jacy says all you have to do is get a title shot is to be a makeshift team. We see Petrovic and Sol make comments. We also see Lola make comments and ask for a 6-man tag.

Cedric Alexander vs Brooks Jensen

This starts during PiP break. Ced flying headscissors him into the ropes. Ced 2nd rope dropkicks him then topes him outside. Jensen clubs on him and hits a kneelift. Jensen hits mounted shots.

Shawn Spears comes out. Ced is rammed into the buckles then Jensen flying back elbows him while he's in tree of woe. Jensen side headlocks him. Ced hits running forearms and rebound germans him. Ced basement dropkicks him then michinoku drivers him for 2. Jensen knocks him off the buckles and hits a top rope legdrop for 2.

Ced is gordbustered on the commentary table. Jensen tries to jump on him off the apron but just spinning heel kicks the commentary table when Ced moves. Ced backdrops him into a backcracker and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good as expected. A lot of it was hurt by the PiP break. It's not like they botched anything though. I don't think this new Jensen character is going to work.

Je'Von Evans talks. He said his mom and dad always fought except when wrestling started. He said his mom liked John Cena and his dad liked Booker t. He said his parents split at age 6. He said he got osme anger in him from it but his anger went away when he saw Jeff Hardy and RVd. He said he climbed a wall as a kid and splashed his friend who were wrestling. He said he used to tell his teachers to "suck it" and said he used to jump the fence to play with his neighbors trampoline. He said wrestling is fun to him and said he thought about chasing wrestling for real.

Joe Hendry talks to girls in the back including Layla Diggs and I think the rodeo girl from NXT. Ashantee Adonis then walks out with two of them.

We see The Rascalz in their treehouse smoke room. They make jokes ala That 70's Show. Trey wants to smoke weed. Wes says no as it's PG here. Wentz says you could argue him and Wes are one of the best tag teams ever in NXT. Wes says they never lost the NXT Tag Titles. Wentz said the main event last week reminded people of how they do things here. Wentz says it proves they deserve a tag title match. Wentz says he wants to defend the tag titles across two companies. He then motions that he wants to smoke and they cut the camera's off.

Joe Hendry comes out for his concert. The crowd sings his song. He says its the first Joe Hendry concert in WWE. He says we need a song everybody will love. He sings about how he makes things better for everyine in NXT. He shows clips of Triple H and HBK in the kitchen (when HBK got fired by JBL) and says Booker T is the president of his fan club. He brings up Joe Coffey and says he's the son of Dutch Mantell. He says Gallus got deported for having horrible facial hair.

He says the crowd is having fun and deserves an encore. Gallus interrupts. Joe Coffey says there will be no encore. He says Joe is a flash in the pan and a one hit wonder. They get on the apron. Joe Coffey tells him to get some if he wants some. Hendry hits him then Hendry is beat up by all 3 Gallus members. Hendry is hit in the back with a guitar and his other guitar gets broken.

Thoughts: It wasn't Joe's best song and was a bit lame. At least they built something with it though.

Hank and Tank talk to Roxanne Perez. They put her over. Hank asks if they want to set a Guinness World Record by putting sticky notes on their faces. Tank tries and fails and Perez asks if they have someone else to annoy. She says she's getting ready for her title match. Jaida Parker walks by and says she may not have the title by the end of the night.

Oro Mensah and Ethan Page argue with Ava in between. Page says Oro doesn't deserve the title match. Oro said Page put Noam Dar on the shelf. He says Page hides from him every week as he knows he will pin him each week. Oro says Page's ego won't save him. Page says Oro can't and won't beat him. Page then signs the contract for their match. Oro says he has zero respect for everything Page thinks he is. Oro says the title will fit well around his waist.

Kendal Grey vs Jaida Parker

JP backs her up in the corner off the lock-up. Grey fireman's carry takeovers her and armlocks her. JP hits a knee to the gut and takes a forearm. Grey 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Grey fireman's carries her and puts her in an armlock again.

Grey's head is banged off the buckles. Grey is laid on the top rope and JP hits shots on her. JP throws her down off the ropes. Grey's head is banged off the buckles and JP reverse suplexes her for 2. JP does a grounded cobra twist. They trade forearms and Grey neckbreakers er.

Grey hits back elbows. Myles Borne and Wren Sinclair come out. They argue with Carlee Bright. Grey suplexes Myles on the floor then does her olympic slam to JP for 2. JP puts her on the 2nd rope and buttpresses her down.

JP gordbusters her then running hip attacks her for the win.

Thoughts: Grey looked great here and Jaida looked good as well. Jaida's finally got this thing figured out and this was a decent match. Grey has major potential.

Thea Hail and Ridge Holland talk in the back. Ridge thanks her for her words. Ridge says he won't throw the towel in and says to do whatever it takes to become women's champ. The rest of Chase U comes in. Thea says she was told to do whatever it takes and Chase looks skeptical.

Axiom talks to Joaquin Wilde and someone else in the back. Nathan Frazer talks in then Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner walks in. Stone gives NF a contract for a match with The Rascalz. He says we'll think about it and Axiom signs it. NF asks if he just agreed to a match without his consent. Axiom says they will be fine and says first he will win his Speed match tomorrow.

Jacy Jayne, Jasmyn Nyx and Fallon Henley vs Lola Vice, Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic

Fallon and Sol start us off. Fallon trips her and surfs on her back. Sol lifts her and Fallon gets off. Sol hits a facebuster then surfs on Fallon's back. Fallon and Nyx grab KP by the hair. KP rolls Nyx into kicks.

KP does a low headhunter for 2. KP drop her with a side kick then does an indian deathlock without the leg submission. Sol shoulder throws Nyx. Jacy rolls up Lola for 2.

Jacy and Lola chop each other. Jacy rolls her up then Lola tries a pin. Lola does a slam on her. Jacy takes a sandwich PK. Sol and KP do a double superkick on Nyx. Lola spin kicks Fallon in the gut and KP tope splashes Jacy outside. Sol top rope corkscrew moonsaults onto the girls outside.

We go to PiP break. Fallon is wristlocked and Sol corner pslashes her. Sol snapmares her into a crucifix for 2. Lola takes down Fallon then goes for the armbar. Fallon hits KP from behind and corner boots her. Jacy corner boots her then Nyx does also. Jacy corner cannonballs Sol.

Jacy knees KP in the gut. KP rolls her up for 2. Nyx neckbreakers KP then PK's her. Nyx headscissors her. We return from break. Lola is tagged in and hits kicks. Sol does a springboard double 450 lariat. The faces all do Lola's twerk then do hip attacks. Sol powerbombs Fallon from her shoulders for 2. Sol superkicks Fallon in the face.

Sol is crotched up top. Jacy cutters Sol while hse's on the top rope. Nyx fisherman suplexes Sol for 2. Fallon throws KP out then Lola is thrown out. Fallon does Lola's dance and Jacy cannonballs Lola off the apron. KP pulls Fall off the apron.

Nyx and Sol trade. Nyx step up enzugiri's her. KP hit kicks on Nyx then facebusters her for 2. Nyx kicks KP while KP is behind her. Jacy spinning forearms KP then Fallon lifts KP into a cutter to win.

Thoughts: It was a good trios match. Lola was fun with the faces. Nyx's kicks looked great. It just had a nice mix of everything and really made the future of the women's division look bright. This couldn't have gone much better than it did and they should do this one again next week.

Tatum Paxley is playing with dolls and tries to get Kelani Jordan to play with her. KJ says she doesn't want to play. Tatum says she wants to play with her title. KJ says she doesn't play when it comes ot this and she says she doesn't either. Wendy Choo then stares at KJ. 

Joe Hendry is interviewed in the parking lot. He says he was excited about tonight and Gallus had to ruin it. Joe says they are driven by jealousy and Joe Coffey is at the wheel. Joe says he's driven by proving he can hang with the best in the world. He says there won't be any signing, just him kicking Coffey's @ss.

WWE NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Thea Hail

Either Thea wins tonight or some big angle happens.

RP takes down Thea with the arm. Thea flips her for a pin attempt and goes for the kimura. RP boots her then yanks on her arm. Thea tries to headscissors RP but RP gets out. Thea armdrags RP then exploders her. Thea 2nd rope moonsaults her.

We go to PiP break and return. RP worked the arm during the brak. Thea rolls her up for 2. Thea ddt's her. RP piefaces her and calls her a little girl. Thea fires up and hits forearms. Thea gets some offense in and moonlight drives her for 2. Thea slams her and rolling sentons her.

Thea misses a bottom rope reverse splash. RP then crossfaces her. RP topes Thea. RP has words for Chase U and calls them losers. Thea topes RP. Thea top rope crossbodies her and hits a michinoku driver for 2.

Thea backslides her off a pop rocks attempt. Thea kimura's her. RP goes for a crossface. Thea hits a bottom rope springboard back splash for 2. RP grabs the ring skirt then pokes Thea in the face. RP backdrops her. RP is sent into the post shoulder first then Thea kimura's her.

Thea is sent into the steps outside. RP crossfaces her and Thea kimura's her. RP rolls it into a crossface. RP hits pop rocks and wins. Thea cries after.

Thoughts: I liked it more than I expected. I liked all of the submission trading here with the crossface vs the kimura. I wish the finish would have been related to that though to really put over, but maybe you can make the claim that the crossface softened Thea up for pop rocks. I'm not real sure where this leaves either girl now though, especially Thea.

Overall thoughts: It was a good episode of NXT. The girls had a good showing here with the trios match and the main being good. The men's division is still struggling though without any real hot programs going on and the TNA guys taking up most of the attention.

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