Saturday, July 13, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/12/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

Pequeno Polvora, Pequeno Pierroth and Pequeno Violencia vs Pequeno Magia, Kaligua and Angelito

1st Fall - Kal and Vio go at it. They go to the mat and Vio avoids the armdrag. Mag and Polv go at it. Polv back elbows him. Mag flips out of his armdrag and armdrags him. Mag legsweeps him and both stand off. Pierr and Ange go at it.

Ange is held up by Pier and Ange superkicks him. Ange springboard plancha's his partners outside on accident. Angel is tripped and indian deathlocked. He taps out and the Pierroth's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Kal and Pier go at it. They trade chops. Pier kicks him low in front of the ref. Polv stomps Kal. Kal is put in tree of woe and dropkicked. Ange is dropped off a spinning headscissors attack.

Kal is monkey flipped into a back elbow and senton. Vio kicks Kal out. Mag is tied up in the ropes and chopped by Vol. Mag takes a triple team. Ange gets his ears clapped from behind and Vio bullies Ange. Pier and Andge trade chops. Pier spears the post when an opponent moves. Vio takes a top rope springboard armdrag and Ange tope con hilos outside. Mag hits an angels wings on Pol and Kal seated moonsaults Vio. Mag and and Kal pick up pins to win the fall. 

3rd Fall - Kal goes up and over Pier in the corner and does headflips. Kal springboard tornillos him then flying headscissors him out. Mag runs the ropes fast then flying headscissors Polv. Mag tope con hilos Polv. Kal dropkicks Vio out.

Kal asai moonsaults onto Vio outside. Pier flips Ange with a lariat. Pier goes for a crucifix and Ange puts him in rings of saturn to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that great and nobody was hitting anything too clean here. The finish wasn't that good on this one.

La Fuerza Poblana (Pegasso & Stigma) & Brillante Jr. vs. El Triangulo (El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.) & Akuma

HDV = El Hijo del Villano III, V3J = Villano III Jr.

1st Fall - YESSSS. I didn't think we were getting this one as it was 3rd from the top and they only air 3 of 6 matches here. HDV and Peg go at it. Peg armdrags him. Peg trips HDV then HDV front facelocks him. Peg flips out of a snapmare then spinning headscissors him.

V3J and Stig go at it. Stig rolls him into a facelock. Stig armdrags him. V3J does a nice trip and Stig la magistrals him. Stig trips him and they stand off. Stig is triple teamed in the corner the V3J chops him.

V3J takes a wild bump out. Akuma hits corner lariats on Stig. Brill superkicks Akuma then corner lariats HDV. Brill flying headscissors Akuma then top rope double stomps a hanging HDV. Brill does a nice corkscrew die outside. Peg comes off the top and is powerbombed by HDV then submitted with a sharpshooter + armlock. V3J then does a tequila sunrise variation on Stig and taps him out to win the fall.

2nd Fall - V3J is monkey flipped into Brill in the corner. Stig takes a spinebuster and is catapulted into an Akuma spear. Akuma unlaces Stig's mask and Stig is triple teamed in the corner. They get on the ramp. The 3 heels do a double gorilla press throw together which was creative and cool. Brill is kicked in the leg.

Brill is popped-up and dropped. Peg goes after HDV. Stig is thrown in by 2 people then triple teamed in the corner. Stig and Peg hit stereo flying headscissors then do near stereo dives outside. Brill springboard crossbodies Akuma. Brill seated corkscrew moonsaults Akuma and pins him to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Peg bodyscissors HDV over. HDV then runs away on the ramp. V3J thesz presses and mounted punches Stig. Stig 2nd rope double stomps HDV. Stig superkicks V3J. Stig satellite headscissors Akuma out.

HDV pump kicks Brill. Brill backflips into a spinning headscissors on HDV. Brill uses hte ropes to headscissor V3J. Brill headscissors Akuma off the bottom rope. Peg rolls up HDV for 2 then hurricanrana's him.

HDV 2nd rope moonsaults Peg and pins him. Stig springboard crossbodies HDV. HDV handstands on the ropes and is superkicked. Brll hammerlock deadlift sitout powerbombs HDV and pins him.

V3J takes a springboard dropkick from Stig. Stig la silla's him off the apron. Brill is sit out powerbombed by Akuma for 2. Brill rolls up Akuma for 2. Brill is crotched on the top rope then Akuma perfectplexes him and pins him. Akuma's team wins the fall and match.

It was a decent match here. They didn't go all out but we got some dives and the heels mostly dominated this. Brillante had a good night here and Akuma didn't get to do too much. 

Los Guerreros Laguneros (Gran Guerrero, Stuka Jr. & Ultimo Guerrero) vs. Los Barbaros (Dragon Rojo Jr., El Barbaro Cavernario & El Terrible)

1st Fall - Stuka and Rojo go at it. Rojo wristlocks him. Stuka hammerlocks him. Rojo snapmares him. Rojo wristlocks him and Barb kicks Stuka in the leg. Gran puts a hold on Barb but Terr breaks it up. Gran goes after Terr outside and is double teamed. Barb boots Stuka whole Rojo chop flurries UG.

UG takes corner attacks then is stomped on by 2 people. Gran takes corner attacks. UG takes a double flapjack then a basement dropkick. Stuka takes corner attacks and a slap from Terr. Barb and Rojo chop on UG. UG takes a double back elbow. Rojo double stomps UG then Barb springboard splashes UG. Terr top rope splashes UG and UG is pinned. Gran and Terr trade shots outside. Terrible's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - 3 people rip Gran's mask. Terr swings wildly at Gran then Rojo foot chokes Gran. Rojo corner dropkicks Gran. Terr rips at Gran's mask and bites his head. Barb hits a nice dropkick on UG to send him out. Gran takes a double back elbow. He is bridged on the 2nd rope and takes a kick from Terr.

Barb slaps Stuka then dropkicks him. UG grabs La Commandate outside (who is with Rojo's team). Rojo's team takes triple baseball slides on the apron. Gran and Terr trade shots outside.

Gran is Terr is bridged on the ropes and Gran pop-up splashes him. Barb takes a 2nd rope double gorilla press slam then Stuka top rope splashes Barb to pin him. The Guerrero's win the 2nd fall. 

3rd Fall - Barb is ripped and takes a baseball slide. Rojo is beaten up on the rails. Gran is popped up and splashes Rojo on the rails. Terr takes a pop-up splash while bridged on the ropes. Barb is tripped andtakes a boot from the side.

Barb takes chops in the corner. Stuka flipping neckbreakers Barb. Barb takes a magic killer. Gran kicks Rojo in the leg. Stuka dropkicks Rojo in the knee then stomps on him. Rojo corner dropkicks Stuka  then top rope double stomps him. Stuka is pinned. UG then rolls up Rojo from behind and pins him.

UG boots Barb and Barb does the caterpillar. UG goes over the top and takes a triangle plancha. Gran chokeslams Terr for 2. Terr rolls up Gran from surprise and pins him to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was pretty even here. Rojo's team dominated in the first half then UG's team dominated in the 3rd fall. No one did anything too wild here and there were a lot of double and triple teams in this one. Terrible threw a lot of bad strikes here.

Terrible seems to challenge Gran after.

Overall thoughts: The semi-main was the best thing on here. The mini's didn't have the best night. The main was just average for the most part with them sticking to simpler things. I wouldn't really recommend this one as none of the matches were that great.

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