Wednesday, July 31, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/28/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/28/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II and Enfermero Jr. vs Leono, Electrico and Astral

EJ = Enfermero Jr.

Karonte 1 is wearing pants and Karonte 2 is wearing a singlet.

1st Fall - 1 and Leono lock up. Leono flying snapmares him. Leono kips up out of the wristlock and armdrags him. 1 stf's Leono. Leono flips him over his back and armdrags him out. Elec and 2 go at it. 2 works the arm and Elec armdrags him.

2 rolls him up and wristlocks him. Elec rolls out and armdrags 2. 2 boots Elec and corner lariats him. 2 springboards off the bottom rope and dropkicks him. 2 knees him in the gut then Elec spinning bac headscissors him out.

Astral and EJ get in. EJ trips him then is shouldered over. EJ basement dropkicks him for 2. Astral armdrags him then 1 pulls him out. EJ is pulled out then Astral topes him. Elec springboard elbow drops 2 then Leono lifts and spins 1 in an abdominal stretch. Elec gets the pin and Leono gets the submission. Leono's team wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Leono flying headscissors 2 out. 1 takes off his pants to reveal small trunks. Leono tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. 1 misses a corner move then Leono walks up the buckles and armdrags him out. Leono tilt-a-whirl armdrags Enf out and poses.

2 stomps on Elec and chops him. Elec 619's him using the ropes then springboard crossbodies him. Elec flying headscissors 2 out. Elec slingshots into a headscissors on EJ. Elec satellite headscissors 1.

Astral springboard armdrags 2. Astral asai moonsaults over 1 then springboard bodyscissors him in a botch. Astral gets on EJ's shoulders then armdrags him out. Astral gets on the 2nd rope outside and diving headscissors EJ outside.

2 jumps over Leono's back then armdrags him. 2 goes up the ropes using 1's arm then moonsaults onto Leono outside. 1 gorilla press gutbusters Elec then corkscrew elbow drops him. 1 pins Elec.

Astral takes a powerbomb from EJ. EJ botches a move, slamming him on the mat and just pins him. Enfermero Jr.'s team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Elec is nailed by EJ from behind. 1 stomps on Elec. Elec takes corner attacks. 1 suplexes Elec on the apron and maybe takes a worse bump than Elec does. Leono is triple teamed in the ring and 1 throws him by the hair. 2 springboard dropkicks Leono.

Astral is triple teamed. Astral takes a double japanese armdrag (botched) and a basement dropkick. EJ gets kicked on a corner charge. Astral springboard crossbodies 2. Leono tilt-a-whirl backbreakers 1 and EJ. Elec asai moonsaults outside and Leono cannonballs off the apron.

Elec hurricanrana's EJ to win the fall and match. The stretcher is brought out for Karonte 1.

It wasn't good. There were a lot of botches and sloppy moments here and it went entirely too long. 

Dark Magic, Coyote and Sagrado vs El Audaz, Pegasso and Hombre Bala Jr.

1st Fall - Aud and Coy lock up. Coy armdrags him and howls. Coy surfboards Aud and Aud rolls him into a pin attempt. Coy elbow drops Aud's leg and Aud armdrags him. Aud arm throws him then armdrags him. Coy shoulders Aud over then Aud standing moonsaults him. They stand off.

Dark and Peg go at it. Peg wristlocks him then Dark does it to him. Peg armdrags him and headflips up. Peg hooks Dark's leg then side headlocks him. Dark tries a pin attempt for 2. Peg footlocks Dark and is pushed off.

Bala and Sag go at it. Bala 2nd rope springboard twisting crossbodies him then headscissors him out. Bala hits a nice tope. Aud springboard crossbodies Coy. Peg hits a top rope double crossbody. Peg pins Coy and Aud moonsaults Dark for the pin. Pegasso's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Aud evades a double team and flying headscissors Sag out. Coy dropkicks Aud. Aud hits a big chop on Coy then flips onto the ramp. Aud runs the ramp and tilt-a-whirl armdrags in.

Peg flying headscissors Dark out. Peg walks up the buckles and armdrags Coy. Peg armdrags Dar. Bala spinning headscissors and a tilt-a-whirl armdrags Coy. Sag nails Dark on accident. Bala dropkicks Sag the headstand pendulum knees Dark in the corner. Bala flying headbutts Sag in the corner then superkicks him.

Sag lariats Bala. Coy stomps Bala then Sag slams Bala. Dark top rope elbow drops Bala then Coy top rope splashes Bala. Sag does a weird surfboard on Bala and taps him out. Sagrado's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Peg takes a dropkick + double suplex. Sag is double hiptossed into Aud's back while Aud is against the ropes. Bala takes corner attacks and Dark running kicks Bala in the leg. Aud is triple stomped. Aud avoids a double team shot and Bala tornillos off the apron onto Sag. Peg is double flipped into the ropes and double armdrags his opponents. Aud and Peg do stereo tope con hilos outside.

Bala top rope crossbodies Sag. He pumping knees him then asai moonsaults him. Audaz pins Sagrado and his team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: Sagrado wasn't moving well here and it just wasn't that great of a match. Audaz had a decent showing here.

Stuka Jr, Gran Guerrero and Hechicero vs Valiente, Fugaz and Mistico


1st Fall - Hech and Val lock up. Hech trips him on the mat and kneedrops his leg. Val goes for a pin attempt then chops him. Hech hits shots on Val then trips him on his leapfrog. Val dropkicks Hech in the knee then powerslams him. Val flips over Hech using the ropes and armdrags him out. Val goes for the dive and gets hit by the heels. Fug springboard crossbodies but is caught by Stuka and Gran. Fug is popped up into a headscissors on Gran. Fug walks up the ropes and armdrags Stuka. Hech shoulders Fug out.

Mist flying headscissors Hech. Mist is popped up into a headscissors on Gran. Mist springboard headscissors Stuka. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Hech. Val does a nice tope on Hech.

Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Gran then spinning headscissors him into la mistica. Mist taps out Gran and Fug toyota rolls into a sunset bomb on Stuka. Mistico's team wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Val kips up and down while in the wristlock and armdrags Hech. Hech dropkicks him. Hech step up knees Val. The heels go for Mist's mask on the ropes. Gran boots Mist and Mist takes a magic killer. Stuka spinebusters Fug the rolls him into a kick from Stuka. Hech hits corner shots on Val and goes for his mask. Hech pounds on him.

Hech pulls on Val's mask then basement dropkicks him. Val is bridged on the ropes outside and Hech pop-up butt drops him. Val is dropkicked in the knee then Hech stomps on Val.

Fug takes corner attacks. Val is put on the buckles and Hech goes for his mask. Val is beaten up against the rails then Hech is popped up into a butt drop on him. Stuka tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Fug. Stuka tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Mist. Mist's legs are split then Gran kicks Mist in the back.

Hech pulls on Val's mask and boots him. Val is flipped into the ropes and headscissors Hech off of it. Val back body drops Stuka then Hech dropkicks Val. Mist springboard hurricanrana's Hech then Fug headscissors Hech.

Mist and Fug do stereo dives out. Val dives off the top onto Hech then pulls on Hech's mask. Hech snapmares him and pulls his mask off. Valiente's team wins the fall and match as Hechicero is DQ'd.

Thoughts: I'll never be a fan of the "let's get ourselves DQ'd and lose the match purposely" finish. It doesn't make much sense unless it's a title match or in a hopeless situation where there's clearly no chance of winning. This was neither of those. They pushed the Valiente vs Hechicero feud here but the heeling went on too long and dragged this down.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like any of the 3 matches and would not recommend this one.

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