Friday, July 12, 2024

WWE Smackdown 7/12/2024

WWE Smackdown 7/12/2024

Last week's show is here: 

We see some of the wrestlers arrive.

Tiffany Stratton arrives. Tiff said it became Tiffy Time officially when she became the youngest Miss MITB. She said Trish isn't here to ruin her moment and says it's her time. She said Liv, Bayley's and Roxanne's title reigns are on a time limit.

Bayley comes out. She congratulates her and said she knows what it's like. She says Tiff didn't know what WWE was in 2019. Tiff says that was years ago and she's the youngest MITB in history while Bayley was watching on TV at home. She said she better plan on being the first woman to fail a cash-in if she uses it on her.

Nia Jax comes out. Nia asks why Bay is making threats when she (Nia) will be taking the title off of her at Summerslam. Bay says this is a different Bayley and the same Bayley that will embarrass her at Summerslam. Bayley asks if Tiff will cash in on Nia if she wins.

Nia says she has no problems with Tiff and calls her her personal little Barbie doll. Nia says Bayley is her victim and she will victimize her at Summerslam. Bay goes to hit Nia, Tiff stops her and hits her. Nia works her on the ropes then Michin comes out with a kendo stick to make the save.

Byron interviews Chelsea and Piper. Green says she doesn't have time for his stupid questions. She says the world is calling her The Mother of Mayhem and The Princess of Pain. She tells him to go away.

Nia Jax vs Michin

Michi hits shots and Nia headbutts her. Nia misses a splash then takes chest forearms. Michin hits a kick combo with a pele kick. Michin is thrown off a tornado ddt attempt then Nia elbow drops her back. Nia sits on her on the ropes. Nia hip attacks her and hits a stinkface. 

Michin gets her eyelash knocked off. Nia bodyblocks her then cobra clutches her. Nia hair throws her, splashes her and throws her. Nia hits a corner splash then is sent out. Michin ends up in the electric chair and is dropped face first onto the apron. Nia lariats her outside and we go to break.

We return and Nia suplexes her. Nia misses an elbow drop. Michin dropkicks her. Michin boots hr out of the corner then 2nd rope diving headscissors her. Michin corner cannonballs her for 2. Nia throws her off the buckles and misses a senton.

Tiff gets on the apron and puts a kendo stick in the corner. Bay trips Tiff and sends her into the rails. Michin dropkicks Nia then tornado ddt's her. Nia hits a samoan drop then banzai drops her to win.

It was a good one here. Nia was a solid big girl and Michin made lots of fiery comebacks against her that looked good. I had no issues with this.

Bay attacks Nia after then Tiff hits Bay with the MITB briefcase. Nia corner splashes Bay and Tiff spinebusters Bay. Nia legdrops Bay.

Tiff thinks about cashing in. Nia interrupts and they walk off.

The Bloodline are talking in a room. Solo said Bloodline had all the titles and said it would be the same if Roman didn't go soft. Solo says he's here to build a new, hungrier and more powerful family. He says this family will rule for decades as long as he's trial chief. He says everyone will acknowledge him.

We see a Byron interview with Andrade from earlier in the day. Andrade is asked what's next. He says the vision is the same and WWE is his destiny. Carmelo Hayes walks in and asks what they are talkingto him for. Melo says everyone's talking about him and says he's the MVP. Melo says the people are saying Andrade screwed him out of the match. Andrade says Melo is next.

Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin vs Legado del Fantasma (Angel and Berto)

We see a clip of Santos telling Baron's cash in was a big failure. We then see Angel and Berto attack Baron and Crews.

Baron throws Crews on LdF while they are outside. Baron corner lariats Berto then short arm lariats him. Baron springboard 2nd rope lariats him. Crews and Berto go at it. Berto hits boots. Crews back elbows Berto.

Berto takes a back body drop then Corbin hits his suplex into a cutter. The four fight and Bert ois back body dropped over the top rope. Baron then is thrown into a dive on LdF. 

We go to break and return. LdF do a funny botch on a double team gori special move. Berto pulls Baron's arms back. Berto springboard kicks Baron for 2. Baron hits an attitude adjustment on Berto. Crews hits kicks on Angel then jumping lariats him. Crews germans him. Crews top rope crossbodies Angel. Baron runs into Santos outside and nails him. Baron lariats Berto over the rail and goes with him.

Crews gorilla press drops Angel then Santos flying knees Crews. Angel hits a wing clipper on Crews.

Baron and Crews are a random pair and definitely not quite Baron and Bron. Everyone tried here and they made a decent match out of what could have been a lame midcard match. 

Pretty Deadly try to go to Nick Aldis' office but Green and Piper are there. Green tells them to get to the back of the line and says no one will get in before them. We then see LA Knight walk out. Green asks if Nick is busy. LA says Nick said he'll be a bit longer.

Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes talk. Orton says Cody will find himself alone in a ring with Samoans tonight. He says he has his back even if he doesn't want him out there. He says Owens feels the same way but isn't here. He says to give the big ugly Samoan's a piece of his mind if he is caught alone. He says when The Bloodline business is done, Cody will have a lot of people coming for the title. He says he'll have his back then too.

LA says MITB didn't go his way. He said he got dumped off the ladder and someone else grabbed the contract. He says he's the walking embodiment of MITB. He said he pinned the US champ and said he had something delivered. It's a US Title match contract for Summerslam. LA says the only thing missing from it is a signature from Logan Paul. He said he wants Paul to come sign it right now but it won't happen as Paul ain't here.

Blair Davenport does a promo. She says everyone wants to talk about living their dreams but they are weak. She says bad things happen because people allow it. She says you aren't successful because you aren't good enough. She says while people complain about their spot, she's taking it.

Blair Davenport vs Naomi

Blair shoulders her over then Naomi slides out of a lariat. Naomi legdrops her then chinlocks her. Naomi corner dropkicks her then split legdrops her. Naomi hits forearms and kicks. Blair top rope double stomps Naomi's arm. Blair then throws Naomi's shoulder into the post. We go to break and return. Blair arm throws Naomi down. Naomi armdrags her and kicks her off the ropes. Naomi headscissor spikes her head into the mat.

Naomi gets stuck in tree of woe and Blair footpresses her down. Naomi cradles her then Blair rolls her up. Naomi sunset flips her and Black back rolls her. Naomi reverses it then pumping knees her. Naomi hits a bubba bomb and wins.

I didn't like Blair losing in one of her first singles matches here as she did well. Naomi did her usual spots but didn't hit them clear. It went a little longer than it needed to.

Naomi, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill talk in the back. They celebrate Naomi winning. Naomi said she had to teach Blair a lesson. She says she's looking forward to getting their tag titles back. Bianca says she wanted to talk to Nick but he's not even here. We then see Chelsea and Piper walk in to his office. Bianca says it was good seeing Naomi and to enjoy her dub.

Blair Davenport goes up to Naomi. She says the best person won and maybe she will have better luck next time against her. Blair shakes her and walks past. Green tells Naomi that Nick isn't here. Blair then nails Naomi from behind.

WWE Tag Titles - DIY (c) vs A-Town Down Under

Waller takes shots from Ciampa to start. Waller slides out and all 4 men stand off in the ring. DIY hit dropkicks. Waller and Theory are sent out. JG misses a tope and lands on the floor. Ciampa goes into the post. JG goes into the rail. Waller tornado ddt's Ciampa onto the apron in a dangerous looking move. 

We go to break and return. Waller hits shots on Ciampa then misses a splash. Theory stomps on Ciampa then Ciampa pumping knees Theory as Theory comes off the 2nd rope. JG hits shots on Waller then does a ddt + flatliner combo. JG slingshot spears Theory for 2.

Theory sunset flips Ciampa and they trade forearms. Ciampa facekicks him then is flatlinered off the backroll attempt. Theory gets a 2 count on Ciampa.

The heels miss an attempt at meet in the middle. Waller jumping knees Theory on accident. Waller then takes a shatter machine. Waller takes a meet in the middle and JG pins Waller.

It didn't really get enough time. It was fast paced and okay for what it was though. They continued to push issues between Theory and Waller here. 

Jacob Fatu attacks everyone after. Ciampa ddt's Fatu and Fatu no sells it. Fatu superkicks Ciampa then corner hip attacks JG. Fatu hits a pop-up samoan drop on Ciampa. Fatu does a seated moonsault onto JG then top rope moonsaults Ciampa.

The rest of Bloodline then head down to ringside. 

We go to break and return. The Bloodline are in the ring. Solo says to acknowledge me. He asks if he has to remind what happens to those who didn't acknowledge him. He said Jimmy Uso didn't and he's gone. He said Paul Heyman didn't and he's gone too. He says the people don't deserve Roman and got him now. He says Roman will acknowledge him as his tribal chief if he comes back. 

He says tonight is about Cody Rhodes. He says it's Cody's turn to acknowledge him. Cody Rhodes then comes out. He says he has heard everything Solo is saying. He says we want the same thing. Cody said he'd like to havea match with Solo here and now instead of waiting for Summerslam.

Bloodline surround Cody and beat him up. Randy Orton comes out to help. He gets the edge on Bloodline then ddt's Solo over the 2nd rope. Fatu flying back elbows Orton then Orton takes a group beating.

Cody is tied up in the ropes and Fatu headbutts Cody's gut. Orton is hit with the steps in the gut. Fatu superkicks Orton. Solo makes Cody watch it and says it's all his fault. Orton takes a triple powerbomb through the commentary table. Bloodline pose to end the show.

Thoughts: It was nothing too special here and pretty tame by beatdown standards. Orton said Cody would get beaten up earlier and he did.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't the most interesting show. They telegraphed the ending with Cody getting beaten up and the top stars weren't in action on this one. I wouldn't recommend this though the matches weren't bad.

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