Thursday, July 11, 2024

CMLL 7/5/2024 Arena Mexico

CMLL 7/5/2024 Arena Mexico

Astral and Electrico vs Inquisidor and Sangre Imperial

Inq and Astral go at it. Inq hits knees to the body then Astral wristlocks him. Astral armdrags him then Inq ties his legs ip. Adtral does a double arm amrdrag. Inq side headlocks him and Astral flips out of the monkey flip. Inq does flying snapmares and they both stand off.

Sangre and Elec go at it. Sangre headscissors him and Elec handstnds out of it. Elec armdrags him and Sangre begs off. They roll on the mat and Elec armdrags him. Sangre boots him and Elec spinning headscissors him off the mat.

Astral double chops Inq then Inq dropkicks him. Astral is double stomped on. stral does a corkscrew armdrag off the top on Inq then 2nd rope headscissors Sangre out. Elec shoulder throws Sange then takes a basement dropkick from Inq. Elec flips over Sangre's back to hurricanrana Inq.

Elec handsprings and spinning headscissors Sangre out. Astral springboard crossbodies Inq. Inq stomps on Astral. Inq codebreakers Elec. Elec is tied up in the ropes and dropkicked. Astral springboard dropkicks Sangre then Elec springboard crossbodies Inq. Elec wrap around headscissors Inq then springboard moonsaults Inq.

Astral springboard splashes Inq then Elec throws Inq. Elec springboard elbow drops Inq and wins the match.

Thoughts: It was an okay opener with some flying from the faces without them doing too much. The heels booted them around some and it was simple and unoffensive. 

Guerrero Maya Jr., Stigma and Pegasso vs Okumura, Espanto Jr and Raider

1st Fall - Maya side headlocks Esp then wristlocks him. They each grab the arm and trade abdominal stretches. Maya armbars him. Peg and Oku go at it. Peg armdrags Oku and they trip each other before doing a stand off. Peg flips out of a snapmare and armdrags him. Oku takes him down then Peg tilt-a-whirl armdrags him.

Raider and Stig go at it. Stig rolls him up off the shoulders. Raider stomps on him then Stig armdrags him. Stig spinning headscissors him out then topes him into the rails. Maya top rope double crossbodies his opponents. Peg uses the ropes and double armdrags his popponents. Maya and Peg then roll up Esp and Oku to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Peg flying headscissors Oku then bodyscissors Esp. Peg armdrags Esp. Peg armdrags Raider using the ropes. Maya springboard reverse topes Oku. Maya 2nd rope hurricanrana's Esp then hits armdrags on Raider. Maya springboard armdrags Raider out and poses.

Stig springboard dropkicks Oku then 2nd rope double stomps Esp. Raider flying dropkicks Stig. Stig throws Raider out then double stomps him off the apron. Maya top rope crossbodies Raider then armdrags him. Raider gets on the rail outside and dropkicks Maya. Esp spears Stig inside and pounds on him. Oku iconoclasm's Stig then Esp sitout powerbombs Stig for the pin.

Peg is double teamed. Raider grabs Peg on the apron and hits chest clubs. Raider deadlift superplexes Stig in then Esp top rope splashes Peg to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Mije (the heels' mascot) jumps off the ropes nand hits Maya in the crotch. He tries again but the ref Olimpico stops him. Peg is popped up into a hurricanrana on Raider then Peg tilt-a-whirl backbreakers a heel. Peg drops Maya onto the 2 opponents then Sting springboard splashes all 3 opponents.

Esp and Raider are thrown into each other. Peg and Maya put them in the rowboat then Stig hurricanrana's Oku in the middle. Peg flying headscissoes Esp and Raider out. Peg dives out onto Raider, Raider catches him and hits a cradle shock on the floor. Oku boots Maya then michinoku drivers him. Raider reverse torture rack drops Maya then Oku does a bad neckbreaker on Maya. Esp pins Maya and wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a perfectly suitable second match. They messed up the finish a little but it wasn't a huge problem. Both sides played their roles well and it ended before it got old.

Lightning Match - Tessa Blanchard vs Persephone

They trade wristlocks. Tess side headlocks her and trips her. Tess flips her then Pers armdrags her. Tess armdrags her then Tess spinning headscissors Pers. Tess kicks her form the apron then Pers catches her crossbody. Pers walks up the steps to the ramp with her then fallaway slams her on the ramp. Pers running boots her.

Pers boots Tessa then lariats her. Pers chops Tessa. Pers powerslams Tessa. Pers springboards in and is caught with a cutter. Pers is catapulted into the ropes but doesn't hit then Tess topes Pers. Pers is sent into the rails.

Pers ducks a lariat then superkicks Tess. Pers suplexes Tess then hits mounted shots. Pers is seated on the 2nd rope and Tess codebreakers her. Pers backslides Tess then Tess superkicks her. Tess 2nd rope sunset flips Pers.

Pers tope rope dropkicks Tess then hits mounted shots. Pers misses a springboard splash then Tess top rope diving codebreakers her for 2. Tess does a crossface type of hold and taps her out to win.

Thoughts: They tried but it had the usual women's issues with sloppiness and things not hitting clean.

Felino and Felino Jr. vs Hijo del Pantera and El Pantera

FS = Felino Sr., FJ = Felino Jr, Hijo = Hijo del Pantera, PS = El Pantera Sr.

Felino Sr. was honored before the match.

1st Fall - Hijo gets sent out as it starts. FJ and PS go at it. FJ trips him and PS rope breaks. PS spinning headscissors him from the mat. FJ throws PS then PS handstands with a wristlock on him. PS armdrags him then stares down with FJ. FJ shoves him.

Hijo walks the ropes and goes at it with FS. Fs armdrags Hijo then Hijo rolls through his sunset flip and splashes him. They trade armdrags and stand off. PS is tripped into a baseball slide. Hijo takes a 2nd rope hurricanrana from FS. FS then does a figure four variation and submits him. PS dropkicks FS. FJ trips PS then rolls him into an armbar. PS taps out and The Felino's win the fall.

2nd Fall - FJ rolls PS then hits a final cut for 2. FJ headbutts PS. FS flying headbutts Hijo then FJ double axe handles Hij ooff the top. FJ chops Hijo then Hijo dropkicks him. PS handstands in the corner and boots FJ off of it. PS spinning headscissors FJ out. Hijo runs up the buckles and swantons FJ outside. PS and FS trade shots. PS armdrags FS off the top rope and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - FS chops Hijo. Hijo walks up the buckles and flips over him. Hijo is popped up and headscissors FJ. He then springboard armdrags FS. Hijo tope con hilos throug the buckles while PS hits a dive off the apron. PS handstand hurricanrana's FJ off the ropes. Hijo top rope crossbodies FS. Hijo 2nd rope hurricanrana's FS for 2.

FJ dragon screws Hijo then Hijo rolls him up for 2. Hijo hurricanrana's FJ. Hijo tilt-a-whirl backbreakers FJ then ddt's him for 2. FJ sunset bombs Hijo off the buckles and pins him. PS rolls into a headbutt on FS then PS air raid crashes FJ to pin him. PS and FS are left.

PS flapjacks FS. FS throws PS off the top rope then top rope elbow drops him for the win.

Thoughts: The Felino's won as they should have and as expected. It was a good little match here. Hijo del Pantera is sadly slowing down a little from a few years ago but Pantera Sr. can still really go despite his age. They did some good flying here and really this could not have gone much better than it did. 

Ultimo Guerrero, Gran Guerrero and Stuka Jr. vs Templario, Hijo del Villano III and Villano III Jr.

UG = Ultimo Guerrero, Hijo = Hijo del Villano III, V3J = Villano III Jr.

1st Fall - Hijo has no tattoos while V3J does. V3J and UG go at it. V3J wristlocks him, UG trips him out of it. Temp superkicks UG then flying headscissors him. Temp goes out and is pounded on by The Guerreros. Hijo is thrown into the rails and bounces off then V3J goes into the rails too. UG rips up Temp's mask.

UG flipping neckbreakers Hijo then Hijo takes a magic killer variation. V3J takes a double gorilla press off the 2nd rope then Stuka top rope splashes V3J. Stuka pins V3J. Gran hits a 2nd rope cradle shock on Hijo and gets the pin. The Guerreros win the fall.

2nd Fall - Temp is birdged on the ropes and Gran is popped up into a splash on him. Stuka pounds on Hijo. Hijo is tripped and takes a running kick. Stuka boots Hijo. Gran is popped up into a splash on V3J then Temp gets it on the rails outside.

UG rips Temp's mask up in fornt of the camera. UG and Gran take tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on the ramp. Temp walks up the ropes and springboard dropkicks. Temp topes UG outside. V3J does his flipping seated moonsault on Gran then then Hijo double jump moonsaults Stuka. The Villanos and Temp win the fall.

3rd Fall - Hijo springboard headscissors UG then The Guerrero's stomp on Hijo. Hijo top rope diving lariats Gran. Hijo is pushed into Temp. Stuka gets put in a triple gorilla press outside and is thrown into the ring from the ramp.

Tem and Gran go at it. Gran dropkicks him and UG rips up Temp's mask again. Temp step up headscissors Gran then hits shots and a superkick on UG. Temp hits a flying space tiger drop outside. The Villanos springboard on The Guerreros and hit punches.

The Villanos are tripped on the apron then hit near stereo asai moonsaults outside. Temp is popped up by UG and kicked in the crotch. UG then pins Temp to win the fall and match. 

Thoughts: It was a good trios match here. Everyone worked hard. They pushed UG going after Temp which lead to the finish. They kept a nice pace and the crowd was into it. 

I think Temp challenged UG after. UG spoke in English but the mic audio was bad and it was hard to understand. UG agrees to a match with him next week.

Volador Jr., Star Jr. and Esfinge vs Euforia, Averno and Angel de Oro

Esf = Esfinge, Euf = Euforia, Av = Averno

1st Fall - The faces get hit as they pose. Vol's back is rammed into the post by Av and the faces just in generl get beaten up. Star is popped up and kicked then Esf is rammed into the post crotch first. Star takes a triple boot out then Esf takes a running facekick. Euf facekicks Vol then Vol takes a triple stomp.

Euf chops Esf while Esf is held. Esf then takes a triple powerbomb and is pinned. Star takes a double team then Oro michinoku drivers him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Esf is beat up on by the heels. Av rips at Esf's mask. Euf rips at Esf's mask. Esf is sent into the rails. Star is popped up and kicked in the gut by Oro. Av facekicks Star. Oro rips off Vol's shirt and throws it outside. Av and Oro then rip off Vol's pants, though he does have trunks on underneath.

Vol flying headscissors Av then is triple stomped on. Esf is spinebustered then bridged on the apron edge. Euf dropkicks him through the ropes. Star is triple teamed then pulled out again, banging off the floor.

KeMalito (the heels' mascot) double stomps Vol off the 2nd rope. Vol hits a double springbord back elbow. Vol hits a flying headscissors then the faces do triple stereo dives out. Esf flying headscissors Euf then unlaces his mask. Euf rips at the mask. Star springboard crossbodies Oro then Star springboard headscissors Oro. Star pop-up reverse headscissors Oro then 2nd rope inside springboard tope con hilos Oro.

Vol hits a toyota roll into a sunset bomb on Av to pin him. Euf kicks Vol in the nuts. Euf takes off his own mask, gives it Esf and the ref thinks Esf took the mask off. Euforia and his team win the fall and match. 

Thoughts: The faces never really got their due here as this was fully controlled by the heels. It seemed like we were getting ready for a big 3rd Fall then the match just tended. I didn't love the finish but at least the heels dind't get themselves DQ'd. That's one thing I hate. I thought the heels did a pretty good job here orughing up the faces. It was okay overall but it really could have been good if they let this continue.

Esfinge seems to challenge Euforia to a mask match after. The faces then get beaten up after.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. The top three matches were all good affairs here though the main could have been great if it continued. The Guerreros had a good showing and Pantera Sr. still is putting out good stuff despite being older.

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