Monday, July 22, 2024

TNA Slammiversary 2024 7/20/2024

TNA Slammiversary 2024 7/20/2024

Matt Hardy vs. JDC

Matt attacks JDC as he enters and headlocks him around the post. JDC's head is banged off the apron and the commentary table. JDC hits Matt with a flagpole and the match officially starts. Matt is laid on the top rope and kicked. Matt hits shots on JDC then JDC bites him.

JDC bodyscissors him and misses a 2nd rope legdrop on the apron. Matt bands JDC's head off the buckles then suplexes him. Matt 2nd rope elbow drops him then hits a side effect for 2. JDC falcon arrows him and is crotched on the top rope. Matt hits a twist of fate while JDC is on the 2nd rope. Matt hen wins.

Matt hits more twists of fate after.

Thoughts: It was a short opener and it was fine for what it was. Matt moved well and got a win to make the fans happy. I still don't like the "beating up your opponent" before the bell thing. You could basically kill someone and win by countout. It's stupid.

The System do a promo, wearing USA colors since they are in Canada. Alisha said her and Masha walked out tag champs in the pre-show. Eddie said they proved The System worked. Brian says maybe ABC can be great someday but not today. Brian says today is for The System and The System is great. Moose says he will show the world why you always trust The System.

TNA World Tag Team Title Match - The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards)  (c) vs. ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

Ace boots and stomp flurries Brian. Ace russian legsweeps and legdrops him. Eddie takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick. Brian takes a hart attack for 2, with ABC wearing Hart colors.

Bey takes corner shots and a jumping knee. Bey takes a double back elbow and is held for an Eddie headbutt. Alisha Edwards chokes Bey on the ropes. Ace springboard double dropkicks in. The System are lariated over the top then Bey tope con hilos outside.  

Alisha distracts Ace on the apron then Eddie pulls Ace down off the apron. Ace is sent into the apron back first. Brian suplexes Ace as does Eddie.

Brian chinlocks Ace then Ace's neck is catapulted into the ropes. Eddie suplexes Ace. Ace chinbreakers Eddie. Bey is tagged in but the ref doesn't see it. Brian stomps Ace then cobra clutches him. Brian bavckdrops Ace then ace springboard enzugiri's him.

Bey gets in and hits shots on the heels. Bey 2nd rope moonsaults Eddie. Bey dropkicks him through the ropes then Alisha distracts him. Bey goes after her and runs into a chop from Eddie. Bey 619's Edide under the bottom rope. Bey cutters Brian on the apron then Ace fosbury flops over them onto Eddie outside.

Bey top rope splashes Eddie. Bey takes a spear from Brian for 2. Brian comes off the top and takes a spin kick. Bey jumps off Ace's back to hit Eddie then Brian takes a magic killer for 2. Alisha comes in to protect Brian. ABC go for an assisted cutter, and try to hit Alisha but miss. Bey hits a double os cutter then Brian takes an assisted cutter. Ace hits the fold on Brian and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good match overall. It had the usual work by Brian and Eddie which is totally fine, just not great. I wish they hadn't botched the assisted cutter on Alisha as that was one of the big spots of the match. I think there was probably a good angle in this match but the feud didn't really get a ton of focus with all the other stuff going on.

Gia Miller interviews Mike Bailey. Mike says he will wrestle the biggest match of his life here. He said Mustafa Ali has used every trick to get out of this match and he says they finally fight tonight. Mike then talks in French.

Mike Santana vs Jake Something

I legit didn't even know this one was happening and to me it's just unnecessary filler. They lock up and Mike shoves him. They trade wristlocks and Mike side headlocks him. Jake hits running shoulders. Mike goes for the leap frog but is body blocked. Jake then suicide dives outside.

Mike walks up the buckles and flip dives him outside. Mike germans him inside then hits a big chop. Jake slams him then hits mounted shots. Mike is thrown hard into the corner. Jake suplexes him for 2.

Jake forearms him and Mike backrolls into a cutter. Mike hits doi fives on Jake then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Mike corner cannonballs him for 2.

Jake catches a corner cannonball and sitout powerbombs him off of it. Jake goes up top and takes a top rope german. They trade forearms on their knees then trade as they get up. Jake forearms him down, Mike kips up and lariats him. Mike running lariats him for 1. Mike spinning lariats him and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that great as expected though they did try. I didn't like the top rope german not finishing things here. This was a lose-lose to me as neither guy really needed to take a loss and there wasn't some great feud behind it that made it necessary. Mike is from the archetype of people like Eddie Kingston and LA Knight. He's just not that good in the ring while he's good on the mic and it's hard to get excited about seeing them wrestle even if you like their personality because the match won't be great.

Hammerstone returned and lost to Eric Young on the pre-show. I had just wrote this weekend that he disappeared. I don't know why they had him lose to EY, but it maybe sets up a program.

Eric Young does a promo. He said he just took out Hammerstone. He said Slammiversary is one of the best PPV's they have ever done. He said it's not his time but he'll be watching the main.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Charlie Dempsey, Myles Borne & Tavion Heights)

The Rascalz wore Buzz Lightyear belly vests/hoodies which looked really silly. Trey flips over Borne using the ropes. He then back rolls and basement dropkicks the arm. Wes and CD go at it. Wes headlock takeovers him then CD does a bad armdrag. Wes backrolls into a spinning headscissors then dropkicks him.

Wentz bronco busters CD in the corner for 2. Tav gets in and releae germans Wentz. Wentz 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. Tav hits karelin's lift for 2. CD suplexes Wentz when he gets in then CD armlocks him. Wentz and Trey go at it. 

Try backflips over him int oa double stomp. Trey is thrown off the top into a CD suplex. CD backbreakers him. Tav hits a storng lariat on Trey then hits another nice one. Trey is thrown gut first onto Borne's knee. Borne powerslams Trey into the ropes. Borne stomps Trey's knee.

Tav suplexes and chinlocks Trey. Tav hits hard lariats on the ropes on Trey. Trey kips down out of a lariat, kips up and pele kicks him.

Wes and CD go at it. Wes combos Borne then dropkicks him in the back of the neck. Wes botches a ddt off the ropes on CD. Wes goes for a handspring, is caught and pute in tree of woe. Wes is thrown down and takes attacks from NQCC for 2. 

Trey gets in and him and Wentz hit kicks on CD. wEntz double stomps CD's back then crossbodies Tav over the top rope and goes with him. CD double underhook suplexes Trey then Wes top rope splashes CD while he's brdiged. Wentz gets caught on a dive outside and Wes tope con hilos all of them down.

CD cravates Trey and is kicked by Wes. Tav releae germans Wes. NQCC has double submissions on and everyone ends up going down. Tav is dobule stomped and takes a burning hammer. Trey does a step up tope con hilo outside and Wentz is pushed into a standing ssp on Tav to win.

Thoughts: It went a little long here and they lost the crowd during the end of it. The Rascalz did do their flying but I just felt like they got the pace wrong here. Tavion had his best showing yet, hitting some nasty lariats and big suplexes.

TNA Digital Media Title / International Heavyweight Title Montreal Street Fight - AJ Francis (c) vs. PCO

AJ gets on the mic beforehand. He says PCO isn't coming here tonight. We see PCO down in the back with a sheet over him as First Class hold weapons. Someone in a mask watches this from behind a door. PCO then has a wild entrance where he is dropped in a bodybag into a coffin. Someone named Destra, who looks like a magician, then revives him.

PCO gets hit with a chair. PCO punches the chair into him and lariats him over the top. PCO tope on hilos him through the ropes. PCO top rope swantons him onto the apron. PCO top rope moonsaults AJ and Rich Swann off the top outside.

Rich hits shots on PCO. PCO goes after him then AJ hits him from behind. Two tables are set up by AJ outside. AJ hits PCO with a garbage can. AJ corner splashes PCO then AJ does his running knee in the corner. 

A bunch of chairs are put in the ring and PCO has a trash can put on his head. AJ chairs the can on his head then chairs him in the back. AJ chokes him with the chair then legdrops the chain on his head. PCO hits a big lariat on AJ and AJ elecric chair drops him on chairs. AJ goes up top and is thrown through the tables outside.

Josh Bishop, one of AJ's buddies and an MLW wrestler, chairs PCO. PCO then takes a razor's edge on two chair top edges. Sami Callihan comes out with a bat. Rich Swann grabs him and hits him wit hthe bat. Rich goes for a bat shot to the head then Rhino comes out. Rhino goes after Swann and hits a gore. PCO top rope moonsaults AJ for 2.

AJ eye rakes him then tombstones him. PCO chokeslams AJ on chairs. PCO top rope moonsauls AJ and wins.

Thoughts: It was a sideshow here with lots of interference, smoke and mirrors and weapons usage. It wasn't that great and I thought they did too much with the table and chair bumps. It also went long here. 

Steph de Lander comes out after. She gets on her knee, goes to give him a ring, drops it and asks him to marry her. PCO says "oui" and they hug.

Thoughts: This was too soon and they really dropped the ball on this angle. They had so much they could have gotten out of this whole PCO/Steph angle had they done it right. Steph dropping the ring also hurt the segment.

TNA Knockouts World Title Match - Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash By Elegance

George Iceman does Ash's intro as usual. Ash back rolls her early and double chops her back. JG flips her on the side slam and goes up and over her. JG back elbows her then spinebusters her. Thye point out Rosemary in the crowd then George trips JG. Rosemary comes down then George is kicked out. Rosemary grabs George and chases him away with a knife.

JG is pulled down to the floor while she holds onto the ropes. Ash gets a 2 count on her. JG is stuck on the 2nd rope and takes a backcracker. Ash pulls on her chin. JG slams her then JG hits a muscle buster. Ash hits a torndo ddt for 2.

JG 2nd rope superplexes her and holds on for a jackhammer. JG jumps on her back and hits a forearm flurry. Ash stunners her and hits a canadian destroyer. JG gets her knees up on Ash's top rope swanton. Ash headhunters her. Ash hits a top rope sliced bread.

JG does a grounded sleeper. As hcradles her for 2 then is popped up into a spinning elbow. Ash rolls her and is powerbombed. JG juggernaut drivers her for 2.

Thoughts: I didn't like anything about this. They pushed Ash for a long time and it was really one of the few matches they had left. It seemed certain she was going to win here and then she didn't. I'd be willing to bet the original plan was for her to win but they kept the title on JG due to WWE liking her. They did a canadian destroyer here that meant nothing and a top rope shiranui that didn't lead to the finish. This was a real easy match to do with Ash taking shortcuts and being a wimpy here before eventually getting caught but they didn't do that.

TNA X-Division Title Match - Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Mike Bailey

Ali has his whole crew with him. Ali snapmares him and flying headscissors him. Mike chest kicks him down then hits legsweeps. Ali chops Mike's foot then Ali shoulders him over. Mike kicks Ali in the back.

Ali is swept off the ropes then Ali hits Mike from behind as he gets distracted by Campaign Singh. Mike kick combos Ali. Ali leapfrogs him and slides out. Mike then slides out with a hurricanrana. Mike triangle moonsaults outside. Ali is on the 2nd rope and tornado ddt's him on the floor outside.

Ali slingshot rolls into a neckbreaker on him. Ali gori special submissions him then does a flatliner out of it. Ali goes up and over him, comes off the 2nd rope and jumps into a kick from Mike. Mike hits kicks then falcon arrows him. Mike top rope ssp's him for 2.

Mike misses a moonsault double knee on the apron then is superkicked. Mike spanish flies Ali outside onto Ali's guards. They trade shots and try pins on each other. Ali slides out and Mike asai moonsaults him outside.

Mike goes for ultimate weapon and takes a knee. Ali misses a 450 then Mike top rope poisonrana's him. Mike hits ultimate weapon but Ali's foot is on the ropes. They really tease that he has won but he hasn't.

Mike superkicks the ref on accident. Ali's guards get on the apron and Mike fights them off. Campaign Singh hits Mike with the X-Division Title. Ali 450's Mike. He goes for the pin but Trent Seven, dressed as a guard, pulls Mike out. Trent beats up Ali's crew outside then Ali topes Trent.

Ali chairs Trent and Mike. Earl Hebner comes out. Ali sharpshooters Mike. Earl debates over what to do and says he can't do it. Ali yells at him and threatens him. Mike kicks a chair away, with his bare feet which likely hurt and kicks the chair into Earl. Earl struglges to get up. Mike sharpshooters Ali and Ali taps out.

Thoughts: It was what you would expect from these two. Lots of huge spots and flying, not so much selling or smart work. They did way too much here and it was a very indy match. This also went way too long. The Earl Hebner screwjob attempt was random. I'm glad they had Mike win though as he would have looked bad had he not won.

George Iceman complains to Santino Marella after. Hammerstone comes in and joins him. He said Eric Young screwed him over. Santino says it'll be Ash by Elegance and Hammerstone vs Jordynne Grace and Eric Young on Impact. George puts over Hammerstone. He calls him a genius. Hammerstone gives him a warning and walks away.

TNA World Title Six Way Elimination Match - Moose (c) vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin vs. Joe Hendry

Moose had a USA robe with a cowboy hat on. We have a couple of fans dressed like Joe Hendry in the crowd which was clever. Moose gets beat up on by 5 people to start. Joe suplexes Kaz then four of the wrestlers pair off and fight. Maclin lariats Josh over the top. Joe flying knees Nic.

Joe suplexes Moose on the floor. Joe gorilla press throws Nico into Moose outside. Kaz takes a backbreaker + 2nd rope headbutt. Josh hits germans on everyone and gives Maclin a bunch. Josh double suplexes Kaz and Nic.

Nic corner splashes and neckbreakser Moose. Nic elbow drop flurries Moose. Nic elbow drops Moose off the apron. Kaz guillotine legdrops Nic over the ropes and hits slingshot cutters. Moose walks up the buckles, jumps and is caught with a cutter.

Kaz springboards but Joe just side steps him. Maclin running lariats Kaz then topes Moose and Joe outside. Josh finlay rolls Maclin. Maclin misses a crosshairs spear on Nic but ends up hitting a tope on Moose off of it. Maclin uranage backbreakers Joe then backdrops Josh. 

Maclin crosshair spears Kaz then is speared by Moose. Moose pins and eliminates Steve Maclin. Moose and Kaz shake hands. Moose uranages him. Moose boots and powerbombs Joe. Moose buckle bombs Nic. Josh is on the top rope and Moose dropkicks him. Moose superplexes him and holds on for a powerbomb. Kaz tries a diving hurricanrana on Moose on the outside and Moose apron powerbombs him. Nic superkicks Joe then Josh crossbodies Kaz off the apron.

The wrestlers fight on the ramp and stage. Josh takes a back body drop on it. Kaz and Nic fight on the stage with a table on the floor. Kaz gets superkicked off the stage through the table. Moose chokeslams Nic onto Nic. Joe cutters Moose for 2. Nic gets caught on a crossbody by Joe then Joe fallaway slams him. Joe corner splashes Moose then fallaway slams him. Moose pump kicks Joe and hits rolling spears on Nic and Josh.

Moose and Joe go at it. Joe lariats him then hits a standing ovation. Joe then pins Moose. Moose is eliminated. We will get a new champion here. Josh kicks Joe in the nuts. Josh then hits a jay driller. Josh pins Joe Hendry. Joe Hendry is eliminated. The crowd chants, "bullsh!t" and Joe slaps Joe around. He hits mounted forearms. Josh pushes the ref over. Nic hits shots on Josh and Josh powerbomb backbreakers him. Josh torture rack bombs Nic for 2.

Nic hits corner spears on Josh then corner splashes him. Josh stun guns Nic then armlocks him. Nic jumping ddt's Josh. Josh rams him into the corner. Nic headbutts and superkicks him. Nic pins him. Josh Alexander is eliminated.

Kaz hits a beach break on Nic for 2. Kaz chickenwings Nic. Nick superkicks him for 2. Kaz backcrackers Nic. Nic superkicks him and hits a danger zone for the win. Ryan Nemeth and other faces celebrate after.

Thoughts: Let's talk about the match first. It was a 6-way. Why it had to be elimination style making people take pins when it could have been a single pinfall match is beyond me. That would have saved multiple people from losing. The match was mostly 2 people fighting it out with 4 other people laying around outside. It just kind of was what it was but at least it got enough time.

The booking totally sucked here. Moose got pinned by Joe Hendry. This was stupid. It would have made sense if Joe pinned him to win the title, possibly, but he didn't. He pinned him with a bunch of people still in it. Josh turning on Joe was okay as Josh is not going to get anywhere as a face at the moment with The Hardys, Hendry and Nic around. Joe not winning is really dumb though. Joe's the most popular guy in TNA without question. He's getting time on WWE TV. Why would you not make him champ?

Kaz and Nic being the final two was also dumb. Nobody believed Kaz was going to win and why would you not put Moose there if he was going to lose anyway?

Nic winning was dumb too. I don't know why he lost the match against Moose at the PPV a few months ago if the end game was him winning here. He really was not built up well to this and he hadn't been on TV that much prior to it. Him being here period also hurt the angle with him getting attacked by Kaz. Nic also lost his "can't win the big one" storyline with this which I thought was good.

Overall thoughts: TNA really fumbled the ball here. Moose lost his title and got pinned by Joe Hendry, who didn't even win the match. Joe lost even though he's the hottest guy they have had in years. Nic won the title after losing to Moose for no reason. The System lost all their matches here except for the women's tag match which hurts them. They also really botched the PCO/Steph de Lander angle which I think could have been really hot by already having then get engaged. Ash by Elegance also got buried here by losing to Grace, pretty much making the last few months a total waste of time.

The main event wasn't that good. The X-Division Title match was really bad. I didn't like Ash/Grace. PCO/AJ was a sideshow. The opening undercard matches were fine though.

Suffice to say, I wouldn't recommend this one and would probably only give it a 4 out of 10.

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