Thursday, July 11, 2024

WWE Main Event 7/10/2024

WWE Main Event 7/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

Ivy Nile vs Alba Fyre

Ivy swings her chain around ala Hercules, though it's not that very big. They lock up and shove each other. Ivy waistlock takedowns her then headlock takeovers her. Ivy sunset flips her for 2 then delay squat suplexes her.

Alba rolls her up into the buckles. Alba stands on Ivy's head then Alba suplexes her for 2. Ivy backdrops her then hits slams. Ivy spinning headscissors her then flying kicks her in the corner. Ivy 2nd rope bulldogs her for 2.

Isla Dawn gets on the apron and Ivy hits her. Alba pulls Ivy down backwards then hits a gori bomb. Alba then wins it.

Ivy got a lot in here but it wasn't anything that great. I thought Alba could have used a little more offense before winning. 

The Creed Brothers vs The LWO (Dragon Lee and Joaquin Wilde)

BC = Brutus Creed, JC = Julius Creed

We saw this last week. Wilde flying snapmares him. BC rams him into the buckles. Wilde hanging headscissors chokes him over the top rope. Wilde springboard dropkicks BC. BC istripped into a baseball slide.

Lee hits kicks on JC then tilt-a-whirl armdrags him. Lee does a botched toyota roll for 2. JC deadlift slams him then Lee flying headscissors BC. Wilde springboard headscissors JC. Wilde and Lee then do stereo tope con hilos outside.

We go to break and return. BC pulls Lee down backwards. JC side headlocks Lee and throws him down backwards. Lee tags out and Wilde hits some flying forearms. Wilde facebusters JC then back rolls into a ddt on brutus. Wilde walks up JC and armbar drops him off of it.

BC breaks it up and he gets thrown out with Lee. Wilde hurricanrana's JC then corner lariats him. Lee hits combinacion cabron then JC takes a double suplex for 2. JC is in tree of woe and overhead belly to belly suplexes Lee. JC then superplexes Wilde. Wilde takes a doomsday device Brutusball and Brutus pins Wilde.

It didn't start off as good as it could have but it got better by the end. It wasn't the best match they could have had but they put some effort into it and dealt with the styles clash.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there were only two new matches here. The main event was okay but not their best match possible and the women's match was so-so with Alba not getting enough in before getting the win. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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