Friday, July 12, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/11/2024 Episode #72

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/11/2024 Episode #72

Last week's show is here:

Marina Shafir vs Robyn Renegade vs Taya Valkyrie

MS boots RR in the side of the head and hits hip and shoulder throws. RR rams her into the buckles and backcrackers her. RR hits a low shotgun dropkick. Taya trips RR and hits knees. RR is thrown into the rails and Taya kisses Johnny TV.

S and Taya shove wach other and RR crossbodies both off the top. RR is backdropped then Taya and MS have words. Taya is pushed into MS and RR hits shots on both. RR step up enzugiri's MS. RR hits shots on both opponents in the corner.

RR knees MS in the chest then curbstomps her down while she's hanging over the middle rope. Taya hits forearms on RR and RR superkicks Taya. MS superkicks RR then hipthrows her. MS does the reverse sleeper and Taya knees her.

Taya spears MS then curbstomps RR to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual threeway and just was what it was. These things are rarely ever great or pretty and this was a random throwaway.

ROH Death Before Dishonor is in two weeks. They really better get building to it.

Matt Taven and Mike Bennett do a promo. Taven says his first match in ROH was in 2009. He says he's been in plenty of Death Before Dishonor's. He says he chooses Death Before Dishonor. Taven says they haven't missed a show in months. Taven says they are asking for the day off. Taven says it's Roderick Strong's birthday. Mike says they don't have the best track record at that show as Taven has lost the world and 6-man title there. Mike asks for an Undisputed Kingdom celebration like Mercedes Mone with confetti, balloons and dancers. Taven says if Tony can do that, they will be there.

This was all over the place and I didn't get it. 

ROH TV Title - Atlantis Jr. vs Serpentico

Serp tries a side headlock and is shouldered over. Serp flying headscissors him then Atlantis dropkicks him. They go outside. Serp handsprings outside into the ropes and headscissors him. Serp hits a top rope frogsplash for 2.

Serp gets kicked on the up and over then Atlantis rolls into a cutter on him. Serp superkicks him and jumping flatliners him. Serp is put in tree of woe and Atlantis dropkicks him as he hangs. They trade forearms. Serp headscissors him out of the corner and rolls him up for 2.

Atlantis powerslams him then top rope splashes him to win.

Thoughts: It was a short lucha match with armdrags and headscissors. It was fine for what it was and one of Serp's better outings.

Adam Cole and Evil Uno are playing video games. I'm not surprised. It's not like they'd be in the gym. They said they are starting an arcade podcast.

Laynie Luck vs. Skye Blue

Skye has a new look. Skye boots her off the handshake. Luck armdrags her off the hiptoss. Skye armdrags her and Luck shoulders her over. Skye flying headscissors her and step up knees her. Skye pumping knees her then foot chokes her.

Skye eye rakes her. Luck rolls her up and pump kicks her. Luck 2nd rope springboard swantons her. Skye is caught on a 2nd rope crossbody then death valley drivered for 2. Skye then hits a code blue.

Thoughts: It was a short squash. They weren't the worst match for each other but it needed a lot more time.

We get an MxM Collection video.

ROH Women's World Television Title Proving Ground Match - Billie Starkz vs. Mackenzie Morgan

Athena is still on crutches and has a boot on. They say her limps get worse every week, implying this is a farce.

BS waistlocks her. MM does a side headlock then wristlocks her. BS blocks a trip. BS shoulders her over then MM armdrags her. MM puts an armlock on then BS throws her back. BS suplexes her and throws her down.

MM misses a dropkick and BS basement dropkicks her. VS running forearms her in the corner. Athena is lifted by her guards to nail MM, who is hanging over the ropes. MM dropkicks her they corner flying forearms her. BS pulls her down by the hair and spin kicks her in the back of the head. BS then taps her out with chin and arm hold.

Thoughts: It was another quick squash here that MM had no chance of winning. The point of this seemed to be to put over that Athena is just faking her injury. Why she needs to do this on a show where the champs never appear is unknown.

Diamante vs. Nyxx

Dia boots her off the handshake. She shits more shots on her while shaking her hand and short arm lariats her. Dia germans her and pounds on her with forearms. Nyxx hits shots to the gut and spinning side slams her for 2.

Nyxx rolls her up for 2 then Dia hits a cross rhodes. Dia says this is for Leyla Hirsch then taps out Nyxx with an armbar.

Thoughts: It was another quick squash here that was a waste of time.

Dia shakes her hand after and boots her.

Athena talks to Billie and her guards in the back. Athena says we win, that's what we do. She then sees the cameras are watching her and falls down, selling her leg.

Roderick Strong and Dalton Castle fight each other for an ROH Title shot at Death Before Dishonor on Collision this week. 

Lee Johnson & The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno & John Silver)

Silver and CB lock up. Silver shoulders him over. Silver cartwheels over him and running euros him. CB flying euros him then Silver gets his arm worked over with double axe handles.

Alex hits euros on Dean. Alex bends over and is kicked. Lee flying headscissors him and dropkicks him. The Infantry hit dropkicks on The Order then Lee and The Infantry do triple dives outside.

Uno lariats Lee on the apron. Silvers lifts Lee outside and Lee takes a suplex + tope on the floor.
Uno stomps Lee's arm and chops him down. Silver hits chest kicks to Lee. The Dark Order pose on Lee. Lee is then lifted for a pump kick from Silver for 2.

Alex cranks Lee's head. Lee hits shots on all Order members then step up enzugiri's Uno. Lee tags in Dean. Dean hits shots on Silver and Alex. Dean back body drops Alex and spinning lariats Silver. Dean corner lariats Alex then CB crossover punches Alex. CB does a zigzag on Alex for 2.

CB is sent outside. Lee takes a combination sequence by The Order and takes a nasty overhead belly to belly suplex into the corner. The three men square off and trade forearms. The Infantry and Lee hit shots then take triple stereo punches. Silver germans Lee.

Lee escapes a triple team and hits kicks on The Order. Uno takes a facekick + russian legsweep then Lee top rope splashes Uno. Lee picks up the pin.

Thoughts: The Order were back to being heels his week. It was an okay and fast paced tag here. This one was totally random.

Overall thoughts: It was a waste of time. There were almost no storylines going on here and everything was either short or was a squash. We also had a bunch of random matches. We have a PPV coming up in two weeks and there's only two matches announced which is bad promoting. I would not recommend this.

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