Saturday, July 6, 2024

WWE Speed 7/5/2024

WWE Speed 7/5/2024

The last show is here:

WWE Speed Title - Andrade (c) vs Xavier Woods

Andrade rolls him up off the handshake. They trade shots. Andrade chops him down. Woods flying forearms him and hits chops. Andrade hits chops then top rope crossbodies him. Andrade comes off the 2nd rope and takes a superkick. Woods tope con hilos him.

Woods springboards off the bottom rope and ddt's him. Andrade boots him in the face then trips him into the buckles. Two minutes remain and Corey calls it "The Championship Minutes". Andrade misses a corner meteora then Woods lays him on the top rope. Woods double stomps him off the 2nd rope then 2nd rope legdrops him for 2.

Woods misses a rope walk elbow drop. Woods cradles him for 2. Andrade hits a spinning back elbow and hits a lifting and twisting double underhook drop to win at 4:25.

Thoughts: They had five minutes to work with so we got a little more than usual. It was fine for what it was but nothing great or memorable. There was no real build or story to this and the result truly means nothing storyline wise. 

Overall thoughts: As usual, we got one short match. It was fine for the time it had but not great. There were no storylines or anything else going on here as usual and this was not must see.

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