Thursday, July 25, 2024

CMLL Guerreros del Ring on MVS TV 7/21/2024

CMLL Guerreros del Ring on MVS TV 7/21/2024

Sangre Imperial, Grako and Inquisidor vs Diamond, Robin and Retro

1st Fall - Ret and Grako start us off. Ret armlocks him then Grako takes him down. Grako works the leg and Ret armbars him. Grako side headlock takeovers him. Ret armdrags him then headlocks him. Grako rolls him into a rings of saturn.

Ret sleepers him and flying snapmares him. Grako shoulders him over and splashes him. Ret flying headscissors him out. Dia and Inq go at it. Dia ties his legs up then Inq snapmares him. Dia armdrags him then headscissors him form the mat. They stand off.

Sangre and Robin go at it. They trip each other multiple times. Robin does some kip ups and armdrags him over. Sangre back elbows him and stomps him. Ret armdrags him then dropkicks him. Sangre tope con hilos him outside.

Inq back rolls Dia then codebreakers him. Inq spins into a leglock and taps Dia out. Ret takes a spinebuster from Grako then Grako does a head and leg submission to tap him out. Grako's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Sangre trips and basement dropkicks Robin. Ret gets triple stomped by the heels. Ret fights back just to get pounded on again. Ret is tied up in the ropes and takes dropkicks. Grako 2nd rope elbow drops Ret for 2.

Dia takes corner attacks then is dropkicked in the butt. Robin is double hiptossed into the ropes and thrown back. Grako running euros Robin. Dia is held up and hit.

The faces make their comeback and Ret hits a double clothesline. Ret dropkicks Sangre out then topes him. Dia headscissors Inq and eventually camel clutches him. Robin hits a tiger driver variation on Grako though and pins him to win the fall. Robin's team wins the 2nd fall.

3rd Fall - Ret flying lariats Sangre. Sangre top rope crossbodies Sangre. Ret overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Ret corner clotheslines Inq. Inq 2nd rope crossbodies him and is caught with a fallaway slam. Ret flying headscissors Grako out and poses.

Dia and Inq go at it. Dia tilt-a-whirl armdrags him then Grako shoulders Dia over. Dia is double hiptossed into the ropes but does a double hiptoss off of it. Dia tope con hilos outside. 

Robin flying headscissors Sangre then tope con hilos him and his own partner outside. Ret armdrags Inq off the buckles then taps him out with a tequila sunrise. Retro's team wins.

It was a little long and not super spectacular, but it was okay. They just did basic stuff here for the most part and it worked. Retro's name really fits his gimmick and this wasn't one of the more memorable Robin showings.

Capitan Suicida, Guerrero Maya Jr., and Volcano vs  Kraneo, Okumura and Cancerbero

1st Fall - Cancer and Maya go at it. Maya full-nelsons him. Cancer kimura's him then pulls his leg. Maya armdrags him and Cancer calls for time out. Maya leglocks Cancer. Cancer takes down Maya again then Maya armdrags him. Cancer goes out again to call for another timeout.

CS and Oku go at it. CS side headlocks him, flips off the ropes and armdrags him. Oku shoulders CS over. CS hits armdrags. Oku spin kicks him. Vol body blocks CS then slams Cancer. Vol armdrags Kraneo then Vol takes a big back body drop. Kraneo legdrops Vol and pins him. Maya top rope crossbodies Kraneo then armdrags him. Oku rolling armbars CS and taps him out. Okumura's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Vol takes a triple boot out. CS takes a double team then is thrown into a Kraneo bodyblock. Kraneo splashes CS. Maya takes corner splashes then is thrown off the buckles by Kraneo. Maya takes shots from the heels. He tags in CS but the ref doesn't count it despite seeing it for some reason. Maya is double teamed in the corner.

Vol is triple teamed on the ropes then takes corner splashes. The heels miss corner charges and Kraneo is sent into his partners. Vol does a triple bronco buster on the heels in the corner. Vol butt drops Kraneo and pins him as Maya hits a tope outside. CS taps out Oku with an abdominal stretch and Volcano's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Maya reverse springboard topes Kraneo. Maya 2nd rope headscissors Cancer then springboard armdrags him. Vol hiptosses Oku. The video goes out and CS/Oku go at it. CS tiger feint armdrags him then armdrags Cancer. CS top rope diving headscissors Cancer and Cancer goes out.

Kraneo shoulders Vol out. Kraneo gets on the apron and Vol legsweeps him. CS top rope plancha's Oku. CS handspring back elbows Oku. Maya and Cancer go at it. Maya armdrags and tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. CS gets on Vol's shoulders then splashes Cancer to pin him. Volcano's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: I liked it. This should have been a disaster but it worked somehow. Volcano worked hard and Cancer carried a lot of the load for the team. 

Lightning Match - Atlantis vs Blue Panther

I really wanted to see this one. Yes, I know it's not 1993 anymore, but I faith in these two. They lock up. Atlantis waistlocks him and Blue front facelocks him. Atlantis armbreakers him then armlocks him. Blue takes him down by the arm.

Blue grabs his foot and Atlantis gets out. Atlantis leglocks Blue. Blue hammerlock takedowns him then headscissors him. Atlantis armbars him. Atlantis headscissors him while pulling on the arm. Blue handstands and escapes.

Blue splits Atlantis' legs. Atlantis armdrags Blue and they stand off. Blue shoulders him over and gets a 2 count. Blue jumps up to the 2nd rope and crossbodies him. Atlantis is shouldered out then Blue cannonballs him off the apron.

Atlantis top rope crossbodies Blue then crossbodies him. Blue goes out when Atlantis drops down. Atlantis teases a tope, thinks better of it then plancha's him off the apron. I don't think that spot was supposed to be funny, but it was.

Atlantis hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker then rolls him up. Atlantis gets the win.

Thoughts: Atlantis definitely looked rough here in the last minute but I thought they did a pretty good job with this. It should have been a disaster but they kept it short and stuck to the high spots they could do and made it work. They gave you enough and still made you want to see more. I liked this but I wish we could turn the clocks back. These guys know what they are doing. They want to do what they used to and they just can't.

Overall thoughts: It was a good episode. All 3 matches they chose for this one were solid. Blue Panther and Atlantis are both old but still had a fun little match. The semi-main should have been a disaster yet somehow they hid everyone's weaknesses well. The opener was a little long but also totally fine.

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