Friday, July 26, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/25/2024 Episode #74

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 7/25/2024 Episode #74 

Last week's show is here:

Mark Briscoe is interviewed after Blood and Guts. He says his match with Strong is another day in the offense. Mike Bennett comes up to him and tells him he needs to chill out. He says he needs to think of his family. Matt Taven then hits Mark from behind and says nothing is more important than the title. Strong says he may be ROH champ for now but he will never be Mr. ROH.

Thoughts: It might have worked better if they did this weeks ago when they got the idea for this match.

Taven and Bennett are interviewed. Bennett says Tony Khan isn't responding to him and says that means they are getting the day off. Taven says they have been on every show and hope TK gives them the day off. Paul Wight comes in. He says he's appointed to the Board of Directors for ROH. He says he's seen the shenanigans they have pulled and said they will defend the ROH Titles vs Kyle O'Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii.

Thoughts: We have another random team getting a title shot now at the last minute for the PPV. I didn't even know Paul was still with AEW.

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) vs Shane Taylor Promotions (Lee Moriarty and Anthony Ogogo)

Lee and Yuta go at it. Lee ankle locks him and Yuta grabs a side headlock. Yuta armlocks Lee. Lee takes him down and Yuta armdrags him. Yuta jumps at him and rolls out of a crab attempt. They legsweep each other and Lee puts him in a border city stretch. Yuta tries a pin then armdrags him.

Yuta armdrags Ogogo then Ogogo shoulders him over. CC is tagged in. Ogogo hits a shot to the gut then side headlocks him. CC shoulders him over then Ogogo takes a double shoulder. Yuta hits elbows on Ogogo, gets distracted then takes a footpress by Ogogo.

Ogogo boots him then corner lariats him. Ogogo running euros him for 2. Yuta dropkicks him then rolling kimura's him. Lee ropebreaks. Yuta is tripped and has his arm kicked. Yuta makes the tag to CC a bit later.

CC running euros Lee then hits a euro flurry in the corner. CC running facekicks Lee then lariats him over the top. CC running euros Lee against the rails outside.  CC double stomps Lee inside the ring.

Lee 2nd rope dropkicks CC. Ogogo corner lariats CC then Ogogo drops CC off his shoulder for 2. CC pop-up euros Lee.

Yuta and Lee trade shots. Lee is sent out and Yuta topes him into the rails. CC giant swings Ogogo then running lariats him for the win.

Thoughts: This got a bunch of time. It was an okay tag here. Nothing great but I was fine with it. I suppose it served as a preview some for Lee/Yuta.

Lee pushes Yuta after and the ref tries to break the two sides up. Shane drops Yuta with a punch.

Lexi Nair interviews Queen Aminata and Red Velvet in the ring. Lexi asks her a question and says "thank you, that's enough" when she goes to answer. Lexi asked a biased question about Queen attacking Athena and also takes the mic away from Queen. Queen says Athena got what she deserved.

Athena comes out on a security guard's back. Athena has Lexi hold her up. Athena said Lexi tried her best and says they are too uncultured to do an interview segment with her. Athena says they have been tyrants since she beat the tar out of them. Athena talks about them insulting her and Billie. Athena says Queen is not ready for the opportunity and calls them raggedy lizards.

Billie Starks then nails Queen and Red from behind. Lexi takes Athena's medical boot off. She walks around just fine then is pushed over. Red and Queen beat up Billie and Athena. Queen goes for Lexi then Athena hits Queen with her medical boot from behind. Red also gets hit with it.  Athena says tomorrow will be an all out war and says something I didn't understand.

Thoughts: It was nice to get an angle here for a change. Lexi asking biased questions was entertaining. I don't think the crowd really knew how to react here as Queen and Red were the faces in this segment.

Angelico and Serpentico vs The Gates of Agony

Toa splashes then corner spears Serp. Serp and Kaun trade chops. Ange hits pnches on Kaun. Ange trips him and Kaun ropebreaks on a submission. Serp top rope double stomps Kaun's arm. Serp is thrown into a flatliner on Kaun. Kaun running back elbows Ange.

Kaun hits mounted shots on Ange. Toa corner lariats Ange then sentons him. Toa and Kaun choke Ange on the ropes. Ange is double teamed in the corner.

Kaun chinlocks Ange. Toa misses a corner splash then Ange boots Kaun out of the corner. Ange is tripped and takes a headbutt drop from Kaun. Ange avoids a double team and pushes the heels into each other. Serp comes off the top and is powerslammed by Toa. Serp hits dropkicks to Toa's knee.

Serp superkicks Toa then headscissors him into Kaun. Serp takes open the gates and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a mostly one-sided match here. The GoA won as expected. Nothing was wrong with it and it was an average, random match.

EJ Nduka vs Jon Cruz

EJ was signed a long time ago and hasn't been seen for a while. EJ doesn't let go of the handshake and drives Jon into the corner. He uppercuts him then corner splashes him. EJ throws him on a suplex then does it again.

Jon crossbodies him, gets caught and takes snake eyes. EJ flying shoulders him. Jon chops him then EJ facekicks him. EJ backdrops him and wins.

Thoughts: It was nice to see someone different here for a change. EJ looked fine here. I don't know how far along he is wrestling wise but he has a great look and ROH would be a great place for him to get better. I was fine with this squash.

We get a video for MxM Collection. They say the time has come and we've waited for so long. They say they debut at Death Before Dishonor and say dinner is finally served. 

Atlantis Jr. and Lio Rush vs Johnny TV and Shane Taylor

JTV slides out and kisses Taya before it starts. Taya annoys Lio then Lio topes JTV. Shane running kicks Lio outside. Lio avoids Shane inside then is caught. Shane throws him back into the corner. Lio 2nd rope crossbodies him and is caught. Lio drpkicks Shane into the corner.

Atlantis boots JTV then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him twice. Atlantis flying headscissors him then monkey flips him. Atlantis hits chops on Shane then Shane punches him. Shane misses a corner charge and Atlantis hits forearms on Shane. Lio combos Shane then is tripped by Taya. Shane does a big chokeslam style move to Lio.

JTV hits shots on Lio in the corner. Lio hits shots on him then JTV eye pokes him. JTV does a weird parkour clothesline. Shane hits a big chop on Lio. Shane bullies Lio around then knees him in the gut.

Lio goes for the tag and is stopped by JTV. Lio rolls him into a spinning enzugiri. Atlantis is tagged in and top rope dropkicks JTV. Atlantis basement dropkicks Shane. Atlantis superkicks him then goes for a top rope crossbody. Shane catches him and Lio top rope crossbodies both.

JTV hits a moonlight drive on Atlantis. Lio bottom rope seated springboard stunners JTV. Atlantis superkicks Lio on accident. Shane knockout punches Atlantis then package piledrivers him for the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like Atlantis taking the loss here. He just won the belt, isn't established and there's few people on the roster that Shane hasn't lost to. It's just typical AEW stuff where the outsiders have to lose. The match was an interesting mix of talent and I thought it kind of needed more time.

Shane and JTV argue then raise each others hands here. 

Abadon vs Dulce Tormenta

They shake hands and Ab doesn't let go. Ab bites Dulce's arm then flying back elbows her. Ab basement dropkicks her and chest forearm flurries her in the corner. Ab is tripped into the 2nd buckle then corner meteora's her.

Ab cutters Dulce then puts her leg over her head and ddt's her.

It was your usual quick squash with Ab winning. I kind of wanted to see how a more even match between these two looked.

Anthony Henry, Iron Savages (Boulder, Bronson & Jacked Jameson) & Nick Comoroto vs. Action Andretti, Fuego Del Sol, Komander & Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin)

Jacked says we are in this the eSports stadium and says there's a lot of losers here playing video games. He says his opponents are anorexic idiots.

Sol was dropped from AEW a while ago and is back. Jacked hits a shot on AA then does push-ups. Jacked wristlocks him then AA gets out of a wristlock. AA then does push-up's and enzugiri's him. AA hiptosses Henry. Henry takes a kick to the back and a PK.

Kom avoids a double team from The Savages then he jumps off of Bronson onto Boulder. Boulder catches him. Kom gets stuck between The Savages and they throw Kom around. The Savages are pushed into each other and Boulder is pulled over the top. Kom springboard dropkicks Bronson.

Kom spinning headscissors Bronson. Sol dropkicks Bronson then corner forearms him. Sol 2nd rope headscissors him. Sol is knocked off the apron into a kick from Henry then takes a reverse sitout slam on the floor from Henry.

Sol is beat up on by the heels in the corner then Nick slams him. Nick elbow drops him. Bronson slams Sol, teases a standing moonsault then butt drops him. Boulder butt drops Sol's back. Boulder misses a vader bomb then Sol double stomps his back. Nick and Dante get in. Dante topes Henry and Bronson. Darius comes off the bottom rope with a flatliner on Nick.

Jacked and Boulder take double dropkicks. Nick hits a double lariat. Nick misses a corner charge. The faces do a triple dive outside. Darius plant pele kicks Nick then AA running ssp's Nick. Nick takes a top rope frogsplash from Dante and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay multi-person tag match. The faces got beaten up on then won in the end. It wasn't as good as it could have been and was just mostly filler, but it was fine. Sol had a decent showing here. This was a real random one.

Queen Aminata asks what the five fingers will say to Athena's ashy face tomorrow. Red Velvet says Billie Starkz is walking to her funeral. Red also says Billie and Athena's matching outfits aren't working.

The Von Erichs (Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

Kevin Von Erich is out there with his sons. Ross dropkicks Silver then Marshall hits a dropkick. Alex takes a double dropkick and a double lariat over the top. Silver basement dropkicks Marshall. Alex stomps on Marshall.

Evil Uno chokes Marshall on the ropes and Alex does as well. Alex misses a leg lariat on the ropes. Ross hits big boots on Alex then hiptosses him. Ross back body drops Silver then suplexes Alex. Uno trips Ross from the outside. Silver powerbombs Ross onto Alex's knees.

Silver hits kicks on Ross then pulls him down backwards. Alex elbow drops Ross' back then chokes Ross. Ross fights back with shot then Alex trips him. Ross avoids a lariat then tags in Marshall.

Marshall hits shots on both D-O members. Marshall corner lariats Alex. Silver is on the top rope and Marshall dropkicks him. Marshall corner cannonballs Alex for 2. Uno gets on the apron and Marshall iron claws him. Alex talks trash to Kevin outside and Marshall hits a big lariat on Alex for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag. The Dark Order were back to being heels here. Marshall had a really good showing with some fire and good offense. The issue with The Von Erich's though is that they really only appear when AEW is in Texas and that makes it hard to do anything with them.

The Dark Order beat up The Von Erich's after. Dustin Rhodes comes out to help out (they made that team on Rampage I think). Alex tries to slide out and gets caught. Kevin iron claws Alex to close the show. 

Overall thoughts: It was better than the usual offerings as we got some storyline developments and some decent length matches, but it's ROH. We'll see them have shows like this where ROH looks like an actual promotion then the next week they will have random wrestlers, matches, lots of squashes and no storylines. I wish we could get more of this ROH than the ROH we got last week, but I don't have faith in it. Only one set of champs wrestled on the show here and they announced a bunch of stuff at the last minute to fill out tomorrow's PPV card.

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