Sunday, July 7, 2024

WWE Money in the Bank 2024 7/6/2024

WWE Money in the Bank 2024 7/6/2024

Men's Money in the Bank - Drew McIntyre vs Carmelo Hayes vs Jey Uso vs Chad Gable vs Andrade vs LA Knight

Everyone fights to startand Drew is the first one knocked out of the ring. LA powerslams Melo and stares down with Jey. Uso then dives on Melo and LA dropkicks out. Drew rams Andrade into the rails. Drew rams a ladder into people. Chad armbars Drew on the ladder then Andrade springboard legdrops him while he hands. Andrade uses the ladder on people. Melo springboard clotheslines andrade off the ladder. Andrade 2nd rope flipping russian legsweeps Melo onto a ladder.

Jey samoan drops Drew then spears him. Jey spinning enzugiri's Drew. Chad germans Drew then chaos theory germans Melo. Chad hits Andrade with a ladder. LA stomps on Chad and Chad dragon screws him. Chad takes a neckbreaker on a ladder. LA bangs Melo's head off the commentary table outside. Melo codebreakers LA.

Melo and Chad are on ladders and Chad ankle locks him. Chad is thrown into a ladder then powerbombed on one. Jey superkicks Drew then LA BFT's Drew. Jey top rope splashes Drew. Jey and LA fight on the ladder and Melo pushes both off of it. Melo tope con hilos Chad and hits nothing but net on Jey.

Andrade sunset bombs Melo off the ladder onto a bridged ladder. LA is thrown backwards into a ladder then belly to belly suplexed onto a bridged ladder. Chad goes for the briefcase and ends up hanging in the air. He falls down then takes a Jey spear. Jey goes for the briefcase and Drew knocks him down with a ladder. Drew then wins MITB.

It was a total spotfest like all of these are. You could just watch the highlights and see everything. We really didn't see a ton of anyone here as only 2-3 people would be in the ring at any time. It was just your average MITB and hopefully nobody got hurt off of it. I'm really surprised they didn't have CM Punk to come out and interfere in this one.

WWE Intercontinental Title - Sami Zayn (c) vs Bron Breakker

Bron overhead throws him then takes him down. Sami slaps him and Bron hits corner spears. Sami nails him off the 2nd rope then Bron is thrown out. Sami sitout springboard moonsaults Bron outside.

Bron runs the ropes fast and lariats Sami. Bron belly to belly suplexes him. Bron running knees Sami then does another belly to belly. Sami walks up the ropes and tornado ddt's Bron for 2. Sami does a blind springboard and lariats him out. Sami moonsaults off the rails, is caught and Sami pushes Bron into the post.

Bron lariats him on the floor. Sami hits blue thunder inside for 2. Bron walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's Sami for 2. Bron jumps off the apron and lariats Sami over the commentary table. Sami exploders Bron.

Bron jumping knees him then powerslams him. Sami boots him on a spear attempt then helluva kicks him in the corner to win.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of Bron losing here. I'm not saying he should have won either, but his losses should be minimized. It was a good match as expected though Sami should have been roughed up more so he could sell more and put Bron over more. 

Trish Stratus, who is the host of this, appears. She talks about her career real quick and brings out John Cena. Cena has a towel that says "The Last Time Is Now". Cena heads to the ring.

Cena talks to the fans and says he is officially announcing his retirement from WWE. He says he wants to talk about Canada. He says Canadians always show up. He says Raw is moving to Netflix and he will be there for it as he has never been on Netflix. He says The 2025 Royal Rumble and 2025 Elimination Chamber will be his last.

He says Wrestlemania next year will be the last Mania he will do. He says he will field any questions in the press conference after. He says he wants to say thank you to all the fans. He says he wants to return to Toronto to kick some @ss.

Cena's 47, but he's a young 47. He can still move well and he's not super injured. They can say he's retiring, but I really don't believe it. It is wrestling after all and there's going to be a lot of money matches down the line which I think he will have a hard time passing up. 

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Finn says it's time to punish Seth. Priest says no one should get involved in his business tonight. Priest leaves and Finn says in a serious tone, "whatever you want, boss".

World Title - Damian Priest (c) vs Seth Rollins

Seth can't challenge for the title again if he loses as long as Priest is champ. Priest leaves Judgment Day if he loses. Seth hits boots and chops. Priest falcon arrows him. Priest hits punches and a lifting flatliner for 2.

Priest hits flying back elbows then Seth does a flying slingblade. Seth lariats Priest over the top and calls out Drew. Seth topes Priest multiple times and eventually sends him over the commentary table.

Seth superkicks him. Seth springboard swantons him into an asai moonsault for 2. Priest hits a headlock driver. Seth hurricanrana's him off a chokeslam attempt. Priest lariats him and looks for Drew to come out.

Priest does some weird flip off the ropes and is powerslammed. Seth top rope splashes Priest. Seth spinning forearms Priest. Seth buckle bombs Priest then Priest sitout powerbombs him for 2. Priest slaps Seth around and they trade forearms. Priest fires up and hits kicks.

Priest hits spinning kicks then gets curbstomped. Priest falcon arrows him for 2. Seth superplexes him then falcon arrows him. Priest doesn't kick out but the ref only counts two. The lights even come on to further signify the match ending.

Drew McIntyre comes out. He cashes in his briefcase and makes this a triple threat. Seth superkicks Drew. Drew future shock ddt's him.

Priest throws Seth out and Drew dropkicks Priest. CM Punk comes out and attacks Drew. Punk knocks him over the rail and hits him with chair shots. Punk chokes Drew with a cable and pounds on him.

Punk grabs the title belt and nails Drew with it in the ring. Cole calls Punk "Phil" and asks what he's doing. Priest hits south of heaven on Drew and wins.

Thoughts: They were working a lot faster than they normally do and the match was rushed. You could tell something was up. This should have been an epic with what was on the line but was not.

They messed up final pin attempt before Drew came out. Priest forgot to kick out and the lights got turned on when they shouldn't have and that further hurt things.

Drew was also a total idiot here. Instead of waiting for the match to end and catching someone hurt and off guard, he made it a triple threat which wasn't smart.

Punk ended up screwing Drew which made sense but I wish it would have happened during MITB. Then the briefcase would still be in play for a while which gives you more story to work with and could have maybe helped someone else get over. 

Seth yells at Punk after and Punk stands on the commentary table as they argue.

Women's Money in the Bank - Iyo Sky vs Tiffany Stratton vs Lyra Valkyria vs Chelsea Green vs Zoey Stark vs Naomi

Everyone but Green go out to get ladders. Green tries to knock the briefcase down with a ladder. Iyo springboard dropkicks the ladder into Green. Iyo dropkicks Tiff into a ladder then meteora's her into it. Lyra northern lights suplexes Iyo into the ladder. Lyra ddt's her then fisherman busters her on a ladder. Lyra dropkicks Green through the ropes and Zoey springboard dropkicks Lyra. 

Zoey superkicks Lyra then half-nelson suplexes her. Lyra is dropped on a ladder. Zoey does a seated corkscrew moonsault and lands on her head. Naomi thesz presses Zoey on a ladder then split drops her.  Naomi sit out moonsaults her on a ladder.

Tiff cartwheel spinebusters Naomi on a ladder. Tiff walks up a ladder that is beind held up by Iyo then she swantons off the top onto people outside. Green goes up a ladder. Iyo hits her with the ladder and sandwiches her with ladders.

Lyra climbs the ladder and ends up hanging off of it. Iyo stomps on Lyra then Lyra germans her as she hangs off the ladder. Zoey and Tiff fight on a ladder. Naomi ends up stuck doing a split between ladders and ddt's Zoey. 

Naomi is sent into the steps by Green. Iyo and Green trade shots in the ring. Green is flapjacked onto a bridged ladder then Tiff is catapulted into a bridged ladder. Lyra is powerbombed on a bridged ladder. Zoey and Iyo climb a high ladder. Zoey takes a landslide off a ladder onto a bridged ladder.

Green goes for the briefcase and Tiff stops her. Tiff pushes Green off a ladder through tables. Tiff then grabs the briefcase.

Thoughts: Like the Men's MITB, it was a spotfest. It wasn't as good of one though as the girls had some sloppy moments and the talent level was just not the same. It was nice to see Tiff win as that was the right call but the build to her winning hasn't been good at all. She likely got punished for a post she made about Jade as she was on the backburner for months leading up to this. 

Trish Stratus and Tiff Stratton interviewed. Tiff said she just won MITB and says Trish should say something to her for it. Tiff says she's going viral. Trish said she was going to congratulate her but she says not to get too arrogant. She says what happens with her MITB win is what matters - will she be a flash in the pan or a hall of famer like her? Tiff says isn't it sad Trishy time is over and says Tiffy time has just begun.

Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens & Randy Orton vs. The Bloodline (Jacob Fatu, Solo Sikoa & Tama Tonga)

Cody drops down and uppercuts Tama. Tama hits punches then Cody bulldogs him. KO pounds on and stomps on Tama. Cody hits punches on Tama then gordbusters him. Orton hits punches on Tama then hits corner punches.

Fatu gets in and Orton throws him out. Orton draping ddt's him over the 2nd rope. Fatu no sells it and gets up as Orton goes for the RKO. Fatu samoan drops him then superkicks him. Solo pounds on Orton then Tama slingshot splashes Orton. Tama hits punches on Orton and Orton backdrops him. KO gets in and hits shots on Tama.

KO lariats him and corner cannonballs him. KO hits a top rope swanton for 2. KO is worked on by the heels  and Tanga Loa chokes KO from the outside. KO and Solo trade then Solo hits headbutts. Solo corner hip attacks him then Fatu does it to KO too.

Fatu does a flying back elbow to KO then Tama pounds on KO. Solo gets over the top. Loa pulls Orton off the apron on a tag. Solo hits punches on KO then misses a corner hip attack. Fatu elbow drops KO. 

Fatu hits headbutts on KO then misses a corner splash. Cody gets tagged in. He hits shots on Solo then powerslams him. Cody hits a disaster kick on him and a cody cutter on Tama. Cody topes Solo then topes Loa. Fatu beats up Cody outside then is back body dropped over the rail.

Solo spears Cody for 2. Solo nails the ref on accident then takes cross rhodes. KO top rope splashes Solo. Orton RKO's Solo. Fatu comes out of nowhere and nails the faces then splashes the ref on the steps on accident. Owens hits superkicks on Fatu and stunners Tama. KO hits Fatu with a prime bottle then splashes him through the commentary table of the rails.

Loa messes up a low blow on KO then gets it right the 2nd time. Orton RKO's Loa and Tama. Cody hits cross rhodes on Solo. Fatu runs up the buckles, corkscrew sentons Cody then implant ddt's him. Solo samoan spikes Cody and gets the pin.

Thoughts: If you were looking for a wild one here with big spots, it wasn't that at all. The biggest spot here with a small table spot. It was a good main but not great and far from anyone's best work. This was something you'd expect on a Raw or SD ep than a PPV.

Overall thoughts: There were only five matches here. Nothing was great and the women had some sloppiness issues as usual. Nothing was awful though either and the big notes here match relates as Cena announced he was retiring and Punk screwing Drew. It was good overall but not must see.

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