Wednesday, July 24, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/21/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/21/2024

Last week's show is here:

They had a preview for a Crixus tag that ended up not airing. Somebody goofed on that one.

Pequeno Polvora, Pequeno Pierroth and Pequeno Violencia vs Pequeno Magia, Kaligua and Angelito

This is a repeat of their match from last week. I reviewed it here:

From: 7/7/24 Arena Mexico:

CMLL World Heavyweight Title Match - Gran Guerrero (c) vs. El Terrible

Gran throws him down. Terr grabs the arm ten leglocks him. Gran grabs the hair and gets out. Gran hammerlocks him then Terr snapmares him over. Gran comes off the 2nd rope and is caught with a powerbomb for 2. Terr rips at Gran's mask.

Terr back elbows Gran then kicks him in the back of the head. They go out and Terr hits some shots. Gran is thrown into the rails. Terr chokes Gan inside then corner lariats him.

They go on the buckles and Terr grabs the mask. Terr facelocks him on the ropes. Terr hits punches then they chest slap flurry each other. Gran chop and stomp flurries Terr in the corner. Gran corner cannonballs him then tope con hilos him outside.

Gran suplexes him in the ring for 2. Terr runs at him and knocks him over. Terr then gets a 2 count. Gran rolls him up for 2. Terr misses a corner charge then Gran uranages him soon after for 2. Terr powerslams him.

Gran goes out and Terr top rope plancha's him outside. Gran cobra twists him and Terr rolls him up off of it for 2. Gran 2nd rope backdrops him for 2. Gran does a spinning cradle shock for 2. They trade chest chops and Gran lariats him for 2. Terr germans him for 2.

Terr slap flurries him. They go up top and Gran 2nd rope cradle shocks him. Gran then pins him and wins the match.

Thoughts: It's not going to make anyone's best matches for the year but it was pretty solid main by the end. The beginning wasn't too great, but they saved the bigger spots until later and made them count, turning it into a good match. 

From: 7/7/24 Arena Mexico:

Flip Gordon, Mascara Dorada & Neon vs. Los Barbaros (Dragon Rojo Jr. & El Barbaro Cavernario) & Angel de Oro

1st Fall - Barb oes after MD then MD trips him. MD goes for a leg lock and Barb pulls on the legs. MD side headlocks him then headlock takeovers him. Barb headscissors him and MD armdrags him. They go head to head and tag out.

Neon and Rojo go at it. Rojo does hip throws and an armdrag. Neon takes him down then monkey flips him. Neon is double teamed in the corner and the faces are knocked off their apron. Neon is tripped into a kick from Oro. MD then gets his leg kicked. MD is popped up and kicked by Oro. Flip is triple teamed.

MD takes corner attacks and a facekick by Barb. Oro michinoku drivers MD and pins him.

2nd Fall - Neon takes a chop from Barb then Flip takes chops from Oro. Rojo dropkicks Flip in the leg. MD takes a double boot. MD's crotch is sent into the post outside and Rojo gets shots in on Neon. Rojo pounds on Flip. Barb runs at Flip, Flip flips of fof him then superkicks him. MD and Neon springboard in with headscissors then Flip topes Barb into the rails. MD and Neon hit drops on their opponents. Neon does a double jump moonsault and MD hits a 450. They both get pins and Neon's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Neon cartwheels and flips. Neon flips off the ropes and armdrags Oro. Neon springboars into an armdrag on Rojo. Barb gets booted and does a worm to get up. Neon jumps up and springboards armdrags him out.

Flip and Rojo go at it. Flip springboard slingblades Rojo. Flip goes up and over Oro then flips away from him. Flip 2nd rope flipping neckbreakers Oro. Flip springboard cutters Barb then superkicks him.

MD flips and rolls in. Rojo boots him. MD does another flip and roll then corkscrew headscissors him. MD tilt-a-whirl armdrags Barb then headscissors Oro down. MD headscissors Barb then the faces do triple stereo dives outside.

Neon springboard plancha's Rojo and flying headscissors him. Oro boots Neon. MD is popped p and headscissors Barb. Flip springboard dropkicks Oro. Neon double springboard moonsaults Oro outside.

Rojo corner dropkicks Flip and pins him then Barb does a vader bomb off the ropes on MD. Barb and Rojo get pins and win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here that had no real issues. The heels got their licks in. The faces some offense in during the 2nd and 3rd falls then the heels regained control and won. The heels were decent heels, the faces did their flying and I had no issues with this.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here. The mini's match sucked so I don't know why they showed it again. I don't think it was on purpose though as they did the intros for a Crixus tag that they didn't end up airing. Gran/Terrible had a solid heavyweight match and the main was a totally decent trios match. I liked two of the three matches so it was decent overall.

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