Friday, July 12, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/16/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 3/16/1991

Last week's show is here: 

Roddy Piper and Vince McMahon welcome us to the show. They are celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Vince says luck could be running out for The Warrior in the career vs career match. Piper says not to worry about Warrior and says his lucky charms say it won't be just irish eyes that are smiling, Warrior will shamrock the world.

Wrestlemania VII is a week away.

The British Bulldog vs Cliff Sheats

Davey pushes him over. Cliff side headlocks him and Davey hiptosses him. Davey hits an armdrag and they say we found out the fake Queen of England really is a fake. Davey suplexes Cliff then side headlocks him. Slick and Warlord do an inset promo. Slick says Davey will be as helpless as a little puppy at Mania. Warlord said Davey will learn why no one, including him, has ever escaped the full nelson.

Cliff hits punches on Davey then takes a headbutt. Davey lariats him then side headlocks him. Cliff gets more shots in and Davey back elbows him. Davey corner lariats him then hits a running powerslam for the win.

Thoughts: It was your usual quick squash here. Cliff got a little in at least before being beaten. Vince was really amused by Sheats' name.

WWF Update

Mean Gene says Wrestlemania is a week away and the tickets are all gone. Gene talks about The Big Boss Man vs Mr. Perfect. We see clips from Wrestling Challenge and Primetime Wrestling of Heenan taking shots at Big Boss Man's mom. We see Boss Man getting some revenge on him.

Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect do a promo. Perfect says Boss has never encountered an athlete like him and says he will see that he is Perfect.

The Texas Tornado vs "Pistol" Pez Whatley

Pez hits him from behind and bangs his head off the buckles. Kerry hits punches and throws him out. Kerry does an inset promo. he says we are a week away from Mania 7. He says it'll be a tough match but when he spins, he will guarantee he wins. Kerry hiptosses him and lariats him over the top.

Piper said he will be there with Virgil despite his motorcycle accident. Pez hits a corner spear and hits headbutts. Kerry hits punches then discus punches him. Kerry hits another discus punch and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a quick one with Pez being allowed to get a little in before being put down. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Wrestlemania VII. The Barbarian, Haku and Bobby Heenan do a promo. Haku says The Rockers better be ready as they will tear them apart. Barb says they are a team you don't want to face in a dark area. Heenan says your insurance better be ready and you better contact your loved ones because it's almost all over.

The Rockers do a promo. Shawn says they will chop down two of the biggest trees in the WWF. Shawn says Mania is the biggest party of the year and they won't go down. Marty says they will get the win and beat them.

The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart said his motto with The Harts was not to get mad, but to get even. Hart says let's get even. Saggs says to get ready for a truckload of nasty rammed down their throats. Knobbs says he wants to punch them both in the face and they will take their titles whether they like it or not. 

The Nasty Boys vs Brian Costello and Terry Davis

Knobbs running knees one of the jobbers and Vince and Piper mess up his name. Knobbs hits a running lariat and Saggs hits a running knee. Saggs bangs one of the jobbers heads off the mat. Saggs hits a pumphandle slam. Knobbs hits a nice slam and headbutt drop.

Saggs does an eye rake with his boots. Knobbs is whipped into a corner splash as Piper calls him "Scaggs". Vince then says "Brian Naggs". Knobbs hits a powerslam then Saggs hits a nice top rope elbow drop. Saggs picks up the win.

Thoughts: The announcers had trouble again with The Nasties names. It was a decent squash though with the Nasties moving well and roughing up the jobbers. 

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan on the stage. Hulk talks about Sarge burning his shirt. He says it was disgusting. Hulk said it wouldn't have been any worse if he burnt Old Glory. Hulk said Sarge will never burn or deface the banner of Hulkamania as long as he's around. Hulk says Hulkamania is American made.

He said Sarge just won't be in the combat zone with him. He will be in it with all the Hulkamaniacs. He then does his whatcha gonna do line.

Rick Martel vs Frankie Lancaster

Jake Roberts does an inset promo. He says it's one week until the blindfold week. He says he will give Rick a ride home on a road he has never known. Frank hammerlocks Rick then Rick hits a running shot. Rick slams him then does a gutwrench suplex.

Rick takes one of the blindfold match hoods and puts it on the jobbers head. Rick then hits the jobber while he can't see and chokes him. Rick drops him with a shot then boston crabs him for the submission win.

Thoughts: Rick putting the hood on the jobber freshened things up a bit here in this quick squash. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Wrestlemania VII. Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Jimmy said he was Greg Valentine's manager for 7 years and then Greg turned his back on him. Jimmy says we don't get mad, we get even. Quake says Greg made a big mistake by insulting Jimmy Hart. He said Hulk went out of here when he touched Jimmy. He said Greg will feel three quakes and he'll be out of here.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. They said they should be wrestling The Hart Foundation but they interfered where their noses didn't belong. Animal says now they gotta face a worse consequence - facing The Legion of Doom. Animal says they play for keeps. Hawk asks if they know what they don't like about them besides everything? Hawk says he doesn't like the way Paul plays with his hair or the way Herc hits people with his chain. He says they gotta go in the four corners of doom with The Legion of Doom.

Wrestlemania Report

Mean Gene talks Wrestlemania VII. Geneal Adnan and Sgt. Slaughter do a promo. Adnan talks in his language. Sarge says he can't imagine what's going through Hulk's mind at this time. Sarge says him and Adnan destroyed everything Hulk believes in. Sarge says Hulk has to carry a lot of weight on his shoulders from the pukeamaniacs and the slimeamaniacs. Sarge he doesn't have to beat him, he's the champ and leader. He says Hulk must beat him 1-2-3 to become champ. He says he doesn't think he can get the job done.

Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says what must go up must come down. He said Warrior soared with the eagles and now must slither with the snakes. He said saying no to Macho was his big mistake. Sherri said Warrior got a small taste of The Kingdom of The Madness when he lost the belt. They say Warrior hasn't seen nothing yet. Macho says the title wasn't Warrior's, he always wore it. He says Warrior's another notch in his belt. Macho says to let the building burn down and says to let it all happen in one night. he says to say goodbye to your career. He says it's the kiss of death and Warrior did it himself. He says Warrior can tell people he got beat from the best there ever was.

The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He says Macho can look in every direction but has never seen his gods. He says Macho took something away at The Rumble but left something more valuable behind. Warrior said a piece of Macho's crystal was left in his skull and says it's the piece Macho is missing. He said he told the doctors to sew the piece of crystal in his skull. He says he will stand above hi mas he ends his career.

Gene then talks about the rest of the card at Wrestlemania VII.

We see clips of The Fake Queen of England on Primetime Wrestling making Heenan a sir. We then see a hidden camera of them earlier in the day admitting that all this was a farce and laughing.

Regis Philbin talks. He says all of his skills as an interviewer will be put to the test at Wrestlemania VII. He says he will ask the hard questions like Can I get you a coffee Hogan? And can you sign this Mr. Warrior?

Alex Trebek talks. He says he may sound like Mr. Trivia on the inside but on the outside, he's coming off the top rope, dropping an elbow and he's a co-host at Mania 7. He says Pat Sajak, eat your heart out.

Willie Nelson talks. He says it'll be Superstars and Stripes forever at Mania 7. He asks us to be part of the show because Uncle Sam wants you. He says we already know Uncle Sam wants him (making fun of his tax issues).

The Undertaker vs Pat Armstrong

Pat tries some back elbows and is knocked over. Taker catches him in mid-air with a nodowa otoshi, Taker backdrops him. Paul and Taker do an inset promo. Paul says when Taker disposes of Superfly, let it be said that you can believe in The Undertaker. We then see Taker drop some dirt.

Taker hits an elbow drop and chokes Pat. Taker flying lariats Pat then walks the top rope. Taker clubs on him from the top then tombstones him.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided squash here with Taker doing his usual bit.

Taker drops dirt on Pat and the camera after.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Wrestlemania VII. Tito Santana does a promo. He said there's elite groups and he's in one. He said he's been in every Wrestlemania. He said he's been against a bunch of guys who say they will take him out once and for all. He says he will be in Mania 8 and 9 and no one will take him out of it.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Mountie calls Tito a hot chili pepper and says he will cool him off with the cool wind. He says he will prevail at Mania 7 and says Tito will be history. Hart says Mountie always gets his man.

The Big Boss Man does a promo. He said he hopes Heenan and Perfect are thinking of Mania 7, because he is. He asks what makes Perfect thing he is perfect and what makes him think he will survive Wrestlemania VII?

Overall thoughts: Like the last few weeks, it's been all Mania hype and nothing else here, though Mania should be the focus. There were no real developments outside of finding out The Fake Queen of England was a fraud and it was all squashes as usual. You can skip this one.

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