Tuesday, July 30, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/27/2024 Season 4, Episode 46

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/27/2024 Season 4, Episode 46

Last week's show is here:  https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/wow-women-of-wrestling-7202024-season-4.html

We see clips of Las Bandidas challenging The Mother Truckers last week.

Animal Instinct (Goldie Collins and Katarina Jinx) vs The All-American Girls (Santana Garrett and Americana)

Kat gets on the mic before it starts. She thanks everyone for coming to see them. She says they are here to tame the competition at WOW. She says these American girls have nothing on them. Goldie says they can sense their fear as they have animal instinct.

SG rolls up Kat then is crucifixed. SG tries another pin and they stand off. They do a test of strength. Kat misses shots then SG walks up the ropes and armdrags her.

Ameri and Goldie go at it. Ameri side headlocs her then does a backflip into a back elbow in the corner. Ameri dropkicks her. Ameri's face is brought down on Goldie's knee and Kat throws her backwards off of it. Kat boots Ameri then drives her head into the mat with her leg.

Ameri takes a double suplex for 2. Goldie foot chokes her then boots her in the corner. Kat trips and back rakes Ameri. Kat chinlocks her and bangs Ameri's face off the mat. Ameri dropkicks Kat. Boh tag out.

SG hits shots on Goldie then boots her in the side of the head. SG russian legsweeps her for 2. Kat uranages SG. Goldie takes a superkick from SG then hits a bad soul foot. SG handsprings and moonsaults onto Goldie. SG pins Goldie.

Thoughts: The execution wasn't too good in this one which hurt things. There were a lot of weak moves on this that didn't hit very well. 

Genesis does a promo. She says she has been watching GI Jane. She says she was in the military, but the ring is a different place. She tells her not to forget what she leader from The Disciplinarian and Fort Jackson as she will take her back to boot camp.

Genesis vs G.I. Jane

Gen hits her from behind and hits corner spears. Gen foot chokes her then curb stomps her. Gen straightjacket chokes her. Jane back splashes her and hits a forearm. Jane drops her off her shoulders like a samoan drop.

Jane backdrops her. Jane misses a legdrop and Gen leglocks her. Gen legdrops the leg then pulls on it. Gen single leg crabs her.

Jane hits clotheslines and front kicks her for 2. Gen throws her backwards and poses on the ropes. Jane then rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that bad of a match with Jane having a good showing here. I was a little surprised Gen lost here since they seem to favor her.

GI Jane is interviewed by McClane after. She says she's tired of maggots cheating around here to win. She says it's time she brings order to WOW. She tells McClane to tell the women to get ready.

Coach Campanelli vs Lil' J-Boogie

Coach full-nelson's her. J side headlocks her and takes her over. J shoulders her over and side headlocks her. J flying headscissors her then armdrags her.

J snapmares her then leg drops her for 2. Coach gets some shots in and boots her in the gut. Kandi Krush and Gloria Glitter choke J from the outside. Coach bangs J's head off the buckles. J goes up and over her corner charge and backslides her. Coach hits shots to the gut and bangs J's head off her knee.

Coach figure fours J's and J ropebreaks. J snapmares Coach and trips her. J crucifixes Coach for 2. J dropkicks Coach then step up enzugiri's her for 2. J trips Coach. Gloria trips J and Coachs rolls up J for 2. Coach hits the buzzer beater/unprettier on J and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here. J was a decent underdog face and had one of the best outings in the ring so far.

J is beaten up by Top Tier after and Steph Slays makes the save. 

WOW Tag Titles - The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swagg) (c) vs Las Bandidas (Angel Rose and Sylvia Sanchez)

SS = Sylvia Sanchez

Holly gets 3 pin attempts in on Rose and Rose tag out. Holly trips SS then meteora's her in the back of the head. SS is pulled down by both Truckers. Rose boots Holly in the corner and SS chokes Holly in the corner.

Rose trips Holly then does a surfboard and crossface on her. Rose facekicks Holly. Holly takes a backbreaker then is thrown into a Rose lariat. SS clubs on Holly's chest and corner spears her. Rose fisherman suplexes Holly for 2.

Holly hits slaps and a superkick. Betty gets in. Betty rainmakers Rose then bulldogs SS. Betty superkicks SS then stunners Rose for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short but decent main event. The heels worked over Holly, Betty got in, cleaned house and won. It could have been longer but I didn't have any issues with this. Angel Rose did a good job here.

Miami's Sweet Heat come down after and beat up The Truckers. The refs try to stop it as the show ends.

Overall thoughts: The opener wasn't that good but the rest of the show was fine. There was nothing must see here. The main was easily the best thing on this show.

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