Sunday, July 28, 2024

AEW Collision 7/27/2024

AEW Collision 7/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

Orange Cassidy vs Johnny TV

OC hammerlocks him, JTV gets out and does capoiera. JTV then does a cool pose on the top rope and puts sunglasses on. OC takes JTV's sunglasses. JTV does bad kicks and OC walks away with his hand sin his pockets. OC pocket armdrags him and monkey flips JTV. OC dives on him with his hands in his pockets.

OC crossbodies him off the buckles. JTV russian legsweeps him. JTV does two stupid looking standing moonsaults then standing ssp's him for 2. JTV hits kicks on him outside and Taya interferes. OC's arm is kicked into the rails.

JTV's head is banged off the buckles. JTV springboard enzugiri's him then hits a moonlight drive while OC is bridged on the ropes. OC rolls him for 2. OC stunners JTV then tornado ddt's him. JTV hits a moonlight drive and misses starship pain. JTV hits starship pain for 2.

OC hits beach break then orange punches him. OC then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was your usual OC BS with him putting his hands in his pockets and goofing off. That completely ruined the match for me.

Taya beats up OC after. Willow Nightingale comes out after and makes the save. 

Bullet Club Gold do a promo. They say they got screwed last week but don't cry over spilled milk. Juice says Mother Wayne screwed the pooch last week. He says they will get The Patriarchy soon. Austin says they will find them and says they have to answer to them. Colten says these fans are their fans and this is their show.

Top Flight vs Brian Cage and Lee Moriaty vs The Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta)

Lee trips Yuta and cartwheels over him. Yuta armdrags and dropkicks him. Dante enzugiri's Yuta from the apron and springboard crossbodies him. Dante corner lariats him then Darius suplexes him. Dante slingshot swantons him. Cage takes a oduble lariat. Darius tornado ddt's CC using Dante. The Infantry are watching in the back.

Yuta chops Dante and Dante takes a double shoulderblock. Cage tags himself in. Cage full-nelson slams Dante. We go to PiP break and return. Dante step up enzugiri's Cage. Cage wheelbarrows Dante into a neckbreaker.

CC hits running euros on Cage and Lee. Cage is sent over the top then CC slams Lee. CC double stomps Lee. CC giant swings Lee. Darius back body drops CC over the top. Darius suplexes Yuta. Lee rolls up Darius for 2. Darius hits a cool TKO into a ddt. Cage deadtlift powerbombs Darius and everyone starts getting a move in.

Cage and CC stare down then trade forearms. Top Flight hit stereo dives out. Lee topes Dante. Darius tries to plant off the apron with a kick but slips. Cage flips Darius with a lariat on the floor. CC running euros Cage outside. Lee top rope flying knees Darius. Yuta shotgun dropkicks Lee then does a suplex on Darius. Yuta then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was your usual three way style match with people coming in and out and keeping things moving. CC and Yuta winning wasn't too surprising.

The Conglomeration are interviewed. Willow and OC walk in. Willow talks about getting a win and say sshe's back. She says she will beat Deonna in an eliminator for her CMLL Title. Mark says he's fatigued, but he won't let it hurt his spirit. He introduces some baby as the new member of The Conglomeration. He says the word of the day is tenacity and says there ain't no quit. He says they will do their thing as usual.  

This is the 2nd interview of the show with audio issues and the 2nd week in a row where the audio was an issue. 

Hologram vs The Beast Mortos

Mort rolls over Holo's back and armdrags him. Holo flying headscissors him into an armdrag. Mort flying headscissors him. Holo rolls him into a pin attempt.

Mort hits a strike combo then powerslams him. Holo hit back elbows then Mort pounces him out of the ring. We go to PiP break and return.

Holo flips over him using the ropes then hits satelittle headscissors. Mort la rosa drivers him off the 2nd rope. Holo enzugiri's him on the apron then toyota rolls him into a canadian destroyer on the apron. Holo rope walk flip dives him. Holo tope con hilos him and they end up near the ramp.

Holo top rope diving hurricanrana's him. Mort catches him then Holo hits a poisonrana off of his shoulders. Mort backbreakers him and powerbomb backbreakers him. Mort takes a top rope headscissors. Holo top rope diving crucifix bombs him and wins.

Thoughts: I thought they did too much here. Holo had a nice showing though hitting most of his moves clean and doing some creative things. He got over here but unless he can speak good English, there's only so far he can go.

Thunder Rosa vs Maya World

Maya has done some jobs on ROH and she was definitely on Collision last week as a lumberjack. One has to think they may end up signing her. Maya armdrags her. Rosa hammerlocks her then armdrags her.

Maya side headlocks her. Rosa hiptosses her then dropkicks her. They trade slaps. Rosa thesz presses her and hits punches. Rosa hits forearms. Rosa taps her out with a cobra clutch while sitting on her back.

Thoughts: It was just a squash here with Rosa winning as expected. I still don't really understand what they are doing with Rosa. You'd think she'd be in the title scene but she just keeps winning and not going anywhere. They also don't seem to want her to be on Dynamite.

We go backstage and Lance Archer is beating up random people. He says thinks will change here in AEW and says he wants the AEW American Title.

The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Tomohiro Ishii and Kyle O'Reilly) vs The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods, Ari Daivari and Tony Nese)

Smart Mark Sterling gets on the mic. He says he told his clients to apologize for what they said last week. Ari teases an apology and calls everyone fat. He says they aren't sorry for the whooping they will give their opponents though.

Josh grabs Kyle and throws him over. Kyle hits a kick. Nese gets hots in on Kyle. Nese takes chops and kicks from his opponents then takes a double team. Nese hits chops on Ishii and Ishii no sells them. Ishii chops and forearms him back.

Mark brainbusters Nese. Kyle knees Nese then is pulled out and stomped by the heels. Sterling gets stomps in as well. Mark then jumps off a chair and flip dives outside.  Everyone fights outside and Mark is thrown into the rails. Nese pulls KOR's neck down over the top rope and Woods knees KOR in the gut. Ari neckbreakers KOR then KOR gets pounded on by Nese and Ari. Sterling chokes KOR on the ropes as does Nese. KOR and Ari trade forearms.

Nese backdrops Ari. Ishii gets in and shoulders over Josh. Ishii germans Ari. Ishii running lariats Nese. Mark beats up on Ari and Nese then pele kicks Ari. Mark palm strike flurries Nese and fisherman suplexes him for 2.

Mark takes a jawbreaker and an olympic slam + neckbreaker combo. Mark throws Ari out and Ishii running shoulders Ari. Josh backbreakers Mark then lariats him. Ishii suplexes Josh. Ari superkicks Ishii. KOR hits shots on Nese then Nese spin kicks him in the face. Nese tries to fosbury flop KOR but nails his own partner. Josh germans Mark on his neck then backdrops Ishii. He then exploders Kyle.

KOR knees Josh in the gut then Josh takes a high/low. KOR falcon arrows Josh into an armbar and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent and simple tag here with the heels being heels and the faces making a comeback to win. There was nothing wrong with this.

We see a Chris Jericho interview after Dynamite. Jericho's finger is broken after fighting with Suzuki. He says Suzuki chopped him 100 times, made him bleed and dropped him on his head. Jericho says it will be hard to wave with a broken finger. He says he's not through with Suzuki and says he will chop him 200-300 times and break two of his fingers. Jericho says he's coming for Shibata and says Shibata has no friends left.

Lance Archer vs. GKM

GKM runs away down the ramp to escape Lance. He tries to dive on him but is chokeslammed on the apron before the match starts. Lance chokeslams him twice more. Lance then hits blackout and wins.

Thoughts: Again, it's bogus that someone is getting beaten up before the match even starts and the ref allows the match to begin despite that.

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. MxM Collection (Mansoor & Mason Madden)

Mansoor gets out of Dax's wristlock and trips him. Mansoor walks over his back and poses. Dax side headlocks him. Mansoor shoulders him over then Dax slams him. Mansoor hits chops, poses and is chopped down. Cash slingshot shoulders in. Mansoor jumps into Madden's arms to save himself.

Madden slaps Cash. Cash wristlocks him and Madden hits a kneelift. Cash goes up and over then Madden lariats him. Mansoor hits shots to the gut. Cash takes a legdrop to the gut + neck. Mansoor is tripped into an elbow drop from Dax. MxM slide out and stall.

The heels are thrown into each other outside. Dax chops Mansoor and Dax lets a fan chop Mnsoor. Dax spears the post when Mansoor moves and Mansoor stomps on him in the corner. Dax takes a side slam + legdrop combo. Madden runway walk elbow drops him.

Dax takes a double back elbow. Mansoor chin and armlocks Dax. Dax cradles Mansoor but the ref doesn't see it. Mansoor lariats him. Dax takes a double team. Dax is dropkicked in the knee then takes a hip attack.

Madden bearhugs Dax. Dax bites him. Dax is held up in the air for a leg lariat. Cash is tagged in. He hits punches on Mansoor then dropkicks Madden. Dax knees Madden on the ropes. Dax rolls up Mansoor then gori special drops him. Mansoor and Cash trade pin attempts. Mansoor is catapulted into the buckles.

Cash is pushed into Madden and Mansoor backrolls Dax. Mansoor takes a shatter machine and is pinned.

Thoughts: There was no reason to have MxM here lose in their TV debut. It just makes them look bad from the start for no real reason. Just put them with anyone else if they had to be on TV here. The match was okay. MxM isn't exactly The Midnight Express but they played up their characters well and did an okay enough job.

The Acclaimed is interviewed after Blood and Guts. Max is hyped up. Bowens says he doesn't want to hear about how they don't have it or don't belong. He says they deliver and do their jobs every week. He says to never underestimate them as they will prove you wrong every single time. The Acclaimed said they have a tag title shot coming up and the titles will come back to them. Max complains about FTR saying they aren't serious. He says if FTR were serious, they'd be in the cage with them. Bowens says they are coming for The Bucks and says it's time to nut up or shut up.

Pac vs Lio Rush

They do some wrestling and Pac waistlock takedowns him. Lio armdrags him. Lio springboard headscissors him then Pac tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Lio hits boots to the gut then rolls him up. Pac running back elbows him.

Lio takes spin kicks to the gut and Pac flying kicks him in the side of the head. Lio is thrown into the rails outside. Inside, Pac side headlocks him. Lio his some shots to the gut then Pac blocks his headscissors. Pac sitout powerbombs him.

Lio blocks a rebound german then spinning enzugiri's him in the head. Lio goes for an asai moonsault outside but is caught. Lio topes him into the rails. Lio falcon arrows Pac. Lio is thrown into the middle buckle face first.

They fight up top. Lio seated springboards and is caught with a german suplex. Lio spin kicks him then takes a rebound german. Lio superkicks him then poisonrana's him. Lio seated springboard cutters him. Pac gets his knees up on Lio's top rope frogsplash. Pac lariats him and taps him out with the brutalizer.

Thoughts: This didn't work. The two just didn't click and couldn't get any kind of flow going here at all. Neither one did their better stuff here either which didn't help things.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual Collision with random matches and little storyline development. I thought it was about average in the ring with some equally good and bad matches. MxM Collection lost in their TV debut in typical AEW fashion and Lio Rush vs Pac was the main for some reason. I wouldn't recommend this.

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