Friday, July 19, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 7/19/2024 Season 2, Episode 18

Mid-States Wrestling 7/19/2024 Season 2, Episode 18

Last week's show is here:

Austin Mulitalo vs Johnny Lightning is tonight as is Noelle vs Kelsey Magnolia.

Austin Mulitalo and Stephen E do a promo. E says they will win tonight vs Johnny Lightning. Austin says he has no chance of beating him.He says this is the singles division and not tag division. He says he rules all here.

Johnny Lightning does a promo. He says he has a trick or two up his sleeve for tonight.

Austin Mulitalo vs Johnny Lightning

JL lays on the ropes. Stephen E is with Austin and the crowd chants "Stephanie" at him, putting his first name and last initial together. JL pushes him down to the mat on the double knuckle lock. They trade wristlocks. 

Austin grabs the hair and knees him in the corner. JL pulls him out of the ring and chops him outside. They get back in and Austin stomps on him in the corner. Austin hits corner spears and bangs JL's head off the buckles. JL bangs Austin's head off the buckles.

JL sunset flips him for 2 and Austin flatliners him. Austin headlock takeovers him. JL headscissors him. Austin cravates him and tells him that he sucks.

JL neckbreakers him and atomic drops him. JL slams him then hits a top rope elbow drop. Stephen E gets on the apron. JL is distracted and Austin ddt's him. Austin then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a basic match here with simple work. There was nothing wrong with it and it was fine for what it was. 

Kelsey Magnolia talks. She says she takes on Noelle tonight. She says they have a history together. she says Noelle has come a long way but she is concerned she is going down the wrong path. She says she knows who she is and says this version of her is not her. She says she will try to correct the path she is on and use physicality to do it if she has to. She says she will not let her walk all over her.

Noelle does a promo. She says Kelsey dragged her out as she wants another beating and laughs. 

Kelsey Magnolia vs Noelle

Noelle immediately goes out to stall. She offers a test of strength then pulls away. Noelle piefaces her hten KM hits forearms and chops. KM goes up and over then armdrags her. KM armlocks her.

KM armbreakers Noelle then corner clotheslines her. KM hiptosses her then slams her. Noelle goes out to stall again. Noelle throws her down backwards then kneels on her in the corner. Noelle headscissors KM then full-nelsons her. KM boots her and footchokes her.

KM hits forearms. Noelle leg lariats her on the ropes. Noelle misses a charge and is rolled up. Noelle stomps on her. KM hits forearms and chest clubs. Noelle chops her then hits more boots. Noelle misses a meteora in the corner then is neckbreakerd over the middle rope.

KM lariats her then hits a bad michinoku driver. Noelle bites KM's elbow. KM fisherman suplexes her and wins it.

Thoughts: I was skeptical about it on paper and it didn't deliver. Noelle's offense didn't look good here at all and Kelsey had to try and carry things. It was a women's match and it was not very good.

Overall thoughts: There were only two matches here. One was average and the other wasn't good. As usual, nothing was really set for next time either. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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