Sunday, July 14, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/14/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

Stephanie Vaquer is still in the intro video. I wonder how long that stays.
Barroco Cup Cibernetico - Vegas, Xelhua, Arkalis, Astral, El Audaz, Eléctrico, Multy, Pegasso, Rayo Metálico and Valiente Jr.

Val side headlock takeovers Ark. Ark armdrags him and they do stereo headflips up. Xel and Veg get in. Veg takes him down then armdrags him. Veg snapmares him and crucifixes him. Xel rolls him into an octopus. Xel backrolls and rolls him around. Astral and Multy get in. Astral armdrags him. Astral bounces off the ropes and takes him down then they stand off.

Elec and Rayo go at it. Rayo goes up and over in the corner. Rayo 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. Rayo is popped up and armdrags him. Rayo then tope con hilos outside. Aud and Ark go at it. Ark superkicks him.

Aud handsprings off the ropes and rolls then Ark armdrags him. Aud headscissors him out then fosbury flops outside.

Rayo springboard crossbodies Val. Rayo springboard codebreakers him for 2. Rayo standing spanish flies him for 2. Aud step up enzugiri's him in the corner. Aud spinning lariats him then powerbombs him. Aud runs the ramp and fosbury flop splashes him inside to pin him. Rayo Metallico is eliminated.

Peg and Elec go at it. Elec back rolls him then spinning headscissors him. Peg is tripped, pulled out and beaten up by the other side of wrestlers. Elec springboard crossbodies Ark. Elec flying headscissors him and Ark superkicks him. Ark hits a backcracker on Elec and pins him. Electrico is eliminated. Val springboard hurricanrana's Ark out. Val is pulled out and beaten up on. 

Ark hits a tope outside on Val then Ark is stomped. Xel and Multy do stereo dives. We go to break and return. Peg top rope crossbodies Aud then springboard armdrags him into a pin attempt. Audaz is pinned and eliminated.

Astral and Xel go at it. Xel shoves him then Astral rolls him up. Astral dropkicks him out. Astral tiger feints to send Xel and Multy out then Val and Astral hit stereo tope con hilos. Ark and Veg fight. Ark takes tilt-a-whirl backbreakers then Veg submits him. Arkalis is eliminated.

Peg and Val fight. Peg flying headscissors him then Astral dropkicks Peg. Astral bounces off the ropes and standing moonsaults Peg. Multy hits a top rope double crossbody. Peg uses the ropes to hit a double armdrag. Ark takes a driver then Peg takes a double underhook backbreaker. Astral and Pegasso are eliminated.

Val monkey flips Multy twice. Xel dropkicks Val then armdrags Veg. Xel armdrags and dropkicks him out. Xel keylocks Val and does a wild double leg and double arm submission. Valiente Jr. submits and is eliminated.

Veg top rope dropkicks Xel. Multy rolls Veg for 2. Multy hurricanrana's Veg. Veg takes a pop-up sitout powerbomb for 2. Veg superplexes Multy for 2. Veg hits wasteland on Multy then misses a top rope moonsault. 

Veg cradles Multy but the ref doesn't see it. Multy rolls up Veg for 2. Veg double underhook backbreakers Multy and pins him. Multy is eliminated.

Xelhua and Vegas are the final two and I think they fight next time.

Thoughts: I never like it when they have the final two in one of these ciberneticos fight another day. It's stupid and kills the fun of it. The cibernetico was entertaining as it usually is. It wasn't the craziest ever but we did get some dives and it was fast paced fun. Xel's double arm and double leg submission was really cool. I was surprised to see Multy in this and I was surprised Vegas made the final two.

Gran Guerrero, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr. vs Akuma, Atlantis Jr., Místico

1st Fall - Akuma and Gran start us off. Gran hammerlocks him then Akuma side headlocks him. Gran trips him then Akuma headscissors him from the mat. Gran ties his legs up then Akuma armbars him.

Akuma trips him and camel clutches him. They stand off and tag out. AJ and UG go at it. UG takes him down twice. AJ armdrags him twice. AJ is tripped on the apron and UG baseball slides him off. Vol boots Mist in the face several times. Vol corner lariats him.

Akuma takes a double kick to the leg. Akuma is bridged on the ropes and Gran is popped up into a splash on him. There's some fan in a Rey Mysterio mask with glasses on over top which is funny. AJ takes a running kick and Vol completely misses a kick on Mist that Mist sells. 

Mist is triple teamed and whipped into a Vol superkick. Akuma takes a powerbomb off the 2nd rope by Gran and is pinned. UG spinebusters AJ then does a stretch muffler submission to submit him. Vol's team wins the first fall.

2nd Fall - Vol mostly takes off Mist's mask but Mist puts it back on. Vol stands on Mist's wrist. Mist takes a triple boot. Akuma is bridged on the ropes and Gran pop-up splashes him. Akuma is sent into the post outside.

Akuma takes a double gorilla press slam off the 2nd rope. Mist flying headscissors Vol out then topes him. AJ top rope splashes UG and Akuma top rope splashes Gran. Akuma and Gran get pins. Mistico's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Gran and Akuma shoulder and lariat each other. They trade chops. Akum running back elbows him and stomps on him. Akuma armdrags Gran out then planchas him. Mist handspring back elbows Vol. Mist slips on a springboard and armdrags Vol. Mist flying headscissors Vol then walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags him. Vol runs away from a tope attempt.

AJ 2nd rope diving headscissors Gran. AJ monkey flips Vol. AJ flying headscissors UG out then topes him. Akuma top rope crossbodies Gran. Gran shoves the ref and kicks Akuma in the nuts. Gran pins Akuma.

Mist springboard headscissors Gran out. Mist springboard crossbodies Vol. Vol swings him into the ref, unmasks him and pins him. Volador's team gets the win.

Thoughts: Mistico and Vol had a bad night here with multiple botches. The finish wasn't that good and the botches were bad enough to make this not good. It also went on a little longer than it needed to.

The wrestlers talk on the mic after and Vol challenges Mistico to a title match next week.

BONUS MATCH NOT INCLUDED IN THE SHOW: Astoreth & Lady Metal vs Diablita Roja & Hera

This is from the same show but it wasn't aired on TV. I just could not figure out who was who here. Roja stood on the ropes, flipped into the ropes and did a cool armdrag here. I want to say Metal hit a pair of nice dropkicks here. Metal's team ended up winning this one in possibly about 7 minutes. This was one fall only.

Overall thoughts: There were only two matches this week but getting to see all of the cibernetico was a win. They probably could have cut out some of the talk after the main and got a third match here. The cibernetico was good but the main wasn't. I wouldn't recommend this.

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