Sunday, July 28, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/28/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 7/28/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Meyer & Rey Samuray vs. Multy & Rey Apocalipsis

1st Fall - Multy and RS start us off. RS armlocks him and ties up both arms. Multy snapmares him. RS headflips and armdrags him. They trip each other then both get up and stand off. Meyer and Apoc get in.

Apoc flips him then snapmares him. Apoc rolls him into a pin attempt. Meyer rolls him into a double reverse armbar. Apoc trips him then is armdragged. They trip each other and Apoc begs off.

Apoc flying headscissors Multy then euros RS. RS flying headscissors Apoc out. Multy dropkicks then RS springboard tornillos Multy. RS is thrown out then Multy tope con hilos outside. Meyer is put on Apoc's shoulders and takes a spinning backbreaker. Apoc pins him. RS is counted out and Multy/Rey win the fall.

2nd Fall - RS jumps over Multy. RS springboard armdrags him. RS kips down and back up out of a lariat then springboard armdrags Apoc. Meyer seated springboard armdrags Multy then headscissors him. Apoc chops Meyer. They both go out and Meyer walks off the apron and headscissors him on the floor. Multy dropkicks Meyer then chops down RS.

Apoc pulls on RS' mask. RS takes a pop-up drop and is stomped on by his opponents. Apoc bites RS' hand. Meyer flips in then hurricanrana's Apoc. RS then pins Multy. RS and Meyer win the fall.

3rd Fall
- Apoc is dropped down out of the wheelbarrow. Multy drops Meyer in a bomb. RS gutbusters Multy. Apoc clubs RS then bridging twisting neckbreakers him. RS shoulders over Multy then Apoc shoulders over RS. 

Meyer and RS hit stereo flying headscissors. Meyer tope con hilos out. RS walks up the buckles and moonsaults out to the floor. Multy and Apoc then do a tope and tope con hilo out.

Apoc and Multy are on the buckles. Apoc is hurricanrana'd down as is Multy. Meyer top rope splashes Apoc. Meyer and RS get pins to win.

Thoughts: Apocalipsis split his pants early here and wrestled with a hole in his tights. It was an okay tag match. Not great or anything but everyone worked hard and tried and it worked. The execution could have been a little cleaner.

Esfinge, Fugaz & Star Black vs. Los Guerreros Laguneros (Gran Guerrero & Ultimo Guerrero) & Valiente

1st Fall - Gran and Fug start us off. Gran wristlocks him. Fug kips up and armdrags him. Fug spinning headscissors him and they stand off. UG and Star get in. Star headflips around the ring and gets hit by UG. UG rips Star's mask and Val goes for Esf's mask.

Gran kicks Fug in the leg then pop-up drops him. Val and Esf fight outside. Gran 2nd rope cradle shocks Fug and pins him. Star takes a 2nd rope double gorilla press slam. Gran then pins him and Gran Guerrero's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Val rips Esf's mask. Esf is held for punches. Val beats up Esf in the crowd and bangs his head off the wall. Star is triple stomped. Star flying headscissors UG then double reverse topes Gran and Val. Star topes UG outside. Fug hurricanrana's Gran and pins him then Esf springboard splashes Val and pins him.

3rd Fall - Star goes up and over UG then dances. Star armdrags him then hits a dropkick. Star springboard twisting crossbodies Gran then flying headscissors him. Star handspring backflips into a reverse tope on Val.

Esf springboards in with a crossbody on Gran. Gran corner lariats him then Esf corner splashes him. Gran misses a corner charge and is superkicked. Esf superkicks UG then monkey flips Val twice. Esf superkicks Val. Fug pump kicks and dropkicks UG.

Fugwalks up the ropes and springboards into a headscissors on Val. Fug toyota rolls Gran into a pin and pins him. Val hits a weird drop off the shoulder on Fug. Esf snapmares Val and pulls at his mask. Val then does the same to him.

Esf superkicks him out then topes him. UG pops-up Star into a low blow and pins him. Los Guerreros win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It wasn't the best match they could have had and was definitely a bit on the shorter end. I thought it was acceptable though. They pushed Esfinge vs Valiente here and we got some flying by the faces. 

Euforia, Magnus & Soberano Jr. vs. Atlantis Jr., Hechicero & Mistico

1st Fall - The rudos are beating up on the faces as we start. Mag cokes Atlantis with his robe and Sob pump kicks Mist. Mag pulls Atlantis against the post. Sob dropkicks Mist. Euf unties Hech's mask. Hech is in tree of woe and Euf boots him.

Sob boston crabs Mist and Mag armlocks Mist at the same time. Mist submits. Soberano's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Atlantis takes boots from Mag and Sob. Atlantis is popped up into a Sob kick. Mag footchokes Mist. Hech is triple teamed and Sob elbow drops the leg. Euf hits lariats on Hech. Mag throws Mist in from the ramp. Mag bites Mist's hand and Sob pulls on Mist's leg.

Mist hits a double armdrag off the ropes. He gets Mag out and topes him. Atlantis puts Sob in la atlantida and taps him out. Hech pins Euf. Mistico's team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Hech and Euf trade chops. Hech pulls down his straps and flying shoulders Euf. Hech springboard flying elbows Euf. Hech powerslams Sob. Hech step up knees Mag in the corner then poses.

Mist wants to fight Sob and Euf boots Mist. Sob hits mounted shots on Mist. Mist double boots Sob out of the corner then takeovers Sob and Euf together. Mist is popped up into a headscissors on Euf. Mist flying headscissors Sob out then springboard crossbodies Mag. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Mag out.

Sob hits Atlantis from the apron then Atlantis knocks him off of it. Atlantis flying headscissors Mag and Euf. Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreakers all 3 opponents. Atlantis topes Sob. Mistico springboard crossbodies Mag then la misticas Mag. Euf takes off Hech's mask and is DQ'd.

Euf gets on the mic after and has words for Hech. Hech has words for him as well and says something about a mask vs mask match. Euf beats him up after and takes his mask for a 2nd time. Hech is getting beaten up and Atlantis totally ignores it to take photos with kids on the ramp in a dumb moment.

Thoughts: At least the mask removal finish made some sense here. Euf and Hech fought most of the match and maybe you say Euf knew he had lost so he just threw it. It wasn't the best main event ever here. The rudos had control for a long time. Sob's usually pretty lazy and was lazy here. They pushed Euforia vs Hechicero here.

Overall thoughts: It was just average and there wasn't anything must-see here. The opener was okay. The 2nd match was a little better than the 3rd but neither were that great.

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