Wednesday, July 24, 2024

AEW Dynamite 7/24/2024

AEW Dynamite 7/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

We have two rings set up as Blood and Guts is tonight. 

Will Ospreay is interviewed in the parking lot. His car tired has been flattened and asks for the announcer's car and keys. Will is asked if he has ever driven in the US. Will says no and they drive away.

MJF comes out to talk and has cheerleaders for his entrance. He mocks the crowd for thinking Will could beat him. He calls Swerve "Shane". He says he's waiting for the right moment to pounce on him and take the title. He says he shines in the spotlight while Will melts in it. He said he beat Will without breaking a sweat. He tells Will to take a long walk off a short pier. He talks about Will's grandma dying and says some rude things.

He tells Will to come out if he doesn't like what he said, but of course Will can't. He says the people are unpatriotic and treasonous. He says he deserves a more worthy title and throws the title in the garbage. He then reveals the "American Championship" which has USA colors on it. He says he's not talking about Nashville when he talks about USA, he says he's talking about Plainview, Long Island, USA. He then shows a US flag with his head on the stars and shoots off streamers.

Will Ospreay then arrives goes after MJF. MJF then runs for it. Will talks about MJF cheating and said MJF would rather cheat than admit someone else is on his level. Will said he talked to Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels and has got his rematch at All In.

Bryce the ref is in the back for the coinflip. He goes up to The Elite and they have laid out Christopher Daniels. One of The Bucks say they have their own coin. They then flip it and it goes their way, giving them the advantage. They asks where Adam Page is as he's not here.

Thoughts: This was your usual stupid Elite segment. Why would Tony Khan and the ref allow this to happen? 

FTW Title - Chris Jericho (c) vs Minoru Suzuki

They trade chops for a while to start. They go between the two rings and MS hits more chops. They go back in the ring and more chops are exchanged. Jericho falls down due to chops and we go to PiP break. We return and they are still chopping away.

Jericho lariats him. Jericho botches a springboard spot and MS triangles him between the ropes. Jericho's head is banged off the commentary table then MS chairs him. MS chairs Jericho's hand then splits his fingers.

MS armbars him while splitting the fingers. Jericho eye rakes him then does a single leg codebreaker. They trade forearms on their knees. MS sleepers him. Jericho crabs him. MS sleepers him again. Jericho low blows him then hits a judas effect to win.

Thoughts: I didn't like this. They were likely playing it safe due to Suzuki getting a concussion recently but the endless slaps were silly and boring to watch.

Jericho poses after. Suzuki grabs him and hits a gotch style piledriver. Bryan Keith and Big Bill come to help out after. Katsuyori Shibata comes out and makes the save.

Renee interviews Willow Nightingale. Kris Statlander nails Willow from behind and throws her onto boxes. Stoke says they should have an eliminator match for the CMLL Women's Title that willow holds next week.

Bryan Danielson talks to Renee. He says his neck is fixable and he needs to make sure it stays that way. Jeff Jarrett walks in. He says he's crushed he didn't win The Owen Hart Tournament. He said Bryan is the perfect guy to win it and said he couldn't be more proud to raise his hand with the cup. He says Bryan is facing a focused champ. He says Bryan needs to heal up mentally and physically. He tells him to go all in if he is going to All In. He says a lot of people believe in him and he's at the top of the list. Bryan says he has work to do.

Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida

They show clips of them fighting all the way back to 5 years ago. Britt snapmaes her and side headlocks her. Britt rolls her up and goes for lockjaw.

They stand off and Britt is thrown out. They fight on the floor. Britt is thrown into the rail then Shida hits her on the rails. Britt hangs off the apron and Shida running knees her. We go to PiP break and return.

Britt neckbreakers her then hits a slingblade. Britt hits forearms and takes a german. Shida triangles her. Shida sits on her and guillotine chokes her. Britt hits a kick then Shida forearms her. Britt superkicks her. They botch a sunset flip and try pin attempts.

Britt spinning forearms her then spinning neckbreakers her. Shida falcon arrows her. Britt rolls her into a lockjaw and taps her out.

Thoughts: It went long and wasn't too good. Their offense didn't look that good here and the match didn't flow that great. It was a mistake to show clips from 2019 Britt vs Shida as Shida looked a lot better and both looked much younger.

Mercedes Mone comes out after. She says Britt's performance  was impressive. She says she knows Birtt wants a shot at All In. She says her answer is "no". Kamille from NWA then debuts and pump kicks Britt. Kamile torture racks her then bombs her out of it. 

Thoughts: Kamille now has red hair and lost a lot of her muscle, killing her look which was her main selling point. This isn't a great role for someone like her who was leading the women's division in another promotion.

The Patriarchy do a promo. christian says Nasville hasn't earned the right to see him in person. He says Nick will win Royal Rampage and CC let's Nick talk. Nick says he's a trio champ and soon to be a #1 contender. Nick goes up to Kip Sabian and asks why he's here. He says he will be the on to throw him out. He says no one cares that Kip's dad is dead and tells him to suck it up.

Pac vs Boulder

Pac spin kicks him then pump kicks him. Bear shoulders him over then misses a 2nd rope moonsault.  Pact stomps on Boulder and foot chokes him. Pac top rope ddt's Boulder. Pac suplexes him and wins.

It was a quick squash as expected here.

Team AEW does a does a promo. Swerve says the spirit of AEw is on the line tonight. He says they will show the elite what violence is all about. Darby says he isn't leading nothing. Darby says htis is about getting even with The Elite. He says they won't see eye to eye. Swerve says he will get violent with him if he wants. Max offers to get violent with Swerve and Darby. Bowens says this is about The Acclaimed getting the tag titles back and beating The Young Bucks. Mark Briscoe says we are putting all that aside and are Team AEW. Mark says they stand united tonight.

"The Glamour" Mariah May vs Caitlin Alexis

May has black and red on. She brings out heels with Toni's blood on them. May shotgun dropkicks her and pounds on her. May top rope dropkicks her. May pounds on her then running knees her. May hits a cradle shock. May corner hip attacks her and gets the win with a storm zero.

Thoughts: This was just another quick squash here with May doing Toni's moves.

Toni's music plays but May makes it seem like she played it. Toni comes in the ring after being dressed in disguise and they fight. Officials then come to break it up. Toni asks her if she's prepared to die and says she is.

Blood and Guts - Team AEW (Mark Briscoe, Swerve Strickland, Darby Allin and The Acclaimed) vs The Elite (The Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada, Adam Page and Jack Perry)

Darby and Jack Perry are first and second in. Jack hits Darby as he enters with a chair. Darby rolls down the steps then is powerbombed into the outside of the cage. Darby is thrown over the rails. Jack is sent into a garbage can in the seats. Darby lariats Jack over the rails to ringside. 

They get in the ring and Darby is hit with a trash can in the head. Jack chokes Darby with rope. Darby is lawn darted into a trash can between the ropes.  Darby is sent into the trash can. Darby chokes him with rope then Nick Jackson comes in. Nick as a briefcase and chair.

Darby is backbreakered and nick slingshot legdrops Darby. Darby is sent into the cage then superkicked. Darby is trapped between the ring and cage. Jack basement dropkicks a trash can into him. Darby is double teamed and worked over with a chair.  Jack pulls on Darby's head around the ropes.

Mark Briscoe is next in. Mark hits shots on the heels. He jumps off a chair and lariats Jack over the ropes. Nick double springboards and is caught with an exploder by Mark. Nick is thrown into a ladder in the corner. Darby drops a ladder on Nick. Mark swantons onto a ladder on Nick.  

Mark hits Nick with a trash can. Matt comes in with a briefcase. Mark is hit with the briefcase then Darby is DDT'd on it. Mark's head is banged off the cage and he's busted open. Darby is powerbombed into Mark's back. Darby takes double northern lights suplexes and is hit with a briefcase. Darby takes a top rope double stomp + dominator.

Bowens is next in. Bowens hits shots on Nick then lariats him over the ropes. Bowens superkicks Matt and kicks Jack. Bowens then hits the over the back fmaeasser on Jack and has a briefcase thrown at his head. Mark slams Matt then Mark is crotched up top. Matt lariats Darby.

Mark hits a top rope cutter on a Buck and Darby hits a rverse ddt on a Buck. Darby double stomps a skateboard with tacks on it into a Buck. Bowens hits Jack with scissors then stabs him with them. Bowens then shoves them against Jack's mouth.

Kazuchika Okada comes in and hits people with a street sign. Okada tombstones Mark. Okada dropkicks a chair into Mark. Bowens is slammed on a table and Mark takes a step up knee from a Buck. Okada forearm flurries Mark. Max Caster is next in.

Max hits Okada with a mic and hits others with a chain. A Buck is thrown into the cage then Jack is chaired by Max. Max comes off the top and chairs Okada. Mark chokes a Buck with a chair. Bowens takes a double hiptoss onto a barbed wire board. Bowens then is slammed onto it. Another board is put on Bowens and Nick swantons it into Bowens.

Max has tacks put in his mouth and then Max is double superkicked. Adam Page's music hits but he doesn't come out. The faces get offense in and a buck is explodered into the buckles. Bowens 2nd rope legdrops a Buck in the crotch.

Swerve Strickland is next in. Adam Page nails Swerve with a chair and pounds on him from behind. Page handcuffs Swerve to the cage. Mark is dropkicked into the barbed wire board. Page nails Prince Nana. He takes Swerve's title and hits him with it. He then pounds on him.

Mark is sent into the barbed wire. The Bucks get on the mic and ask Page what he is doing. They say they have a deal with Page. They threaten to fire him if he doesn't get in the ring. They lock the age and a Buck says to start hte match despite Swerve not being in it. Page and Okada stare down. Okada pushes him then the heels are beaten up on.

Max has a trash can dropkicked into him. A Buck taunts Swerve. Page takes a death valley driver from Mark. Page gets his knees up on Mark's top rope elbow drop.

Max takes a double enzugiri in the corner. Jeff Jarrett comes down the ramp with a guitar. His buddies try to stop him. Brandon Cutler then tries to stop him. Billy Gunn then comes down and hits Cutler. Jeff hits Cutler with a guitar. They then uncuff Swerve.

Nana gives Swerve pliers or wire cutters. Swerve gets into the ring. Swerve dropkicks Okada then 2nd rope euros him in the back. Swerve hiptosses Jack then suplexes him.

Swerve and Page stare down. They hockey fight between the rings. Page lariats him into the ring. Page puts the barbed wire board into Swerve's head. Darby hits a code red on Page. Everyone starts hitting a move.

Swerve take a low blow. The Elite get staple guns from the briefcase then they use them on Swerve. Swerve laughs and staples The Bucks and Jack. Okada dropkicks Swerve. Okada flips him off and Swerve staples the finger. Page buckshot lariats Okada on accident. Swerve staples Page in the jaw.

Swerve and Page fight on the ramp and stage. They both fall off and go through a table, though it's during PiP break and hard to see. The other wrestlers also fight on the ramp. A 2x2 stack of tables is set up. Nick and Bowens climb the cage. Bowens' head is banged off the cage and he falls through tables.

Mark hits four jay drillers on people in the ring. Mark top rope froggy bows a Buck through a table. Darby climbs to the roof of the cage and coffin drops Page through a table.

Jack is handcuffed to the cage then takes cane shots from Mark. Darby goes under the ring to get a weapon. Jack takes an unprotected chair shot. Matt is handcuffed to the cage. Darby has gas and a lighter. He pours gas all over Jack. Darby threatens to light him on fire if he doesn't quit. He also tells him to agree to a TNT Title match at All In. Matt gives Darby the TNT Title match and tells him to stop, saying he went too far. Darby tells Matt to say they quit and Matt does.

Thoughts: It wasn't my favorite Blood and Guts match. The Bucks knocking out Daniels and rigging the coin toss wasn't real believable, neither was Tony Khan not seeing or doing anything about it. There was little story and no real stipulations on the line here. Team AEW was filled with random people and not exactly AEW's top names. The match was pretty much all weapons shots based and that only gets you so far. I didn't like the match starting without everyone being in and again didn't get how that was allowed to happen. Maybe if Tony was knocked out again it would have worked, but he wasn't. The big spot was a fall off the cage through two ladders. I didn't like the finish as it was just people talking and that's not really exciting. It was okay overall but nowhere near the other Blood and Guts matches we saw.

Overall thoughts: It was a one match show and while that one match was okay, it wasn't great. It felt like a long show here. I didn't like Jericho/Suzuki. Britt/Shida wasn't good. We then had two random squashes and Blood and Guts, which was just okay. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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