Saturday, July 13, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 7/12/2024 Season 2, Episode 17

Mid-States Wrestling 7/12/2024 Season 2, Episode 17

Last week's show is here:

Kelsey Magnolia is supposed to be interviewed. Someone named Noelle runs up to her. Kelsey complains that she follows her everywhere she goes and it seems like she is stalking her. 

MSW Kansas Heavyweight Title - Burt Cameron (c) vs Donovan Era

Era and Burt lock up. Era side headlocks him. Burt spinebusters him. Burt hits knees to the gut. Era hits a knee to the body and stomps on him. Era chinlocks him and roughs him up a bit. Burt tries to get out of a suplex and both fall down. Era hits a northern lights bomb for 2.

Era hits mounted shots then michinoku drivers him. Era is thrown into the buckles chest first then Burt hits a big spear. Burt twisting brainbusters him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one that didn't get enough time. Era wasn't too bad a rough heel here. I liked Burt's spear but the match wasn't much.

Gary Roosevelt Gram does a promo. he says he's defending his title against Scott Hansen. He's not worried about him or his manager Stephen E., as he has two fists.

Stephen E. and Scott Hansen do a promo. E says when he puts his mind to something, it happens. He says he got Scott a shot at Gary. E says the belt will come home to them. Scott says him and Scott have a history over the title belt. Scott says he will walk away victorious tonight and says it's not a threat, but a promise.

Southern Heavyweight Title - Gary Roosevelt Gram vs Scott Hansen

Gary has his usual wild entrance and swings his chain around. Scott punches Gary on the handshake attempt. Scott flying shoulders him. Gary hiptosses him and Scott goes out. Scott is swept on the ropes and Gary elbows him as he hangs off the apron. Gary chops him against the post then Scott does it to him. Gary eye pokes him and hits chops. Scott back body drops him on the floor.

We go to break and return. Gary hits punches and bangs his head off the buckles. Scott jumps up to the top rope and flying back elbows Gary. Scott bangs Gary's leg off the mat. Scott running boots him. Scott suplexes him. Gary hits a spinning razor's edge.

Scott hits punches and grabs a chair. Gary hits him with double knees in the corner and facebusters him on the chair. Scott slams him then standing moonsaults a chair on him. Scott hits punches. Gary kicks him in the back. Scott hits more punches then hits a dropkick.

Gary hits punches then lariats him. Gary slams him. The ref is distracted by Stephen E. Scott low blows Gary then top rope moonsaults him to win.

Scott was good here and really is quite athletic. I didn't like the match though. The ref didn't really care about the chair being in the ring and I didn't like that it didn't mean that much towards the outcome of the match. I also didn't like Gary bending the rules with Scott then wanting sympathy later when Scott bent the rules and won the match off of it.

Overall thoughts: The opening segment was random and they didn't tell us who Noelle was, so it came off odd. Burt/Era didn't get enough time and Gram/Hansen wasn't that good though Hansen showed some athleticism. As usual, nothing was really announced for next time and I'm not fully confident that we will get any follow up on some of the happenings here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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