Monday, July 29, 2024

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/29/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 7

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/29/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 7

Day 6 is here:

Hiroshi Tanahashi and Toru Yano vs Yuya Uemura and Taka Michinoku

Tana and Yuya lock up. Yuya full-nelsons him then headscissors him. Yuya hits armdrags. Tana 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Yuya dropkicks Yano. Yano is knocked over with a double team then Taka puts just facelock on Yano. Yuya chops Tana and Tana hits shots back. Taka rolls up Yano for 2. Taka goes for the eye poke, Yano makes Taka poke himself in the eyes and rolls him up.

Thoughts: It was a short one here and pretty much a waste of everyone's time. It was over before it even got started and Taka's taking way too many losses to the most basic moves here.

Oleg Boltin and Katsuya Morishima vs Yota Tsuji and BUSHI

Oleg tries to takedown Yota and is stopped. They trade forearms then trade shoulderblocks. Yota hits forearms and Oleg shoulders him over. Oleg shoulders him over thne Yoa takes a double shoulderblock. Oleg slams KM onto Yota.

Yota knees KM in the gut. Bushi gets in. He snapmares KM for 2 then stomps him. Yota gets back in and slams KM. Yota calls for Hiromu, who is on commentary, to come in. Yota knees KM in the gut. They hit forearms on each other then KM slams him.

Oleg gets in and shoulders Yota over. Oleg slams him then splashes him for 2. Yota forearms Oleg in the gut. Oleg hits karelin's lift on him. Yota does the backbreaker into the curbstomp. KM flying forearms Bushi then dropkicks him. KM crabs Bushi and Yota breaks it.

Oleg dropkicks Yota out of the ring. KM and Bushi slap and forearm each other. Bushi dropkicks him then spinning neckbreakers him for 2. Bushi crabs KM and taps him out.

Thoughts: It was a decent little tag here with Oleg and Yota going at it, doing heavyweight style wrestling. KM showed some fire here before being put down. 

Jeff Cobb and HENARE vs El Phantasmo and Jado

Cobb throws ELP back off the lock-up. ELP wants to tag out and Jado doesn't. ELP side headlocks Cobb then is shouldered over again. Cobb flying euros ELP in the corner. ELP comes off the 2nd rope and is caught. ELP cradles him then hits a nice dropkick.

Cobb takes a double team and is double shouldered over. Henare and Cobb beat up on Jado. Henare punches Jado in the gut. Cobb headbutts Jado in the gut then stands on his back.

Cobb misses a standing moonsault. ELP goes up and over Cobb. He springboard twisting crossbodies him then asai moonsaults him for 2. ELP 2nd rope tornado ddt's him. Cobb catches a superkick and suplexes him overhead.

Henare and Jado fight. Jado pulls Henare over the top then 2nd rope brdiging ddt's him for 2. ELP throws Cobb out then 2nd rope moonsaults him. Jado lariats Henare and is headbutted. Henare full-nelson's Jado and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't much and was just filler. Jado wasn't treated like a real threat in this one and it was on the shorter end of things. 

Tomoaki Honma and Hirooki Goto vs Ren Narita and Yoshinobu Kanemaru

The faces get jumped before the match starts. They knock the heels out of the ring. Honma hits forearms on YK. Honma shoulders him over and misses a falling headbutt drop. YK baseball slides him in the back and bangs his head off the buckles.

Ren chokes Honma with a shirt. YK boots Honma in the head while he's on the apron. Ren stomps on Honma then Honma hits a flatliner + ddt combo on both opponents. Goto gets in and double spinning heel kicks the heels in the corner. He then hits a double bulldog.

Goto lariats Ren over then Ren takes a double shoulderblock. Honma falling headbutts Ren. YK pulls out Goto and Ren hits Honma with the push-up board. Ren facebusters him and wins.

It was a short waste of time and of course, HoT had to use a weapon to win here. 

Francesco Akira & Konosuke Takeshita vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay & Gedo)

KT and DF go at it. DF flips him off and tags out.  Akira and Gedo get in. DF hits Akira from behind and fights with KT outside. KT is sent into the rails. Gedo chokes Akira on the ropes. Akira is also sent into the rails outside. Akira's head is banged off the buckle. He hits chops on DF and is knocked over with a forearm.

Akira is sent hard into the buckles. DF running corner euros him then Akira rolls him up for 2. Akira rolls him into a double stomp. KT gets in and hits forearms on DF. KT flying lariats him then plancha's Gedo.

DF spinning forearms KT. DF uranage backbreakers him. DF and KT lariat each other down at the same time. Gedo eye rakes Akira then hits punches. Akira flying leg lariats him. Akira hits a high kick and a spinning neckbreaker. DF and KT Trad shots in the ring and both go over the top on a KT lariat. Akira sitout gordbusters Gedo and meteora's him in the back of the head to win.

Thoughts: It was another short midcard match. KT went at it with DF some but it was nothing too special and just filler.

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - EVIL vs Callum Newman

Dick Togo beats up CN on the ramp as he enters. CN openly takes a 2v1 with the ref watching. CN suplexes Evil on the ramp. CN corkscrew kicks him. Togo trips CN then CN is sent into the rails multiple times. CN is getting counted out and Togo throws him over the rail. CN jumps off the rail, over Togo and gets back in. Evil fisherman suplexes him for 2.

Evil hits chops and CN enzugiri's him. Evil puts him on the 2nd rope and dropkicks him in the back. CN trips him and double stomps his back. CN crabs him. Evil grabs the ref and Dick Togo gets in. Togo chokes CN with a weapon. CN superkicks Togo.

The ref is thrown into CN. CN uses the ref to hit a magic killer on Evil. CN lying knees him for 2. Evil catches his os cutter attempt and throws him into the exposed buckle. Evil hits everything is evil and wins.

Thoughts: It was BS before it even started with CN getting jumped on the ramp, in full view of the ref and the ref not caring. It was the usual HoT nonsense and it sucked like it always does.

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - Great-O-Khan vs Jake Lee

Khan armdrags him then armlocks him. Khan is thrown over the top and into the rails. Jake cravates him. Khan hits some chops. Jake boots him then slams him. Jake hits knees to the gut and sleepers him.

Khan takes him down by the leg and hits kicks and knees to the leg. Khan does something like an ankle lock and Jake ropebreaks. Khan ankle locks him then does a leglock. Jake ropebreaks again.

Jake knees him and takes a pump kick. Khan hits mongolian chops then straight punches him. Khan shoots into Jake's knee then is backdropped for 2. Jake misses a corner facekick and is german suplexed.

Jake hits a knee to the gut then Khan flatliners him. Khan hits a claw slam and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this. Khan did a bunch of leg/ankle work that didn't really go anywhere and Jake didn't bring much to this.

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - Shota Umino vs Zack Sabre Jr.

They escape wristlocks. Zack bridges out of one and trips him. Zack upkicks him out of the wristlock. Shota shoulders him over. Shota drops him on his chest then basement dropkicks him. Zack legsweeps him from the apron. Zack hits leg kicks.

Zack euros him in the ring and Shota hits forearms. Shota hits a nice dropkick. Shota fisherman suplexes him. Zack hits a facekick then Shota slingshot ddt's him over the middle rope onto the apron. Shota springboard dropkicks him and exploders him.

Zack throws him over and dropkicks him in the knee. Zack stomps his legs into the mat. Shota hits a cross rhodes. Shota hits ignition. Zack ties the leg up and Shota cradles him. Shota hits death rider for 2.  

Shota goes for a euro and Zack triangles him. Zack leglocks him. Zack hits leg kicks and euros. They trade euros. Shota takes a PK then step up enzugiri's him. Shota euros him. Zack release germans him then Shota euros him in the back of the neck. Shota hits a pump handle emerald flowsion and death riders him for the win.

Thoughts: Shota got his leg worked on for almost all of this then none of it played into the finish. I thought it ended a bit early and just wasn't that great at the end of the day.

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - Shingo Takagi vs Gabe Kidd

They trade forearms to start and go head to head. They facekick each other and shoulder each other over. They collide with shoulders in the ring and trade forearms.

They trade chops. Shingo hits chops and punches. Gabe suplexes him and gives him the middle finger. Shingo corner lariats him and suplexes him for 2. Shingo hits a combo ending in a lariat. Gabe bites Shingo.

They trade chops. Shingo bites him then Gabe exploders him. Shingo exploders him then Gabe backdrops him. Shingo backdrops him and Gabe shoulders him over. They run at each other with lariats. Gabe lariats him then hits lariats with both arms. They trade headbutts and Shingo hits a hard running lariat.

Gabe piledrivers him and Shingo sliding lariats him. Shingo lariats him. Gabe hits slaps and Shingo slaps him down. Shingo hits forearms then chest headbutts him. Shingo sliding lariats him and Gabe hits a rebound lariat. Shingo headbutts him down. Gabe headbutts him then hits double piledrivers for the win.

Thoughts: Like pretty much every G1 match so far, I thought they could have gone a little longer. What we got was exactly what you would want out of this one - pretty much all strikes and aggressive, intense fighting. This was nothing but chops, headbutts and lariats and was wrestling the way I like it. 

G1 Climax 2024 Block A Match - SANADA vs Tetsuya Naito

Naito side headlocks him. Sanada wristlock takedowns him and Naito headscissors him. Naito side headlocks him. Sanada is knocked off the apron. Naito goes to pose and Sanada basement dropkicks him. Naito is sent into the rails. Naito is dropped neck first on the rail.

Sanada drops him on the apron. Sanada elbows him in the back of the neck then sleepers him. Naito hits forearms and is back body dropped. Naito reverse ddt's him on the knee then baseball slides him in the back of the neck. Naito baseball slides him in the back of the head again and neckbreakers him on the knee. Naito neckbreakers him.

Naito wraps his legs around Sanada's head. Sanada dropkicks him off the leapfrog. Sanada plancha's him outside. Sanada russian legsweeps him for 2. Naito back elbows him then neckbreakers him. Naito hits back elbows then 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Sanada hits a magic screw.

They each miss moves then Naito spinebusters him. Naito goes for destino and Sanada TKO's him out of it. Sanada shining wizards him. Sanada hits a top rope moonsault for 2. Naito brainbusters him. Sanada blocks destino and backrolls him for 2. Sanada shining wizards him. Naito hits a bad destino for 2. Naito hits another destino and wins.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining match with the various shining wizards and destino attempts. It wasn't their best work or effort but it was a fun main event.

Naito gets on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: The non-G1 matches were a waste of time except for one match. Sanada and Naito was entertaining but not their best work. I liked Kidd/Shingo and it was what you would want out of that matchup. The other G1 matches weren't that good. It was a two match show and I didn't think it was a great show overall. I'd give it an average rating mostly for the two top matches being good.

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