Saturday, July 27, 2024

AEW Battle of the Belts XI 7/27/2024

AEW Battle of the Belts XI 7/27/2024

The last Battle of the Belts is here: 

AEW Women's Title Eliminator Match - Toni Storm  vs Taya Valkyrie

Taya throws her glasses at Toni. Toni has her hair back and has different makeup on. She puts on Taya's sunglasses. She thesz presses her and hits mounted punches. Toni suplexes her then hair throws her with the glasses on. Toni hip attacks her off the apron.

Toni is tripped into the steps with the glasses on then is meteora'd against the steps. Toni still has the glasses on and Taya chops her. Taya is thrown into the rails. Taya has Toni on her shoulders and drops her face first onto the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Taya half crabs her. Toni backcrackers her on the ropes then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Toni hip attacks her then ddt's her. Taya hits a chop flurry on her. Taya sliding germans her. Taya hits a weak spear then hits a jade end for 2.

Taay is on her back and pulls on her chin. Toni hits storm zero and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like Toni wrestling with the sunglasses on. That shouldn't be allowed. It was just a match and wasn't anything too special.

Toni gets on the mic after. She says this tramp is still the champ. She says Mariah May was perfect and all her dreams to come to life. She says May "was a better me than I was". She said she made a mistake though and said when she had her on her knees, she should have cut her head off.

Kip Sabian is interviewed. He says he lost his father and says the last four months have been a rollercoaster. He said it made him realize about doing his family proud. He said what's important to him is being the best wrestler in this company. He said Nick Wayne had a good showing in Royal Rampage, but he eliminated him. He says Nick knows where to find him. Kip says he's back and better than ever.

CMLL World Women's Title Eliminator Match - Willow Nightingale vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Willow wristlocks her. Willow throws her down. DP back elbows her then pins her down for 2 counts. Willow slams her and shoulders her over. DP is caught on a flying headscissors and dropped down on her shoulder. Willow low crossbodies her for 2. Willow misses a corner charge. We go to PiP break and return.

Willow hits lariats then corner hip attacks her. Willow superkicks her then spinebusters her for 2. Willow suplexes her. Willow gets crotched up top then falls down backwards. Willow death valley drivers her for 2. Willow superplexes her. DP holds on and forearms her.

They trade forearms. Willow hits a big lariat. Taya Valkyrie comes out. She has a turnbuckle connector and DP tries to get it. Thunder Rosa comes down and goes after Taya. WIllow pounces DP then hits a doctor bomb to win.

Thoughts: They had two dangerous moments here with both taking unplanned falls. It's hard to put this one since it was so sloppy and had a dirty finish.

ROH World Six Man Tag Team Title Match - Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs (Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich) vs. The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong)

Kevin Von Erich is with his sons. Paul Wight is on commentary but is having audio issues. Strong and Ross start us off. Strong wristlocks him. Ross kips up and dropkicks him. Marshall hits a dropkick on Strong.

Mike hits chops on Marhsall then Marshall hiptosses him. Marshall hiptosses Taven. Dustin lariats Taven. Taven takes a corner attacks then Marshall standing moonsaults him for 2. Taven dropkicks Marshall then Marshall hits more dropkicks. The faces hit a triple attack and we go to PiP break.

We return and Mike forearms Ross. Taven suplexes Ross for 2. Taven chinlocks Ross. Ross slingblades Strong when Strong gets in. Dustin gets the tag in and he hits shots on Mike. He powerslams Strong and mike. Taven springboards and is hit in the crotch. Dustin bulldogs Taven. Dustin canadian destroyers Mike. Dustin hits cross rhodes and a piledriver for 2.

Ross is thrown into the post. Mike spinebusters Dustin. Dustin backrolls Mike. Taven springboard enzugiri's Mike. Strong flying kicks Dustin. Taven is thrown into the rails outside and superkicks Ross. Marshall is thrown into the post. The heels bring the title belts into the ring and Mike hits Dustin with a cowbell for 2.

Katsuyori Shibata comes down and puts the claw on Taven. Kevin Von Erich claws Strong. Marshall spinning lariats Mike. Dustin twister brainbusters Mike and wins.

Thoughts: Shibata coming down was random. The match was okay but it didn't have the greatest finishing stretch. Marshall looked good as usual here and it was fast paced with a lot of action. As a fan, I liked seeing The Von Erich's win. But booking wise, it was random. The VE's haven't been around for a while outside of the last week and unless things have changed, they usually are only around temporarily. I'm not sure why this was done on here instead of the ROH PPV which was night before, but at least we got an actual title change on Battle of the Belts.

Overall thoughts: We only had three matches here. The first two weren't that good and The Von Erich's got the win in an upset in the main. We did get a rare title change on Battle of the Belts which is appreciated as this show has had a reputation for having nothing happen. It would have been nice to get a world title match on here though. I wouldn't recommend this one and it was just average.

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