Saturday, July 20, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 1/8/1996

WCW Monday Nitro 1/8/1996

Last week's show is here:

Eric Bischoff, Mongo McMichael and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the show. Pepe the Dog has a cowboy type of jacket on. 

Chris Benoit vs Alex Wright

CB stomps Alex before he gets his jacket off. CB suplexes Alex then back elbows him. CB slams him and headbutts him. CB throws him backwards then northern lights suplexes him. Alex is thrown out then Pillman chokes Alex with a shirt outside.

Alex and CB trade shots and CB chops him. Alex flips over him off the top and leg lariats him. Alex twisting crossbodies him off the top then catapults CB over the top to the floor. Alex baseball slides him then top rope dives him.

Alex stomps CB then dropkicks him. Alex slams him then crabs him. They trade chops for punches and Alex back elbows him. Alex suplexes him for 2. Pillman trips Alex so Alex plancha's him.

CB hits Alex as he gets on the apron. Alex hits euros then CB dragon suplexes him for the win.

It was a decent match here with Alex bringing the flying and CB chopping him down.

William Regal vs Eddie Guerrero

They lock up. Eddie wristlocks him. Regal rolls through it. Eddie hammerlocks him and goes for a pin. Regal wristlocks him and then Eddie reverses it. Regal side headlocks him. Eddie knees him in the gut as the announcers rip "The Royal Fumble".

Regal forearms him. Eddie leapfrogs him then Regal knees him in the gut. Eddie armdrags him then flying headscissors him. Eddie dropkicks him and Regal eye pokes him. Eddie hits him from behind then does a nice brdige pin.

Regal euros him and hits knees to the head. Regal reverse suplexes him. Regal hits euros and chinlocks him. Regal eye rakes him with his feet.

Real hits forearms and they trade pin attempts. Regal elbow drops Eddie's head then hits punches to the face. Regal does something like a dragon sleeper. Regal euros him then backhand slaps him. Real hits more stiff shots and Eddie backslides him out of nowhere to win.

Regal then forearms Eddie after and euros him out of the ring.

Thoughts: This was another Eddie fluke win like the one from a few weeks ago. It was very one-sided and Regal beat the crap out of him here with lots of nasty looking shots.

Mean Gene interviews Lex Luger and Sting on the ramp. Gene says Sting has questions for Lex. Sting asks Lex about him pulling him down at Starrcade during the triangle match. Lex says he was hurt and reached out to get help up. Lex asks Sting to give him another chance at Clash of The Champions in tag action. Sting said they would make a good tag team (even though they had just teamed up last week).

Sting vs Diamond Dallas Page

DDP puts his cigar in Sting's face then DDP back elbows him. DDP hits knees and punches. DDP stomps him. Sting double axe handles him to the back. DDP gets caught in the ropes and Sting dropkicks him out. Sting then plancha's him outside.

Sting tries to leapfrog DDP but doesn't make it all the way over and goes down. DDP stomps him then backdrops him. DDP hits a shake, rattle and roll for 2.

DDP chinlocks him and uses the ropes. Sting facebusters DDP then hits punches. Sting atomic drops him then dropkicks him into the corner. Sting hits a stinger splash. Sting goes for the scorpion deathlock but DDP grabs the ropes. Sting has his throat pulled over the top rope. DDP neckbreakers him for 2.

Sting cradles him for 2 and DDP eye pokes him. Sting flips out of the backdrop then scorpion deathlocks him. DDP taps out.

This was a good showing for DDP and they put him over strong here. Heenan talked about how DDP was a main eventer and they teased him being able to upset Sting. I did not expect that and figured Sting would just squash him. I liked this.

Hulk Hogan and "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs The Four Horsemen (Ric Flair and Arn Anderson)

Hulk shoulders Ric over. Ric trips him into a front facelock then Hulk hammerlocks him. Ric chops him and eye pokes him. Hulk hits a nice big boot on Ric. Hulk 2v1's the heels and the heels go out. Arn calls for timeout.

Hulk wristlocks Arn then Macho top rope double axe handles Arn. Macho rams Arn into Hulk's big boot. Macho top rope double axe handles Arn outside. Ric chops down Macho.

Ric elbows Macho then Macho throws him off the buckles. Macho figure fours him then Hulk figure fours Arn. Arn ddt's Macho then Macho is thrown over the top. Macho ends up under the guard rail. Ric boots Macho. We go to break and return.

Arn abdominal stretches Macho. Rich hits a punch flurry on Macho. Ric backdrops Macho. Macho sleepers Arn but Ric grabs him from behind. Ric sends Macho into the rails. Ric kneebreakers Macho and Macho cradles him. 

Arn gets some shots in on Macho then Macho tags out. Hulk hits punches on Ric then back body drops him. Hulk lariats Ric and Arn then is hit from behind by Ric. Hulk double lariats the heels over the top rope. Arn spinebusters Hulk. Hulk no sells it and hulks up. Hulk hits shots on Arn then hits the big boot. Hulk pins Arn as The Dungeon of Doom come out.

Thoughts: It was an average tag for the most part. I didn't like Hogan no selling Arn's finisher and Hogan ended up winning here as expected. I'm not sure why they had The Dungeon come out after the match as if they had ran in, it could have saved Ric and Arn a loss. Ric and Arn really do need to get some wins here if they are going to be pushed as top heels. I doubt Pillman will be yelling about them losing even though he should if they are keeping this angle up.

The Dungeon beat up The Horsemen then Giant bangs Hulk and Macho's heads together. Giant hits a bad chokeslam on Hulk then gives Macho one too. Zodiac stops Giant from doing more damage and they leave together.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall with a decent undercard here and an average main event. DDP got put over some in his loss to Sting and it's hard to complain about undercards with Eddie, Regal and Benoit. Storyline wise, it wasn't a hot show. It wasn't the most interesting episode storyline wise as it feels like we're kind of done with the Macho/Lex/Sting/Hulk thing and The Dungeon of Doom vs The Horsemen isn't as interesting.

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