Monday, July 15, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 7/14/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 7/14/2024

Note - There hasn't been any new footage, so I did not cover the show lately. The last show I saw was here:

Drew Ebenhaus and Lucky P. Larson are our commentators. Larson says The LA Hustlers are the tag champs again and he's happy. Larson laughs about The Top Guns losing the tag titles and Drew runs down the card.

Brandon Baretta vs Wrex Amadeus

BB waistlocks him and Wrex reverses it. Larson says the ratings can go back up now that he's back. They shoulder each other and BB side headlocks him. BB 2nd rope shoulderblocks him then corner pslashes him. BB bulldogs him then Wrex hits a lariat.

Wrex corner lariats him and hits a corner spear and club. BB is thrown into the buckles and goes down. Wrex slams him then corner splashes him. Wrex hiptosses him.

BB goes up and over then BB fisherman suplexes him to win.

Thoughts: BB looked good out here and it was nice to see Wrex not get totally squashed for a change. It was a short one and the finish needed a little more build. 

We see clips of Atila Khan vs Curtis Wylde with Danny Boy as the ref. Curt gets tripped by Stephen E's girl Lilith Khan. Khan double throat thrusts him and elbow drops him. Khan chains Curt and is disqualified for it.

The LA Hustlers and Max Alworth surround Danny Boy. Ron Powers comes out with baseball bats. He gives Danny one and the heels leave.

Danny gets on the mic, points at his bat and says let me introduce you to my little friend. Ron tells Khan to get in the ring so he can make him look like a Picaso painting. The heels head to the back.

Drew Ebenhaus interviews Danny and Ron in the ring. Danny said Herb Simmons asked him to do something and he will do it for him. He says if he gets in trouble, big brother Ron Powers is coming with him. Drew asked Ron what changed since he walked off. Ron says he's glad he was in the right spot at the right time. He says he's coming after the heels.

We go back to the show. Drew interviews Lucky P. Larson and Stephen E. E says the last show as a mess and there's a conspiracy against him and Larson. He says the only way to stop a conspiracy is start their own. E says him and Larson will take over. He says they will ascend to the top of the business and says he will be his right hand man.

Larson says when you are at the top, everyone else has to band together to get to the leave they reach. Larson says since others are joining forces, they have little choice but to join forces themselves. Larson says every last man will feel the wrath of E and Larson.

E says he will not be at the next show as his investors want to talk to him about the deal. He says he will be part of the list of people who run St. Louis wrestling and SICW. E says when he purchases this company, Drew is the first person gone. 

Drew interviews Glenn Williams and "Trending" Trent Daniels. Glenn says he's excited to team with Trent and says it will be fun. He gives his well wishes to Sean Vincent. He tells him he loves him. Glenn says he needed a tag partner who was as viral as he is and said he needed to pop a rating tonight.

Trent says tonight will not be a contest. He says there is no contest. Trent says Gary Jackson is past his prime and says Billy McNeil is past his time too. He says they will trend for being on their back. Glenn says they will keep being awesome.

Kowalski vs Eagle Eye

I haven't seen Eye before. Jerry Lane is the ref and is making his debut as a ref. Kowalski side headlocks him. Eye puts one on then is shouldered over. Kowalski foot chokes him then eye is thrown out.

Lucky P. Larson gets a boot in on Eye outside. Kowalski headbutts Eye then Eye dropkicks him. Eye step up enzugiri's him then hits a corner splash. Kowalski catches him in the air with a nice sidewalk slam. Kowlaski vader bombs him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter squash as expected here. Kowalski got the win as expected. I liked Kowalski's sidewalk slam. 

Drew interviews Gary Jackson and Billy McNeil. Gary says it's good to be back and he's looking forward to teaming with Billy. Billy said he has never heard of Trent Daniels before. Gary says Glenn Williams is all talk and nothing else. Gary says Billy is part of the band and is the biggest fighter in the dressing room. Billy says it's not about the size of the dog, but he'll fight ya. Gary says to come check the show if you can. 

Bobby D vs Rob Stardom

They say Rob is a newcomer. Bobby forearms him and Rob slaps him. They trade forearms and Bobby hits chops. Bobby back elbows him then hits a suplex. Rob hits chops on Bobby then Bobby chops him.

Rob boots him out of the corner then hits a big lariat. Larson says he has now managed 42 title winning teams. Rob hits forearms and chops then neckbreakers Bobby. Rob sliding lariats Bobby for 2. Bobby sharpshooters him and Rob taps out.

Thoughts: Rob had a good showing here with some fire behind his strikes. I didn't love the submission finish but these two matched up okay.

Drew interviews Danny Boy and Ron Powers. Danny says he's here to do what Herb asked and said he's here to take care of business. Danny says anyone who wants to try something with him, come try. Ron says he sees what is going on around here. 

He says Danny is like a brother to him and says Herb is like a father to him. Ron says he also made a promise to his family not to get in the ring again. He said he had no desire to wrestle again until last night. Ron says hopefully he can keep being in the right place at the right time. He says if he keeps seeing these enemies attack his promotion and family, he may have to step in again. He says he has two families and maybe his family back home will understand. Ron says he's not changing his mind but says once you are out, they start to suck you back in. He says he loves this promotion. He thanks the fans and says he has a few decisions to make. 

Drew says Danny and Ron had a blood feud at one time but have come together for the sake of SICW.  Danny says with two brothers, you always want to be the best out of the two. He says mess with the two brothers and you will see what happens to you. Danny isn't happy with Stephen E. saying he will be as good as Herb or Larry Matysik. Danny says that makes him want to stick the bat where it doesn't shine more. Ron says the days of ganging up on Herb or Danny are over.

Thoughts: It was a good promo and continued what we have been hearing for months from Ron.

Promoter's Corner - Wrestling at the Chase - Harley Race vs Spike Huber

Race slams Spike then Spike cradles him for a close 2. Spike hits a nice hiptoss and slam. Spike side headlock takeovers him then side headlocks him. Race knee lifts him. Spike side headlocks him again. Spike hits a nice side suplex then side headlocks him.

Race misses a dropkick then Spike dropkicks him. Spike slams him then side headlock takeovers him. Rce rolls him into a pin attempt but Spike keeps the hold on. Race hits headbutts then is back body dropped. Spike side headlock takeovers him.

Race headbutts him in the gut and snapmares him. Race kneedrops him then neckbreakers him. Race hits another kneedrop then throws him out. 

Race hits him outside and misses a diving headbutt on the floor. Spike hits shots outside then hits punches inside. Spike drops Race. Spike is thrown into the ropes and Race jumps up. They collide in mid air then it happens again.

Race hits a knee and is thrown off the top. Spike splashes him. Spike runs right into a piledriver then Race gets the win.

It was a little headlock heavy early but Spike's comeback at the end was nice and Race's piledriver looked nasty. I wouldn't have done the mid-air collision spot twice though.

"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams and "Trending" Trent Daniels vs Gary Jackson and Billy McNeil

Gary hammerlocks Trent. Trent reverses it. Larson says there's a big difference between them - Trent has hair. Gary hiptosses and armdrags him. Billy elbows Trent's arm off the ropes. Trent knees Billy in the gut. Billy tries to flip out of a hiptoss but misses. Billy hiptosses and armdrags him.

Billy la magistral's him for 2. Gary and Glenn get in. Gary side headlocks him, shoulders him and armdrags him over. They run into each other and Glenn lariats him over.

Trent foot chokes Gary. Gary's head is banged off of Glenn's foot. Glenn hits shots on Gary then boots him. Trent chokes Gary in the corner. Trent running boots him. Gary takes a double suplex.

Gary hits a double lariat and tags in Billy. Billy top rope elbow drops a bent over Glenn. Billy then gets the win.

They had a rough night here with two botches. I thought the finish could have been done better and thought they needed more time.

Overall thoughts
: It was good to have SICW back with some new content though it wasn't the greatest show. It was nice to see Wrex Amadeus not be jobbed out totally here. We saw two newer wrestlers to SICW in Eagle Eye and Rob Stardom and the main was a bit rough. They continue to tease Ron Powers' return to action and Larson/Stephen E are now aligning together.  I wouldn't really recommend it but I did find enjoyment in it.

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