Thursday, July 18, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 7/13/2024 Summer Action Series 2024 Day 1

All Japan Pro Wrestling 7/13/2024 Summer Action Series 2024 Day 1

I saw all but one match.

Hideki Suzuki & Hikaru Sato vs. Dan Tamura & Ryo Inoue

Dan and Sato go at it. Sato gets taken down off a leg kick attempt. Dan side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Sato goes for the armbar and is stomped. They trade chops for forearms and clubs.

Sato kimuras him and HS gets in. Ryo boots HS then Dan flying shoulders HS. Ryo hits kicks on HS and corner dropkicks him. Ryo chest kicks him for 2. HS finlay rools him then Ryo hits a headbutt. HS hits forearms to the gut then cobra twists him. HS then taps him out.

Thoughts: It was a short and nothing match that was a waste of time. Nobody tried here at all.

Kuroshio TOKYO Japan, MUSASHI, Seigo Tachibana & Seiki Yoshioka vs. Cyrus, Hokuto Omori, Jack Kennedy & Kuma Arashi

Jiro goofs around during his entrance and gets surrounded by the heels and beat up on. Everyone fights outside. Jiro gets stomped on by Kuma and Cyrus in the ring Jiro gets dropped by 4 people in the ring. Jack hits chops on Jiro then fallaway slams him.

Jiro takes a splash from Cyrus. Cyrus stands on Jiro's hair and pulls him. Cyrus hip throws him. Kuma slams him then pulls on his nostrils. Jiro flying forearms him. Jack takes step up enzugiri's from MS and Seiki then two dosey do and hit their opponents. MS and Seiki do stereo superkicks.

Kuma takes a double suplex. Seigo and Omori get in. Seigo hits shots and gets his eyes raked. Seigo running facekicks him. Omori takes corner attacks from his opponents then Siego spears him. Cyrus' opponents all try attacks on him but can't knock him down. Seigo crossbodies him, gets caught and his partners dropkick him over. Kuma then hits a three person crossbody.

Jack flying shoulders Seigo then Omori running forearms Seigo in the corner. Omori brainbusters Seigo for 2. Omori low blows Seigo then Cyrus powerbombs Seigo. Omori top rope splashes Eigo and wins.

It was an okay 8-man tag and made sense with the faces not being able to take down Cyrus and Seigo getting singled out and beaten. 

Shotaro Ashino & The Bodyguard vs. Ren Ayabe & Ryuki Honda

SA = Shotaro Ashino

Body and Ren go at it. Ren backs him up on the ropes and rubs his head. Body side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Body spears him. Ren then lariats him over.

Honda and SA go at it. Honda wristlocks him and side headlocks him. SA takes him down and back elbows him. SA goes out and they trade forearms out there. Honda chokes him on the rails. Honda back elbows him.

Ren gets in. They trade forearms and SA goes down. Ren chinlocks him. SA running forearms him. Body comes in and corner lariat flurries Ren in the corner. Body facekicks Honda off the apron. Body and SA hit a double shoulder then a double elbow drop.

Ren slams SA. Honda comes in and running lariats SA. SA germans Honda for 2. Ren running facekicks SA then Honda spinebusters SA. Body hits chops on Ren then Ren dropkicks him. SA ankle locks Honda. SA pop up euros him then Honda running spears and running lariats him. Honda hits a running single arm powerbomb and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag that needed more time. Honda and SA clicked here but it felt like it ended at the best part of the match.

AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Title Match - Rising HAYATO (c) vs. Naruki Doi

Doi side headlocks RH and RH headscissors him. RH works the wristlock and Doi reverses it. RH headflips out and chops him. Doi goes up and over then RH spinning headscissors him out. Doi takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

RH hits boots on him then Doi dropkicks him in the knee. Doi wraps RH's leg around the rails and kicks it. Doi dropkicks RH's knee against the ropes then dragon screws him. RH shotgun dropkicks him into the corner then bulldogs him. RH springboard plancha's him outside.

Doi moves out of a springboard and ties his legs up. Doi is tripped into the ropes and RH slingshot ddt's him on the apron. RH springboard legdrops Doi's neck for 2. RH goes to springboard and is thrown back.

They trade forearms. Doi kicks him in the leg. RH superkicks him then dropkicks him on the ropes. Doi falcon arrows him. Doi ddt's him for 2 then RH superkicks him. Doi rolls him up for 2 then RH superkicks him. RH falcon arrows him.

Doi gets his knees up on an asai moonsault and hits a brainbuster soon after for 2. Doi hits doi fives and sliding kicks him for 2. RH plays possum then tombstones him for 2. RH missing a tope rope moonsault then cradles Doi for 2. RH rolls him up for 2 then b-drivers him. Doi rolls him up off of it and wins.

I didn't like this at all. They had leg work early that went nowhere and wasn't followed up on then they basically no sold finishers near the end.

AJPW World Tag Team Title Match - The Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) (c) vs. Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi

Jun and Ken start us off. Ken clean breaks him but Jun boots him. Ken hits a facekick, Jun headscissors him and they stand off. Jun chops Ken on the ropes then is tripped into the ropes. Jun takes a double back elbow.

Yuma boots and euros Jun. Yuma is tripped into the ropes then attacked by Rei. All 4 fight outside and Ken is sent into the rails. Jun throws Ken over the rails.

Rei hits corner forearms on Yuma then slams him. Jun stands on Yuma and Rei joins him. Yuma tries to fight off the 2v1 but is double teamed with chops. The brothers run into each other when Yuma moves.

Ken gets in and hits dropkicks to the knee and the side of the head of Jun. Ken and Jun trade forearms. Jun running facekicks him. Rei gets in and knocks Kento into the corner. Rei hits headbutts and a cop flurry.

Rei goes for a piledriver on Ken but is back body dropped. They trade forearms for chops then Ken flying pumping knees him. Rei crossbodies him.

Yuma and Jun get in. Yuma dropkicks Jun then traes forearms with him. Jun shoulders him over and running facekicks him. Jun suplexes him for 2. Yuma hits a dropkick.

Jun takes corner attacks then Yuma top rope crossbodies Jun. Rei double lariats Ken and Yuma. Yuma dropkicks Rei out and Ken 2nd rope superplexes Jun. Yuma hits forearms on Rei. Rei splashes him on the ropes then Yuma rock bottoms him.

Yuma and Jun trade shots. Yuma rolls him into a seated guillotine choke which Jun eventually escapes. Yuma takes a double chokeslam for 2. Yuma ducks a doomsday device then germans Rei. Ken flying pumping knees Jun. Ken slaps Yuma to wake him up then they double knee Jun for 2. Yuma fisherman's busters Jun for 2. Yuma takes a running knee. Ken pumping knees Rei then takes a palm strike to the face. Yuma takes a doomsday device and Jun pins Yuma.

It was a solid tag here with Ken and Yuma acting as the underdogs trying to take down the big guys. I didn't like Yuma hitting the rock bottom here as it was a little hard to believe. It wasn't a classic but it was what it needed to be.

Triple Crown Title Match - Yuma Anzai (c) vs. Suwama

Suwama said he wouldn't challenge for the Triple Crown again if he doesn't win this. Yuma backs him up in the corner and they mat wrestle. They trade forearms. Suwama enzugiri's him and ddt's him. Yuma is thrown into the rails outside.

Yuma springboards off the rails and forearms him. Yuma hits forearms outside the ring then inside of it. Suwama sleepers him and puts him in tree of woe. Suwama chokes him while he's in it.

Yuma hits forearms and is chopped down. Suwama elbow drops him for 2 then grounded guillotines him. Suwama lariats Yuma then belly to belly suplexes him. Yuma 2nd rope dropkicks him. Yuma forearms him then hits a belly to belly. Yuma dropkicks him.

Suwama flying shoulders him. They trade forearms. Suwama headbutts him. They trade running lariats for running forearms. They then german each other and both fall down. 

They trade forearms. Yuma tries to running knee him and is belly to belly suplexed. Suwama corner lariats him and germans him. Suwama spinning lariats him for 2. Yuma double underhook suplexes him then facelocks him. Yuma flying knees Suwama then germans him for 2. Yuma facelocks him.

Suwama hits a backdrop then running lariats him. Suwama backdrops Yuma three times. Yuma germans him and flying knees him. Yuma hits flying knees to the back and front then Yuma backdrops him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match as expected. Yuma did his usual offense and Suwama didn't do a ton here but forearms, backdrops and lariats. It was simple and effective but not a classic. It really could have used some big spots or just something out of the norm to get this to the next level.

Yuma talks on the mic after and Ryuki Honda comes out to challenge him for the title.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall but nothing was must see. I liked the top two matches most here. The Junior Title match was not good and the Ren Ayabe tag needed more time.

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