Tuesday, July 16, 2024

TNA Xplosion 7/12/2024

TNA Xplosion 7/12/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/tna-xplosion-752024.html

Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) vs Kelly Madan and Vicious Vicki

Kelly is in the blue and Vicki is in the red. Kelly and Dani lock up and Kelly is pushed back three times. Vicki gets in. Jody waistlock takedowns Vicki. Kelly is put in a wristlock. Kelly then takes a sliding lariat and a low crossbody.

Jody locks up Kelly then Kelly takes a double suplex. Vicki grabs Dani on the ropes and Kelly gets some shots in on Dani. Jody shoulders over Vicki then pump kicks her. Jody meteora's her on the ropes then germans her. Vicki takes an interesting powerbomb + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided squash here as expected. I liked Dani's and Jody's finisher. Kelly has a good look.

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Travis Williams is this week's guest. They talk about music. Travis says he likes indy music and Australian surf punk. He likes a band called Scaggs and says he needs to get into more Dolly Parton like Gia. Travis is asked if he would ever be in a band but he says no. He said he wants to teach himself to play guitar.

Gia says she might be starting a band. She says she plays the triangle and goes pretty hard. And that was pretty much it.

Sinner & Saint (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams) vs First Class (AJ Francis and Rich Swann)

AJ throws Trav back off the lock-up. Judas goes for the waistlock and is thrown. AJ splashes him then Swann dropkicks him. Judas hits him in the corner then la magistrals him for 2. Swann takes a double dropkick in the corner.
Judas flying forearms Swann then AJ shoulders Judas over. AJ chokes him on the ropes then Swann cheapshots him outside. AJ running knees Judas in the corner. Swann cartwheels then laps Judas. Judas is thrown into AJ's boot.

AJ misses a conrer splash and Judas dropkicks AJ. Trav hits chops on Swann and handspring lariats him. Trav hits corner forearms then tiger suplexes him for 2. Swann takes a stunner then is thrown into a german. AJ chokeslams Trav then swan top rope splashes Trav to win.

Thoughts: It was a short one here and it was just average. They didn't have enough time to do anything great though nothing was wrong with it.

Overall thoughts: There were two new matches here along a new interview. Both matches were short and neither were that great. I wouldn't recommend this.

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