Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Marigold 7/6/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 1

Marigold 7/6/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 1

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/marigold-6302024-opening-wars-2024-day-9.html

Giulia talks before the show as usual.

Momoka Hanazono vs. Komomo Minami

They shake hands. KM hits chest forearms then Momo basement dropkicks her. Momo slams her four times and one person in the crowd chants for her. She says no.

Momo foot chokes her. They trade chest forearms. KM hits flying dropkicks then slams her. KM rolls her around by the arm and armbars her. KM tries cradles and boots her. Momo cries. KM falls for it and is hit in the gut. KM then cries and then Momo kicks her when she asks for help up.

KM rolls over her back for a ddt. Momo straight punches her then KM rolls her up. KM cradles her and Momo blocks a pin attempt for 2. KM rolls her into a pin attempt for 2. Momo then rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: It was little more than a rookie style match with them trying a bunch of pin attempts and not doing anything too crazy moves wise. It was okay but not great.

They shake hands and Momo eye pokes her after.

Zayda Steel vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Zay teases a handshake and pulls away. Zay shoves her and Yuz tries pin attempts. Yuz flying headscissors her and dropkicks her. Yuz is pulled over the top to the apron. They trade forearms on the apron and Zay codebreakers her there. Zay then topes her.

Yuz slams her on the floor and foot chokes her. Zay slams Yuz face first onto the apron. Zay codebreakers her over the middle rope for 2. Zay running euros her in the corner and step up knees her. Zay basement dropkicks her for 2. Yuz rolls her into a grounded octopus.

Zay ropebreaks and is dropkicked against the bottom rope for 2. Zay step up enzugiri's her then rolls her from the side over the back. Yuz hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Zay lifting flatliners her then crossfaces her. Yuz then rolls her with a crucifix and wins.

Thoughts: It was another rookies style match like the last one. They didn't do anything too crazy here but Yuz getting the win was a surprise. Japan usually doesn't let people as young as Yuz pick up wins like that. Yuz looked just as good as Zay did here.

Misa Matsui & Natsumi Showzuki vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

Chi rolling spears both opponents to start as they fight over who gets in first. Misa is held in the swing position by Chi and dropkicked by NN. Chi and Misa miss moves. Chi shoulders her over. NN curbstomps Misa.

Misa hits forearms and NN hits double chops on her. Chi trips Misa on the ropes for a basement dropkic kfrom NN. Misa takes a running facekick over the 2nd rope and NN reverse pendulum kicks her. Misa takes a double basement dropkick.

Misa 2nd rop crossbodies NN then basement dropkicks her for 2. NS running knees NN then meteora's her on the ropes. NS double knee drops NN for 2. NS does an octopus to NN over the 2nd rope.

NN is german'd off the 2nd rope and Misa throws NS on to her from the buckles. NN hits soul foot on NS. NS high kicks her and fisherman suplexes her for 2. NN facekicks NS. Chi facewash kicks NS on the ropes.

Chi iron claws NS. NS dropkicks her against the ropes and emtwora's here there. NS hits a step up enzugiri for 2. NS pendulum ddt's Chi. Misa crossbodies Chi against the ropes and low flying knees her for 2.

Chi swinging spinebusters Misa for 2. They avoid each others moves and Misa tries a bridge pin for 2. Chi powerslams Misa and Misa bridges out. Chi sitout torture rack drops Misa for 2. NS high kicks Misa on acicdent and they pull each other by the hair. Chi rolls up Misa for 2 then pins her after a boot from NN.

Thoughts: The purpose of this was to push that Misa and NS couldn't work together and they eventually fought. The match wasn't that much here. It just wasn't long enough nor did it have the right spot on the card to be that great.

NS and Misa fight more after. 

Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

Boz has a funny Godzilla entrance video with bolts coming out of her eyes. Myla tries to pose in front of her and Boz lifts her out of the way.

Nao and NT get attacked before it starts. The girls go outside to fight with NT and Boz trading slaps. Myla hits forearms on Nao and Nao fires back. Boz and Nao are thrown into each other and Nao is knocked over. Boz has her head banged off chairs.

Nao hits a chest forearm flurry on Myla and throws her across the ring. Nao foot chokes her. Myla takes corner lariats then chops from her opponents in the corner. NT does a figure four variation to Myla.

NT kicks Myla in the back then Nao slams Myla. Nao crabs her. Myla hip attacks her on the ropes and spinning fisherman's neckbreakers her. Boz hits three amigos on Nao for 2. Boz sentons Nao for 2. Boz misses a corner splash and Nao hits chest forearms. Boz bodyblocks her then Nao rolls her up.

NT and Boz trade forearms. NT hits lariats then takes a bolo punch. NT slaps her and is dropped with a forearm. NT crossfaces her. Boz corner spears NT then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Myla superkicks NT and hits forearms. NT opts to trade shots with Boz while Boz is on the apron.

NT lariats both opponents out of the corner then Myla takes a backdrop + neckbreaker combo. Boz corner splashes both opponents and Myla crucifixes Boz. Boz tries to throw Myla onto NT but misses when NT moves.

Nt back body drops Boz over the top. Nao hits an angel's wings on Myla and NT does a low dropkick move on Myla. NT sliding forearms Myla and wins.

Thoughts: I wish they had more time for this. I thought they could have explored Boz beating up on Nao more and I would have liked to have seen Boz and NT fight more. What we saw of NT vs Boz fighting in this one was the best stuff in the match. Myla had a better outing here than she did at the start of this promotion and she seems to have cut some of the moves from her arsenal that weren't looking too great. It was average to slightly okay overall.

Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita vs. Chika Goto, Kouki Amarei & Miku Aono

Mirai and Miku start us off. They do some amateur wrestling and Miku side headlocks her. They trade front facelocks and stand off. Mai and Kouki trade chest forearms. Kouki cartwheels and shoulders her over. Mai basement dropkicks her. Chika and Utami get in.

Chika side headlocks her. Chika shoulders her then Utami knocks her over with a shoulder. Utami slams her. Mai basement dropkicks Chika then facekicks her over the middle rope. Mai does a bad job tying her up and her team triple basement dropkicks Chika.

Mai takes a double boot from Chika and Kouki. Miku stomps on Mai then Kouki running facekicks Mai in the corner. Miku corner dropkicks Mai and kicks her in the back. Miku slams Mai then crabs her.

Miku hits kicks to Mai's back and forearms her over. Mai flying knees her then pump kicks her. Utami sliding lariats Miku. Utai picks up Chika and drives her into Miku in the corner. Utami double elbows both then hits a double dropkick on them.

Miku hits chest kicks on Utami. Miku fisherman suplexes Utami for 2. Kouki falling splashes Miku. Miku back body drops her. Kouki hits a nice facekick and cutters her for 2. Miku olympic slams Kouki.

Mirai top rope dropkicks Kouki. Kouki pump kicks her down. Chika gets in and is put in a rings of saturn variation from Mirai. Chika ropebreaks and Mirai works the arm.

Chika giant swings Mirai then hip attacks her in the corner. Chika slams her for 2. Mai comes off the top and top rope dropkicks Miku and Kouki. Mirai corkscrew elbow drops Chika off the ropes. 

Mirai lariats Chika for 2. Mirai and Miku trade forearms then Miku rainmakers her. Mirai takes a double gorilla press drop for 2. Chika does a bad side slam on Mirai for 2. Mirai kimura's her and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was just an average main. Mirai vs Miku was the best part of this. I know they want Kouki and Chika to be stars but Chika isn't athletic enough and I just don't see it at all in Kouki.

Mirai gets on the mic after and Miku takes it away from her. They set up a match and I think they also told the crowd about another show in the area in the future.

Overall thoughts: It was just an average show. They took it easy on this one and there were no real stand out matches. I wouldn't recommend it.

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