Friday, July 5, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 7/5/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 7/5/2024 

Last week's show is here:

Josh Briggs vs Shiloh Hill

Hill backs him up and shoves him. JB shoulders him then does a stiff running back elbow. JB slides out and punches him. JB top rope diving lariats him then hits a sidewalk slam for 2. JB side headlocks him. Hill backdrops him and euros him. Hill backbreakers him for 2. Hill pulls on his chin. Hill hits a nice jumping boot for 2.

Hill abdominal stretches him while kneeling on the mat. JB comes back and hits a punch and a big boot. JB side slams him and splashes him. Hill misses a corner charge and takes a big lariat. JB wins.

Thoughts: It was a hard hitting and rough and tumble match here as expected. I thought Hill did well here and it was a nice little hoss battle. Hill got his mouth busted open here.

Tyra Mae Steele is interivewed. She said she has been grinding for this moment for over a year now. She said that is not counting the years before WWE. They mention her winning a gold medal in wrestling in the Olympics. She says it feels good to be the first ever female gold medalist in WWE. She says Wren Sinclair has years on her but she has the fighting spirit. She then says let's go and hurts herself chopping her chest.

Thoughts: This was a decent promo here. Tyra's likeable and has a lot of energy and charm to her.

Wren Sinclair vs Tyra Mae Steele

Tyra gives a medal to a kid and some bonehead adult tries to take it. Tyra trips her. Wren goes for the takedown and is rolled. Tyra chinlocks her and Wren hammerlocks her. Tyra tries to roll through it but Wren holds on.

Wren crucifixes her and Tyra side headlocks her. Tyra side headlocks her. Wren drops down and Tyra rolls her with a waistlock. Tyra trips her and Wren hits a nice dropkick. Tyra corner shoulderblocks her.

Tyra misses a corner charge and Wren armlocks her. Tyra fireman's carry takeovers her and pulls her into a shoulder. Tyra spins her on her shoulders into snake eyes. Tyra kind of pounces her then rolls her into a pin for 2. Wren then reverses it and pins her.

Thoughts: Tyra didn't get to do a ton of moves but she moves well, she has a lot of energy and is going to be just fine. She's a total face without question and seems like she wants to be there. There was a lot of amateur wrestling here and a lot of waistlocks. 

Uriah Connors vs. Luca Crusifino

Luca backs UC up. UC piefaces him and Luca shoves him. UC shoulders him over then Luca shoulders him over. Luca side headlock takeovers him. Luca side headlocks him. Luca hits boots then does his hiptoss neckbreaker.

UC rolls Luca back head first into the buckles. UC flying back elbows Luca. Luca chops UC then UC rakes his face with his foot. UC pulls him down by the hair. UC hitws chops. Luca hits punches and forearms. Luca flying shoulders him then running chops him.

UC spin kicks him off the apron. UC knocks Tony D'Angelo's hat off outside and Tony takes off his jacket. Luca takes down UC and pounds on him. Luca hits oblivion on UC and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. This was mostly all chops, punches and back elbows.

Overall thoughts: It was a fun show as always. Hill/Briggs was a fun hoss match and Tyra Mae Stock is going to be a super babyface with a gold medal. The main wasn't that good though.

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