Monday, July 1, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 11/6/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 11/6/1995

Last week's show is here:

Halloween Havoc 1995 is here:

Mongo, Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan are our hosts. Mongo's dog is dressed up like a clown. They said we get to call in to pick tonight's main event and of course that costs $0.99 cents. They have two locker rooms an you can choose someone from each for the match.

They said Macho is injured from Lex Luger torture racking him last night. They say Macho has lost it backstage. Heenan said he lost it before he got here. Heenan tells people to call and request Tony Schiavone vs Mean Gene Okerlund.

The Giant vs Cobra

Giant isn't champ but wore the WCW Title out. He grabbed David Penzer and made him say it's a title match. Giant quickly chokeslams Cobra and wins in seconds.

We go to the phones for the "You Call The Shots" match where fans can pick the match. Gene is in the red locker room with The Blue Bloods, Flair, Shark Norton, Bubba and DDP. Norton and Shark fight. Tony Schiavone is with Hacksaw, Badd, Alex Wright, The Nasty Boys, Sting, Dave Sullivan and Mr. JL.

We go to Venice Beach and see Hulk and Macho hanging with the homeless and entertainers at Venice Beach. Hulk said they replaced Jimmy Hart with a hobo who is "The Head of The Wargames". Macho is wearing all black and Hulk said he has come to the darkside. Hulk says to stick with him to take out Sullivan, Lex, Hart and The Dungeon of Doom. Macho asks him how much more he needs to sacrifice.

Macho says he's too involved and says he should take the low road while Macho takes the high road. Hulk says they need to find out who is friend and foe and does his whatcha gonna do line.

Thoughts: Was I dreaming during this? This was absolutely bizarre. I think the idea was that the hobo was part of the darkside Hulk talked about. Don't get me wrong, the idea of Hogan and Macho doing segments with hobos and hobos doing run in's sounds awesome but I'm not real sure that's what this horrid feud with The Dungeon of Doom really needs.

Mongo asks Eric if the hobo was one of his relatives and Heenan says it was the pilsbury dough boy.

The Taskmasker vs The Renegade

Ren runs in and stiff Task with a lariat. Task has no idea where it's coming from and is lariated over the top. Hart distracts Ren outside and Task nails him from behind with a lariat. Ren is crotched on the the rail and lariated down.

Task double stomps on Ren as Mongo says "the ultimate power of the universe is chaos". Task hits chops on Ren then headbutts him. Heenan said he struck up a deal through Ono with the Japanese and said we will see them in WCW. Sullivan tries to slingshot swanton in but Ren gets his knees up. Ren powerslams him then does a cartwheel back elbow in the corner.

Ren gets caught in tree of woe and Task running knees him. Task 2nd rope double stomps him (Heenan calls it The Dungeon of Doom Heimlich Maneuver) and Task wins.

Jimmy Hart throws a drink at Ren after and wipes the facepaint off of his face. He brings up Hulk Hogan and tells him he's a nobody. 

Thoughts: It was actually a solid match, just short. They stiffed each other really good here. I assume this is close to the end of Renegade's run. I thought Ren had a good look and maybe could have done something had he not been given the ripoff Warrior gimmick.

Gene Okerlund is with the heels again for the "You Call The Shots" match tonight. The lights get turned off somehow. Flair says he has the power to turn the lights on and off and tells Sting to do something about him turning on him if he doesn't like it.

On Saturday Night this week, Hacksaw Jim Duggan goes to Ireland and Disco Inferno debuts a new music video.  

Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero

CB knees him as he gets in and double throat thrusts him. CB suplexes him and backdrops him. CB spinebusters him then does a lion tamer. We see various NJPW wrestlers and Sonny Ono at a table watching the match. Eddie armdrags out of a powerbomb then springboard diving armdrags him. Eddie tilt-a-whirl slams him.

Eddie plancha's him off the ringpost outside. Eddie suplexes him. CB hits a top rope suplex for 2. CB jack knife powerbombs him for 2. CB short arm lariats him. Eddie rolls him up for 2. CB knees him in the gut and Eddie rolls him up. CB germans him for 2 then hits a northern lights suplex for 2.

Eddie is dropped on the top rope gut first. CB tries to backdrop him into the ring while Eddie's on the apron and Eddie rolls on him. Eddie then pins him with CB's foot in the ropes.

Thoughts: They did way too much here with a nasty powerbomb not meaning too much and various suplexes. The finish is likely going to lead a rematch. 

Tony is in the face's room for the "You Call The Shots" match tonight. Sting said Flair turned his back on him and used little Stingers to do it. Sting says if there's ever a time where he will do what he says, it's tonight when he told him to do something about it.

The fans have picked Sting vs Ric Flair for the "You Call The Shots" match tonight. Shockingly, Dave Sullivan vs Bobby Eaton didn't win.

"You Call The Shots" Match - Ric Flair vs Sting

Flair delays getting in the ring then takes mounted shots. Sting gorilla press slams him then hits mounted punches. Flair is sent into the corner and goes onto the apron where Sting clotheslines him. Flair's head is banged off the buckles and his chops get him nowhere on Sting. Sting bangs Flair's head off the rails then Flair suplexes him on the floor. Flair struts and Sting tries to splash him on the rails but misses.

We go to break and return. Flair hits chops and punches on Sting. Flair backdrops him then puts him in the figure four. Flair holds onto the ropes then Sting reverses the figure four. Flair immediately let's go of it.

Sting no sells Flair's shots and tells him to come on. Sting gorilla press slams him then hiptosses him. Sting dropkicks him then Flair eye pokes him. Sting is thrown out then Flair double axe handles him off the apron. Flair eye rakes Sting. Flair grabs a chair but the ref takes it away.

Flair and the ref shove each other. Flair punches Sting down. Eric says we have special news at the end of the broadcast. Flair tries to pin Sting with his feet blatantly on the ropes. Flair side headlock takeovers Sting. Sting bridges up and backslides Flair for 2.

Flair is thrown off the buckles then Sting hits shots on Flair in the corner. The ref gets in the way and Sting picks up the ref and puts him on the buckles. Flair grabs brass knucks and decks Sting. Flair struts then elbow drops him for 2.

Sting is back up and no selling Flair's shots. Sting gorilla press slams him then superplexes him. Sting scorpion deathlocks Flair and Flair submits.

Sting won't let go of the hold after. Various refs come down to pull him off. We are told Lex Luger is coming out but he doesn't then Mr. JL and Eddie Guerrero try to get Sting to break the hold. Dave Sullivan, Hacksaw, Badd and Doug Dillinger finally get Sting off. Sting then puts the hold back on and Lex Luger finally comes down. Lex has words for Sting face to face but we can't hear it. Lex and Sting then walk out together.

Thoughts: I thought they should have made more of the brass knucks shot. It hurt Sting for a few seconds and then he just popped back up like nothing had happened. It felt like they were just filling a little time here for some parts of this as they ended up going to the floor twice. Lex coming down was interesting since he's now a Dungeon of Doom member and Sting should want a piece of him.

We go to break and return. Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Giant, Kevin Sullivan and Jimmy Hart in the ring. Gene says Giant is not the champ. Hart calls Hulk Hogan stupid. He said when Hulk was making b-grade movies, Hart had the power of attorney and was doing business.

Hart said he signed The Giant/Hulk match at Halloween Havoc 1995. He said when he signed the contract, he added a stipulation to it. It said if Hulk got DQ'd, he would lose the WCW Title. Therefore, he says Giant is the new WCW Champ.

Mean Gene Okerlund brings in an attorney named Nick Ambrose. The attorney says Hart is partially correct. He said Hart does have the power of attorney but says Giant is not WCW Champ. The attorney says he has a statement from WCW Commissioner Nick Bockwinkle and The Championship Committee. The attorney says the title will be held up and awarded to the winner of the World War 3 battle royale. Hart says he's not a lawyer and Gene tells him to take the contract to the men's room as it won't do him any more good than that.

Gene asks for Giant to give him the title. Giant says he won't give p the title. Taskmaster says this is part of Hulk and WCW's agenda. Task lets Nick take the title as Hart complains.

Thoughts: Well, at least they didn't let that farce go through.

The commentators hype up the World War 3 battle royale. Heenan says someone will get hurt and sent to the hospital. Heenan is mad about Giant getting stripped of the title.

Next week has Macho Man vs Meng, Sting vs Dean Malenko and Johnny B. Badd vs Eddie Guerrero.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it was an interesting show. I'm sure some people would probably like the matches more than I did. It's not like the work was bad in Benoit/Eddie or Sting/Flair but the selling just wasn't there for me in either bout. Hulk and Macho hanging out with hobos was odd and entertaining for the wrong reasons. I don't think it really got the point over of Hulk trying to discover The Dark Side. I'm most interested to see what happens with Lex/Sting/Dungeon of Doom and they definitely got me hyped for World War 3, so that was mission accomplished. It also seemed that WCW was already moving on from The Yeti here after his debut as it's been two weeks and he hasn't been seen.

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