Sunday, June 30, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 10/30/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 10/30/1995

Last week's show is here:

Halloween Havoc 1995 is here: 

Eric Bischoff, Mongo McMichael and Bobby Heenan are our hosts. They promise footage from last night's Halloween Havoc show. Mongo's dog is dressed up like a witch. Eric says the picture will speak volumes. Heenan says he can't believe what happened last night. Mongo says last's night show was awesome and something people have never seen before. 

Sgt. Craig Pittman vs Eddie Guerrero

They said Macho Man was supposed to be in this but he is out from Lex and The Dungeon of Doom attacking him last night. Sarge does a nice uranage to start. Eddie is thrown off a double leg attempt. Eddie then does something like a uranage on him.

Sarge drops him with a punch and bangs Eddie's head off the buckles. Sarge hits more shots and Eddie uppercuts him. Eddie leg lariats him for 2. Sarge hits a nice lariat and euros him. Eddie bangs Sarge's head off the buckles and misses a charge. Sarge wraps Eddie's arm around the ropes and armlocks him. Sarge overhead belly to belly suplexes him.

They say they are waiting for the footage of the PPV to arrive. Eddie enzugiri's him in the back then springboard twisting crossbodies him for 2. Sarge then hits a nice belly to belly suplex. Sarge gutwrench bombs him then Eddie rolls him up out of nowhere and wins.

Thoughts: I liked this one. Sarge's offense looked really good and rough here. Eddie didn't get a ton in but got the win so it worked out in the end.

Shark vs Scott Norton

They had fought in the locker room I think on Nitro and they set this up off of it. Scott doesn't look happy and they immediately lock up. Shark hits shots to the gut and head. Shark hits a nice belly to belly suplex.

Shark elbow drops him for 2. Scott hits running lariats then flying shoulders him off the top rope. Scott slams Shark for 2. Heenan has left commentary for this and Mongo thinks he had to go to the bathroom. They lariat each other down then we see Heenan dining with Sonny Ono. Scott elbows Shark off the apron and hits shots outside. Shark fires back and sends him into the post.

Scott bangs Shark off the rails and they continue to fight, going to a double contout. They keep fighting in the aisle and Shark's head is banged off the steel WCW letters. Both head to the back.

It was basically a warm-up for a likely rematch down the line. It was fine for what it was but a finish would have been nice. 

Heenan is with Ono again. He talks about some of the shows he has done. Ono shakes his hand and gives him an envelope. They then toast.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and shows us screencaps of the Flair/Sting vs Arn/Pillman match. We then see Flair turn on Sting and we see Sting get triple teamed.

Tony interviews The Four Horsemen. Pillman says Sting fighting for his life was a thing of beauty. He says some people calls them a gang or a militia but he calls it a dynasty. Arn says everyone asked him when he would bring The Horsemen back and he said be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Arn says Sting was more man than they ever thought by fighting The Horsemen 1v2 for 10 minutes. Arn says there's now three Horsemen and soon there will be four. Flair says they're back and says to learn to love it.

Flair says they will tell Sting what he wants to hear and do what they want to do. Flair says The Horsemen will be in town next week if he doesn't like it.

Thoughts: It was a good interview though if you were hoping for a reason as to why they had to turn on Sting to reunite, you didn't get it here.

Sabu vs Disco Inferno

This sounds so fun on paper and Disco's likely going to get the whooping he's been begging for. Disco evades Sabu and dances. Sabu drops him with a punch then springboard leg lariats him. Sabu springboard dropkicks him.

Disco gets chopped and facebusters Sabu. Disco hair throws him and lariats him. Disco chokes him on the ropes and rebounds him off the ropes. Sabu uppercuts him. Disco misses a splash and Sabu slingshot flipping legdrops him to win it.

Thoughts: It was what it should have been with Disco getting cheapshots in to survive and being annoying. Sabu then won as expected.

Sabu plancha's Disco outside after. Sabu grabs a table and throws it at Disco. Sabu tries to slingshot Disco through the table but Disco moves and Sabu splats on it. Sabu doesn't break it though so that hurt. Sabu then throws steps after. Heenan says to get him a hard hat. 

Lex Luger and Meng vs The American Males

Meng has rare gold tights here. Heenan says The Males spray cologne on people at department stores for their day job. Meng hits shots on Riggs in the corner and we go to break.

We return and Riggs works Lex's arm. Bagwell legdrops Lex's arm. Riggs armwringers the arm. Riggs hits punches on Lex then dropkicks him. Riggs back body drops him. Riggs takes a stiff hart attack from Meng and Lex.

Riggs gets his throat dropped over the top rope. Meng hits a stiff lariat on Riggs. Meng backbreakers Riggs. Lex 2nd rope double axe handles Meng. Riggs sunset flips Lex for 2 then is ran over with a lariat.

Meng chops Riggs over and gets a pop. Meng slams him and misses a rare flipping senton.

Riggs flips out of a backdrop and gets Bagwell in. Bagwell forearms and lariats Lex. Bagwell back body drops him. Lex catches his crossbody but Riggs dropkicks him over. Jimmy Hart distracts the ref and Meng kicks Riggs in the back of the head. Lex racks Riggs and wins.

It was an okay tag here with the faces getting a hope spot or two before being put down. Lex and Meng were a decent big guy team. The ref distraction spot could have been done better as it took long.

Mongo says trick or treat and Eric gives him a snicker's bar. Heenan doesn't have anything and Mongo sprays Heenan with silly string in a mean act.

The footage of the Hulk/Giant match finally arrives. They shockingly re-aired The Yeti's run-in even though it was awful.

The Giant, Lex Luger, Jimmy Hart and The Taskmaster are in the ring. The Giant has the WCW Title. Tony Schiavone says that is not his belt and he did not win the World Title last night. Hart says the whole word wants to know why he turned his back on Hulk. He says maybe you'll read about it in his new book or maybe he'll tell you on next week's Nitro. He says Task told Hulk that evil was living in his heart and says he's the evil.

Hart says he's the only manager Sullivan ever had in his life. He says he's his past but The Giant and Lex Luger are his future. Lex says Hulk and Macho laid on the mat in crumpled pathetic heaps and calls them garbage. He said Lex called him a vulture and got a piece of him and Giant.

Giant says nobody will knock him off the hill and says he will defend the title against anyone who wants it. Taskmaster said he told Hulk this would happen. He said the cloud of The Dungeon of Doom would fall over him. Taskmaster says Giant is a fighting champ.

Thoughts: Tony said Giant wasn't champ and then they said Giant would defend the belt next week. I know they will eventually explain it (and do a poor job of it) but if you just saw this Nitro, it wouldn't make any sense and was a bad segment because of it. I also don't think they thought out why Lex would want to join with Giant considering Giant has the title he wants. I liked getting a payoff for Taskmaster saying that evil was lurking in Hulk all this time with the evil being Hart.

Overall thoughts: This one showed some of the hazards of Crash TV. We had major happenings at Halloween Havoc, but the explanations and consequences of them didn't make a lot of sense. The Giant is not and cannot be champ right now yet he thinks he is and we got no explanation for why Sting had to be turned on to reform The Horsemen. The wrestling was good here though and I still liked it even if it was a flawed show.

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