Sunday, June 30, 2024

CMLL 6/24/2024 Arena Puebla

CMLL 6/24/2024 Arena Puebla

Last week's show is here:

Zack Sabre Jr. vs Virus

1st Fall - They shake hands and Zack cleanbreaks him. Virus then returns the favor. Zack twists the foot and they roll before getting back up. Zack blocks an armdrag and virus splits his legs. Zack pulls him off by the gut. Zack bridges and escapes out of a wristlock.

They trade straightjacket chokes. Zack bridges out and slides through the legs to escape. Zack headsicsors him and virus headstands out. They roll on the mat and stand off. Zack hip throws him and armbars him off of it. Virus snapmares him and pulls back on the arms. Zack is rolled up off a missed corner charge and Virus la magistrals him.

Virus does a nice arm and leg hold with a headscissors and submits him to win the first fall.

2nd Fall - Zack takes him down and euros him. Zack spanks his butt at the crowd. Zack splits his fingers. Zack hammerlocks his arm with his leg and twists it. Zack ties up both arms then Virus pulls both of Zack's arms back. Zack rolls him by the arm and does a bow and arrow style hold with his arm and leg and taps him out to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Zack pulls on Virus' fingers and gets a culero chant. Zack euros him down. Virus knee drops the arm then Zack stomps it. Zack bangs Virus' arm off his shoulder then Virus does it to him. Virus cranks the arm back.

They trade shots and Virus kicks him low in front of the ref. Zack flips him over the ropes and Virus rolls him into a crucifix. Zack rolls him up for 2. They trade pin attempts and chest slaps. Zack throws him down and bridge pins him to win the match.

Thoughts: It was all technical wrestling as expected and was a good match. There was little here but limb work, pin attempts and submissions.

Templario vs Hiromu Takahashi

1st Fall - HT goes for an armbar and Temp armdrags him. Temp ties his legs up then sideheadlocks him. HT side headlocks him and Temp ends up doing a spinarooni to get up. Temp flying headscissors him out then topes him outside. HT does his own figure four variation and seemingly taps him out in a dumb end to the first fall.

2nd Fall - HT bangs Temp's leg off the post. HT hits chops then Temp shotgun dropkicks him. Temp boots him then hits wasteland. Temp ties up his arm and texas cloverleafs his leg. Temp gets the submission win.

3rd Fall - They slap each other then chop each other. HT chops him down and Temp hits a bunch of forearms. Temp flips over his back then HT hits a falcon arrow for 2. Temp corner lariats him then superkicks him. HT superkicks him then takes a pumping knee. HT lariats him.

Temp is trippled into the bottom buckle then takes a wheelbarrow german. Temp goes up on the buckles and takes a sitout powerbomb. Temp sitout gordbusters him for 2. Temp gets on the buckles and is chopped. HT 2nd rope attitude adjustments him for 2. They lariat each other. HT superkicks him.

Temp pop-up sitout powerbombs him then powerbombs him on his knees. Temp then picks up the win.

Thoughts: These two usually do way too much. This was surprisingly tame here and no one did anything too crazy during this one. I did somewhat like it which surprised me. 

Mascara Dorada and Mistico vs Rocky Romero and Taiji Ishimori

1st Fall - RR backs up Mist on the ropes. TI tries to rip Mist's mask and hits punches. RR beats up Mist on the ramp. RR poses then pop-up drops MD. Mist is stomped on by both opponents. RR hits corner lariats on Mist then TI pins Mist. RR armbars MD and submits him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mist is double teamed then tripped into a baseball slide. MD is chopped down then RR suplexes him. TI and RR do elbow drops on Mist. RR rips at Mist's mask and Mist takes shots from both opponents. Mist is double choked in the corner then is bitten on by both opponents.

Mist handspring back elbows TI. MD top rope tornillo armdrags RR. The heels stupidly kick the faces in the crotch in front of the ref and are DQ'd. Mist and MD win the fall. 

3rd Fall - The faces get their masks untied. Mist is dropped head first on the apron and I think MD is sent into the wall. Mist makes his come back after a while, hitting a flying headscissors. He then walks up the buckles and armdrags TI down. The heels then avoid topes outside. Mist armdrags Ti off a failed double team. He superkicks Ti then corkscrew headscissors RR. Mist then topes RR. MD then top rope con hilos both opponents outside. MD top rope ssp's TI and pins him. Mist hits la mistica on RR and submits him to win.

Thoughts: I didn't think it was anything special. The heels getting DQ'd in the second fall was dumb and the faces didn't get much in outside of the third fall.

Overall thoughts: I liked the Zack/Virus match. HT vs Temp wasn't too bad but the main was a lazy effort. It was about average overall with Zack/Virus being the best match.

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