Friday, September 6, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/6/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 9/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Izzi Dame vs Layla Diggs

They lock up. Izzi backs her up and throws her down. Izzi boots her in the head then Diggs kips up. Diggs headscissors her and armlocks her. Izzi bangs Diggs' head off the buckles. Diggs' flips over a bent over Izzi. Diggs goes to springboard but slips and falls down safely.

Izzi backbreakers her on the shoulder and Diggs slips out. Diggs slingshots and flips her over then Izzi blocks her headscissors. Izzi powerbomb backbreakers her and Diggs does a wild sell for it, making it look deadly. Diggs is thrown into the buckles. Izzi backbreakers her for 2.

Izzi backbreaker holds her over the knee. Diggs chinbreakers her. Izzi blocks a spin kick then hits a nice sky high for 2. Izzi puts her in a backbreaker hold again. Diggs boots her out of the corner. Diggs is caught off the buckles then crucifixes her. Diggs backcrackers her for 2. Diggs misses a top rope moonsault then Izzi hits a faekick. Izzi swinging sitout side slams her and wins.

Thoughts: Izzi had a good showing and is finally starting to put things together. Diggs is athletic but looked like she almost died on the powerbomb backbreaker and slipped on a springboard, so I can't put here over here too much. But she's a rookie and it's okay.

Lainey Reid and Dani Palmer talk in the back. Dani says Reid impressed her. She challengers her to a match. Reid says she'd be honored and says Dani isn't the only one looking for a win.

Dani Palmer vs Lainey Reid

Dani cartwheels and backflips on her way to the ring then rolls over the steps. Reid hits a knee to the gut and dances. Dani side headlocks her. Reid blocks a takeover then Dani headlock takeovers her. Reid headscissors her. Dani headnstands out of it and flips onto her.

Dani side headlocks her. Reid shoulders her over. Dani backrolls and rolls her out to the floor with it. Dani takes a hard dragon screw on the apron then gets her leg banged off the apron edge. Reid shoulders her over then wraps her leg around the ropes. Reid then knee drops the back of the leg while it's on the ropes.

Reid drops her chest and body first. Reid half crabs her. Reid has the foot and Dani handstands to get out. Dani backslides her and Reid boots her in the knee. Dani double chops her and hits a short arm lariat. Dani standing dropkicks her and step up enzugiri's her. Dani meteora's the back of Reid's neck in the corner. Dani hits a top rope frogsplash for 2.

Reid does a unique laying springboard tornillo splash off the ropes. Reid dragon sleepers her. Dani flips out and kicks her. Dani hits a cancun tornado off the top and wins.

Thoughts: Dani was just amazing here. This girl is just something else and can do some great athletic stuff on top of being good looking. It's hard not to see her and not think she's going to be the top girl. Reid had a good showing as well. I enjoyed this one and thought they did a good job. 

Drake Morreaux is interviewed. He said he's waited for this for a while. He said he has first hand experience as to why Chen is the gatekeeper here. He said he fell short of him last time. He studied the film and Dante. He said he knew he'd have another chance to prove himself. He says it's an uphill battle and he's ready for the climb.

Drake Morreaux vs Dante Chen

We haven't seen much of Drake lately. Chen hammerlocks him and Drake front facelocks him. Chen wristlocks him. Drake escapes and shoulders him over. Drake guillotines him and rolls him into a pin attempt.

Chen armdrags him using the ropes and dropkicks him. Drake blocks an armdrag. Chen back elbows him then Drake hits a high dropkick. Drake corner splashes him and short arm lariats him. Drake vader bombs him off the bottom rope for 2.

Drake full nelsons him. Chen slides out and upkicks him. Chen hits chops then Drake facekicks him for 2. Drake full nelsons him . Chen backs him up in the corner and uses the ropes to backroll him. Chen flips out of a backdrop and basement dropkicks him. Chen hits shots and backfists him. Chen step up enzugiri's him then lariats Drake over the top. Chen the hits a rare hard tope into Drake.

Chen is caught on a springboard and takes a chokeslam for 2. Drake misses a vader bomb. Chen pump kicks him then hits a double chop to win.

Thoughts: It was average. Chen had a nice tope and Drake did fine but there wasn't anything great about this one.

Overall thoughts: Dani Palmer was the MVP of this episode and was really good in her match. Her vs Reid was easily the best match on here. The opener had some issues so it wasn't as good as it should have been but Izzi Dame is finally getting how to to be a monster. The main was just average. I wouldn't really recommend this one as nothing was super great but you gotta see Dani if you haven't yet.

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