Friday, September 6, 2024

TNA Impact 9/5/2024

TNA Impact 9/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

The System and Masha Slamovich come out to talk. Alisha's in a neck brace and asks if we want to know something. Alisha says they were dominant at Emergence and have something to say. Eddie Edwards said everyone has been hoping for a System failure but says The System doesn't fail. Eddie said they just ended a reboot and it's time for them to get back their championship gold.

Brian says him and Eddie are obligated for a rematch as the former tag champs. They say they will use that for Victory Road against ABC. Moose tells everyone to shut up. He says Nic Nemeth gets to face a guy he has never beaten in 2 weeks. Moose says he's got bad news for him at Victory Road as he will be looking at the 4x TNA champ.

Moose says everyone wants to know JDC's relationship with The System. He says JDC has a big night. He says if they beat Joe Hendry and Mike Santana tonight, JDC officially becomes a member of The System. He says if they lose, JDC is out. Moose says everyone knows what The System does to outsiders.

Alisha says she doesn't need to defend her title more than once in 30 days and is in concussion protocol. She says she can find a replacement if she is not cleared to compete.

Spitfire then come out. Dani says it was unfortunate what happened to Alisha, but says her team lost. Alisha says they beat Spitfire twice. Jody says they talked to Santino and got another shot at Victory Road. She says it's do or die this time. If they get beat, they break up. Alisha says she will never see their stupid faces again and they are on.

Thoughts: They accomplished a lot with this one, setting up four different matches at once and making them all make sense. Bravo to that. They don't have the strongest angles behind them though.

Eric Young is interviewed. He says he's feeling beat up after fighting Maclin. He said they showed up like men and Maclin got one over on him. He said he has his back going forward. Gia tells him he's fighting Jake Something tonight. Eric says he's a big and bad dude and they have history. He says he will represent himself and the company and be himself.

The announcers talk about JBL appearing at the PPV and says Nic didn't share any details about what him and JBL talked about.

KUSHIDA vs Laredo Kid

Kid escapes a wristlock early and they stand off. Kushida arm throws and armdrags him. Kid hiptosses him then Kush armdrags him. Kush armlocks him and flips him over again. Kid upkicks him then hiptosses him. Kid hits an armdrag then flying headscissors him out.

Kid sunset flips him, Kush rolls through and basement dropkicks him. Kid dropkicks him. Josh Alexander gets in the ring and lariats Kid for the Kid DQ win.

Josh hits a c4 spike on Kid. Kush goes after Josh then takes a german. Josh ankle locks him and security comes out to stop it.

We didn't get a lot here before the DQ finish. It was mostly just armdrags and basic holds.

Kush grabs the mic and asks for a match with Josh right now. Josh walks up the ramp and Kush dropkicks him on the ramp. They fight down the ramp.

Josh Alexander vs KUSHIDA

We are told Santino made it official. Kush pounds on Josh. We go to break and return. Kush rolls him into a leglock then ankle locks him. Josh ropebreaks and takes a german. Kush stomps Josh's fingers and buzzzsaw kicks him.

Josh hits punches on Kush. Kush's back is rammed into the apron edge. Josh chokes Kush with a towel or shirt. Josh chops Kush and facekicks him. Josh backbreakers Kush. Kush punches Josh. Josh facekicks him. Kush hits a pele kick but Josh catches it and ankle locks him. Josh is rolled up for 2 and Kush hoverboard locks him. Josh lifts and brainbusters him out of it.

Josh germans Kush then stomps his knee down while it's on the 2nd rope. Josh ankle locks Kush then hits a c4 spike. Josh then picks up the win.

It was your usual Josh match with germans, ankle locks and a c4 spike. There wasn't a lot of limb work outside of the various ankle locks and Kush lost here as expected.

Kush is helped to the back by a ref after and is holding his neck. Joe Hendry tries to tend to Kush. Josh then walks past and Joe asks if this is what Josh is gonna do now. Josh asks if Joe is feeling brave now. Joe says he won't forget what Josh did to him at Slammiversary. Joe calls for medical help for Kush.

Arianna Grace comes out. She says she's the new liason between TNA and NXT. She brings out Karmen Petrovic for the open challenge.

Knockouts Title - Open Challenge - Jordynne Grace vs Karmen Petrovic

KP hits kicks to the leg. Rosemary is seen watching from the stands. JG spinebusters KP for 2. We go to PiP break and return. KP hits kicks to the chest and back. JG hits a big powerbomb for 2. JG hits corner lariats. KP hits kicks in the corner then spinning heel kicks her.

KP hits axe kicks. JG blocks a chest kick. KP rolls and up kicks her. JG spinning back elbows her. They go up top and KP 2nd rope crossbodies her. JG hits a juggernaut driver and wins.

Thoughts: It was short and nothing too special. KP mostly did kicks here and they didn't match up as well as they should have.

The lights go out. They come back on and JG is out with a pillow near here. Rosemary celebrates and one would assume Wendy Choo did this.

ABC talk. They said Slammiversary was a beautiful night as The System failed. First Class comes in. AJ says they think things are one way when it's another. AJ says they need to be focused on First Class, not The System. ABC said they would be but they beat them already. AJ claims they beat them and they talk about AJ not being the legal man in their match and the pin not counting. Bey offers to give them a rematch next week. AJ says they fall for it every time and said if they didn't have only one brain between them, it wouldn't be that simple.

We get a coming soon video. Some Asian female is playing with fire and says there's no turning back.

Zachary Wentz comes out to talk. He says we don't know how much the X Title means to him. He said he didn't think he'd be able to come back to wrestling 2 years ago and is now at the highest of highs.

Mike Bailey comes out. He congratulates him. He says he is using his rematch clause and wants it at Victory Road. The Good Hands come out. Skylar calls the crowd Louisville losers and says the real story of Ultimate X was Jason Hotch. He says they were robbed of their X Title. Hotch then nails Mike and Wentz then Skylar joins in. We are then told Santino made this a match.

The Good Hands (Jason Hotch and John Skylar) vs Mike Bailey and Zachary Wentz

The Hands take double superkicks then double topes. Mike hits kicks on Hotch then is nailed by Skylar. Mike takes offense in the corner then Hotch slams him. Mike 2nd rope dropkicks Skylar. Skylar spears Mike on the ropes then Hotch kicks Mike. Mike hits a moonsault double knee with his opponents stacked on each other.

Wentz is tagged in and hits shots on Skyler. Wentz running ssp's Skylar. Mike pump kicks Hotch off the apron then triangle moonsaults him outside. Wentz pumping knees Skylar then hits a springboard cutter on him for the win.

Thoughts: It was quick and random. The Good Hands here lost as expected. I'd rather see Wentz and Mike as a team than Mike and Seven, but Wentz has a partner already.

Steph de Lander is trying to get PCO to stay in a room as she heads to the ring and PCO protests.

Rosemary talks her usual nonsense behind a cage and they show clips of her and Wendy Choo together.

Steph de Lander comes out. Steph says Matt Cardona has been causing her issues lately. She says they need to talk. Matt comes out. She asks what is going on and says they were best friends and tag partners. Matt says he owes her an apology for being MIA. He says he's sorry he didn't shut the wedding down earlier and let her marry PCO. Steph says he doesn't own her and doesn't speak to her that way. Matt disagrees and shows her a personal services contract she signed.

He says he brought her to the US and got her bookings and other things. He said he held up his end of the contract and says now it's her turn. He says he owes her. She says Matt helped her but she helped herself too. She said she got herself into TNA, not Matt. She says she's a superstar with or without him. She says the contract means nothing to her. She crumbles it up and Matt says that doesn't mean anything. Matt says she is his property and she will do what he says. Matt backs her up in the corner and then PCO comes out.

PCO goes to hit Matt but Matt puts Steph in the way. Matt then runs.

Thoughts: I didn't see this contract before and I don't know if they ever showed it, so it's hard to comment on that. I am interested in this though and think it'll add an interesting twist to things.

The Hardy Boyz do a promo. Jeff says they need to win next week. Matt says they make a statement of The System by deleting them. Matt says if they beat them, they should get a shot if The System beats ABC for the tag titles. Matt says he's tired of hearing people tell him "you were great". Matt says they are great (not were) and are the greatest of all time.

Eric Young vs Jake Something

Jake hits corner spears. Eric hits some punches then Jake back body drops him. Jake hits a corner spear for 2. Jake pulls Eric into a clothesline. Jake sitout powerbombs him. Eric is thrown into the corner but flips out. Eric hits lariats. Jake double axe handles EY. EY catches Jake in the air and death valley drivers him for 2. EY piledrivers him and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a match. There was no storyline going into it and neither guy is doing much at this point. It was short as well so it wasn't as good as it could have been.

They shake hands after then Jake nails him from behind. Jake then hits a black hole slam. Steve Maclin then comes out and saves Eric.

Joe Hendry is interviewed. He said every time he gets close to claiming the prize, it is taken from him. He says he's not going home and says you can't deny him. He says where he is is the place to be and he says he has a TNA World Title to chase.

TNA announced that they have signed Heather Reckless. There was a segment with her and Ash arguing after that I won't be covering.

Joe Hendry talks before his match. He basically says The System will attack him when he spins around during his entrance. He says The System needs to spin around and Mike Santana attacks The System.

JDC joins The System if his team wins - JDC and Moose vs Joe Hendry and Mike Santana

The faces beat up the heels to start. The heels go out to recover then Josh Alexander comes out. We go to break and return. JDC throws his shirt at Joe and Joe throws it out. Joe shoulders JDC over. The faces hit corner punches en stereo.

The faces hit more punches and Joe euros JDC. JDC is worked on in the corner. Joe back elbows JDC then JDC eye pokes him. Joe fallaway slams Moose and JDC. Moose pump kicks Joe then Joe suplexes Moose. Joe gets distracted by Alisha then is hit from behind. Joe's back is rammed into the apron edge. 

JDC hits euros on Joe. Josh Alexander is on commentary mocks Joe, telling him he just needs to believe. Joe suplexes JDC. Mike and Moose get in. Mike gets some shots in then bangs Moose's head of the buckles. Mike gets kicks on his opponents and ddt's JDC over the middle rope. Mike back rolls into a cutter on Moose. JDC is thrown out onto Moose outside.

Josh low blows Joe outside and sends him into the post. Mike topes Josh. Moose pump kicks Mike then rolling spears him to win.

Thoughts: It was an average main. There was nothing too special or interesting about it. I figured The System would win as they had shirts on earlier with JDC's face on it and it seemed unlikely they were not going to go forward with him in The System.

Nic Nemeth watches the match on a phone. Nic says he wanted to beat the best since day one and said he has never beaten Moose. He says he's a fighting champ and Moose took the easy way out. He says they will fight at Victory Road and says Moose will never take him out.

Overall thoughts: The show heavily pushed Victory Road, which is only a week away (Why so soon after the last PPV?). They were effective in getting the card set for it and did a good job with such short notice. TNA has a habit of just having average shows though and this was another average show by TNA. There was nothing wrong with it, but nothing super exciting about it either. I can't even say this show had a best match, because none of the matches stood out.

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