Thursday, September 5, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/4/2024 Lunacy Episode 2

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/4/2024 Lunacy Episode 2

Last week's show is here:

Matt Cross says he's back here in Columbus, Ohio at the Newport Music Hall. He said he wrestled in this building for ICP in 2001. The rope broke and we see him taking a horrible fall to the ground. He says he's here to impress and wants the JCW Title.

Facade vs Caleb Konley

Caleb turned on Facade during a tag match last week which caused this. Caleb hits him from behind before it starts then sends him into the buckles. Facade trips him and cartwheels over him. Facade asai moonsaults him. Facade double springboard dropkicks him.

Facade bangs Caleb's head off the apron then Facade's head is banged off the apron. Facade kind of bounces off the ropes from the outside and hits him. Facade then crossbodies him off the elevated rails outside. Facade's neck is pulled down over the top rope. Caleb urakens him then backbreakers him into an STO for 2.

Caleb rocking chairs him and Facade does a roll-up for 2. Facade hits running lariats. Facade does a headstand in the corner and boots him. Facade then springboard enzugiri's him. Caleb rolls out and grabs a chair under the ring. Caleb then throws the chair into Facade's face, but there's no rules so it's allowed.

Facade blocks an alabama slam and hits a canadian destroyer off of it. Facade rope walks and does a coast to coast dropkick. Facade then double springboards off a chair and the top rope to tope con hilo on Caleb. Caleb pushes the ref into Facade and Facade is crotched on the top. Caleb burning hammers Facade and wins.

Thoughts: I would have been okay with this if it had ended at the canadian destroyer spot but then it just kept on going and hurt the flow. Facade's been at this for a long time. I kind of expected him to be a bit better at some of the basics here, though he did do some cool moves. Caleb was fine in this one.

Geeves, The Faithful Man Servant, introduces "Richie Boy" Breyer Wellington. Breyer says he has money to burn and says he will take over. He says he is forever and throws money. 

The Redwood Giants (Painful Paul and Hurtful Kurt) vs James Ellsworth and Breyer Wellington

Paul is Talos from NWA Powerrr. Kurt is Ben Bishop, who appeared once on Rampage and is a former NHL goalie. Eric Smalls (also from NWA Powerrr) is their manager. Geeves introduces his team. We get a "you suck d!ck" chant at Breyer. James and Breyer go face to face with their opponents and only come up to their chests. 

James and Kurt go at it. James runs at him and is knocked over. Breyer is knocked over too. James and Breyer then get shouldered over together. James gets nowhere with a punch on Kurt and eye pokes him. Breyer takes a sideslam. Paul back elbows Breyer then chokes him on the ropes. Smalls then chokes Breyer on the ropes and slaps him.

Paul splashes Breyer in the corner. Kurt hits shots on Breyer. Kurt misses a corner splash. James gets in and slaps Paul. Paul lariats Kurt on accident then Kurt lariats Paul on accident. James tries to bang their heads together but they double headbutt him and win it.

Thoughts: It was a well-worked match here. The big guys played up their size and their opponents played up their lack of size against them. The big guys bullied their opponents around, the smaller guys tried to use shortcuts and were beaten.

Geeves shoves/pie faces James after. James goes to hit him and Breyer shields Geeves.

We see a Willie Mack interview from earlier in the day. Willie talks about being champ and said people like Sabu, Terry Funk and Vampiro held the title. He says it's a dream come true. He said he dreamt to be on top of the juggalo world since he was a little boy.

Kongo Kong vs Tyler Fox

Eric Smalls is with Kong and that's a new development apparently. Fox is working a church gimmick. He says he's our favorite congregation member and is scared off by Kong before saying more. He offers Kong the chance to make a donation and Kong slaps him. Kong slaps away the donation plate and spinning headbutts him. Kong then gets the win.

Thoughts: This was only half a minute long and Kong won easy.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy 2 Dope says we will take look at The Brothers of Funstruction. We see some clips of them.

JCW Title - Willie Mack vs Matt Cross

Matt waistlocks him and Mack dances. Matt then does the same on Mack's waistlock. Matt wristlocks him and Mack hits a shot. Matt wristlocks him. They legsweep each other and stare down. Mack chops him then twists his nipples. Matt cartwheels off the buckles then Mack cartwheels out of his headscissors.

Matt bangs Mack's head off the buckles. Matt's head is banged off the buckles. They trade forearms. Matt pump kicks him then rebounds into a cutter on him. Matt misses a top rope ssp. Matt sunset flips him. Mack drops down and Mack pins him.

Thoughts: These guys took it really easy here and didn't get much time. This was very far from either wrestlers best effort and was pretty much a nothing match.

They shake hands after.

Overall thoughts: We'll see where things go but I was hoping for more creativity from The Clown's on this show. I figured The ICP would be doing commentary, we'd have clown interviewers, faygo and some wild or unusual angles and other ICP staples. We haven't really gotten any of that so far. The show wasn't awful, but the wrestling wasn't must see and there's not a ton going on storyline wise. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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