Saturday, September 7, 2024

AEW Collision 9/6/2024

AEW Collision 9/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Note: This aired at 8PM on Friday, 9/6 because of AEW All Out 2024 airing during Collision's usual timeslot. This also aired against Smackdown.

They talk about the Adam Page vs Swerve Strickland cage match tomorrow and show the cage for that hanging in the air.

We see Marina Shafir and Jon Moxley arrive.

Continental Contender's Challenge - Lance Archer vs Mark Briscoe

The winner fights in the Continental Title 4-way tomorrow. Lance attacks him as he enters from behind. Lance slams Mark on the rails. Mark fights back and gets busted open. Mark and Lance shoulder battle. Mark flying shoulders Lance then is pulled over the top. Lance beats up Mark on the rails. Lance cannonballs the rails when Mark moves.

Mark jumps off a chair and does a tope con hilo onto Lance. Mark chokes Lance with a shirt. Lance pop-up spinebusters Mark. Both guys have blood all over them. Lance grabs Mark by the beard and we go to PiP break.

We return and Lance hits punches on Mark. Lance knocks Mark off the apron then chokeslams Mark on the apron. Lance is pushed into the post then headhunters him off the apron to the floor. Mark rolling death valley drivers Lance. Mark hits a top rope froggy bow for 2. Lance hits a facekick then chokeslams him. Lance buckle bombs Mark then hits a black hole slam for 2.

Mark knocks Lance off the ropes and hits a froggy bow. Mark hits two more froggy bows to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Mark taking a whooping and getting all bloodied up. I enjoyed this one but I don't like seeing Lance take unnecessary loses like this.

The Learning Tree talk about The Conglomeration. Jericho puts over Ishii as one of his favorite opponents but says he needs to go back to Japan. He says now it's not the right time to face him. Big Bill says time is the most important thing the human race possesses, but time must run out for every man. Bryan agrees and we see them posing over Ishii, who has a chair over his head and is out. Bryce the ref and someone else then come check on Ishii.

The Grizzled Young Veterans vs The Iron Savages

Boulder and Gibson go at it. Boulder clubs Gibson's back then is eye raked and chopblocked. Giubson hits forearms and basement dropkicks him. Drake dropkicks Boulder's knee.

Boulder double suplexes The Vet's when they try to double suplex him. Bronson gets on Boulders' shoulders but Drake chopblocks Boulder, sending both down. Drake step up enzugiri's Boulder then The Vet's dump Boulder over the top. Drake is lariated over the top.

Bronson short arm lariats Gibson. Bronson takes a double stun gun then takes a high/low. Drake picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was shorter and a bit rushed. It's a shame as I think it would have been really good if they got the time. The outcome was sadly obvious here.

FTR's music hits after and they come out. The four fight and FTR get the edge. Jacked Jameson talks trash and holds up FTR's hands. FTR then hit a shatter machine on Jacked for no real reason in a poor face move.

Orange Cassidy is interviewed by Lexi. Lexi says he's got a full schedule. OC agrees but says his backpack isn't fully. He says he will punch Bryan Keith in the face for what he did and take the Continental Title and put it next to the $7,000 he has for Jericho. 

Continental Contender's Challenge - Orange Cassidy vs Bryan Keith

OC goofs around, taking a while to get ready. OC shotgun dropkicks him then topes BK outside. OC hits 2 more topes and sends him into the rails several times. OC's hand is banged off the steps. OC running facekicks him.

We go to PiP break and return. OC dropkicks him with his hands in his pockets. OC stomps BK in the corner and basement dropkicks him there. BK throws him down by the arm. BK exploders him then OC gets his boots up in the corner.

They fight up top. BK exploders OC in the corner then michinoku drivers him for 2. OC cradles him for 2 then OC hits a stunner. OC beachbreakers him for 2. BK hits knees to the face for 2. OC hits an orange punch on BK then ddt's him. OC dives off the top and hits a ddt to win.

Thoughts: I hated this. OC was supposed to be mad about his friend Ishii getting taken out (and has a title shot chance) and he's putting his hands in his pockets and goofing off.

Jericho is outside of OC's locker room. He said it seems like he won't get his $7,000 from OC. He says he's keeping OC's backpack until he gives him the cash. He says he has a big pair of scissors.

Mercedes Mone and Kamille are interviewed. She says he's preparing to win this week like she always does. She asks why Christopher Daniels is always up in her business. She says Kamille is not banned from ringside tonight and says to find out what happens when you mess with her.

The Outrunners vs August Matthews & Davey Bang

Erica Leigh is with The Runners. They say The Runners have never won a TV match. Aug chops Truth in the back. Truth chops him back. Bang is lariated by Truth then Turbo hits a 2nd rope shot on Bang. Turbo boots Aug and twisting suplexes him. Aug takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop. Bang takes a double hiptoss and a double clothesline over the top.

Turbo and Truth hit a slam + neckbreaker combo and win.

Thoughts: It was nice to see The Runners get a win here in this quick squash.

The Runners celebrate big after and Turbo runs the ropes.

Renee does a sitdown interview with Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale. Kris asks Willow who was by her side all the time when she came to AEW. Kris says she gave her a TBS Title shot but Willow didn't give her a TBS Title when she had it. Willow says Kris was there for her when she got here but said she never thought she would stab her in the back. Willow brings up Stokeley and said he wasn't present in this before. Kris says it seems like nothing matters except Willow. Willow says all the wrong they did won't matter tomorrow in the street fight. All that matters is making her pay. Kris says she can now have the physical scars to go with the mental scars and says the right time to strike is tomorrow at All Out.

Continental Contender's Challenge - The Beast Mortos vs Konosuke Takeshita

They stare down. KT shoves and piefaces him. They shoulder battle. Mort step up enzugiri's him in the corner and powerslams him. Mort is thrown over the top and KT tope con hilos him. Mort is sent into the rails and KT pounds on him. KT forearms him outside and bangs his head off a chair.

KT is knocked off the apron and Mort tornillo topes him. Mort euros him outside. They go back in and Mort gets hit on the buckles. KT bites him then hits a top rope superplex. We go to PiP break and return.

Mort boots him out of the corner, hits a slingblade bulldog and a headbutt. Mort backbreakers KT then pop-up samoan drops him for 2. KT release germans him. Mort no sells it then KT hits a blue thunder for 2. Mort top rope gorilla presses him but drops him and takes forever to set it up.

Mort is sent into the post then takes a release german. Mort spears him. They hit more shots and headbutt each other at the same time. Mort pops him up but takes a crucifix bomb. KT flying knees him. KT then hits a spinning falcon arrow and wins.

Thoughts: It was garbage as expected with them doing way too much, KT taking a hard botched fall off the top and little selling.

Saraya and Harley Cameron talk. They call Jamie Hayter a slag. She says Jamie is stalking them and they will stalk her instead. Harley says she is in a lot of trouble.

Mariah May talks. She said she's the champ you always wanted but never knew you needed. She said she doesn't run from fights and looks forward to meeting new challengers. She said she hasn't had her AEW Title celebration. She said there is nothing more than worth the money at All Out than watching her be her. She says the saddest part of being her is that she never gets to meet Mariah May.

Deonna Purrazzo vs Hikaru Shida

They lock up. DP backs her up in the corner and hits boots to the gut. Shida trips her and DP crucifixes her. Shida hits boots and a lariat. Shida hits a front kick then DP back rolls her and throws her into the buckles.

We go to PiP break, full break and return. Shida hits forearms. DP hits some shots back then dropkicks her off the buckles. Shida hits corner punches. DP la mistica's her then powerbombs her for 2.

They trade shots and Shida brazilian kicks her. They pump kick each other and Shida falcon arrows her for 2. Shida spinning knees her and wins.

Thoughts: I wasn't a fan of this. The various strikes they did didn't hit real clean here and it needed more time than it got. 

Mercedes Mone comes out. Shida is distracted then Kamille nails Shida from behind. Mone goes to hit Shida with a kendo stick but nails Kamille instead. Shida thwarts the heels. Shida spinning knees Mone.

FTR is interviewed. They said The Vet's attacked them 2 weeks in a row. They said they tried to meet them face to face but they ran. Cash says it doesn't sound Grizzled to them. Dax calls them a not as good looking FTR. Dax challenges them next week.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. Max says he's the best wrestler alive and it's written on his jacket. Max says none of the top teams can beat them. He says the road to the tag titles continues on. We then see MxM Collection pop-up behind them. They say nobody wants Acclaimed in AEW. Mansoor says they meet House of Black tonight and says they should watch and get some fashion tips. Bowens says everyone loves The Acclaimed and there's only one team around here that does finger stuff.

Pac and The Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) vs The Elite (Jack Perry, Kazuchika Okada and The Young Bucks)

Jack and Bryan go at it. Bryan takes corner spears and is foot choked. Bryan hits punches on Matt then CC gets shots in on a Buck. Yuta backdrops Matt. Yuta takes boots from The Bucks then Nic is popped up into a dropkick on Yuta. Yuta slams and sentons Matt. Matt hits punches on Pac and stands on his head in the corner. CC slams and double stomps Matt.

Matt is laid on the 2nd rope and takes a knee off the top. Pac standing moonsaults Matt for 2. All 8 men fight then we get 4 sets of corner punches. Jack is pulled out and we go to PiP break and return. Pac takes a triple team in the corner, and over the back neckbreaker on the knee from Okada and a top rope splash from Jack. Jack sends Bryan into the rails outside. Pac, CC and Yuta are bridged on the 2nd rope and Matt triple swantons them from the top.

Matt hits boots on Pac then catapults him into an enzugiri from Nick. Nick springboard double stomps Pac while he's on Matt's knees. Jack neckbreakers and pounds on Pac. Pac tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Nick. CC gets in and hits offense on The Bucks. Matt takes a hart attack. Nick hits superkicks on Yuta and CC.

Okada footslaps CC. They trade forearms. Okada slams CC. CC suplexes Okada. Bryan and Jack get in at the same time. Bryan hits punches and a chest kick flurry. Jack hits knees on Bryan then pounds on him. Bryan flips over Jack out of the corner and running knees him. Everyone starts coming in to hit a move one by one. Bryan hits chest kicks on Jack. Jack rolls him up, Bryan puts a yes lock on and the show ends as we move over to Rampage. Jack hits a top rope dropkick on Bryan.

Yuta hits forearms on Jack then on Okada. Okada dropkicks him. Yuta takes a double superkick then Okada tombstones him. Nick does a springboard 450 to the outside. Bryan hits a flying knee off the apron. Okada teases a dive but flips off the crownd. Pac hits kicks on Okada. Pac does a fosbury flop outside. Pac hits a springboard 450 on Okada.

Pac hits boots on Okada then footchokes him. Okada and Bryan trade euros. Pac foot chokes Okada in the corner. The faces do a lot of tagging in and out and Bryan 2nd rope dropkicks Okada. Pac euros Okada in the corner then stomps on him.

We go to PiP break and return. The faces hit triple tombstones for 2. Matt is caught on a top rope crossbody by CC. Matt takes a suplex + top rope crossbody combo for 2. Bryan chases Jack around the seats and to the back. Yuta takes a superplex. Yuta takes a BTE trigger for 2. Okada ddt's Pac on the floor. CC catches a springboard 450 from Nick and giant swings him. Yuta basement dropkicks Nick off of it and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a weird tag. They built up the finish towards the end of Collision with them doing finishers and big moves, then they just went back to having a normal match. Bryan ran out of the arena to chase Jack away which was dumb. It got a lot of time but really dragged. I can't put this one over due to how weird the structure of it was and I had never seen a match set up like this before.

Overall thoughts: I have a big issue with Collision going on long and extending into Rampage. The show is supposed to be from 8-10pm, not 8-10:12pm. If I didn't have Rampage DVR'd, I wouldn't have seen the end of this since Collision cut out at 10pm as scheduled. As usual, it was a bunch of random matches for the most part minus the main and OC/Keith to an extent. I didn't really like the show. The main had a real odd structure to it. OC goofed around in a revenge match with title shot implications and KT/Mort did too much as they always do. The Vets/Iron Savages could have been done but didn't get enough time.

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