Wednesday, July 31, 2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/28/2024

CMLL on Mexiquense TV 7/28/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Dr. Karonte I, Dr. Karonte II and Enfermero Jr. vs Leono, Electrico and Astral

EJ = Enfermero Jr.

Karonte 1 is wearing pants and Karonte 2 is wearing a singlet.

1st Fall - 1 and Leono lock up. Leono flying snapmares him. Leono kips up out of the wristlock and armdrags him. 1 stf's Leono. Leono flips him over his back and armdrags him out. Elec and 2 go at it. 2 works the arm and Elec armdrags him.

2 rolls him up and wristlocks him. Elec rolls out and armdrags 2. 2 boots Elec and corner lariats him. 2 springboards off the bottom rope and dropkicks him. 2 knees him in the gut then Elec spinning bac headscissors him out.

Astral and EJ get in. EJ trips him then is shouldered over. EJ basement dropkicks him for 2. Astral armdrags him then 1 pulls him out. EJ is pulled out then Astral topes him. Elec springboard elbow drops 2 then Leono lifts and spins 1 in an abdominal stretch. Elec gets the pin and Leono gets the submission. Leono's team wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Leono flying headscissors 2 out. 1 takes off his pants to reveal small trunks. Leono tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. 1 misses a corner move then Leono walks up the buckles and armdrags him out. Leono tilt-a-whirl armdrags Enf out and poses.

2 stomps on Elec and chops him. Elec 619's him using the ropes then springboard crossbodies him. Elec flying headscissors 2 out. Elec slingshots into a headscissors on EJ. Elec satellite headscissors 1.

Astral springboard armdrags 2. Astral asai moonsaults over 1 then springboard bodyscissors him in a botch. Astral gets on EJ's shoulders then armdrags him out. Astral gets on the 2nd rope outside and diving headscissors EJ outside.

2 jumps over Leono's back then armdrags him. 2 goes up the ropes using 1's arm then moonsaults onto Leono outside. 1 gorilla press gutbusters Elec then corkscrew elbow drops him. 1 pins Elec.

Astral takes a powerbomb from EJ. EJ botches a move, slamming him on the mat and just pins him. Enfermero Jr.'s team wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Elec is nailed by EJ from behind. 1 stomps on Elec. Elec takes corner attacks. 1 suplexes Elec on the apron and maybe takes a worse bump than Elec does. Leono is triple teamed in the ring and 1 throws him by the hair. 2 springboard dropkicks Leono.

Astral is triple teamed. Astral takes a double japanese armdrag (botched) and a basement dropkick. EJ gets kicked on a corner charge. Astral springboard crossbodies 2. Leono tilt-a-whirl backbreakers 1 and EJ. Elec asai moonsaults outside and Leono cannonballs off the apron.

Elec hurricanrana's EJ to win the fall and match. The stretcher is brought out for Karonte 1.

It wasn't good. There were a lot of botches and sloppy moments here and it went entirely too long. 

Dark Magic, Coyote and Sagrado vs El Audaz, Pegasso and Hombre Bala Jr.

1st Fall - Aud and Coy lock up. Coy armdrags him and howls. Coy surfboards Aud and Aud rolls him into a pin attempt. Coy elbow drops Aud's leg and Aud armdrags him. Aud arm throws him then armdrags him. Coy shoulders Aud over then Aud standing moonsaults him. They stand off.

Dark and Peg go at it. Peg wristlocks him then Dark does it to him. Peg armdrags him and headflips up. Peg hooks Dark's leg then side headlocks him. Dark tries a pin attempt for 2. Peg footlocks Dark and is pushed off.

Bala and Sag go at it. Bala 2nd rope springboard twisting crossbodies him then headscissors him out. Bala hits a nice tope. Aud springboard crossbodies Coy. Peg hits a top rope double crossbody. Peg pins Coy and Aud moonsaults Dark for the pin. Pegasso's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Aud evades a double team and flying headscissors Sag out. Coy dropkicks Aud. Aud hits a big chop on Coy then flips onto the ramp. Aud runs the ramp and tilt-a-whirl armdrags in.

Peg flying headscissors Dark out. Peg walks up the buckles and armdrags Coy. Peg armdrags Dar. Bala spinning headscissors and a tilt-a-whirl armdrags Coy. Sag nails Dark on accident. Bala dropkicks Sag the headstand pendulum knees Dark in the corner. Bala flying headbutts Sag in the corner then superkicks him.

Sag lariats Bala. Coy stomps Bala then Sag slams Bala. Dark top rope elbow drops Bala then Coy top rope splashes Bala. Sag does a weird surfboard on Bala and taps him out. Sagrado's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Peg takes a dropkick + double suplex. Sag is double hiptossed into Aud's back while Aud is against the ropes. Bala takes corner attacks and Dark running kicks Bala in the leg. Aud is triple stomped. Aud avoids a double team shot and Bala tornillos off the apron onto Sag. Peg is double flipped into the ropes and double armdrags his opponents. Aud and Peg do stereo tope con hilos outside.

Bala top rope crossbodies Sag. He pumping knees him then asai moonsaults him. Audaz pins Sagrado and his team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: Sagrado wasn't moving well here and it just wasn't that great of a match. Audaz had a decent showing here.

Stuka Jr, Gran Guerrero and Hechicero vs Valiente, Fugaz and Mistico


1st Fall - Hech and Val lock up. Hech trips him on the mat and kneedrops his leg. Val goes for a pin attempt then chops him. Hech hits shots on Val then trips him on his leapfrog. Val dropkicks Hech in the knee then powerslams him. Val flips over Hech using the ropes and armdrags him out. Val goes for the dive and gets hit by the heels. Fug springboard crossbodies but is caught by Stuka and Gran. Fug is popped up into a headscissors on Gran. Fug walks up the ropes and armdrags Stuka. Hech shoulders Fug out.

Mist flying headscissors Hech. Mist is popped up into a headscissors on Gran. Mist springboard headscissors Stuka. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Hech. Val does a nice tope on Hech.

Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Gran then spinning headscissors him into la mistica. Mist taps out Gran and Fug toyota rolls into a sunset bomb on Stuka. Mistico's team wins the fall. 

2nd Fall - Val kips up and down while in the wristlock and armdrags Hech. Hech dropkicks him. Hech step up knees Val. The heels go for Mist's mask on the ropes. Gran boots Mist and Mist takes a magic killer. Stuka spinebusters Fug the rolls him into a kick from Stuka. Hech hits corner shots on Val and goes for his mask. Hech pounds on him.

Hech pulls on Val's mask then basement dropkicks him. Val is bridged on the ropes outside and Hech pop-up butt drops him. Val is dropkicked in the knee then Hech stomps on Val.

Fug takes corner attacks. Val is put on the buckles and Hech goes for his mask. Val is beaten up against the rails then Hech is popped up into a butt drop on him. Stuka tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Fug. Stuka tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Mist. Mist's legs are split then Gran kicks Mist in the back.

Hech pulls on Val's mask and boots him. Val is flipped into the ropes and headscissors Hech off of it. Val back body drops Stuka then Hech dropkicks Val. Mist springboard hurricanrana's Hech then Fug headscissors Hech.

Mist and Fug do stereo dives out. Val dives off the top onto Hech then pulls on Hech's mask. Hech snapmares him and pulls his mask off. Valiente's team wins the fall and match as Hechicero is DQ'd.

Thoughts: I'll never be a fan of the "let's get ourselves DQ'd and lose the match purposely" finish. It doesn't make much sense unless it's a title match or in a hopeless situation where there's clearly no chance of winning. This was neither of those. They pushed the Valiente vs Hechicero feud here but the heeling went on too long and dragged this down.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like any of the 3 matches and would not recommend this one.

WWE Speed 7/31/2024

WWE Speed 7/31/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament - Axiom vs Joaquin Wilde

They try to dropkick each other then both kip up. Wilde goes for the leapfrog and is pulled down. Ax half-nelson suplexes him. Wilde has new small trunks here.

Wilde hanging headscissors him over the top rope then springboard dropkicks him. Wilde facebusters him for 2. Wilde hits a nice tope on the outside. Ax germans him on the apron and both go down to the floor. Wilde hits forearms and Ax chops him. Wilde back springboards and is caught with a sleeper.

Wilde superkicks him. Wilde hits a 450 and wins with 3 seconds remaining.

It was your usual short match here with a 3 minute time limit. They got as much out of this as they could have and it was fine for what it was.

The next WWE Speed is on Friday, so we get a double dose this week.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one short match. It wasn't a must see though Axiom and Wilde did the best they could with the 3 minutes they had.

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/31/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 8

New Japan Pro Wrestling 7/31/2024 G1 Climax 34 Day 8

Day 7 is here:

Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee)

Kato dropkicks Gabe then hits a forearm flurry. Gabe slaps him then Kato flying shoulders him. Gabe takes corner forearms from both opponents then a double dropkick. Jake lariats both opponents over.

Kato is thrown into the rails by Gabe outside. Gabe chops KM down inside then Jake slams KM. KM tries forearms on Gabe then is slapped. Kato hits running forearms on Gabe then flying forearms him down.

Gabe eye rakes him. Kato hits dropkicks on Jake then Jake takes a double dropkick. Gabe slaps Kato then Jake chokeslams Kato. Jake pins Kato.

Thoughts: It was your usual young lions vs vets match here. The young lions showed some fire and did forearms and dropkicks until they were put down. It was fine and the young lions looked good.

United Empire (Callum Newman & Great-O-Khan) vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo & EVIL)

The heels attack before it starts. Togo sends CN into the rails outside and Evil stomps on Khan. Khan hits mongolian chops on Evil then uppercuts him. Khan sits on Evil's neck in the corner. Khan is sent into the exposed buckle. Togo stomps on Khan then sentons him.

Evil chokes Khan with a rope. Evil stands on Khan's head. Evil eye rakes Khan then Khan shoulder throws him. CN gets in, sweeps both opponents and hits a double basement dropkick. CN PK's Evil then standing moonsaults him for 2. CN takes corner attacks and Eivl fisherman suplexes him.

Togo chokes CN with a weapon and Khan breaks it up. Khan goes for the claw on Evil then punches him in the gut. CN enzugiri's Togo from the mat then pins him with an os cutter.

Thoughts: It was your usual HoT match with them cheating. It wasn't anything of note and was a shorter match.

Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma vs. Just 5 Guys (SANADA & TAKA Michinoku)

Shota wristlocks Sanada then Sanada reverses it. Sanada side headlock takeovers him and thye stare down. Sanada goes for the paradise lock but is shouldered over. Honma misses a falling headbutt on Sanada.

Taka gets in and stomps on Honma. Honma hits forearms then is eye poked. Taka eye rakes him with his feet then headbutts him. Taka chinlocks him then Sanada stomps on Honma. Sanada paradise locks Honma. Honma flying headbutts Sanada. Shota running forearms Sanada then basement dropkicks Taka.

Shota fisherman suplexes Sanada. Sanada hits a dropkick to the knee and head on Shota. Taka step up knees Shota in the corner then Sanada russian legsweeps Shota. Taka superkicks Shota. Shota dropkicks him then Honma falling headbutts Taka. Shota hits ignition on Taka then double underhook ddt's him to win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here. Shota took a lot more than he got in on this but he did end up picking up the win. It was just filler.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito) vs. TMDK (Kosei Fujita & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Kosei nails Shingo when he does his handshake to Naito. He flying headscissors Naito then PK's him from the apron. Naito atomic drops Kosei and holds him for a running shoulder from Shingo. Shingo suplexes Kosei.

Naito hits forearms on Kosei then clubs on him. Zack and Shingo go at it. They shoulder each other and both block and evade each others moves. Zack twists Shingo's neck with his feet. Shingo spinning neckbreakers him. Kosei gets in and springboard dropkicks Shingo.

Shingo lariats him on the ropes and Naito baseball slides him. Kosei takes an atomic drop into an enzugiri. Shingo punches and lariats Kosei down. Naito neckbreakers Zack then pumping bombers Kosei. Shingo hits made in Japan on Kosei and wins.

Thoughts: It was another short midcard match. It didn't have enough time to really develop into anything and it's a shame as it probably would have been decent if they let it go longer.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Yota Tsuji vs. Oleg Boltin

Oleg shoulders him over to start. Yota shoulders him then Oleg gets another hsoulder in. Yota goes for a splash and Oleg gets his knees up. Yota gutbusters him. Yota hits a knee to the gut.

Yota hits forearms to the gut and stands on him in the corner. Oleg hits forearms and takes a shot to the gut. Oleg slams him then hits forearms. oleg shoulders him over and splashes him. Oleg karelin's lifts him then Yota suplexes him.

Oleg misses a splash and Yota rolls him up for 2. Yota crabs him then curbstomps him for 2. Yota knees him in the face. Oleg dropkicks him then Yota cradles him. Oleg hits a big lariat then finlay rolls him for 2. Yota hits a big spear and wins.

Thoughts: It was a shorter heavyweight style match. It should have gone longer and I would have liked to have seen these guys get to do a bit more here. I think they got what they were supposed to do here and did as good as they could have with it.  

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - HENARE vs. Yuya Uemura

Gabe Kidd is on commentary for this one. Yuya waistlocks him then side headlocks him. They shoulderblock battle. Henare shoulders him over. Yuya armdrags him and shoulders him over. Yuya armdrags him and armlocks him.

Henare backs him up in the corner then Yuya chops him. Henare hits a big forearm back. Henare flying shoulders him and kicks him in the back. Henare hits a strike flurry in the corner. Henare hits kicks while he's down then sentons him.

Yuya hits chops. Henare headbutts him in the gut then Yuya forearms him. Henare hits a berzerker bomb for 2. Yuya flying forearms him. Yuya goes up an over him, armdrags him then dropkicks him. Yuya splashes him. Yuya backdrops him. Yuya hits a top rope crossbody and Henare backrolls out of it. Henare pop-up samoan drops him.

They trade forearms. Henare bangs his own head off the buckles and they trade more forearms. They trade chops for chest kicks. Henare hits a hard shot to the gut then hits chest kicks. Yuya dragon suplexes him and Henare lariats him. Henare running lariats him for 2.

Yuya hits a big dropkick then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Henare gets his knees up on Yuya's top rope frogsplash. Henare step up knees him in the corner. Yuya germans him for 2. Henare hits another shot to the gut and a spinning high kick. Yuya pele kicks him. Henare PK's him and hits a rampage slam for 2. Yuya dragon suplexes him. They trade headbutts and Henare flying headbutts him. Henare hits something like a burning hammer and wins.

Thoughts: As usual, I didn't think Henare protected himself enough here. He shouldn't be taking big bumps and going 50/50 with non-hosses yet that's what he's doing. It was a good match but Henare throwing him around and Yuya making comebacks would have make for a better one. Yuya had a good showing here and the strike exchanges were entertaining.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - El Phantasmo vs. Jeff Cobb

Cobb offers a handshake and ELP rolls him up from behind. Cobb shoulders him over. ELP flying headscissors him out and topes him into the rails. ELP goes for another dive and is hit on the attempt. Cobb is sent into the post. ELP walks up his back, to the apron and buckles then moonsaults him outside.

Cobb belly to belly suplexes him and headbutts him. Cobb misses a corner attack and pounces him. Cobb surfs on ELP's back. ELP hits forearms then is uranage'd for 2. ELP is hit on the buckles then Cobb 2nd rope superplexes him.

Cobb standing moonsaults him. Cobb blocks a flying headscissors. ELP hits kicks on him then 2nd rope tornado ddt's him. ELP superkicks him. ELP does a top rope swanton into an asai moonsault for 2. Cobb F-5's him then forearms him down.

They trade forearms. ELP facekicks him the Cobb bodyblocks him. ELP dropkicks him. ELP springboards and is caught with a tour of the islands slam. Cobb wins.

Thoughts: I didn't think they had enough time for this one. It was okay with ELP doing his flying and Cobb working as the bigger man, but it ended before it could be great.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - Hirooki Goto vs. Ren Narita

Ren knees him then hits stomps. Ren eye rakes him then is shouldered over. Goto hits forearms and Ren slides out. Ren stalls outside and Goto sits down in the ring. Ren gets in, Goto gets out and Ren boots him. Goto is sent into the post and rails.

Ren chokes Goto with his own stick. Ren grabs the ring bell but the ref takes it from him. Ren then chairs Goto. Goto's neck is catapulted into the bottom rope. Ren flying lariats him then chinlocks him.

Goto hits chops and Ren chokes him. Goto lariats him off the ropes. Goto spinning heel kicks him in the corner then backdrops him. Ren chinlocks him then Goto bulldogs him for 2.

Ren exploder ssplexes him. Ren double underhook suplexes him then does a king crab hold. Goto ushigoroshi's Ren then forearms him over for 2. Ren flying kneepresses him. Ren goes for Goto's stick and Goto gets it off of him. Goto is pushed into the ref and Ren rakes Goto's eyes.

Goto and Ren square off with weapons. Goto hits him with his. Goto blocks a low blow and hits a headbutt flurry. Goto running lariats Ren and Ren grabs the ref. Ren low blows him and facebusters him to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual HoT match with weapons, ref bumps and a dirty finish. It was okay until the shenanigans started and brought down what little good will this had garnered.

G1 Climax 2024 Block B Match - David Finlay vs. Konosuke Takeshita

They lock up and grab each other by the hair. KT hits a big forearm then side headlocks him. KT shoulders him over then dropkicks him. KT chinlocks him then side headlocks him. DF spits at him then KT is pushed off the buckles to the floor. KT is sent into and over the rails outside.

KT is sent into the buckles then DF pulls on his face. DF suplexes KT then cobra clutches him. KT facekicks him then flying lariats him. KT brainbusters DF. KT misses a flying knee in the corner then goes over the top to the floor. DF shoves him through the rail doors outside then poses on the commentary table.

DF is pushed into the post. KT piles chairs on DF then slingshot swantons him from the ring to the floor. KT top rope frogsplashes him inside for 2. KT goes for a top rope senton and DF gets his knees up. DF uranage backbreakers him for 2.

They trade forearms on the apron and KT is pushed into the post. DF dominators him for 2. KT back body drops DF then flying knees him. DF hits oblivion for 2. They try pin attempts on each other.

KT hits the ref in the conrer on accident. DF buckle bombs him then KT hits a powerbomb. Gedo distracts the ref outside. DF grabs the shillelagh and hits KT with it for 2. KT hits a big forearm then Gedo trips KT. KT grabs Gedo. DF runs into Gedo. KT hits blue thunder on DF. DF hits overkill and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay match brought down by various shenanigans as usual. It would have been fine if they just let them do their thing, but we had to get a ref bump and interference. I thought they had an easy storyline with DF working KT's arm, but they opted not to go with it.

DF says "f*ck you" to the crowd after and asks who's better than him. He says he got rid of Ospreay, Jay White and Takeshita. He said he sent them to AEW. He says nobody is better than him and says he's just getting started. Gedo then talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: We could have had a bunch of decent matches here but we had a lot of interference and shenanigans which brought it down. Yota/Oleg didn't get the time it needed. Henare/Yuya was easily the best match on here, but Henare should have protected his size better. I wouldn't recommend this one and though it was just a so-so show.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

WWE NXT 7/30/2024

WWE NXT 7/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Hank and Tank are goofing around and sneaking into the arena They set off the alarms and blow the fuse. The lights are out and then they turn the arena lights on.

It's Night 1 of The Great American Bash 2024.

We see wrestlers arrive and see Oba Femi arrive in front of The D'Angelo Family.

Women's Tag Titles - Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn (c) vs Meta-Four (Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)

Lash and JJ are attacked during intros. Lash is choked on the ropes and thrown out. Lash is thrown into the rails. JJ cradles Alba then Alba stomps her. JJ is thrown into the buckles shoulder first. JJ is then thrown into a tarantula on the ropes by Isla.

JJ takes a double suplex. Lash pump kicks Isla then pushes Alba over the top. JJ then dives through the ropes onto Isla. We go to PiP break and return. 

JJ step up enzugiri's Isla. Lash chops Isla over then hits forearms and lariats. Lashl fallaway slams Isla then swinging backbreakers Alba. JJ chokeslams Islam for 2. Isla backcrackers Lash then Alba top rope swantons Lash while she's in the hold.

JJ knocks Isla down on the floor. Alba tornado ddt's Lash. Lash corner spears Alba. Alba is on Lash's shoulders and is held for a cutter from JJ for 2. Isla pulls Lash over the top rope. Isla meteora's Lash on the floor. Alba superkicks JJ. JJ takes a double team gori special and is pinned.

Thoughts: Lash had a decent showing here. It wasn't great or anything but Lash and JJ did an okay job here keeping up with better opponents.

Ethan Page comes out. He says Meta-Four came up short. Page says there won't be any fluke victories next week from Oro. Page tries to hit Oro with the title then Oro rolls him up and Lash/JJ count three for him.

Cedrick Alexander talks to rookies in the back. Shawn Spears comes in. He said he's making a difference in Jensen's life and says some people are a lost cause like him. Jensen goes up to Ced and tells him to talk tonight if he wants to talk.

Tavion Heights is interviewed by Hank. Tank talks about his amateur wrestling credentials and says big matches don't scare him. He says Tony D was a college wrestler from Buffalo. He says he's a shooter too.

Tank interviews The D'Angelo Family. Tony says Tavion is a legit guy. He says he doesn't do it every 4 years though, he does it every day. He says Tavion will find out tonight.

Pete Dunne does a video. He says he has been in the business for a while and sees grown men who can't figure it out. He says he's YXB - Young and Bitter. He said  the first time he followed someone's advice, he got a bad nickname in Butch. He said Sheamus went home and Ridge came to NXT and said Bate is injured. He talks about riding the bus in England and handling business. He says Trick is in for a painful lesson next week and he will force him to figure it out.

We see Trick watching the video. He says we will see who has it figured out next week. He says, "forget Whoop That Trick, I'm gonna whoop that @ss".

WWE NXT Heritage Cup - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Tavion Heights

Round 1 - They lock up and grapple. Tony takes him down and Tav gets on top. Tony fireman's carry takeovers him. Tav hip throws him. Tony does some takedowns. Tony side headlocks him. Tony side headlock takeovers him. Tav sleepers him. Tony ankle locks him and the round ends.

Round 2 - We see Wren Sinclar cheering on Tav from the crowd. We go to PiP break. Tav side headlocks him. Tony yanks the arm then fujiwara armbars him. Tony hits corner punches and Tav neckbreakers him. Tav is pulled face down onto the top buckle. Tony 2nd rope superplexes him.

Round 3 - Tav goes for a suplex and Tony falls on him. Tony hits a fisherman suplex and pins him.

Borne goes to pick up Tav and Wren pushes him over. Wren slaps Tav and tells him to go do it.

Round 4 - Tav runs over Tony then headbusters him. Tav belly to belly suplexes him and pins him. We are tied at 1 fall a piece.

Round 5 - They trade punches. Tony misses a corner charge and takes a karelin's lift for 2. Tav knees him in the gut then overhead suplexes him. Tav misses a charge and goes into the ropes. Tony hits punches and flying back elbows him. Tony hits a belly to belly suplex then spinebusters him. Tony hits another spinebuster and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special as expected. Neither of these guys are that great in the ring. Some of the suplexes were nice. Tav looked like he got hurt when Tony fell down on him. I didn't expect Tav to get the win here.

We see Jacy, Nyz and Fallon talk outside. Jacy says all you have to do is get a title shot is to be a makeshift team. We see Petrovic and Sol make comments. We also see Lola make comments and ask for a 6-man tag.

Cedric Alexander vs Brooks Jensen

This starts during PiP break. Ced flying headscissors him into the ropes. Ced 2nd rope dropkicks him then topes him outside. Jensen clubs on him and hits a kneelift. Jensen hits mounted shots.

Shawn Spears comes out. Ced is rammed into the buckles then Jensen flying back elbows him while he's in tree of woe. Jensen side headlocks him. Ced hits running forearms and rebound germans him. Ced basement dropkicks him then michinoku drivers him for 2. Jensen knocks him off the buckles and hits a top rope legdrop for 2.

Ced is gordbustered on the commentary table. Jensen tries to jump on him off the apron but just spinning heel kicks the commentary table when Ced moves. Ced backdrops him into a backcracker and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good as expected. A lot of it was hurt by the PiP break. It's not like they botched anything though. I don't think this new Jensen character is going to work.

Je'Von Evans talks. He said his mom and dad always fought except when wrestling started. He said his mom liked John Cena and his dad liked Booker t. He said his parents split at age 6. He said he got osme anger in him from it but his anger went away when he saw Jeff Hardy and RVd. He said he climbed a wall as a kid and splashed his friend who were wrestling. He said he used to tell his teachers to "suck it" and said he used to jump the fence to play with his neighbors trampoline. He said wrestling is fun to him and said he thought about chasing wrestling for real.

Joe Hendry talks to girls in the back including Layla Diggs and I think the rodeo girl from NXT. Ashantee Adonis then walks out with two of them.

We see The Rascalz in their treehouse smoke room. They make jokes ala That 70's Show. Trey wants to smoke weed. Wes says no as it's PG here. Wentz says you could argue him and Wes are one of the best tag teams ever in NXT. Wes says they never lost the NXT Tag Titles. Wentz said the main event last week reminded people of how they do things here. Wentz says it proves they deserve a tag title match. Wentz says he wants to defend the tag titles across two companies. He then motions that he wants to smoke and they cut the camera's off.

Joe Hendry comes out for his concert. The crowd sings his song. He says its the first Joe Hendry concert in WWE. He says we need a song everybody will love. He sings about how he makes things better for everyine in NXT. He shows clips of Triple H and HBK in the kitchen (when HBK got fired by JBL) and says Booker T is the president of his fan club. He brings up Joe Coffey and says he's the son of Dutch Mantell. He says Gallus got deported for having horrible facial hair.

He says the crowd is having fun and deserves an encore. Gallus interrupts. Joe Coffey says there will be no encore. He says Joe is a flash in the pan and a one hit wonder. They get on the apron. Joe Coffey tells him to get some if he wants some. Hendry hits him then Hendry is beat up by all 3 Gallus members. Hendry is hit in the back with a guitar and his other guitar gets broken.

Thoughts: It wasn't Joe's best song and was a bit lame. At least they built something with it though.

Hank and Tank talk to Roxanne Perez. They put her over. Hank asks if they want to set a Guinness World Record by putting sticky notes on their faces. Tank tries and fails and Perez asks if they have someone else to annoy. She says she's getting ready for her title match. Jaida Parker walks by and says she may not have the title by the end of the night.

Oro Mensah and Ethan Page argue with Ava in between. Page says Oro doesn't deserve the title match. Oro said Page put Noam Dar on the shelf. He says Page hides from him every week as he knows he will pin him each week. Oro says Page's ego won't save him. Page says Oro can't and won't beat him. Page then signs the contract for their match. Oro says he has zero respect for everything Page thinks he is. Oro says the title will fit well around his waist.

Kendal Grey vs Jaida Parker

JP backs her up in the corner off the lock-up. Grey fireman's carry takeovers her and armlocks her. JP hits a knee to the gut and takes a forearm. Grey 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Grey fireman's carries her and puts her in an armlock again.

Grey's head is banged off the buckles. Grey is laid on the top rope and JP hits shots on her. JP throws her down off the ropes. Grey's head is banged off the buckles and JP reverse suplexes her for 2. JP does a grounded cobra twist. They trade forearms and Grey neckbreakers er.

Grey hits back elbows. Myles Borne and Wren Sinclair come out. They argue with Carlee Bright. Grey suplexes Myles on the floor then does her olympic slam to JP for 2. JP puts her on the 2nd rope and buttpresses her down.

JP gordbusters her then running hip attacks her for the win.

Thoughts: Grey looked great here and Jaida looked good as well. Jaida's finally got this thing figured out and this was a decent match. Grey has major potential.

Thea Hail and Ridge Holland talk in the back. Ridge thanks her for her words. Ridge says he won't throw the towel in and says to do whatever it takes to become women's champ. The rest of Chase U comes in. Thea says she was told to do whatever it takes and Chase looks skeptical.

Axiom talks to Joaquin Wilde and someone else in the back. Nathan Frazer talks in then Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner walks in. Stone gives NF a contract for a match with The Rascalz. He says we'll think about it and Axiom signs it. NF asks if he just agreed to a match without his consent. Axiom says they will be fine and says first he will win his Speed match tomorrow.

Jacy Jayne, Jasmyn Nyx and Fallon Henley vs Lola Vice, Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic

Fallon and Sol start us off. Fallon trips her and surfs on her back. Sol lifts her and Fallon gets off. Sol hits a facebuster then surfs on Fallon's back. Fallon and Nyx grab KP by the hair. KP rolls Nyx into kicks.

KP does a low headhunter for 2. KP drop her with a side kick then does an indian deathlock without the leg submission. Sol shoulder throws Nyx. Jacy rolls up Lola for 2.

Jacy and Lola chop each other. Jacy rolls her up then Lola tries a pin. Lola does a slam on her. Jacy takes a sandwich PK. Sol and KP do a double superkick on Nyx. Lola spin kicks Fallon in the gut and KP tope splashes Jacy outside. Sol top rope corkscrew moonsaults onto the girls outside.

We go to PiP break. Fallon is wristlocked and Sol corner pslashes her. Sol snapmares her into a crucifix for 2. Lola takes down Fallon then goes for the armbar. Fallon hits KP from behind and corner boots her. Jacy corner boots her then Nyx does also. Jacy corner cannonballs Sol.

Jacy knees KP in the gut. KP rolls her up for 2. Nyx neckbreakers KP then PK's her. Nyx headscissors her. We return from break. Lola is tagged in and hits kicks. Sol does a springboard double 450 lariat. The faces all do Lola's twerk then do hip attacks. Sol powerbombs Fallon from her shoulders for 2. Sol superkicks Fallon in the face.

Sol is crotched up top. Jacy cutters Sol while hse's on the top rope. Nyx fisherman suplexes Sol for 2. Fallon throws KP out then Lola is thrown out. Fallon does Lola's dance and Jacy cannonballs Lola off the apron. KP pulls Fall off the apron.

Nyx and Sol trade. Nyx step up enzugiri's her. KP hit kicks on Nyx then facebusters her for 2. Nyx kicks KP while KP is behind her. Jacy spinning forearms KP then Fallon lifts KP into a cutter to win.

Thoughts: It was a good trios match. Lola was fun with the faces. Nyx's kicks looked great. It just had a nice mix of everything and really made the future of the women's division look bright. This couldn't have gone much better than it did and they should do this one again next week.

Tatum Paxley is playing with dolls and tries to get Kelani Jordan to play with her. KJ says she doesn't want to play. Tatum says she wants to play with her title. KJ says she doesn't play when it comes ot this and she says she doesn't either. Wendy Choo then stares at KJ. 

Joe Hendry is interviewed in the parking lot. He says he was excited about tonight and Gallus had to ruin it. Joe says they are driven by jealousy and Joe Coffey is at the wheel. Joe says he's driven by proving he can hang with the best in the world. He says there won't be any signing, just him kicking Coffey's @ss.

WWE NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Thea Hail

Either Thea wins tonight or some big angle happens.

RP takes down Thea with the arm. Thea flips her for a pin attempt and goes for the kimura. RP boots her then yanks on her arm. Thea tries to headscissors RP but RP gets out. Thea armdrags RP then exploders her. Thea 2nd rope moonsaults her.

We go to PiP break and return. RP worked the arm during the brak. Thea rolls her up for 2. Thea ddt's her. RP piefaces her and calls her a little girl. Thea fires up and hits forearms. Thea gets some offense in and moonlight drives her for 2. Thea slams her and rolling sentons her.

Thea misses a bottom rope reverse splash. RP then crossfaces her. RP topes Thea. RP has words for Chase U and calls them losers. Thea topes RP. Thea top rope crossbodies her and hits a michinoku driver for 2.

Thea backslides her off a pop rocks attempt. Thea kimura's her. RP goes for a crossface. Thea hits a bottom rope springboard back splash for 2. RP grabs the ring skirt then pokes Thea in the face. RP backdrops her. RP is sent into the post shoulder first then Thea kimura's her.

Thea is sent into the steps outside. RP crossfaces her and Thea kimura's her. RP rolls it into a crossface. RP hits pop rocks and wins. Thea cries after.

Thoughts: I liked it more than I expected. I liked all of the submission trading here with the crossface vs the kimura. I wish the finish would have been related to that though to really put over, but maybe you can make the claim that the crossface softened Thea up for pop rocks. I'm not real sure where this leaves either girl now though, especially Thea.

Overall thoughts: It was a good episode of NXT. The girls had a good showing here with the trios match and the main being good. The men's division is still struggling though without any real hot programs going on and the TNA guys taking up most of the attention.

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/27/2024 Season 4, Episode 46

WOW Women of Wrestling 7/27/2024 Season 4, Episode 46

Last week's show is here:

We see clips of Las Bandidas challenging The Mother Truckers last week.

Animal Instinct (Goldie Collins and Katarina Jinx) vs The All-American Girls (Santana Garrett and Americana)

Kat gets on the mic before it starts. She thanks everyone for coming to see them. She says they are here to tame the competition at WOW. She says these American girls have nothing on them. Goldie says they can sense their fear as they have animal instinct.

SG rolls up Kat then is crucifixed. SG tries another pin and they stand off. They do a test of strength. Kat misses shots then SG walks up the ropes and armdrags her.

Ameri and Goldie go at it. Ameri side headlocs her then does a backflip into a back elbow in the corner. Ameri dropkicks her. Ameri's face is brought down on Goldie's knee and Kat throws her backwards off of it. Kat boots Ameri then drives her head into the mat with her leg.

Ameri takes a double suplex for 2. Goldie foot chokes her then boots her in the corner. Kat trips and back rakes Ameri. Kat chinlocks her and bangs Ameri's face off the mat. Ameri dropkicks Kat. Boh tag out.

SG hits shots on Goldie then boots her in the side of the head. SG russian legsweeps her for 2. Kat uranages SG. Goldie takes a superkick from SG then hits a bad soul foot. SG handsprings and moonsaults onto Goldie. SG pins Goldie.

Thoughts: The execution wasn't too good in this one which hurt things. There were a lot of weak moves on this that didn't hit very well. 

Genesis does a promo. She says she has been watching GI Jane. She says she was in the military, but the ring is a different place. She tells her not to forget what she leader from The Disciplinarian and Fort Jackson as she will take her back to boot camp.

Genesis vs G.I. Jane

Gen hits her from behind and hits corner spears. Gen foot chokes her then curb stomps her. Gen straightjacket chokes her. Jane back splashes her and hits a forearm. Jane drops her off her shoulders like a samoan drop.

Jane backdrops her. Jane misses a legdrop and Gen leglocks her. Gen legdrops the leg then pulls on it. Gen single leg crabs her.

Jane hits clotheslines and front kicks her for 2. Gen throws her backwards and poses on the ropes. Jane then rolls her up and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that bad of a match with Jane having a good showing here. I was a little surprised Gen lost here since they seem to favor her.

GI Jane is interviewed by McClane after. She says she's tired of maggots cheating around here to win. She says it's time she brings order to WOW. She tells McClane to tell the women to get ready.

Coach Campanelli vs Lil' J-Boogie

Coach full-nelson's her. J side headlocks her and takes her over. J shoulders her over and side headlocks her. J flying headscissors her then armdrags her.

J snapmares her then leg drops her for 2. Coach gets some shots in and boots her in the gut. Kandi Krush and Gloria Glitter choke J from the outside. Coach bangs J's head off the buckles. J goes up and over her corner charge and backslides her. Coach hits shots to the gut and bangs J's head off her knee.

Coach figure fours J's and J ropebreaks. J snapmares Coach and trips her. J crucifixes Coach for 2. J dropkicks Coach then step up enzugiri's her for 2. J trips Coach. Gloria trips J and Coachs rolls up J for 2. Coach hits the buzzer beater/unprettier on J and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here. J was a decent underdog face and had one of the best outings in the ring so far.

J is beaten up by Top Tier after and Steph Slays makes the save. 

WOW Tag Titles - The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swagg) (c) vs Las Bandidas (Angel Rose and Sylvia Sanchez)

SS = Sylvia Sanchez

Holly gets 3 pin attempts in on Rose and Rose tag out. Holly trips SS then meteora's her in the back of the head. SS is pulled down by both Truckers. Rose boots Holly in the corner and SS chokes Holly in the corner.

Rose trips Holly then does a surfboard and crossface on her. Rose facekicks Holly. Holly takes a backbreaker then is thrown into a Rose lariat. SS clubs on Holly's chest and corner spears her. Rose fisherman suplexes Holly for 2.

Holly hits slaps and a superkick. Betty gets in. Betty rainmakers Rose then bulldogs SS. Betty superkicks SS then stunners Rose for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short but decent main event. The heels worked over Holly, Betty got in, cleaned house and won. It could have been longer but I didn't have any issues with this. Angel Rose did a good job here.

Miami's Sweet Heat come down after and beat up The Truckers. The refs try to stop it as the show ends.

Overall thoughts: The opener wasn't that good but the rest of the show was fine. There was nothing must see here. The main was easily the best thing on this show.

Marigold 7/21/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 4

Marigold 7/21/2024 Summer Gold Shine Day 4

The last show is here: 

This is at Nagoya International Conference Hall and they don't have many people here at all, especially compared to All Japan, who runs this place often.

Misa Matsui vs. Zayda Steel

Zay side headlocks her and wristlocks her. Misa wristlocks Zay. Zay side headlock takeovers her. Misa headscissors her and they get up. Zay gets angry about the headscissors. Misa snapmares and sleepers her. Misa hair throws her then stands on Zay's head.

Misa slams Zay then Zay boots her. Zay puts her in tree of woe and boots her. Misa top rope crossbodies her for 2. Misa hits chest forearms and Zay forearms her back in the head. Zay crossfaces her.

Misa spin kicks her and rolls her up for 2. Misa stretch mufflers her. Misa crossbodies Zay against the ropes. Misa backdrops her for 2. Zay step up enzugiri's her then TKO's her for 2. Misa flying knees her. Misa top rope dropkicks her then falcon arrows her to win.

Thoughts: It was just a match. There wasn't anything too special about it. Misa's big selling point is her fire but she didn't really get worked on enough to mount a big comeback here or anything. Zay didn't bring a lot to the table either here as usual.

Zay says she hates Misa after. 

Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

Myla and Kouki go at it. Kouki cartwheels to the side of Myla. Myla trips her then legdrops her in the back of the neck for 2. Kouki facekicks Myla through the ropes. Myla takes a double face kick from both opponents.

Myla hits kicks and a basement dropkick on Chika for 2. Chika puts her in the corner between the ropes. Chika then butt presses her down. Chika then yells at Boz, taunting her. Chika giant swings Myla.

Myla rolls into a trip on Chika then hip attacks her on the ropes. Boz comes in and cradle shocks Chika for 2. Boz headbutt flurries Chika then puts her to shame with a nice giant swing.

Boz and Chika trade shots. Boz takes a double boot from her opponents. Chika is lifted and buttdrops Boz. Kouki hits facekicks on Boz then Boz shoulders her over. Boz corner splashes Kouki then 2nd rope dropkicks her.

Kouki cutters Boz. Boz does a bad lariat on her then does a better one. Myla hits chest forearms on Kouki. Kouki fires back and Myla lariats her over. Myla backdrops Kouki for 2. Myla 2nd rope thesz presses Kouki then Kouki dropkicks her. Kouki falling splashes her.

Myla spinning neckbreakers Kouki for 2. Kouki powerslams Myla then hits a dominator on her for 2. Kouki goes up top and is caught by Boz. Boz superplexes her then she argues with Myla. They accuse each other of f*ckinbg it up. Myla shoves Boz. Kouki lariats Boz then Boz takes a sandwich boot to the head. Myla rolls Kouki into a border city stretch and Chika breaks it up.

Myla takes a double gorilla press slam then Kouki 180 splashes Myla to win.

Thoughts: It was an average match. The big news here was Myla and Boz fighting. Myla had a better outing here than she did at the start of her Japan run. 

Boz gets on the mic after. Boz says "f*ck you two" and tells Kouki and Chika to go. Boz brings up some wrestler but I couldn't hear the name. She accuses that person of being scared of her. She says she wants a match against her and says size does matter.

Kouki then gets on the mic after.

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament First Round Match - CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Komomo Minami & Rea Seto

NN and Chika attack their opponents off their handshake attempt. Rea is tripped into a baseball slide from Chi. Chi is held for a basement dropkick from NN. Chi nearly hits NN with a chair on accident then Rea dropkicks Chi into NN with the chair.

Rea dropkicks NN in the corner. NN is thrown over by both opponents and takes a double basement dropkick. Rea basement dropkicks NN for 2. NN hits double chops on Rea in the conrer, who has KM behind her. nn then double chops KM.

NN does her reverse kick on KM. NN sleepers KM then shotgun dropkicks her. Chi hits facewash kicks on KM as NN holds KM's head. Chi cartwheel double knee drops KM. KM tries pin attempts on Chi for 2. KM rolls over Chi's back with a ddt.

Rea does dropkicks on Chi then hits mounted forearms. Chi does mounted forearms on her. Chi spears her for 2. Rea hits chest forearms on Chi then slams her. Rea puts her in cattle mutilation and NN breaks it up. NN headkicks Rea and Chi torture rack bombs Rea off of it.

NN brings a chair in and nails Rea with it. Chi fisherman suplexes Rea and pins her.

Thoughts: It went long and wasn't that good. I really think they are wasting Chi's potential in this heel role. Rea had some okay rookie offense here though.

Marigold Twin Star Title Tournament First Round Match - Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

NS = Natsumi Showzuki

NS rolls up Yuz and they each try pin ttempts. NS bots Yuz then they armdrag each other. They stare down and shove each other. Kiz hits dropkicks on Miku then Miku hits a nice dropkick on her. Miku slams her then crabs her.

Kiz takes chest kicks on the apron from her opponents. Miku kicks Kiz in the back for 2. NS crabs Kiz then Kiz flying lariats her. Kiz armbars her and Miku ropebreaks. Kiz baseball slides her against the ropes and then armbars her again. NS springboard double kneedrops Kiz. Kiz cradles NS. Miku is back in and corner dropkicks Kiz. Kiz crossbodies Miku, gets caught and ddt's her off of it. Miku slams Kiz ten ties up both of her legs and half-crabs her.

Miku is dropkicked and rolled into a double basement dropkick. Miku falls on a double team spot. Kiz rolls up Miku for 2. Yuz boots Miku over then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz dropkicks Miku then dropkicks her through the ropes. Miku does her swinging slam to Yuz then kicks her hard in the chest.

Yuz snapmares Miku off the buckles then Kiz top rope dropkicks Miku. Yuz northern lights suplexes Miku for 2. Yuz does throws on Miku then Miku high kicks her. Yuz powers up and Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2.  Yuz rolls Miku up with a crucifix for 2. Miku hits a styles clash on Yuz and pins her.

Thoughts: Yuz and Kiz were the underdogs here and showed some flashes of potential. Yuzuki really matched up well with Miku. We didn't see much of Showzuki here in this one, so she must be injured. The result was never really in doubt here. I thought it went longer than it needed to, but this is a bare bones card with multiple people not around.

Giulia & Mai Sakurai vs. MIRAI & Utami Hayashishita

Utami and G go at it. G clean breaks her. Utami wristlocks her, G rolls and puts some holds on her. Mai and Mirai go at it. G grabs Mirai on the ropes and ducks shots form her. Mia hits Mirai from behind then Mai puts Mirai in a paradise lock. Mai also puts Utami in one. Mai and G basement dropkick their opponents out of it.

Mirai shoulders over Mai. Utami gets in and shoulders over Mai. Utami camel clutches Mai and Mai bites Utami's hand. Mai dropkicks Utami off the buckles then basement dropkicks her.

G corner attacks Utami then top rope dropkicks her. G fights off a 2v1 then ddt's Utami. G basement dropkicks Utami. G and Utami trade forearms. Utami hits 2 stiff germans then G does a flying octopus hold. Utami hits an air raid crash to get out of it.

Mirai top rope dropkicks G for 2. Mirai hits a forearm flurry on G. G forearms her and hits a knee to the face. G backdrops Mirai for 2. Mai jumping facekicks Mirai then leg slice reverse ddt's her for 2. 

Mai and Mirai trade forearms then Mirai backdrops her. Mirai running back elbows Mai then hits a hard corner lariat. Mirai goes up top and G nails her. G top rope double underhook suplexes her. Mai pump kicks Mirai for 2. Utami top rope dropkicks Mirai. G and Mai hit a top rope double elbow drop on Mirai together.

Mai northern lights suplexes Mirai. Utami goes to super air raid crash Mirai and G powerbombs both down in a stupid moment. Utami powerbombs G. Mai takes a sandwich lariat then Mirai suplexes her. Mirai running lariats Mai for 2. Mai rolls up Mirai for 2 then Mai crucifix bombs her for 2.

Mirai flying lariats Mai then half-nelson suplexes her out of the wheelbarrow for 2. Mai rolls up Mirai for 2. Utami lariats G over then Mirai death valley drivers Mirai for 2. Mirai hits a hard lariat on Mai and wins.

It was a decent main event here. Mirai was real stiff and carried this one. The tower of doom air raid crash spot was dumb. Mirai hit a bunch of nice lariats in the match and Mai stepped up some as well with good forearms.

Mirai talks to Giulia and Mai on the mic after. Mai has words for Giulia then Giulia grabs her by the hair and has some words. Chika and Kouki then come out and other girls follow. Mirai and Utami then close the show on the mic and pose.

Overall thoughts: I wouldn't recommend this. Their two best talents in Nanae and Sareee weren't here plus others like Nao were missing. The crowd wasn't very lively and even on paper, the first three matches didn't look that good, yet alone in reality. The main was the best thing on here.

NWA Powerrr 7/30/2024

NWA Powerrr 7/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Southern Six (Silas Maxon and Alex Taylor) vs Jax Dane and Baron Von Storm

Jax backs Alex up into the corner and clean breaks him. Jax pushes Alex back. Jax hits suplexes on Alex. Alex dropkicks him in the knee. Jax takes a double flapjack. Storm gets in the ring with his robe still on. Everything comes to a stop as Storm stares down Silas.

Storm takes his robe off. Storm and Silas test strength. Silas hits punches and ducks out and away from the iron claw. We go to break and return. Silas is still ducking Storm. Silas says he wants Jax in the ring.

Silas hits a double throat thrust on Jax then suplexes him. Silas throws Alex onto Jax but misses. Silas lariats Alex on accident then Jax belly to belly suplexes Silas. Jax camel clutches Alex. Kerry Morton distracts the ref and Silas breaks the hold. Alex had tapped bout but the ref didn't see it.

Kerry knees Jax out of the ring. Storm claws Kerry and the ref calls the match off. Everyone pulls Storm off of Alex and Storm won't let go. Jax puts the robe on Storm's head and he finally lets go.

Thoughts: The match ended before it really got started here and it wasn't much. Jax having to put the robe over Storm's head to break the hold was silly, though I'm warming up some to the character.

Kyle Davis interviews The Southern Six. Silas has Kerry on his shoulders. He says to look at what he did to Kerry's face and has to spin him so people can see it. Silas calls Storm a no good piece of trash. He says the claw is an illegal hold and should be reserved for the big screen only. Silas says when he was filming The Iron Claw, he found out that the claw killed The Von Erich's. He protests that evil being brought to the NWA.

We get another Val Venis esque Onylslams video on someone who has not yet been named.

Joe Cazana does a promo. He says he's changing gears and the is the owner of NWA JCP. He says The Stew Crew will wrestle The Miserably Faithful. He calls them freaks. He says freaks like The Faithful would be kicked out and banished to hell where they belong. He says The Crew will bring the tag titles back to where they belong.

There's an Ella Envy match that I won't be covering. 

NWA US Tag Titles - Talos and Daisy Kill vs The Fixers (Wrecking Ball Legursky and Jay Bradley)

Wrecking Ball shoves Daisy over and poses. Talos and Jay get in. They trade shots. Jay boots him in the face. Ball shoulders Talos over then takes a boot to the face. Daisy hits shots on Ball then Ball headbutts him.

Daisy's head is banged off the buckles. Daisy takes a double shoulderblock. Jay knee drops Daisy. Ball double chops Daisy in the corner. Jay clubs on Daisy's chest. We go to break and return.

Jay pounds on Daisy. Ball misses an elbow drop on Daisy. Ball chops Daisy then Jay kneelifts Daisy. Jay suplexes Daisy. Talos facekicks Ball. Ball no sells it and hits punches. Talos backdrops Ball but gives up on the pin. He tags in Daisy. Vampiro is watching from the outside.

Daisy comes off the 2nd rope and is caught with a slam from Ball. Ball headbutt drops Daisy for 2. Jay ddt's Daisy for 2. Jay cobra twists Daisy then Vampiro gets on the apron to give advice to Talos. Jay gets on the buckles and Daisy pushes him to the floor.

Daisy hits kicks on Jay then Talos side slams Jay. Jay slams Daisy down. Bal lgets in and atomic drops Daisy. Ball corner splashes him then throws him by the head. Ball hits a big slam. Talos tries to lariat Ball but gets hit. Ball goes up and over Talos then corner splashes him. Talos is lariated over the top.

Talos rams Jay into the post outside. Daisy chop blocks Ball then Talos chokeslams Ball. Daisy then pins Ball.

They had something going with Daisy being beaten up on and Talos coming to his aide but they really didn't follow through that well with it. They had Vampiro get on the apron about halfway through and the match just lost all of its flow around that point. It's been months and we still have no idea what this whole thing with Vampiro is about, other than him just being a  manager, and that makes it hard to be invested in what he's doing.

Vampiro, Talos and Daisy Kill are interviewed over top of Jay Bradley, who is down and out. Daisy says Vamp said it's about more than wins, losses and titles and says this is just a step along the path. Talos stares down Kyle Davis (the interviewer) and that's it.

Overall thoughts: It's NWA. It's just a hard promotion to get excited about. They got some good pieces, but they just don't know how to use them and they really don't do weekly TV that well. The first match was really just used to push Storm's new character. The tag title match had potential but lost its way about midway through. I wouldn't recommend this one.

Ring of Honor Death Before Dishonor 2024 7/26/2024

Ring of Honor Death Before Dishonor 2024 7/26/2024

The Beast Mortos vs. Komander

Mort hits Kom after the handshake and hits corner attacks. Mort spinning lariats him. Kom hits leg kicks. Kom duck shots. Kom dropkicks Mort out. Kom tope con hilos on him, gets caught and is powerbombed into Alex Abrahantes outside. Kom is thrown into the post.

Kom footslaps him then Mort uppercuts him. Kom rolls him up for 2 and flying headscissors him. Mort gorilla press throws him into the turnbuckle connector. Mort's throat is pulled down over the top rope. Kom is crotched up top. Kom jumps through the buckles and ddt's him on the floor. 

They get on the apron. Kom is popped up onto Mort's shoulders and hurricanrana's him down to the floor. Kom rope walk corkscrew dives him outside. Kom springboard poisonrana's him for 2. Mort gets his feet up on Kom's corkscrew move off the top then Mort pop-up samoan drops him.

Kom crucifix drivers him then spinning canadian destroyers him. Mort then spears him. They go up top and Mort top rope gorilla press slams him. Kom toyota rolls into a canadian destroyer. Kom misses a rope walk SSP. Mort backbreakers him then drivers him to win.

Thoughts: It was a spotfest here where they did too much. I'm not surprised. I knew they were going to and they did. And in case you were wondering, this had no build to it whatsoever and was totally random.

MxM Collection is interviewed by Melissa Santos. They spell out everything they say and Madden says he wants FTR tomorrow. They say they turned Ring of Honor into Runway of Honor and say FTR will feel the rim tomorrow. Madden says they do the J-O-B tomorrow. They walk away then pose.

Thoughts: I liked the attempt at character work here but it was a little too clever for its own good.

ROH World Tag Team Title Match - The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) vs. The Conglomeration (Kyle O'Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii)

This is another random tag match with KOR/Ishii not appearing on the show as a team.

Ishii and Mike go at it. Mike hits chops then Ishii fires back. Mike is shouldered over and Ishii's chest is bleeding. Taven and Kyle go at it. Kyle side headlocks him and Taven shoulders him over. Taven sunset flips and is put in an armbar. 

Taven dropkicks him. Kyle hits mounted shots and armbars him again. Taven ropebreaks. Ishii chops Taven. Kyle armbreakers Taven then does an abdominal stretch. Taven takes chops and kicks then takes a combo. Ishii shoulders Taven over. Taven spinning high kicks Ishii then Mike stomps on Ishii.

Mike slaps Ishii around and hits forearms. mike eyerakes him. Taven and Kyle get in. Kyle hits kicks and legsweeps him. Taven enzugiri's him from the apron and has his arm pulled down over the top. They fight outside and Mike rebound forearms Ishii out there. Taven topes Ishii then Kyle flying knees Taven off the apron.

Back in the ring, Kyle ankle locks Taven. Kyle is spin kicked out then bridged on the apron for a slingshot dive by Taven. Taven elbow drops Kyle then Mike chop flurries Kyle. Taven 2nd rope dropkicks Kyle. Taven suplexes Kyle for 2. Mike forearms Kyle down. Kyle is catapulted into a shot from Taven then Taven springboard elbow drops him. Kyle takes a proton pack for 2. Ishii is tagged in. He shoulders over the heels and forearms them.

Ishii germans the heels. Ishii backdrops Taven. Taven enzugiri's Ishii. Ishii takes a spike piledriver but gets right back up. Ishii takes a death valley driver into a running knee for 2. Ishii brainbusters Mike then Kyle top rope knee drops Mike's knee. Ishii sliding lariats Mike then Taven frogsplashes Ishii. Taven and Ishii trade enzugiri's.

The four trade forearms. Ishii takes a double superkick then Taven takes a high/low. Ishii 2nd rope superplexes Mike then Mike takes chasing the dragon. Kyle PK's Mike for 2. Ishii is sent into the post.

Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis come down. Don gets on the apron. Mike low blows Kyle and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like the ending here. They had a big epic match and ended it with a dirty finish. As for the match, it felt like this big blowoff match to a long feud only there was no long feud. The match was good and it's a shame it didn't get a proper ending.

Texas Death Match - Diamante vs Leyla Hirsch

As usual, this isn't actually a texas death match. It's a last man standing match as you have to answer the ten count to stay in and don't need to be pinned.

LH waits on the ramp for her and throws her a chair. They duel chairs. LH chairs her. Dia is thrown off the ramp through a table. LH is thrown into the buckles inside. LH is in tree of woe. They have a stupid moment where a chair in front of LH's face falls over. LH then puts the chair back in her own face. Dia baseball slides the chairs into her face. LH is bleeding and Dia punches her. 

Dia is sent into the chair. LH pours tacks in the ring. LH cartwheels over her on the buckles and germans her into tacks. LH pours tacks on Dia. LH misses a moonsault and lands on the tacks. LH is duct taped to the ropes and takes a chairshot.  

Dia then slaps her with a sandal. Dia then shoves a sandal with tacks into LH's head. A barbed wire board and a piece of wood are set up on 2x2 chairs outside. LH samoan drops her through the barbed wire and chairs.

A ladder and table are set up in the ring. Dia is sent into the ladder then duct taped to the table. LH moonsaults off the ladder, sending Dia through the table. Dia can't answer the count and is defeated.

Thoughts: There was a little bit of downtime between some of the spots but it was a good match for the most part. It was your usual hardcore match but there was a feud behind it and this was the big show where you would do it. 

ROH Pure Title Match - Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Lee Moriarty

Paul Wight, Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels are the judges here. Yuta takes him down by the arm and knee drops him. Lee armlocks him and kneels on his head. Yuta trips him then leglocks him. Lee uses a rope break.

Yuta headscissors Lee. Lee goes for the border city stretch then Yuta ropebreaks. Yuta does an octopus then chops him down. The ref gets between the two. Lee punches Yuta, Yuta punches him with a closed fist and is warned. Lee punches Yuta while the ref isn't looking.

Yuta rolls him while on his shoulders and dropkicks him. Yuta armbars him. Lee armbreakers Yuta. Lee shoulders Yuta over. Lee hammerlocks him and Yuta snapmares him. Lee 2nd rope dropkicks him. They trade forearms and Lee eye pokes him. Lee corner lariats Yuta.

Yuta lariats him then corner forearms him. Yuta flying forearms him then slams him. They fight on the buckles and Lee bites him. Lee superplexes him.

Lee gets warned for a closed punch. Lee drops him into a border city stretch. Yuta ropebreaks. Yuta hits chops. Lee facekicks him. Yuta rolls him out of the ring then topes him. Yuta top rope splashes him for 2. Lee does a bridge pin for 2. Yuta knees him in the gut then is brought down by the arm. Lee does a single underhook twisting drop on him then does a grounded octopus stretch. 

Yuta germans him for 2. Lee uses another rope break and can't be saved by the ropes anymore. Yuta is backdropped over the top rope to the apron. Lee drops him on his chest for 2. Yuta goes for the armbar. Lee grabs the ropes and uses them to roll up Yuta. Lee picks up the win.

Thoughts: I thought this went long and wasn't that interesting. The finish was clever and this is Lee's first AEW/ROH Title win under Tony Khan. 

Yuta puts the title on Lee's waist after.

ROH Women's World Television Title Match - Billie Starkz (c) vs. Red Velvet

BS is dressed up as someone but I don't know who. BS goes for a slap and ends up getting knocked out of the ring. Red spears her when she gets back in. Red stomps on her and foot chokes her. Red step up knees her in the corner. Red takes a reverse alabama slam onto the buckles.

BS hits kicks to the back and chinlocks her. Red is put in tree of woe and BS stomps on her. BS suplexes her for 2. BS chops her then foot chokes her. BS hair throws her then stands on her. Red hits some chops then uses the ropes to fall on her for 2. BS spinning high kicks her.

BS backrolls her then Red suplexes BS. Red hits a stunner then ddt's her. Red meteora's her in the back of the head on the ropes Red then rolls her off the buckles into a bomb. BS puts her in a tazzmission. BS chokes her and bangs her head off the mat. Red poisonrana's BS then corkscrew kicks her for 2.

BS hanging sleepers Red from the buckles then Red stunners her over the top rope. BS says she's injured and Doc Sampson comes down to check on her. BS eventually gets back up and is fine. BS step up enzugiri's Red. BS turns around and poses. Red plays possum then throws BS off the buckles. Red does a rolling dragon sleeper driver and wins.

Thoughts: The match wasn't that special but Red's finisher was nice I'm really surprised Red won here. I didn't expect it as I figured they were building to a Billie vs Athena match down the line. I'm glad Red won though. Red needed the title more than Billie did and she's been hanging around for a long time with no big wins or anything. Of course that begs the question of why Red is even around when she's been in AEW/ROH for so long and been not used much when someone else with more potential maybe could have taken her place. I thought the stunner over the rope connector spot was pretty dangerous and didn't look good.

ROH World Six Man Tag Team Title Eliminator Match - Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs (Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno & John Silver)

The Order nail the faces off the handshake then everyone goes out to fight. Back in the ring and Ross slingblades Uno. Marshall dropkicks Uno then slams Silver. Uno then takes a double dropkick. Dustin lariats Alex over the top then Alex sends him into the buckles.

Uno hits Ross with a bullrope. Alex elbow drops Ross off the ropes. Silver knocks over Ross. Ross is beaten up in the corner. Marshall is tagged in and he faekicks Uno. He forearms Silver down then hiptosses him. Marshall back body drops Uno then corner lariats Silver. Marshall corner cannonballs Silver for 2.

Marshall puts the claw on Uno. Marshall takes a suplex + tope combo on the floor. Marshall fights back on Silver and takes a german. Uno suplexes Marshall then Dustin is sent into the steps outside. Uno puts on one of the Von Erich's hats and gets Ross mad.

Alex misses a moonsault off the top on Marshall. Marshall spinebusters Alex. Dustin is tagged in. He back body body Alex off the hot tag and beats up on Uno and Silver. Dustin hits cross rhodes on Alex for 2 when Uno breaks it up.

Ross and Silver fight outside. Silver throws him over the rails then Uno also throws Marshall over the rails. Dustin corner lariats Alex then Dustin takes The Order's sequence ending in a german. Dustin canadian destroyers Alex. Marshall gets the claw on Uno on the apron. Uno grabs the cowbell and Ross claws Uno. Dustin hits shattered dreams on Alex then twister suplexes him to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Dustin's team being the faces and Uno's team being the heels. It made sense for the most part and The Order did what they could to get people to boo them. It could have maybe been half as long but it was fine.

Katsuyori Shibata comes out and raises the faces hands.

ROH World Television Title Survival Of The Fittest 2024 Final Six Way Elimination Match - Atlantis Jr. (c) vs. Johnny TV vs. Shane Taylor vs. Brian Cage vs. Lio Rush vs. Lee Johnson

Lio kicks Atlantis out then plancha's him. He then pounds on him. Shane and JTV talk together then JTV superkicks him. Shane forearms him out. Cage and Shane trade. Cage flying headscissors him then slams him.

Atlantis goes for a pin on Cage. Cage euros him. Atlantis flying headscissors him and dropkicks him. Atlantis does a gorial special hold on Lio. Lio stunners him for 2. Lee neckbreakers Lio, PK's him then standing moonsaults him for 2. JTV slams down Lee and hits mounted forearms. JTV cartwheels and kicks him. JTV and Shane fight and Shane sky high's him. Shane backdrops Cage. Cage 2nd rope tornado ddt's Shane. Lio ddt's Cage. JTV does his backflip samoan drop the standing ssp's Lio for 2.  Lee dropkicks JTV out. Atlantis topes Shane outside.

Lio asai moonsaults Atlantis outside then Lee tope con hilos both. JTV tornillos out then Cage tope con hilos out. Shane lariats Cage. Shane gets beaten up by 3 people. Shane headbutts JTV then knees Lio in the face. Shane lariats Atlantis and uranage's Cage.

JTV springboard enzugiri's Shane then Lio top rope splashes Shane. Shane Taylor is pinned and eliminated. JTV is brirdged on the apron and Lee double stomps him. Lio hits a hard tope on Lee.

Lee superkicks Lio then hits a high reverse ddt. Lee pins Lio. Lio Rush is eliminated. JTV and Cage shake hands. Cage slams Atlantis. Lee takes a suplex + 2nd rope crossbody combo for 2 but the fans think it's a 3 count.

Atlantis takes a 2v1 and a torture rack neckbreaker. JTV running knees Atlantis for 2. Lee step up enzugiri's Cage. Lee superkicks JTV. Cage pop-up powerbombs Lee. Lee takes a powerbomb + springboard enzugiri combo. Cage pins Lee. Lee Johnson is eliminated.

Cage goes to suplex Atlantis. JTV rolls him up and hits kicksto the head. JTV hits a moonlight drive. Atlantis chops JTV then monkey flips him. Atlantis canadian destroyers JTV for 2. Cage 2nd rope superplexes Atlantis. Taya Valkyrie gets in nd distracts Cage. She shoves him and JTV crotch kicks Cage. JTV hits a go to sleep on Cage. Cage no sells it and spinning lariats him. Cage hits a drill claw and pins him. Johnny TV is eliminated.

Atlantis and Cage are the last two left. Cage spinning lariats him. Atlantis rolls him up off a drill claw attempt and wins.

Thoughts: I would have had the final two go longer. That gives it a more epic ending. It was what you would expect. 2 people were really only in at any time and we got some creative spots. Not great or anything but it was entertaining. This was really just a way to get extra people on the card.

ROH Women's World Title Match - Athena (c) vs. Queen Aminata

Lexy Nair does a long taped intro vide for Athena. They go to the mat and trade holds. Queen suplex rolls her and tries to pin her down. Athena takes her over and goes for a pin.

Queen knocks her down with a hard forearm. Queen misses a kick on the ropes and goes out. Athena topes her. Athena throws Queen into the rails. Queen trips Athena into the steps. Athena gordbusters her on the floor. They trade shots outside.

Queen double chops Athena then backbreakers her. Queen running lariats her then spinning neckbreakers her. Athena legsweeps her them pump kicks her. Athena hits a neckbreaker and drops her into a knee to the face.

Queen snap suplexes Athena. Queen running knees her through the ropes hen dropkicks her while she hangs from the bottom rope. Queen double stomps Athena for 2.

Athena superkicks her and forearms her for 2. Queen germans Athena into the buckles. Queen does a running air raid crash for 2. Athena exploders Queen into the buckles.

They trade chops and forearms. Athena snapmares her and kicksher in the bak. Queen snapmares her back and hits more kicks to the back of the neck. Athena catches her running knee and rolls her into a single leg crab. Queen puts her legs behind Athena's neck and pulls on her arms. Athena gets out and crossfaces her.

Athena bangs Queen's head off the mat. Queen blocks an o-face. Athena flips out of a release german. Queen kicks her in the chest. Athena tombstones her on the side of the steps.

Queen headbutts Athena then hits a nasty tiger driver. Billie Starkz runs out and Red Velvet runs after her. Red and Starkz fight outside. Lexy Nair gives Athena the ring mic. Athena hits Queen with the mic then hits the o-face. Athena then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a pretty good match. They were stiff and nasty with each other and really had a hard hitting fight. I didn't like Athena winning here. ROH is supposed to be developmental. Athena running through everyone doesn't help much with development of new talent and it's clearly not drawing as nobody watches ROH TV. Queen has potential and having the title would help develop as she'd get to do different programs and try some new things she hasn't gotten to do. ROH also has a small women's roster and Athena has beat everyone on it. Her winning leads to basically nothing except maybe a match vs Billie someday. I don't think that match is worth wasting another year of TV though. Meanwhile, Queen hasn't fought a lot of the ROH roster members and it would open up all kinds of new programs.

ROH World Title Match - Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Roderick Strong

RS backs him up in the corner. RS wristlocks him then Mark wristlocks and guillotines him. RS shoulders him over then Mark side headlocks him. Mark back enzugiri's him. Mark hits chops on the rails outside.

Mark back body drops RS over the rails then jumps off a chair and flips on him over the rails. Back in and RS gets his knees up on Mark's froggy bow. RS uranage backbreakers Mark.

They trade chops and Mark uppercuts him. Mark hits forearms then dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark elbow drops him off the apron. Mark top rope dropkicks him inside the fisherman busters him.

They fight on the apron and Mark is backdropped on the apron. Mark is sent into the post twice. Mark is busted open and RS pounds on his cut. RS pull on Mark's face. RS backbreakers him for 2.

RS camel clutches him. RS crabs him and Mark ropebreaks. Mark hits punches and RS hits a Jay driller. RS hits forearms then Mark flying forearms him. Mark neckbreakers him. Mark fisherman busters him. RS 2nd rope olympic slams him for 2.

They trade forearms and Mark spinning forearms him. Mark exploders him. Taven comes off the top and is hit by Mark. Mike Bennett hits Mark with the title. RS tiger drivers Mark then hits a sick kick for 2. Kyle O'Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii come out to clear the heels off. Mark running lariats RS. They fight on the buckles and RS goes down. Mark hits a froggy bow and wins.

Thoughts: It was a good main event. Not real memorable and they didn't do anything too wild. But it had some blood, we had some bigger spots than usual and they just worked the match well. Mark bleed here and Strong worked it like a good heel should. This match was not built up to on TV at all and Strong getting the title shot was dumb considering he hadn't wrestled in the new version of ROH yet.

Kyle and Ishii come out after and pose with Mark.

Overall thoughts: It was a good but not great show. I only really hated one match here but I don't think a lot of these matches would be something I would remember down the line. It went long at about 3 hours and 40 minutes and that's not even counting the pre-show.

Monday, July 29, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/29/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

We're in St. Paul Minnesota. We see multiple wrestlers arrive.

Seth Rollins comes out in some kind of women's referee gear with high heels since he will be the special ref for Drew McIntyre vs Seth Rollins. He brings out CM Punk, who takes a while to get in. Drew McIntyre comes out. They mention his pic with Jack Perry this week but don't show it.

Seth says they can't lay a finger on each other or their Summerslam match is off. He says it's also off if they touch him. Punk goes to the commentary desk. Drew says he has self control and can wait until Saturday. Punk says he's not worried about him, he's worried about what he will do. Seth says he wants to see them fight. Seth agrees with Drew that he hates Punk as much as Drew does. Seth also says he hates Drew as much as CM Punk does.

Seth says he's the boss in their match and basically says he makes the rules as he pleases. He says if either of them get out of line, he will put them in the dirt. Punk asks if Seth will call it down the middle and says he doesn't want Seth's help at all.

Drew tells him he's worried about the wrong person and says he hates him. Drew talks about their history. He says he will assault him when the bell rings. He says he won't stop until Punk's heart does. Drew says he will get paid to hurt him when he would have done it for free.

Punk says Drew is the 3rd wheel in their match. Punk says hurting him was the worst and best thing that happened to Drew's career. Punk says Drew is stupid and dumbs himself out of opportunities. He says Drew is his own worst enemy. Punk says he's not as big or as fast but has heart. He asks what Drew has. Drew shows him the bracelet he has that belongs to Punk. Punk goes up to him and Drew tells him to take it from him. 

Thoughts: It was an okay segment but nothing too revolutionary here. 

We go to The Judgment Day's clubhouse. It has been ruined with writing on everything. Carlito is mad about the video game system being broken. Dom asks who did this and Rhea tells him to read the writing on the walls. Rhea says they can rebuild the clubhouse but Liv can't repair the damage she did to her. Rhea asks why is Carlito still in here?

We go back to Judgment Day's clubhouse. Priest sees the damage and thinks Liv did it. Priest wants to be in Finn's corner tonight. Finn says he will fix up Gunther alone tonight while they fix the clubhouse. Finn asks if they will deal with Sami and Jey. Dom suggests Carlito face Sami Zayn.

Otis and Akira Tozawa vs The Creed Brothers

JC = Julius Creed, BC = Brutus Creed

Oits hits shots on JC. He goes after BC and is hit from behind. The Creed's pound on Otis in the corner. They mentioned The Creed' at Bloodsport this weekend. Otis shoulders over both Creed's. Akira is thrown onto JC.

JC suplex lifts him and slams him down. JC slams BC onto Akira. Akira corkscrew kicks BC then top rope dropkicks him. Akira topes BC outside. BC hits a nice lariat on Akira. We go to break and return.

Akira is popped up and ddt's BC on the way down. Otis hits lariats on BC then lariats him in the back of the head. JC's shoulder is sent into the post. Otis hits a powerslam on JC then does the caterpillar elbow drop on him. Otis fights off Chad Gable on the buckles. Otis takes a double back drop off the 2nd rope and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short one that didn't get to reach it's full potential. It could have been real good too with more time.

The Creed's hold Otis after and Chad punches him. Chad ankle locks him. Maxxine jumps on Chad's back. He yells at her. She slaps him. The lights then go out for The Wyatts. The Wyatts come out. Chad gets dove on by Sarah Logan. The Creed's take uranages. Rowan double crossbodies The Wyatts.

Chad goes up the aisle to escape and runs into Uncle Howdy. Chad then runs away.

Judgment Day talks in the back. Carlito said he got Dom a match with Sami Zayn. Dom says it was supposed to be Carlito vs Sami. Dom says since Carlito is free, he can take on Jey Uso. Rhea tells him to handle Jey alone. 

Sheamus vs Bronson Reed

They trade shots to start. They hit shots on each other in the corner. Reed headbutts him. Sheamus lariats him over the top. Sheamus dives on Reed outside. Sheamus is dropped on the commentary table and we go to break.

We return and they are still trading shots. Red lariats him. Sheamus hits lariats on him then pumping knees him for 2. Sheamus double boots him out of the corner. Reed death valley drivers him for 2.

Reed gets stuck up top. Sheamus hits whites noise off the 2nd rope for 2. Sheamus clubs on Reed's chest. Pete Dunne gets on the apron and nails Sheamus with a shillelagh. Reed top rope splashes him and wins.

Thoughts: What we got was what you would want, but the break ate a lot of it up and the finish wasn't clean. I'm sure it was better than what we would have gotten otherwise, but I was hoping for a nice long match here. 

Damian Priest does a video. He says Gunther has no idea about how he grew up and said Gunther had everything he wanted and needed. Priest says being street trash translates to him being a Puerto Rican bad @ss. He says Gunther is an @sshole. He said the ring was supposed to be a place for him to forget about his past. He says he will mug him, robbing him of the idea that he can take the title from him. He says he lives to fight for everything he has and will die for everything he has.

Bron Breakker says he's not here to talk about Sami. he said he doesn't dislike him and says he's at the top of his profession. He said he didn't Sami seriously at MITB and it's on him. He said it made him realize the difference between them. He said Sami realizes he will lose at Summerslam. He says Sami is preparing for a life after wrestling and Bron in comedy. He says while Sami is telling jokes in preparation, he's in training. He says it'll be on display at Summerslam and says the joke will be on Sami. He says the Intercontinental title will be on him.

Jey Uso vs Carlito

Jey superkicks him for 2 to start. Jey topes him. Jey hits punches on him inside then is pulled into the post. Carlito hits a magic screw and we go to break. We return and Jey hits a superkick to the gut. Carlito TKO's him for 2. Carlito misses a corner splash. Jey hits punches.

Jey spinning enzugiri's him. Carlito spinebusters him for 2 then hits mounted punches. Carlito grabs an apple and argues with the ref about it. Jey rolls him up for 2 then Jey spears him. Jey then pins Carlito.

Thoughts: It was another shorter one and was just average. Carlito eating the apple was dumb.

Jackie Redmond interviews Zelina Vega. She asks how Vega's arm is. Vega says the arm feels good. She said she's glad Chance and Carter helped her last week as Shayna's crew stacked the deck against her. She said it reminded her of who she is and said it reminded them that she is a threat. Shayna's crew surround her. Zoey complains about three women beating her. They end up fighting and Shayna kicks Vega's arm into the door before it gets broken up by officials.

Zelina Vegsa's arm is checked on in the back with Chance and Carter looking on.

Jackie interviews The Miz. Miz says he will be the host of Summerslam. R-Truth comes in. Miz says he will be in his house of Cleveland, Ohio. Truth asks if they are bringing back In Your House. Truth asks how it can be in his house if he lives in LA but this is in Cleveland. Truth tells him to bring party favors and hors d'œuvre's if he's the host. Jackie asks if he's going to bring them. Truth says he wants them and Miz agrees.

Xavier Woods vs Karrion Kross

Kross says he was told Kofi injured his shoulder on the Japan tour and that's hwy he's not here. Kross says Kofi skipped town because the world revolves around Woods and he can't stand it. He also says nobody wants to bell in this hell hole of Minnesota. Kross offers him a way out of the beating. He says he first has to join The Final Testament. He also says to tell the kids that the power of positivity was a big lie. He also says to tell Kofi that he should of retired when he lost the WWE Title in 6 seconds.

Woods hits him and hits mounted shots. Woods lariats him over the top then dropkicks him through the ropes. We go to break and return. Woods hits shots on Kross. Kross hits a big forearm then exploders Woods.

Kross talks trash and Woods hits a punch flurry. Woods spinning forearms him. Woods superkicks him then topes Akam outside. Razar is sent into the post by Woods. Woods misses a top rope elbow drop then Kross hits a final prayer to win.

Thoughts: It was an okay match here with Kross being in control and Woods being close to winning before being put down.

The Final Testament pose over woods after.

We see video of Jesse Ventura being welcomed as a guest.

Jackie interviews Sami Zayn. Sami said he did a comedy show before beating Bron. He said Bron assumed he would win and underestimated him. Sami said Bron isn't doing that anymore. Sami said Bron is a young guy who is hungry. He says his attitude is different now. He says it's about beating his @ss at Summerslam.

Liv Morgan talks in front of a trash can on fire. She says her heart was ripped out and would have done anything for Dom. She says Dom's not a man, he's Rhea's little b!tch. She says she wish she could take back every tear she wasted on him. She said all she can do now is make Dom's and Rhea's life a living hell. She says she will compete The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour when she beats Rhea. 

Sami Zayn vs Dominik Mysterio

Dom poses on the buckles. Dom wristlocks him. Sami arm throws him then Dom grabs him by the hair. Dom hits shots in the corner. Sami hits punches and Dom slides out. Dom is thrown out then Sami does a seated moonsault off the ropes onto him outside. We go to break and return.

Dom stomps on Sami and chinlocks him. Sami tornado ddt's him. Dom hits punches. Sami blind springboards over him and hits a lariat. Sami double axe handles him off the buckles. Dom hits three amigos and Sami exploders him into the buckles.

Carlito and JD come down. Sami is distracted and Dom rolls him up form behind. Sami back body drops Dom then lariats him. Sami blue thunders him. JD and Carlito jump in for the DQ.

Sami is beaten up by JD and Carlito. Jey Uso comes out to help. He clears off Carlito and hits a big spear on JD. He back body drops Dom over the top then suicide dives 2 of 3 Judgment Day members. Bron Breakker then nails Sami from behind. Sami facekicks him then exploders him into the buckles. Bron then slides out. Bron gets back in and is thrown out again.

Thoughts: The match was going pretty well until the DQ win here. They squeezed a lot in here with Bron, Jey and Judgment Day in one segment. I was surprised Dom hit three amigos in full here as wrestlers usually fail to.

We see a Wyatt's video. Someone talks about the freedom of thinking and asks what should be done when the buzzards start circling. Dexter Lumis then says to "run".

Chad Gable and The Creed's talk to Adam Pearce. Chad says he figured out The Wyatt members. Adam says he knows who they are. Chad wants a 6-man against The Wyatts next week. Adam says it's official and says to be careful what you ask for.

Rhea talks about Liv. She says Liv wants to be the victim in her Revenge Tour fantasy. She says it's just a fantasy and says The Revenge Tour comes to an end at Summerslam. She says there's no more running, hiding or manipulating. Rhea said she warned her about getting into her business. She said Liv took 3 months of her career away, took her title and tried to manipulate Dom. She says it's time she gets her revenge at Summerslam.

Sonya Deville, Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler vs Katana Chance, Kayden Carter and Lyra Valkyria

Lyra side headlocks Sonya. Lyra slides through her legs, headbutts her in the stomach and Sonya forearms her. Zoey top rope dropkicks Lyra. Lyra armlocks Zoey. Chance walks up her partners backs and does a double knee in the corner. Lyra dropkicks Zoey through the ropes.

We go to break and return. Sonya hits shots on Lyra. Lyra boots her out of the corner. Carter gets in. She kicks Shayna in the head and hits forearms on her. Carter hits forearms then rolls her into a kick.

Carter springboard legdrops Shayna. Carter gets kicked while she's on the bottom rope. Carter hurricanrana's Zoey. Zoey superkicks Carter. Chance is thrown into an electric chair on Zoey then Lyra sitout powerbombs Zoey for 2. Chancer rolls up Zoey for 2. Chance takes a Z360 and is pinned.

It was an average match here with the heels getting a win they probably needed. 

Damage Ctrl come out. The two groups fight (Sonya's and Damage) and Zoey's team is knocked out of the ring. Iyo hits a top rope moonsault to the outside.

Thoughts: We haven't really seen two heel female groups fight in a while. I'm interested to see where that goes.

We see clips of Gunther talking about Priest in the stands earlier. He said he exposed him for being an emotional wannabe. Gunther says he used to look up to Finn Balor. Gunther says he was destined for better things but became street trash when he started hanging out with Judgment Day. He says wants to see how much of the old Finn is still in him. He says he will never forgive Priest for using this sport to cover up his existence. Gunther says Priest will reminder when he saved the sport and the World title.

Dmaage Ctrl are interviewed. Iyo and Sane go off in Japanese. Kai says Zoey's crew ran the place only because they were gone. She says it's time to establish a certain order around here. Kai challenges Sonya to a match next week. She says let's see how long the group lasts when she cuts the head off the snake.

Judgment Day talk in the back. JD says they can't let these guys walk all over them. Finn says they all got in this mess together and will get out of it together after Summerslam. Rhea says they got him if he needs help with Gunther tonight. Finn says Rhea and Priest go at it alone at Summerslam, so he has to go at it alone tonight. Priest says he doesn't trust Gunther won't do something stupid but knows he can beat him.

Gunther vs Finn Balor

Gunther side headlock takeovers him. Finn headscissors him and headlock takeovers him. Finn side headlocks him. Finn hits chops then is chopped down. Finn back body drops him and basement dropkicks him out of the sunset flip. Finn stomps him. Gunther facekicks him.

We go to break and return. Gunther slams Finn. Gunther chest slaps him down then backdrops him. Gunther crabs him. Gunther goes for a 2nd rope backdrop but Finn lands on him. Finn hits shots then elbow slices him for 2.

Gunther sleepers him. Finn ddt's him then hits a big lariat. Gunther then drops him with a lariat for 2. They trade chest chops. Finn slingblades him. Gunther goes for a sleeper but Finn back rolls and double stomps him.

Finn john woo dropkicks him. Gunther sleepers him. Gunther hits a powerbomb for 2. Gunther puts him to sleep and wins.

It wasn't that great of a match with a bunch of sleeperholds. There wasn't a clear face here either which hurt it and I don't think anyone expected Gunther to lose.

Gunther puts the sleeper on him after. Damian Priest comes out. Gunther and Priest fight. They fight outside and go into the post and rail. Priest throws Gunther into the commentary table and pounds on him on top of it. They continue to fight and the show ends.

Overall thoughts: It was average with no real standout matches or moments. Summerslam is this week so nobody was doing anything too crazy here and there weren't going to be any big angles. I don't think Priest/Gunther is a real exciting program and I hope it ends at Summerslam. We didn't get much fun with Rhea/Dom/Liv tonight but I'm sure there will be some shenanigans at the PPV. Punk/Drew is finally set and I'm sure Seth will be getting involved.