Ring of Honor Death Before Dishonor 2024 7/26/2024
The Beast Mortos vs. Komander
Mort hits Kom after the handshake and hits corner attacks. Mort spinning lariats him. Kom hits leg kicks. Kom duck shots. Kom dropkicks Mort out. Kom tope con hilos on him, gets caught and is powerbombed into Alex Abrahantes outside. Kom is thrown into the post.
Kom footslaps him then Mort uppercuts him. Kom rolls him up for 2 and flying headscissors him. Mort gorilla press throws him into the turnbuckle connector. Mort's throat is pulled down over the top rope. Kom is crotched up top. Kom jumps through the buckles and ddt's him on the floor.
They get on the apron. Kom is popped up onto Mort's shoulders and hurricanrana's him down to the floor. Kom rope walk corkscrew dives him outside. Kom springboard poisonrana's him for 2. Mort gets his feet up on Kom's corkscrew move off the top then Mort pop-up samoan drops him.
Kom crucifix drivers him then spinning canadian destroyers him. Mort then spears him. They go up top and Mort top rope gorilla press slams him. Kom toyota rolls into a canadian destroyer. Kom misses a rope walk SSP. Mort backbreakers him then drivers him to win.
Thoughts: It was a spotfest here where they did too much. I'm not surprised. I knew they were going to and they did. And in case you were wondering, this had no build to it whatsoever and was totally random.
MxM Collection is interviewed by Melissa Santos. They spell out everything they say and Madden says he wants FTR tomorrow. They say they turned Ring of Honor into Runway of Honor and say FTR will feel the rim tomorrow. Madden says they do the J-O-B tomorrow. They walk away then pose.
Thoughts: I liked the attempt at character work here but it was a little too clever for its own good.
ROH World Tag Team Title Match - The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) vs. The Conglomeration (Kyle O'Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii)
This is another random tag match with KOR/Ishii not appearing on the show as a team.
Ishii and Mike go at it. Mike hits chops then Ishii fires back. Mike is shouldered over and Ishii's chest is bleeding. Taven and Kyle go at it. Kyle side headlocks him and Taven shoulders him over. Taven sunset flips and is put in an armbar.
Taven dropkicks him. Kyle hits mounted shots and armbars him again. Taven ropebreaks. Ishii chops Taven. Kyle armbreakers Taven then does an abdominal stretch. Taven takes chops and kicks then takes a combo. Ishii shoulders Taven over. Taven spinning high kicks Ishii then Mike stomps on Ishii.
Mike slaps Ishii around and hits forearms. mike eyerakes him. Taven and Kyle get in. Kyle hits kicks and legsweeps him. Taven enzugiri's him from the apron and has his arm pulled down over the top. They fight outside and Mike rebound forearms Ishii out there. Taven topes Ishii then Kyle flying knees Taven off the apron.
Back in the ring, Kyle ankle locks Taven. Kyle is spin kicked out then bridged on the apron for a slingshot dive by Taven. Taven elbow drops Kyle then Mike chop flurries Kyle. Taven 2nd rope dropkicks Kyle. Taven suplexes Kyle for 2. Mike forearms Kyle down. Kyle is catapulted into a shot from Taven then Taven springboard elbow drops him. Kyle takes a proton pack for 2. Ishii is tagged in. He shoulders over the heels and forearms them.
Ishii germans the heels. Ishii backdrops Taven. Taven enzugiri's Ishii. Ishii takes a spike piledriver but gets right back up. Ishii takes a death valley driver into a running knee for 2. Ishii brainbusters Mike then Kyle top rope knee drops Mike's knee. Ishii sliding lariats Mike then Taven frogsplashes Ishii. Taven and Ishii trade enzugiri's.
The four trade forearms. Ishii takes a double superkick then Taven takes a high/low. Ishii 2nd rope superplexes Mike then Mike takes chasing the dragon. Kyle PK's Mike for 2. Ishii is sent into the post.
Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis come down. Don gets on the apron. Mike low blows Kyle and wins.
Thoughts: I didn't like the ending here. They had a big epic match and ended it with a dirty finish. As for the match, it felt like this big blowoff match to a long feud only there was no long feud. The match was good and it's a shame it didn't get a proper ending.
Texas Death Match - Diamante vs Leyla Hirsch
As usual, this isn't actually a texas death match. It's a last man standing match as you have to answer the ten count to stay in and don't need to be pinned.
LH waits on the ramp for her and throws her a chair. They duel chairs. LH chairs her. Dia is thrown off the ramp through a table. LH is thrown into the buckles inside. LH is in tree of woe. They have a stupid moment where a chair in front of LH's face falls over. LH then puts the chair back in her own face. Dia baseball slides the chairs into her face. LH is bleeding and Dia punches her.
Dia is sent into the chair. LH pours tacks in the ring. LH cartwheels over her on the buckles and germans her into tacks. LH pours tacks on Dia. LH misses a moonsault and lands on the tacks. LH is duct taped to the ropes and takes a chairshot.
Dia then slaps her with a sandal. Dia then shoves a sandal with tacks into LH's head. A barbed wire board and a piece of wood are set up on 2x2 chairs outside. LH samoan drops her through the barbed wire and chairs.
A ladder and table are set up in the ring. Dia is sent into the ladder then duct taped to the table. LH moonsaults off the ladder, sending Dia through the table. Dia can't answer the count and is defeated.
Thoughts: There was a little bit of downtime between some of the spots but it was a good match for the most part. It was your usual hardcore match but there was a feud behind it and this was the big show where you would do it.
ROH Pure Title Match - Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Lee Moriarty
Paul Wight, Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels are the judges here. Yuta takes him down by the arm and knee drops him. Lee armlocks him and kneels on his head. Yuta trips him then leglocks him. Lee uses a rope break.
Yuta headscissors Lee. Lee goes for the border city stretch then Yuta ropebreaks. Yuta does an octopus then chops him down. The ref gets between the two. Lee punches Yuta, Yuta punches him with a closed fist and is warned. Lee punches Yuta while the ref isn't looking.
Yuta rolls him while on his shoulders and dropkicks him. Yuta armbars him. Lee armbreakers Yuta. Lee shoulders Yuta over. Lee hammerlocks him and Yuta snapmares him. Lee 2nd rope dropkicks him. They trade forearms and Lee eye pokes him. Lee corner lariats Yuta.
Yuta lariats him then corner forearms him. Yuta flying forearms him then slams him. They fight on the buckles and Lee bites him. Lee superplexes him.
Lee gets warned for a closed punch. Lee drops him into a border city stretch. Yuta ropebreaks. Yuta hits chops. Lee facekicks him. Yuta rolls him out of the ring then topes him. Yuta top rope splashes him for 2. Lee does a bridge pin for 2. Yuta knees him in the gut then is brought down by the arm. Lee does a single underhook twisting drop on him then does a grounded octopus stretch.
Yuta germans him for 2. Lee uses another rope break and can't be saved by the ropes anymore. Yuta is backdropped over the top rope to the apron. Lee drops him on his chest for 2. Yuta goes for the armbar. Lee grabs the ropes and uses them to roll up Yuta. Lee picks up the win.
Thoughts: I thought this went long and wasn't that interesting. The finish was clever and this is Lee's first AEW/ROH Title win under Tony Khan.
Yuta puts the title on Lee's waist after.
ROH Women's World Television Title Match - Billie Starkz (c) vs. Red Velvet

BS is dressed up as someone but I don't know who. BS goes for a slap and ends up getting knocked out of the ring. Red spears her when she gets back in. Red stomps on her and foot chokes her. Red step up knees her in the corner. Red takes a reverse alabama slam onto the buckles.
BS hits kicks to the back and chinlocks her. Red is put in tree of woe and BS stomps on her. BS suplexes her for 2. BS chops her then foot chokes her. BS hair throws her then stands on her. Red hits some chops then uses the ropes to fall on her for 2. BS spinning high kicks her.
BS backrolls her then Red suplexes BS. Red hits a stunner then ddt's her. Red meteora's her in the back of the head on the ropes Red then rolls her off the buckles into a bomb. BS puts her in a tazzmission. BS chokes her and bangs her head off the mat. Red poisonrana's BS then corkscrew kicks her for 2.
BS hanging sleepers Red from the buckles then Red stunners her over the top rope. BS says she's injured and Doc Sampson comes down to check on her. BS eventually gets back up and is fine. BS step up enzugiri's Red. BS turns around and poses. Red plays possum then throws BS off the buckles. Red does a rolling dragon sleeper driver and wins.
Thoughts: The match wasn't that special but Red's finisher was nice I'm really surprised Red won here. I didn't expect it as I figured they were building to a Billie vs Athena match down the line. I'm glad Red won though. Red needed the title more than Billie did and she's been hanging around for a long time with no big wins or anything. Of course that begs the question of why Red is even around when she's been in AEW/ROH for so long and been not used much when someone else with more potential maybe could have taken her place. I thought the stunner over the rope connector spot was pretty dangerous and didn't look good.
ROH World Six Man Tag Team Title Eliminator Match - Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs (Marshall von Erich & Ross von Erich) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno & John Silver)
The Order nail the faces off the handshake then everyone goes out to fight. Back in the ring and Ross slingblades Uno. Marshall dropkicks Uno then slams Silver. Uno then takes a double dropkick. Dustin lariats Alex over the top then Alex sends him into the buckles.
Uno hits Ross with a bullrope. Alex elbow drops Ross off the ropes. Silver knocks over Ross. Ross is beaten up in the corner. Marshall is tagged in and he faekicks Uno. He forearms Silver down then hiptosses him. Marshall back body drops Uno then corner lariats Silver. Marshall corner cannonballs Silver for 2.
Marshall puts the claw on Uno. Marshall takes a suplex + tope combo on the floor. Marshall fights back on Silver and takes a german. Uno suplexes Marshall then Dustin is sent into the steps outside. Uno puts on one of the Von Erich's hats and gets Ross mad.
Alex misses a moonsault off the top on Marshall. Marshall spinebusters Alex. Dustin is tagged in. He back body body Alex off the hot tag and beats up on Uno and Silver. Dustin hits cross rhodes on Alex for 2 when Uno breaks it up.
Ross and Silver fight outside. Silver throws him over the rails then Uno also throws Marshall over the rails. Dustin corner lariats Alex then Dustin takes The Order's sequence ending in a german. Dustin canadian destroyers Alex. Marshall gets the claw on Uno on the apron. Uno grabs the cowbell and Ross claws Uno. Dustin hits shattered dreams on Alex then twister suplexes him to win.
Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Dustin's team being the faces and Uno's team being the heels. It made sense for the most part and The Order did what they could to get people to boo them. It could have maybe been half as long but it was fine.
Katsuyori Shibata comes out and raises the faces hands.
ROH World Television Title Survival Of The Fittest 2024 Final Six Way Elimination Match - Atlantis Jr. (c) vs. Johnny TV vs. Shane Taylor vs. Brian Cage vs. Lio Rush vs. Lee Johnson
Lio kicks Atlantis out then plancha's him. He then pounds on him. Shane and JTV talk together then JTV superkicks him. Shane forearms him out. Cage and Shane trade. Cage flying headscissors him then slams him.
Atlantis goes for a pin on Cage. Cage euros him. Atlantis flying headscissors him and dropkicks him. Atlantis does a gorial special hold on Lio. Lio stunners him for 2. Lee neckbreakers Lio, PK's him then standing moonsaults him for 2. JTV slams down Lee and hits mounted forearms. JTV cartwheels and kicks him. JTV and Shane fight and Shane sky high's him. Shane backdrops Cage. Cage 2nd rope tornado ddt's Shane. Lio ddt's Cage. JTV does his backflip samoan drop the standing ssp's Lio for 2. Lee dropkicks JTV out. Atlantis topes Shane outside.
Lio asai moonsaults Atlantis outside then Lee tope con hilos both. JTV tornillos out then Cage tope con hilos out. Shane lariats Cage. Shane gets beaten up by 3 people. Shane headbutts JTV then knees Lio in the face. Shane lariats Atlantis and uranage's Cage.
JTV springboard enzugiri's Shane then Lio top rope splashes Shane. Shane Taylor is pinned and eliminated. JTV is brirdged on the apron and Lee double stomps him. Lio hits a hard tope on Lee.
Lee superkicks Lio then hits a high reverse ddt. Lee pins Lio. Lio Rush is eliminated. JTV and Cage shake hands. Cage slams Atlantis. Lee takes a suplex + 2nd rope crossbody combo for 2 but the fans think it's a 3 count.
Atlantis takes a 2v1 and a torture rack neckbreaker. JTV running knees Atlantis for 2. Lee step up enzugiri's Cage. Lee superkicks JTV. Cage pop-up powerbombs Lee. Lee takes a powerbomb + springboard enzugiri combo. Cage pins Lee. Lee Johnson is eliminated.
Cage goes to suplex Atlantis. JTV rolls him up and hits kicksto the head. JTV hits a moonlight drive. Atlantis chops JTV then monkey flips him. Atlantis canadian destroyers JTV for 2. Cage 2nd rope superplexes Atlantis. Taya Valkyrie gets in nd distracts Cage. She shoves him and JTV crotch kicks Cage. JTV hits a go to sleep on Cage. Cage no sells it and spinning lariats him. Cage hits a drill claw and pins him. Johnny TV is eliminated.
Atlantis and Cage are the last two left. Cage spinning lariats him. Atlantis rolls him up off a drill claw attempt and wins.
Thoughts: I would have had the final two go longer. That gives it a more epic ending. It was what you would expect. 2 people were really only in at any time and we got some creative spots. Not great or anything but it was entertaining. This was really just a way to get extra people on the card.
ROH Women's World Title Match - Athena (c) vs. Queen Aminata
Lexy Nair does a long taped intro vide for Athena. They go to the mat and trade holds. Queen suplex rolls her and tries to pin her down. Athena takes her over and goes for a pin.
Queen knocks her down with a hard forearm. Queen misses a kick on the ropes and goes out. Athena topes her. Athena throws Queen into the rails. Queen trips Athena into the steps. Athena gordbusters her on the floor. They trade shots outside.
Queen double chops Athena then backbreakers her. Queen running lariats her then spinning neckbreakers her. Athena legsweeps her them pump kicks her. Athena hits a neckbreaker and drops her into a knee to the face.
Queen snap suplexes Athena. Queen running knees her through the ropes hen dropkicks her while she hangs from the bottom rope. Queen double stomps Athena for 2.
Athena superkicks her and forearms her for 2. Queen germans Athena into the buckles. Queen does a running air raid crash for 2. Athena exploders Queen into the buckles.
They trade chops and forearms. Athena snapmares her and kicksher in the bak. Queen snapmares her back and hits more kicks to the back of the neck. Athena catches her running knee and rolls her into a single leg crab. Queen puts her legs behind Athena's neck and pulls on her arms. Athena gets out and crossfaces her.
Athena bangs Queen's head off the mat. Queen blocks an o-face. Athena flips out of a release german. Queen kicks her in the chest. Athena tombstones her on the side of the steps.
Queen headbutts Athena then hits a nasty tiger driver. Billie Starkz runs out and Red Velvet runs after her. Red and Starkz fight outside. Lexy Nair gives Athena the ring mic. Athena hits Queen with the mic then hits the o-face. Athena then gets the win.
Thoughts: It was a pretty good match. They were stiff and nasty with each other and really had a hard hitting fight. I didn't like Athena winning here. ROH is supposed to be developmental. Athena running through everyone doesn't help much with development of new talent and it's clearly not drawing as nobody watches ROH TV. Queen has potential and having the title would help develop as she'd get to do different programs and try some new things she hasn't gotten to do. ROH also has a small women's roster and Athena has beat everyone on it. Her winning leads to basically nothing except maybe a match vs Billie someday. I don't think that match is worth wasting another year of TV though. Meanwhile, Queen hasn't fought a lot of the ROH roster members and it would open up all kinds of new programs.
ROH World Title Match - Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Roderick Strong
RS backs him up in the corner. RS wristlocks him then Mark wristlocks and guillotines him. RS shoulders him over then Mark side headlocks him. Mark back enzugiri's him. Mark hits chops on the rails outside.
Mark back body drops RS over the rails then jumps off a chair and flips on him over the rails. Back in and RS gets his knees up on Mark's froggy bow. RS uranage backbreakers Mark.
They trade chops and Mark uppercuts him. Mark hits forearms then dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark elbow drops him off the apron. Mark top rope dropkicks him inside the fisherman busters him.
They fight on the apron and Mark is backdropped on the apron. Mark is sent into the post twice. Mark is busted open and RS pounds on his cut. RS pull on Mark's face. RS backbreakers him for 2.
RS camel clutches him. RS crabs him and Mark ropebreaks. Mark hits punches and RS hits a Jay driller. RS hits forearms then Mark flying forearms him. Mark neckbreakers him. Mark fisherman busters him. RS 2nd rope olympic slams him for 2.
They trade forearms and Mark spinning forearms him. Mark exploders him. Taven comes off the top and is hit by Mark. Mike Bennett hits Mark with the title. RS tiger drivers Mark then hits a sick kick for 2. Kyle O'Reilly and Tomohiro Ishii come out to clear the heels off. Mark running lariats RS. They fight on the buckles and RS goes down. Mark hits a froggy bow and wins.
Thoughts: It was a good main event. Not real memorable and they didn't do anything too wild. But it had some blood, we had some bigger spots than usual and they just worked the match well. Mark bleed here and Strong worked it like a good heel should. This match was not built up to on TV at all and Strong getting the title shot was dumb considering he hadn't wrestled in the new version of ROH yet.
Kyle and Ishii come out after and pose with Mark.
Overall thoughts: It was a good but not great show. I only really hated one match here but I don't think a lot of these matches would be something I would remember down the line. It went long at about 3 hours and 40 minutes and that's not even counting the pre-show.