Wednesday, July 3, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 11/20/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 11/20/1995

Last week's show is here:

Mongo McMichael, Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan are our commentators as usual. Pepe is dressed up like a cowboy. Sting vs Hulk is the big match tonight. Eric says tonight is the superbowl of wrestling. Heenan says Hulk/Sting is a match people thought they would never see. He says he wants to see Sting beat Hulk then fall down stairs and crack his head, eliminating both guys.

Scott Norton vs Shark

Shark nails Scott as he walks down the aisle and they fight. Scott is thrown into the post and they get in. Shark hits a belly to belly suplex then elbow drops him. Shark knees him in the gut and hits a corner splash.

Scott takes shots and stares down Shark. Shark misses a corner splash and Scott powerslams him and wins.

Thoughts: It was sadly too short though the work was good. Shark stuck to the splashes and elbow drops here and Scott really didn't get much in but a very nice powerslam.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Hart and The Taskmaster. Gene says Hart is stirring the pot. Hart says tonight is the night for Sting. He says he can beat Hulk. Hart says Hulk has a new best friend and that's Macho Man and not Sting. He says Hulk called Macho to be on Baywatch and not Sting. Task says World War III is for the title. He asks if Gene is gonna bet against The Dungeon in it.

Heenan says Hulk doesn't have a friend in the world and says everyone is out to get him. He says he has to come off the tree and beat 59 people to become champ or the world. He says he can't do it. Mongo says Heenan's opinions have a lot in common with his feet - they both stink.

The Disco Inferno comes out to dance on the stage when he's not supposed to. He then shows off his CD and Eddie Guerrero scares him off.

Ric is out in street clothes with Brian Pillman, who is in his wrestling gear. Ric says someone made a mistake thinking he would wrestle Eddie Guerrero. Ric says he's so focused on Sting that he will let Brian Pillman have the honors.

Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman

BP shakes his red jacket at Eddie like he's a bull. BP hits chops. Eddie back elbows him out of the corner, headscissors takeovers him off the ropes, dropkicks him and slaps him. Eddie backdrops him. Eddie comes off the top and BP dropkicks him in the air.

BP rakes Eddie's eyes on the ropes then bangs his head off the buckles. Eddie rolls him up then BP bangs Eddie's head off the mat. BP back body drops Eddie then punches him in the face. BP suplexes him for 2.

They trade chops and BP eye pokes him. BP snapmares him and chinlocks him. BP powerslams him. Eddie takes him down and hits punches. BP suplexes him off the apron to the floor. BP misses a 2nd rope dive and goes into the rails when Eddie moves. Eddie walks up the buckles and plancha's BP outside.

Eddie brainbusters him then is crotched on the top rope. BP is pushed off the top and Eddie frogsplashes him for the win.

It was a good match here with the two match up well. They didn't overdo it here and Eddie racked up yet another win in his silent push. Eddie's dive over the post to the outside on BP was nice. I don't get the reasoning for replacing Ric with Brian here though.

We see Macho Man getting his arm injured.

Big Bubba vs Hawk

They tried this on 10/9 but Hawk got counted out. Maybe the second time is the charm. Hawk nails Bubba outside to start. Hawk sunset flips Bubba inside then running lariats him. Bubba hangs off the ropes and is pulled off. Hawk hits mounted punches then misses a rare top rope splash.

Bubba hits some punches and Hawk blocks a corner splash. Bubba lariats him and spinebusters him. Bubba leg lariats him on the ropes. Bubba slides out, gets hit then gets a shot in. Hawk does a backwards running back elbow. Hawk comes off the top and is thrown down. Bubba tapes his fist up with a weapon. He goes to hit Hawk but Hacksaw Jim Duggan trips him. Bubba lands on the weapon and Hawk gets pined.

Thoughts: This was unusual here as they kept just running into each other. It happened at least twice here as they collided out of nowhere. That made it a bit sloppy but these two do work well together otherwise. I just wish we could get a long match between these two because I think it would be good. The finish wasn't that great here and was kind of hard to buy if you think about it.

Sting vs Hulk Hogan

Sting has red and yellow on with a gold, yellow and red jacket. Macho Man comes out for Hulk's entrance with his arm in a sling. Hulk then comes out through the crowd with his Zorro mask on. Hulk then taps Sting from behind.

They go face to face and Hulk pushes him. Sting boots him and hits various strikes. Hulk trips but corner lariats Sting. Hulk hits punches on Sting. Sting ducks a clothesline and hits two dropkicks. Hulk goes over the top and is dazed.

Hulk pulls Sting out and bangs his head off the apron and rails. Hulk suplexes Sting on the floor then Sting flying crossbodies him. Mongo says him and his brother solved issues like this and Heenan says, "but he's 9". Hogan trips him and gets his back. Macho tells Hulk to find out what Sting's all about. Hulk rolls into an armbar on Sting.

Sting yanks on Hulk's arm and armlocks him. Hulk side headlocks Sting then headlock takeovers him. Hulk side headlocks him. Sting hits kicks to the leg. Hulk catches his corner splash and bearhugs him. Hulk then throws hims down.

Hulk boots him in the gut then running elbows him. Hulk backdrops Sting then suplexes him. Sting hits kicks to the leg then scorpion deathlocks him. Sting hits shots and Hulk hulks up. Hulk hits punches then boots him. Hulk misses a legdrop and Sting scorpion deathlocks him. Hulk tells the ref to help him then The Dungeon of Doom strike.

Sting and Hulk get beat up at first but start to fight them off. The Giant then comes out. Giant grabs Sting and Hulk by the throat then Macho chairs Giant in the back. Giant chokeslams Macho then Sting and Hulk clothesline Giant over the top with a chair.

Thoughts: The match was interesting as Hulk worked completely different up until he made his comeback. He was doing armbars and just not doing the usual heavy selling match he did. Sting did his usual offense and I think was more over than Hulk here. I wasn't surprised The Dungeon of Doom interfered and legit expected it about 10 seconds before it happened.

We go to break and return. Jimmy Hart and The Taskmaster are at commentary. Task tries to grab Heenan's headset and threatens Hulk.

They hype up World War III and Heenan is all fired up. Eric says anyone who thinks they can predict what goes on in WCW is twisted. Eric asks who will be the new champ Sunday. Mongo says it's just a taste of what you will get at WW3. Heenan says he needs insurance.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a fun episode of Nitro here. They hyped up World War III well and with so many people in the mix right now, you could make the case for several people walking away with the title in the battle royale. Hulk and Giant would be the big favorites though. I liked Norton/Shark but it was too short as most Shark matches seemed to be. Eddie/Pillman was our workrate match of the night and it was a good one with the two providing some nice cruiserweight action. Bubba/Hawk wasn't the cleanest match ever but it's clear that if they just let them have a normal 10 minute match, it would be really good. Sting/Hulk was a hotshot of a match and it didn't have a clean finish as expected. It was interesting to see Hulk work outside of his usual formula and I know he didn't like Sting getting bigger reactions than he did. It's on to World War III, though I couldn't tell you a single match on the show outside of the battle royale.

Marigold 6/29/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 8

Marigold 6/29/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 8

The last show is here: 

CHIAKI vs. Komomo Minami

They lock up. KM wristlocks her and is reversed. Chi cartwheels out of a wristlock and side headlocks KM. KM uses the ropes to headlock takeover her then misses a dropkick. Chi cartwheel double knee drops her for 2. Chi iron claws her then facewash kicks her. Chi spears her back while she's tied up in the ropes. Chi boston crabs her then stands on her.

KM rolls her up on a slam and hits dropkicks. They trade forearms then Chi rolling spears her for 2. KM arm throws her and rolls her around the ring with an armbar. Chi basement dropkicks her then KM rolls over her back and armdrags her. KM armbars her and ties her arm around the ropes.

KM running dropkicks her. KM rolls her up and backslides her. KM then tries another pin. KM tilt-a-whirl backbreakers her then torture rack drops her for the win.

Thoughts: It went longer than I expected as I thought it would be all squash. It was fine here and KM didn't look at all out of place against the more experienced Chiaki. It was just an average match though.

Nao Ishikawa & Natsumi Showzuki vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

Nao and Boz go at it. Boz shoves her over and Nao tries screaming at her. Nao stomps Boz's feet and is pushed over again. NS tries chest forearms and gets nowhere. Boz bodyblocks her then bangs Nao's head off the buckles. Boz gorilla press throws Myla out onto their opponents.

The girls fight outside and Boz knocks over Nao with forearms. Myla ducks NS's shots and legsweeps her. Myla basement dropkicks her. Myla hip attcks her on the ropes for 2. NS running knees her and armbars her.

Myla 619's her while she's on the 2nd rope then top rope la silla's her. NS stomps on her then double knee drops her back for 2. NS corner dropkicks and corner meteora's her. NS hits a perfectplex for 2. NS top rope double knee drops her. Boz gets in and deadlift german suplexes NS off of Myla.

Nao hits forearms on Boz and is knocked back. Boz spinning sideslams her for 2. Nao tries for a sleeper on her back and is rammed into the ropes. Boz double suplexes her opponents. Nao escapes a powerbomb and ankle locks her. Nao top rope crossbodies her and is caught and fallaway slammed into NS. Boz then boots her and sit out powerbombs her for the win.

Thoughts: It was as you would expect if you've been watching these shows. Nobody got much in on Boz and Boz got the easy win over Myla. Myla was just kind of along for the ride and didn't blow anything for a change. 

Kouki Amarei vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz boots her and dropkicks her. Kouki boots her in the face then Yuz headlock takeovers her. Kouki headscissors her twice and they stand off. Kouki wristlocks her and it gets reversed. They side headlock each other and Kouki shoulders her over. Yuz dropkicks her.

Yuz dropkicks her through the ropes for 2 then does a grounded octopus. Yuz chokes Kouki on the ropes. Kouki facekicks her then Yuz flying headscissors her. Yuz dropkicks her for 2. Kouki flying kicks her in the corner then dominators her.

Yuz springboard dropkicks her on the ropes then walks up the ropes and facebusters her. Kouki cutters her and splashes her for 2. Kouki ties both arms up then Yuz hip throws her. Yuz northern lights suplexes her for 2. Kouki facekicks her then is superkicked. Kouki spinebusters her for 2.

Yuz rolls her up and crucifixes her. Kouki pump kicks her then backdrops her for 2. Kouki top rope 180 splashes her and wins.

Thoughts: It was just an average match for the most part. I know they want to push Kouki but Yuzuki is better than her at almost everything except looks and height at this point and I don't know if that's going to change any time soon.

Nagisa Nozaki & Zayda Steel vs. Mai Sakurai & Utami Hayashishita

NN and Mai start us off. They lock up and trade forearms. Mai slaps her then Mai faekicks her. They grab each other by the hair. Zay gets in and hits kicks on Mai. She then basement dropkicks her. Mai basmeent dropkicks Zay for 2.

Utami spinebusters and sliding lariats Zay. Zay corner euros her and step up knees her. Zay 2nd rope crossbodies her for 2. NN corner facekicks Utami then is hit by Mai from the apron. Utami lariats NN over then hits an air raid crash for 2. NN facekicks Utami and basement dropkicks her for 2.

Utami germans NN then lariats her. NN shotgun dropkicks her. Zay and Mai trade forearms. Mai takes a codebreaker and a reverse pendulum kick. Mai takes a double kick from her opponents for 2.

Mai pump kicks Zay then leg slice reverse ddt's her. Mai STF's her. Zay takes a backdrop + top rope dropkick then Mai northern lights suplexes her. Utami olympic slams NN then Zay step up enzugiri's Mai. Mai flying knees Zay then Utami suplexes Zay. Mai top rope elbow drops Zay and wins.

Thoughts: It didn't really get enough time here and ended as it got cooking. What we got was fine and looked promising though.

Mai, Utami and Chiaki get on the mic after. I think Chi and NN maybe set up a team together.

Nanae Takahashi vs. Chika Goto

They lock up. NT clean breaks her and takes chest forearms. Goto wristlocks her then NT side headlocks her. NT shoulders her overthen chinlocks her. NT ties up the leg. Chika tries to tie up her leg but NT puts the hold back on. NT boots Goto then slams her.

NT goes for an indian deatlock and boots her around. NT chops her and they slap each other. NT chop flurries her then shoulders her over. Chika hits boots to the face and NT fights off a giant swing. NT shoulders her over for 2.

Chika slams her and NT ankle locks her off the giant swing attempt. NT figure fours her. Chika hits forearms. NT forearms her back and shoulders her over. Chika giant swings NT then hip attacks her on the ropes. NT sleepers her then lariats her over. Chika hits lariats then NT hits a running shot.

Chika slams her for 2. They slap each other and NT backdrops her. NT sliding forearms her and wins it.

Thoughts: It the usual Nanae singles match with her being the favorite and her challenger being the underdog. Chika did a better job than usual here but  I don't think she did as other girls would have. it was fine for what it was but not that great. Chika lost as expected here. 

Chika and NT talk on the mic after.

Marigold United National Title Tournament First Round Match - Miku Aono vs. MIRAI

This is attempt #3 here to find a winner for this matchup. God forbid someone gets a bye or we make a no time limit match. Miku dropkicks Mirai as her name gets announced. She dropkicks and forearms her in the corner. Miku corner lariats her then Mirai dropkicks her. Mirai whips her with her coat then chokes her with something. Miku double underhook suplexes her for 2.

They trade forearms and Mirai forearms her down. They trade more forearms. Mirai forearm flurries her down to the mat. Miku hits a hard leg kick then a kick to the back. Mirai snapmares her and dropkicks her in the back. Miku kicks her in the back then Mirai does a stiff running boot to the side of the head.

Mirai corner lariats her in the back of the neck then vader bomb style elbow drops her. Mirai elbows her in the back of the neck. Mirai lariats her against the ropes. Mirai ties up her arms and pulls on her neck at the same time. 

Mirai stomps on her after Miku ropebreaks. Miku works Mirai's knee and kneebreakers her. Miku does a half crab on her. Mirai's in it for a while and eventually ropebreaks. Mirai throws her down by the leg and low flatliners her. Mirai basement dropkicks her. Miku's head is banged off the buckles and Mirai pounds on the back of her neck.

Mirai does a suplex on her for 2. Mirai backdrops her for 2 then half-nelson wheelbarrow suplexes her for 2. Miku spinning slams her then fisherman suplexes her. Miku top rope dropkicks her then sliding lariats her for 2. Miku buzzsaw kicks her then hits a stiff lariat for 2. Miku headkicks her then hits a styles clash. The time then runs out....again.

We then go to a 5-minute overtime. Miku running lariats her and tries pin attempts. Miku hits her in the back. They fight on the buckles and Mirai hits headbutts. Mirai 2nd rope northern lights suplexes her.

Miku hits a chest kick then boots her. Mirai hits elbows to the back of her neck then Miku germans her. They lariat each other on the ropes and lariat battle. Mirai lariats her over twice for 2. Mirai backdrops her for 2. Mirai cradle shocks her for another 2. Mirai hits a big running lariat and the time limit expires again. The match ends in a draw again.

Thoughts: These two going to draws is really becoming a joke at this point. I really think they are just doing this to cover for their roster being small and to give away bigger singles matches without having anyone lose. I liked the match but not the outcome, it was all strikes and the two stiffing each other and it was much better than their last attempt. We also got some aggression in this one which added to it.

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall. Nothing was bad but nothing was must see either. Mirai/Miku had a better outing here than last time and Chika showed a little in her singles match with Nanae. Minami continues to do a decent job for her experience level and I thought Yuzuki showed up Kouki a little in their match. 

WWE Speed 7/3/2024

WWE Speed 7/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament Semifinals - Xavier Woods vs Nathan Frazer

NF flips over him then runs and rolls him up. Woods goes for a pin and takes a spinning kick to the head. NF topes him then springboard dropkicks him for 2. NF misses a phoenix splash then Woods hits an honor roll lariat. Woods fireman's carry gutbusters him for 2.

Woods hits chops on NF. Woods superkicks him in the gut and NF twisting neckbreakers him for 2. NF superkicks him in the head and misses a phoenix splash. Woods superkicks him then rope walk elbow drops him. Woods then gets the pin at 2:48.

Thoughts: They did what they could with the time. As usual, it was nothing great or must see but it was an okay way to spend 2:48. Woods won as expected here.

The next episode of WWE Speed will be Friday at Noon.

Overall thoughts: As usual, there was only one new match that went 2:48. I really don't know who this show targets or who watches it besides me. It's never must see and it just kind of exists. I wouldn't recommend this.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

WWE NXT 7/2/2024

WWE NXT 7/2/2024

Last week's show is here:

Street Fight - Michin vs Jaida Parker

JP comes at Michin with a baseball bat as she enters and ends up nailing the trash can Michin is carrying. Michin throws her into the steps and seems to be wearing old NXT logos. Michin throws a chain at her and misses. JP's head is banged off the apron. JP hits Michin with a trash can lid. JP hits knees to the gut and samoan drops her.

JP misses a cane shot and is german suplexed. Michin whips her with a belt. Michin is on the 2nd rope and JP buttpresses her down into a trash can. Michin throws JP into the post.

JP chairs Michin. JP is put in a chair outside, Michin tries to tope her and goes face first into unfolded metal chairs. JP tries to hip attack her into the rails but misses and goes into them.

We go to PiP break. Michin takes Vic's candy tray and hits JP with it. Michin slams her then throws candy out into the crowd. JP knees her in the gut then Michin is suplexed on the floor. JP slams Michin's fingers with a tool box lid then stands and stomps on the lid. 

JP grabs a wrench and chokes Michin with it. She then uses the wrench on Michin's fingers. JP sticks a hammer in Michin's mouth and pulls with the back of it. Michin pours out nuts and bolts on chairs. Michin is back body dropped onto it for 2.

Michin uses a kendo stick on JP. She then cannonballs a trash can that is on JP's head. JP sprays Michin with a fire extinguisher then hip attacks her into the riser wall. JP running hip attacks her in the ring and wins.

Thoughts: Without question it was the best match I've ever seen either of these girls in. It was pretty much all weapons shots and hardcore spots but all of it looked good. Michin's dive into the chairs was wild (and stupid) and JP hip attacking her through the riser wall was cool. Jaida really needed this one to show where she stands and it really couldn't have went much better than it did. This was good.

Karmen Petrovic and Arianna Grace are in the ocker room. KP is taping up her sword and Grace wants her attention. Grace says she doesn't want to talk about it then asks her to sit down. Grace says Sol snatched her soul and heart. She says now she won't go to Heatwave even though she is from Toronto. She says her people are yearning for her. Karmen says she's from there too and Grace says she's not as Canadian as her.

Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx walk in. They ask which one is more pathetic. They say Karmen for Natalya not being there. KP says she belongs and says they can fix it if there is an issue.

Je'Von Evans says it's crazy he will be in the main event of his first PLE. He said he never left the country before and had to get a passport. He says he's not worried about it being a four-way. He says he's not scared of his opponents. He says he's coming over the border NXT champ.

We get a video on Kelani Jordan winning the N-A Title. She says all she knows is structure and says her one track mind has produced results. She talks about her gymnastics career and says she's the first ever Women's N-A champ. She says no one will defend her title like Lani. She says her gymnast accolades can't be taken from her but her title can. She quotes Michael Jordan and says she will make it happen vs Sol Ruca at Heatwave.

New Catch Republic vs Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

Bate rolls out of a wristlock. Bate bridges and Hank is on top of him. Bate walks up the buckles with his hands and headscissors Hank down. Dunne works Hank's fingers. Dunne is criss crossed with a shoulder fromt Tank. Dunne takes a sandwich bodyblock.

Dunne stomps Tank's hand then Bate comes off the 2nd rope and flips off of Dunne onto Tank. Tank 2nd rope twisting shoulders Bate. Bate deadlift suplexes him. Bate straight punches Hank and airplane spins him. We go to break and return.

Dunne works on Tank then Tank bubba bombs him. Hank lariats Dunne then corner splashes him. Hank hits snake eyes on Dunne then pump kicks him. Hank drops Bate onto Dunne. Dunne takes a top rope diving lariat + powerbomb combo. Hank is enzugiri'd out by Bate. Bate gets caught on a tope con hilo and dropped on Dunne on the apron. Hank and Tank both do Josh Alexander's crossbody as their opponents sit ont he apron.

Dunne pump kicks Hank then is popped-up into a german from Hank. Hank comes off the top and takes knees from Dunne. Tank gets his fingers split and takes a rebound lariat. Bate spiral taps Tank off the top and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here as expected. Hank and Tank showed off a new move or two here and continue to seem better than the level they are being pushed at. 

Shawn Spears said he returned to NXT to guide young talent. He said he wanted to share his knowledge and said it has been met with reluctance. He says he will lead by example. He says he will return home to Toronto and will reach the pinnacle. He says he will win the NXT Title at Heatwave.

Robert Stone, Stevie Turner and Oro Mensah talk in the back. Stone puts over Oro's showing last week. Stevie copies it and they argue. Stone says Oro is fighting Myles Borne tonight. They argue over who will give him the bad news. Stevie tells him he won't be going to Heatwave due to altercations with Ethan Page. Stone says he will tell Ava about Stevie's behavior. 

Brinley Reece vs Izzi Dame

Izzi slams her then pendulum side slams her. Izzi stomps on her. Brin hits shoulders and a body block. Izzi's head is pulled into the buckles and Brin forward cartwheel lariats her. Brin backfists her.

Tatum Paxley comes out and tries to grab Izzi. Brin back rolls Izzi into a pin attempt for 2. Izzi boots Brin then hits a falcon arrow to win.

It was a quick one here but it was fine with both girls doing a decent job.

Tatum tries to grab Izzi after.

We go to Chase U. Chase U talks about titles being won in Toronto. Duke and Ridge talk. Duke says they didn't pin OC clean when they beat them. Duke then shows Chase proof with photos. Chase and Thea are disappointed in Ridge for cheating. Ridge says he wanted to be part of a family, not a group and said he was just trying to help. Chase says no one is free of mistakes but asks Ridge to stay back when they go to Heatwave.

Lola Vice comes out. She says the clock is ticking and tells Roxanne to come out here. Perez comes out with security and says they are here to stop Lola from attacking her again. Perez says she can see right through her and says it's the most important match of her career.

She brings up Lola screwing her out of the title by cashing in her Breakout Tournament contract. Lola says Perez is the champ but says she is a fighter. She says Lola is in her world on Sunday, a world she is a master of. She says she won't fight Lola's fight, she will make he wrestle her style of match. Lola says she was a fighter before she was born.

Lola says she hasn't told her story of sacrifice. She said her mom was pregnant with her during her blackbelt test. She said she became a 4th degree master in taekwondo and was training for the olympics. She said her mom got sick so she went into MMA to provide for her family. She said she was fighting in MSG at the age of 20. She says her mom will watch her on Sunday and she can't wait to tell her she did it.

Perez says she didn't know all of that and respects her story. Perez says every woman in the locker room wants to make that same phone call. She says those phone calls are never made as long as she is champ. She says she proves why she is called The Prodigy. She says Lola won't take the title from her and says it's unfortunate she came around during her era. Lola says she doesn't have to give it to her, she will take it. Lola says she will prove she is the greatest crossover and says she will become the first Cuban-American NXT champ.

Lola then backfists one of the security guards. She says we may be in Perez' world, but she won't know what world she is in when she knocks her out.

Thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this. I think Lola is better in short promos and with both being more heelish, it was hard to get behind either. 

Ethan Page does a video. He says he rocked the foundation of NXT and racked it when he debuted taking out Trick Williams. He says he's been building a rep around the world for a while. He says there's only room for one them between him and Spears and says he will do as intended - becoming NXT champ.

No Quarter Catch crew talks in the back. Kemp says he found brass knuckles and asks him about them. Dempsey asks him if he thought it would work. Borne asks if they said something and Dempsey says not to worry about it. Dempsey says Borne's best friend is the power advantage, so use it.

We get a video on Eddy Thorpe being a DJ at the club. Lexis King comes in and says he should be ashamed of himself for being a DJ. King talks about rock and roll and says he likes rock and roll. Eddy says he likes EDM music. King says he wouldn't know cool if he was slapped in the face with it. Dani Palmer was here as one of the girls. Maybe she's back from injury?

Oro Mensah vs Myles Borne

Borne side headlocks him. Oro has some ugly tights on that look like fishnets from afar. Oro wristlocks him, Borne reverses it and Oro upkicks him. Oro isde headlocks him. Oro misses a koppo kick but it is sold anyway. Oro spinning forearms him in the back of the neck. 

Oro flips out of a back body drop but nails his throat off the ropes. Borne neckbreakers him. We go to PiP break and return. Borne chinlocks him and they trade forearms. Oro steamroller legsweeps him and kicks him. Oro asai moonsaults him then exploders him. Oro koppo kicks him. Borne hits a high dropkick.

Kemp tries to give Borne brass knucks. Borne is distracted and takes a rolling kick in the corner. Oro then wins.

They are doing some kind of story with Kemp being on the outs with NQCC here and that was what the finish was about. Oro was not good early on here and that brought this one down. This should have been better than it was.

Oro says he will be waiting for Ethan Page after Heatwave. 

We get a Wes Lee video. He says he wants nothing else but the title. He says Oba Femi seems unconquerable. He says he needs to win on Sunday as he doesn't know what to do otherwise.

Oba says Wes is referred to as the greatest because he came before him. He says Wes is living in the past. He says the beacon of light Wes once was is starting to Dim. He says every person wh ohas tried to beat him (Oro) has failed. He says he will crush Wes' body and his final dream.

We go to the back. Dupont and Igwe are fighting with Gallus. Igwe goes into steps and Dupont spears Wolf into a barrel. Mark chairs Dupont and it is broken up.

Brinlee Reece talks to Enofe and Blade. Blade ask if she's good. Enofe says positivity doesn't produce results. Brin says if they don't want her around, it's fine. She says she will go work out. The OC get on the camera. They say they aren't done beating up Nima and Price. Karl says he will break Price's face too.

Carlee Bright vs Wendy Choo

CB hits forearms on Choo. Choo throws her down backwards. CB cartwheels while in a wristlock and is thrown down. CB headscissors her then Choo side headlocks her. CB tries a pin off a blocked hiptoss then decks her with a forearm. Choo low flatliners her.

Choo snapmares her and twists her neck with her feet. Choo axe kicks her in the back. Choo forearms her in the corner then puts her in tree of woe. Choo dropkicks her there. CB headscissors her and hits lariats. CB cartwheel kicks her in the corner then Choo gets her knees up on CB's standing moonsault. Choo hits a pepsi twist and chokes her out with a buffalo sleeper variation to win.

Thoughts: Choo's new gimmick isn't working. Part of it is because it has never really been explained and the other part is because people like Choo. I think Carlee has more potential than her and I didn't really like her losing here, especially in a cold one like this. This was just so-so and the crowd wasn't into it.

Trick Williams talks about his Heatwave competitors. He says anything can happen but the only thing that will happen is him retaining his NXT Title.

Shawn Michaels talks. He says there's been many disturbances in NXT caused by Brooks Jensen lately. We see videos of him flipping out on Twitter about NXT. He says Brooks is not released from his contract despite claiming otherwise. They said he spiraled after breaking up with Brooks Jensen and showed him drinking. They said they forced him to stay away from NXT. Shawn says they could let him go but he's part of the NXT family and they believe in second chances. He says they want him to have a sit-down discussion with Ava to get on the right path.

Thoughts: Last week, Brooks was pulled away by security on camera. Unfortunately, they didn't say it was him nor could we see him so it was impossible to tell. Apparently he has maybe done this other times, but because it wasn't acknowledged on TV, nobody really noticed it. Now we know it's all storyline. Whatever they are doing here has not worked so far and it's all on WWE.

Jazmyn Nyx vs Karmen Petrovic

They each duck kicks. KP side headlocks her. KP is armdragged but rolls through it and holds onto Nyx's arm. Nyx wristlocks her then throws her down by the hair. Nyx rolling headhunters her for 2. Jacy gets on the apron and distracts KP. Nyx kicks KP hard in the gut then boots her.

Nyx neckbreakers her and PK's her for 2. Nyx headscissors her and we see Fallon watching this in the back on TV. Nyx tries to roll her on the headscissors but KP blocks it and goes for a pin. KP bulldogs her and hits forearms. KP spinning lariats her. KP goes for a kick and Jacy interferes. Nyx then pele kicks KP and wins.

Thoughts: The work wasn't bad with them doing some athletic work but it was marred by Jacy interference.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer talk in the back. Nathan talks about things he wants to do in a match. Ax thinks he's talking about their match but NF says he's talking about his singles match on Speed. Ax says they don't want to overlook Chase U. NF says they are the best team in the world and will be fine. 

Karmen Petrovic talks to Ava in the back. She asks if she saw that. She says she wants Jacy and Nyx. Ava says she doesn't have to do it alone as a friend volunteered to team with her. Grace says she's not Natalya but is a beauty queen. She says us Canadians have to team together and say what better place to team up for the first time than in their hometown. She says she's so excited.

We see sol Ruca talk about gymnastics and we see her balancing. She talks about being a multi-time champ in college. She says she was the best girl at Battleground but came up short. She said others talk the talk but she focuses on walking the walk. She says she is bringing the heat to Toronto.

Fatal Four Way Contract Signing

Trick Williams, Shawn Spears, Ethan Page and Je'Von Evans are in the ring. Trick says he will whoop that trick in the ring in Toronto. Page says Trick doesn't care and will bring the same energy no matter what. He says he's the champ and the hottest thing in WWE right now. He says he has seen his swagger at Battleground. He says he would have won at Battleground then Trick interrupts and said he got whooped.

Page says this Sunday isn't the same as Vegas. He says he doesn't have to win him to beat the title. He can beat him but he doesn't have to. He says the odds are not in Trick's favor. Trick says his back is always against the wall but he comes through each time.

Trick says he will add one more win to his resume on Sunday. Spears says Trick loves the sound of his own voice. Spears says Trick has emotion and says his emotion will bring him the title at Heatwave. Spears says Trick's emotion got his hand raised and it will again at Heatwave.

Spears says Evans is a 20 year old kid who is happy to be here. Spears says Evans is the team who made it to The Super Bowl but doesn't have a shot at winning the big one. Evans says everyone wants to use his age against him like he's a punk.

Evans says he is nervous but excited. Evans says since we are talking about experience, how about we talk about Spears' experience holding the NXT Title. Evans says Spears doesn't have any. He says he will show him what an NXT champ really looks like.

Page says him and Spears beat Evans, but can Trick? He says he doesn't like Trick's odds. Trick says he doesn't like him. Trick says Evans can do a lot of things but can't take his NXT Title from him. 

They make their cases for why they will win. Spears rips Evans for being 20. Evans threatens him. Evans says he is coming for the title Sunday and calls Page and Spears punks. Spears attacks him and all four fight. Spears and Page go through tables. Evans looks at the title and Trick takes it away.

Thoughts: Evans was legit the best person in this one. I thought they had a lot to work with but didn't really get all out of it that they could. It got a little better at the end but the early part of the segment didn't really hit. It's all for naught though. It's just not a hot program and I don't expect a classic out of this four way.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay night in-ring wise for the most part. The storylines just aren't really hitting the mark though and it's a real problem with a PLE coming up.  I can't say I'm too excited about anything on the PLE except Jordan/Sol, which hasn't gotten much build. These are all younger wrestlers so it's not a huge problem in the short-term, but I hope things are better 6-12 months from now or else we've got a real problem on our hands. I wasn't a huge fan of this and wouldn't recommend it.

WCW Monday Nitro 11/13/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 11/13/1995

Last week's show is here:

Eric Bischoff, Mongo McMichael and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the show. They talk about the WCW Title being decided in a battle royale at World War 3. Heenan says Hulk will have to go win the battle royale if he wants the title. Mongo's dog is dressed up in a superman cape.

Hulk Hogan is wearing a hood and a Zorro mask and he's in a cemetery. He's growling and says the darkness in The Dungeon of Doom shakes in fear because he's walking around with the training, the prayers and the vitamins. He says those are immortal. He says Macho is on a mission to bring them the head of Meng. He says he's the first man on the destruction hitlist.

Hulk says he doesn't know where Sting's head is at and if he's friend or foe. He says he will look at Sting and find out where he's coming from. He says if he's on Sullivan's side, he will move his name to the top of the hitlist. Hulk tells Macho to bring Meng's head and does his whatcha gonna do line.

Thoughts: This was not good at all. Hulk looked like a goof here and this looked like some cheap horror movie with toys. Hulk also couldn't get Meng's name right as he kept calling him "Ming".  I can't believe Hulk went along with this and thought it was a good idea.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Meng

Meng is still wearing his special needs superhero outfit. Macho jumping knees Meng from behind and knocks him into The Taskmaster.

Macho takes Meng outside and bangs his head off the apron, rails and post. Macho slams Meng. Taskmaster gets on the buckles and Macho crotches him then punches him. Macho comes off the top and takes a shot to the gut from Meng. Meng superkicks him. Jimmy Hart comes down to ringside.

Macho is sent into the rails and post. Meng chops Macho up then foot chokes him. Jimmy asks Macho where Hulk is. Meng slams him then misses a top rope splash. Hart gets on the apron and Meng is thrown into him. Macho lariats Meng from behind then top rope splashes him. Macho then gets the win.

Macho won as expected here. He really didn't need that much to get the win on this one. It wasn't that good and they didn't have much time at all. The Dungeon of Doom really should be getting more wins in if they are pushing them as a threat.

Shark comes in and nails Macho from behind. Lex Luger then comes down and bangs Macho's arm over the top rope and post.  

Chris Benoit vs Kensuke Sasaki

CB hits shots before this begins then KS lariats him. KS suplexes him and stomps on him. KS powerslams him. They run into each other and KS lariats him. KS bulldogs him. KS slams him then chinlocks him. KS elbow drops him. CB rolls on KS on a backdrop attempt.

CB back elbows him and germans him. CB then wins with a dragon suplex.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. They rushed through this and had multiple sloppy moments. They said Benoit was the newest member of The Four Horsemen here. I don't know why they didn't do that angle on Nitro.

Johnny B. Badd vs Eddie Guerrero

They shake hands. Heenan says the Japanese have been treated poorly in WCW and he made a deal. He says it could have been coupons in the envelope he got. Eddie armdrags Badd then Badd side headlock takeovers him.

Eddie wristlocks him then trips him. Badd kips up and wristlocks him back. Eddie headflips then side headlocks him. Badd tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Eddie flying headscissors him then Badd snapmares him. Badd slingshot legdrops him for 2.

Eddie walks up the buckles and headscissors him down for 2. Eddie is dropped off the top then Badd hits a top rope sunset flip. They trade pins and Eddie goes over the top when Badd ducks. Badd flip plancha's him then misses a slingshot splash inside.

Badd euros him then Eddie rolls him up out of the electric chair for 2. Eddie trips Badd then tries another pin for 2. Badd hits punches and knocks Eddie down.

They get back up then Eddie charges at him. They roll on the mat with punches. Badd jumps over the ref to hit Eddie and they punch each other. Badd side headlocks him and Eddie slingshot swantons him. We are told two minutes remain in the match.

Eddie goes for a tombstone but ends up getting tombstoned for 2. Eddie hits something like a tornado ddt for 2. They crossbody each other at the same time and the time limit expires.

Thoughts: It was a good effort here with them trying to do a face vs face match and then fighting as the match got heated. The announcement for how many minutes were left in the match really telegraphed the finish on this.

Eric says Hulk will be on Nitro next week and says Hulk wants Sting. Heenan thinks Hulk would want Jimmy Hart or The Giant instead.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Taskmaster, The Giant and Jimmy Hart. Gene says Hart did one of the most disgusting things ever two weeks ago and sold Hulk down the river. Hart says him and Sullivan are the smartest men in wrestling as they took the belt off of Hogan. Hart asks what will he do with his Hulkamania jackets now though?

Task said he thought of ways to take down Hulkamania for 10 years. He said he and Jimmy beat Hulk Hogan. He says all the stars will at World War III trying to get the title and says The Giant will be the winner. Giant says the competition will be sky high at WW3 but there can be only one and it's him. Task then mocks Hulk and pretends to convulse on the mat. 

Sting vs Dean Malenko

Dean waistlocks Sting then side headlocks him. They collide with shoulders. Dean jumps at him and gets slammed. Eric compares Dean to Dan Gable. Dean dropkicks Sting in the knee then boots Sting in the leg. We go to break and return.

Dean leglocks Sting then Sting hits some shots. Dean dropkicks him in the knee again then toeholds him. Sting's head is banged off the buckles and Dean hits a nice german for 2. Dean misses a dropkick then Sting misses a splash. Dean top rope dropkicks Sting then Sting cradles him and wins.

This one was too short here and was hard to put over. Dean worked the leg and then got put down easy. This was a random one with no real build or explanation for it.

We go back to the commentators and Sting is still in the ring walking around.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Sting in the ring. Gene tells Sting that Hulk wants Sting next week 1v1. Gene asks Sting what's going on. Sting says he has nothing against Hulk. He said he doesn't know where he's coming from and never dreamed Hulk would ocme knocking at his door. He says he doesn't want to do this. He says he can let it slide when Hulk called him a little dog waiting on the front porch. Sting says he's a big dog here at WCW. He says his list of people he's beaten is pretty long. Sting says he's looking forward to next week.

Sting says he doesn't see why they can't get this squared away. He says, "I'm the big dog, remember?".

The commentators talk more about the Sting/Hulk situation. Heenan says Hulk is getting paranoid and says he's in trouble.

Overall thoughts: There weren't too many big developments on this one. Sting vs Hulk is set for next week though we all know that's probably not going to end in a clean finish nor be super long. Other than that, everything is directed to the World War III battle royale. Hogan did a bizarre promo in a Zoro outfit. Benoit/Sasaki was sloppy and disappointing. Meng/Macho had little time and wasn't good. Eddie/Badd was good and Sting/Dean was too short. I wouldn't really recommend this one.

NWA Powerrr 7/2/2024

NWA Powerrr 7/2/2024 

I didn't see last week's show. The show from two weeks ago is here:

Graw The Jewels Ladder Match - Slade vs Eric Smallz

The winner of this gets to punch the other guy in the balls. No, really, that's the stipulation. They have to grab a sack of jewels from a ladder to win.

Rolando Freeman comes out in an arm sling and is supposed to be in this. Kyle Davis asks him about this. RF says he showed his "jefe" disrespect and says he will refer to him as "jefe". RF says we aren't getting to see him kick Smallz in the teeth tonight. He says he has someone just as big and as spectacular as him. He then brings out Slade. RF says Smallz doesn't have the requiremnets or the cojones to wrestle this man. Kyle says it's Smallz's call. Smallz says he has been the underdog his entire life and says he will kick his @ss.

Slade throws him down and paintbrushes him. Smallz hits shots to the leg then trips him. Smallz paintbrushers him then Slade facekicks him. Slade stomps him. Slade carries him around the ring and does curls with him before slamming him. Slade elbow drops him.

Slade misses a corner spear and goes into the post. Smallz bronco busters him and grabs the ladder. Slade pushes the ladder over and lariats him. Smallz kicks him in the leg and does a pendulum ddt. Smallz then does a caterpillar and headspin then does a splash. Smallz 2nd rope headbutts him in the crotch.

Smallz hits him with the ladder and baseball slides it into him. Smallz then topes him. Rolando Freeman trips Smallz. Smallz bites the hand and spears him. Smallz superkicks him and 2nd rope moonsaults him on the ladder.

Smallz climbs the ladder, is put in an ankle lock and rolls Slade into it. Slade air raid crashes him. Slade climbs the ladder and Smallz tips it over. Slade is pulled out. Rolando attacks Smallz. Knox and Murdoch ome out to help Smallz. They beat up the heels. Murdoch puts Smallz on his shoulder and is chop blocked by Slade. Slade then gets the jewels and wins. 

We do not get to see Smallz get hit in the balls.

This was bogus. It's just not believable in any way, shape or form that Smallz could present any real challenge to Slade. They tried to cover it, but I wasn't buying it. I also don't get why we didn't see Smallz get hit in the balls since that was the stipulation.

NWA National Title - Thom Latimer vs Zyon 

WWE's old sign guy fan has a sign that says, "Austin Idol wears a diaper". Idol rips it up.

Zyon and Thom stare down then shove each other. Zyon side headlocks him. Thom armdrags him then Zyon armdrags him. We go to break and return. Thom dropkicks Zyon then is thrown out. Idol teases punching Thom outside.

Zyon stomps Thom on the steps. Zyon spinning bridging neckbreakers him. Zyon chinlocks him then hits elbow drops. Zyon chinlocks him again and Thom jawbreakers him. Thom lariats him then Thom backdrops him.

Thom flatliners him for 2. They do a double clothesline and both go down. They trade euros and Thom backslides him for 2. Thom armlocks him then crossfaces him. Zyon backrolls him for 2 and is sent into the buckles. Thom pop-up sitout powerbombs Zyon and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match here. Nothing was bad but it just wasn't super exciting and the crowd wasn't into it. 

Crockett Cup Semifinals - Knox and Murdoch vs The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor)

The Six hit their opponents. Knox and Murdoch no sell it then Morton is knocked down. Alex is chopped in the corner. Kerry is sent into him then Kerry takes a double back body drop. Alex then takes a double back body drop. Knox suplexes Kerry in and the match officially starts.

Knox elbow drops Kerry and Kerry is out of it. Murdoch knocks Kerry down with a punch then clubs his back. Murdoch chops up Alex. Murdoch beats up Alex on the apron and Kerry chop blocks him from behind.

We go to break and return. Kerry chop blocks Murdoch then Alex chop blocks Murdoch. Murdoch top rope crossbodies Alex. Knox is tagged in. Knox facekicks Kerry then corner splashes him. Knox crossbodies him. Alex sacrifices himself on a high/low, saving Kerry. Kerry pulls Knox's throat down over the top.

Murdoch nails Kerry. Murdoch goes for the suplex on Kerry but Ricky Morton pulls Murdoch's leg. Kerry picks up the win.

It was a good match here with The Six working Murdoch's leg and cheating to grab the win. I'm not really surprised by this. These four all know what they were doing and a good match was the expectation going in. Kerry bumped around a lot like usual and the big guys had fun roughing him and Alex up.

Overall thoughts:  It was an average show. We had three matches. The first was total nonsense, the second match was average and the main was good. That's the definition of average here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

TNA Xplosion 6/28/2024

TNA Xplosion 6/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

There's two matches this week and Around The Ring but one of the matches will not be covered here.

Around The Ring with Gia Miller

Moose is this week's guest. Moose says he's a vet of the show. Moose has Gia play true or false. Moose has 500+ pairs of shoes and has been collecting shoes for 10 years. He says he has a bedroom full of shoes and says it's the only thing he spends money on. He says he also has 20+ pairs of headphones. He says everyone's gift when he was in the NFL for Christmas was headphones. He says he can also play piano. 

Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Eli Isom


Eli used to be in ROH but didn't get picked up when AEW bought it. We only have 4 minutes for this. They trade wristlocks. BG armdrags him and headlock takeovers him. Eli boots and punches him. BG dropkicks him.

BG goes up and over then flying headscissors him. BG plancha's him outside. BG 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Eli chop blocks him and stomps on him. BG hits spin kicks, pop-up euros him and spinebusters him. Eli eye rakes him and tries to throw him over the top. BG skins the cat and drops him on a powerbomb on accident. BG does a ripcord jumping knee then diving spears him off the 2nd rope to win.

Thoughts: It was short and nothing special. BG dropped him on a powerbomb here.

Overall thoughts: There were two matches here (plus an interview) and I didn't cover one of them. The one I did was under four minutes and was nothing of note. I would not recommend this one.

AEW Forbidden Door 2024 6/30/2024

AEW Forbidden Door 2024 6/30/2024

MJF vs Hechicero

Hech boots him in the gut. MJF leapfrogs, Hech pulls him down and goes for an armbar. MJF offers a handshake ten boots him off of it. Hech drops down and MJF struts. MJF eye pokes him. Hech puts the ref in the way and pulls MJF out of the ring.

Hech is thrown into the rails. MJF running facekicks him over the rails. MJF poses on the apron and has his arm pulled down over the top rope. Hech works on the arm. Hech blocks a heatseeker piledriver then slingshot tornillos onto him. Hech swinging hammerlock backbreakers him.

Hech step up knees him then does MJF's strut. He then flips off the crowd. MJF back body drops him. MJF hits lariats then short piledrivers him. Hech 2nd rope dropkicks him then rolls him into a sleeper.

MJF armbars him. Hech gets out and does a double arm submission on him. They lariat each other down. MJF bangs Hech's head off the buckles then hits corner punches. MJF bites him then hits a panama sunrise. MJF brainbusters him and wins.

Thoughts: Hech went down too easy here and lost as expected which was disappointing. It wasn't anything too special with MJF being a jerk and Hech getting some arm work in.

Hiroshi Tanahashi & The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) vs. The Elite (Kazuchika Okada and The Young Bucks)

Okada hits Tana on the apron to start. They tease going at it and Okada tags out. Tana side headlocks a Buck then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Bowens goes up and over a Buck then hits kicks. Bowens rolls him up for 2 then hits an armdrag and armlock.

A Buck takes corner attacks then both Bucks take a legdrop to the crotch off the 2nd rope. Max lariats a Buck and takes a triple kick in the corner. Okada over the back neckbreakers Max on the knee. One of The Bucks puts on Max's headphones. Max is put in a camel clutch while The Bucks goof off.

Max is worked on in the corner. Max bites a Buck then top rope crossbodies him. Max takes a jawbreaker and tags in Bowens. Bowens gets the hot tag then does an obver the back fameasser. Bowens drops Okada with a punch. The Bucks splash each other on accident then Bowens hits a twisting torture rack drop for 2.

We get a dosey-do and The Bucks are lariated. Tana and Okada go at it. Tana 2nd rope swantons him then dragon screws him. Taka puts Okada in a texas cloverleaf then Max slingblades A buck. Everyone starts hitting moves. Max top rope elbows Okada.

Okada gets his knees up on Tana's high fly flow. Tana takes superkicks then The Bucks do stereo plancha's out. Okada top rope elbows Tana then Tana cradles him for 2. Tana thwarts a double team then Okada dropkicks him. Okada rainmakers Tana and wins.

It was your standard trios match and it was fine with basic heel and face work. 

Okada goes to rainmaker Tana then Billy Gunn comes out to make the save. 

Owen Hart Foundation 2024 Men's Tournament Quarter Final Match - Bryan Danielson vs Shingo Takagi

They each grab the arm. Bryan takes him down and ties his legs up. They do a double knuckle lock and Bryan surfboards him. Bryan side headlocks him and Shingo shoulders him over. Shingo sentons him. They trade forearms and headbutts. Shingo hits chops then Bryan flying lariats him. Bryan dropkicks him. Shingo catches his tope and bridging, twisting neckbreakers him on the floor.

Bryan holds his neck/shoulder outside and the doc checks on him. Shingo suplexes him. Shingo back elbows him and lariats him. Bryan hits a buzzsaw kick. They trade chops for euros. Bryan low germans him then corner dropkicks him. Bryan backdrops him off the top.

Bryan hits chest kicks and slaps him. Bryan rolling armbars him and then triangles him. Shingo northern lights bombs him out. Shingo corner lariats him then hits a superplex. Shingo sliding lariats him for 2. Shingo flips him with a lariat then hits made in Japan for 2.  

Shingo sliding forearms him then hits downward elbows. Shingo slides at him and is put in an armbar. Shingo headbutts him then Bryan high kicks him. Bryan backdrops him and flying knees him for 2. Bryan hits curbstomps then armbars him again. The ref then stops the match.

Thoughts: It was okay but not great. I would have liked more work on the arm since that ended up being the finish. I'm not surprised Bryan won but NJPW could have maybe used a win here to look good. 

AEW Women's World Title Match - Toni Storm (c) vs Mina Shirakawa

Toni comes dressed up as Lady Liberty. Mariah May gives both flowers but won't pick a side. Toni hits a hip attack while Mina's posing. Mina bridges out of a pin and shimmies. Toni double chops her  then Mina dropkicks her in the knee. Mina drops Toni on her knees then bangs Toni's leg off the post. Mina figure fours the leg on the post.

Toni's knee is banged off the floor and Mina dropkicks her in the knee. Toni codebreakers Mina then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Toni hip attacks Mina off the apron. Toni hip attacks the stairs when Mina moves. Mina top rope planchas Toni and Luther outside.

Toni double chokeslam bombs her for 2.  Mina dropkicks her in the knee then figure fours her. They trade forearms and Mina spinning forearms her. Mina top rope ddt's her then lifting ddt's her for 2. Toni germans her then corner hip attacks her for 2. Mina urakens her and spinning forearms her.

Mina lifting reverse ddt's her for 2. Mina high kicks her then Toni rolls her up for 2. Toni hhits headbutts then germans her. Toni short piledrivers her and wins.

Mina worked the leg for the first half of this then forgot about it. I didn't really like Toni winning here. Mina winning would have added a new twist to the story and put her over some. It also would give the foreign guests a much needed win.

Mina and Toni shake hands after and hug. They then do a three-way kiss. Nigel cries and claps for this. 

Thoughts: Look, the Mina/May kissy stuff is basically the female version of a cheap pop. Anyone who would suggest the girls should be doing stuff like this would get destroyed for it. But when people are actually doing it on their own volition for pops, nobody cares and all the outrage goes away. That's what annoys me about it.

Orange Cassidy vs Zack Sabre Jr.

Zack throws him down and boots him in the head. Zack takes him down by the arm, OC does the same and OC does kip ups off the armlock. Zack headscissors him and OC rolls out.

Zack pulls OC's arms back and straightjackets him. OC reverses it and Zack throws him over. OC ties his legs up and Zack tries to get him to put his hands in his pockets. OC does a grounded octopus.

OC armdrags him then side headlocks him. They roll each other out of the casadora and Zack twists his neck with his feet. OC is dropped with a euro and Zack headscissors him while tying up the legs.

Zack euros OC and mocks OC's weak kicks. Zack slaps him and hits kicks. OC dragon screws him. OC topes Zack outside then dragon screws him. Zack rolls through a top rope splash and OC dragon screws him.

OC hits a diving ddt off the top for 2. Zack stomps OC's arm into the mat and Zack splits the fingers. Zack ties up OC's arms. OC stomps on Zack's legs and texas cloverleafs him. OC beachbreaks him for 2. OR htis an orange punch then Zack PK's him.

Zack bridge pins OC for 2 then OC bridge pins him while putting his hands in his pockets for 2. OC tries another pin. Zack jumps at him and takes a backslide.  Zack ties up OC's arms and legs and taps him out.

Thoughts: I was glad Zack didn't lose here. This match is what I hate about OC. He's literally pushed as Superman. He can go toe to toe with Mox just as easy as he can match Zack in technical wrestling. And he's so good that he can even put his hands in his pockets and goof around while doing it. It's ridiculuous. OC should have gotten torn up on the mat here and used stuff like armdrags and such to get offense in. Instead, he's acting like he's Skayde out there.

Hook, Katsuyori Shibata & Samoa Joe vs. The Learning Tree (Big Bill & Chris Jericho) & Jeff Cobb

Jericho gets a "please retire" chant. Jericho gets on the mic and says he knows people don't really want him to retire because he's from Long Island and is a hometown hero. Bill and KS go at it. Bill facekicks him then suplexes him.

CJ hits chops on KS and KS no sells them. KS chops back. CJ is thrown into corner, he tries to crossbody but Hook and KS move away. Hook hits shots on CJ then Cobb and Joe get in. They shoulder battle and Joe shoulders him over. Joe hits jabs then corner enzugiri's him. Cobb uranages him and Bill hits mounted punches on Joe. Cobb and Joe trade.

Joe steamroller legsweeps him. Hook gets in and thwarts the heels. He sends Bill out then Cobb nails him. Cobb suplexes Hook down then CJ kneechokes him on the ropes. CJ backdrops Hook. Bill elbow drops Hook then Cobb slams Hook. Cobb standing moonsaults Hook. Hook flying lariats him.

KS hits forearms on Cobb then does a chop and punch combo. KS dropkicks Cobb then Cobb takes corner attacks. KS corner dropkicks Cobb. He suplexes him and Joe sentons Cobb for 2. CJ breaks up a KS armbar then Cobb fallway slams KS. CJ slams KS then KS blocks his asai moonsault with his knees.

Joe is sent into the rails then Hook top rope double axe handles  outside. CJ kicks KS low while the ref is distracted with Bryan Keith on the apron. CJ takes conrer attacks then Bill chokeslams Joe. KS STO's Bill then Cobb hits a tour of the islands on him. Hook suplexes Cobb then CJ codebreakers Hook for 2. Hook's team all puts on chokes and Hook suplexes CJ. Hook hits a judas effect on CJ and wins.

Thoughts: Not great but it was okay. Atleast Jericho's team didn't win this one, though maybe booking wise, they should have. It didn't reach it's full potential here as they didn't have enough time. The heels mostly controlled the faces here until the faces made their comeback and won.

AEW TNT Title Ladder Match - Mark Briscoe vs. El Phantasmo vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Lio Rush vs. Jack Perry vs. Dante Martin

Jack is chased by everyone and runs into a KT forearm. KT is ganged up on. KT takes corner attacks and everyone grabs ladders. We get a 4 person stand off then they all throw ladders at each other together. Mark chops Lio off the apron. Lio jumps off a chair outside at Mark and is lariated.

Lio and Jack fight. Jack is sent int othe ladder and buckle and Lio spin kicks him in the head. Lio handspring kicks a ladder into Mark. ELP hits a ufo neckbreaker on Lio onto a ladder in the corner. Dante misses a jumping knee on ELP but it is sold anyway. KT pushes the ladder over while Dante is on it and Dante crossbodies ELP. KT pushes a ladder into Dante then KT brainbusters Dante onto a ladder. Mark swings a ladder at people while it's around his head. Mark throws the ladder at Lio.

Mark throws KT out then dropkicks him through the ropes. KT is sandwiched between a table and ladder outside and Mark tope con hilos him. Jack sends Lio's head into a ladder. ELP walks a bridged ladder to climb onto the ladder Jack is on. Jack eye rakes him and ELP twists Jack's nipples. Dante jumps over Jack to get onto the ladder then Dante and ELP are thrown into the ropes.

Jack and Lio fight on the apron. Dante jumps through the buckles and dropkicks Jack. KT and Mark battle over a ladder on the apron. Mark pushes it into KT's gut. Lio topes in the middle of a ladder onto KT. Mark climbs a ladder on the apron then top rope splashes Jack on a table. The table doesn't break as Mark doesn't land on it enough.

Lio and Dante go for the title while on the ladder. KT powerbombs Dante then powerbombs Lio onto a ladder. ELP is pulled off a ladder into KT's knee. ELP superkicks KT. KT pumping knees him on the apron then blue thunders him off the apron through tables. 

Mark jay drillers KT onto a ladder. Mark is knocked off a ladder by Jack and hit with a ladder. Jack chairs Mark then wins the match.

Thoughts: It was a ladder match. We got some big spots here as expected. I liked that they sold the danger of Dante getting re-injured in this one. Jack winning wasn't that surprising as AEW has been pushing him non-stop for years. That means more Jack on TV though and that's not something I'm interested in.

AEW TBS Title / NJPW STRONG Women's Title Match - Mercedes Mone vs. Stephanie Vaquer

SV headbutts her while the ref gives instructions. SV tries to pin her arms down and Mone monkey flips her. Mone hits mounted punches then 2nd rope diving armdrags her.

SV walks up the ropes, does rope tricks and armdrags her. Mone then armdrags her off the ropes into a crossface. Mone baseball slide headscissors her while she's on the floor. Mone then 2nd rope meteora's her. Mone tiger feint kicks her from the outside under the bottom rope. SV hits a soul foot and 2nd rope guillotine kneedrops her. SV springboard planchas her outside.

SV bridge pins her for 2. SV hits facewash kicks then kneedrops her off the bottom rope. Mone hits two of three amigos. SV bodyscissors her into a submisssion. SV bangs Mone's head off the mat from the headscissors. SV's dive off the top is met with a dropkick from Mone.

Mone double knees her and meteora's her in the corner. Mone tornado ddt's her for 2. SV legdrops her for 2. Mone and SV lariat each other at the same time. They both kip up and trade forearms. Mone headscissors her into a crossface. SV picks her up and drops her on double knees.

Mone backcrackers her twice. She comes off the top and catches boots. SV dragon screws her then meteora's her in the corner. Mone crossfaces her then hits a mone maker. Mone then turns into a crossface and wins.

Thoughts: It was just okay. It was nothing too great but nobody embarrassed themselves here. Mone worked the crossface a little here towards the end which set up the submission win. Mone winning wasn't too surprising but that does make CMLL 0-2 for the show here.

Britt Baker returns after and poses on the ramp and stage.

They announce Wrestle Dynasty for 1/5/2025 at the Tokyo Dome. I don't really think it's too big of a deal but it confirms that NJPW is running The Dome twice again in 2025 after taking a break for it. The thing is that the women and AEW wrestlers are on the bigger shows anyway so it's not that special.

IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match - Jon Moxley (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito

JR is on commentary here. They trade forearms. Mox boots him in the corner then Naito spits at him and poses. Naito hits forearms on Mox then Mox hits corner lariats. Naito's leg is banged off the post.

Naito is backdropped on the commentary table and mox hits mounted punches. They trade shots. Naito spits at him and gets dropped. Mox single leg crabs him and stf's him. Mox piledrivers him for 2. Naito spits at him and Mox hits corner elbows. Mox backdrops him.

Mox hits punches and Naito slaps back. Mox rakes Naito's back. Naito pushes Mox off the top to the floor. Naito drives him into the rails and hits him with the pad on the rails.

Naito hits shots then baseball slides him. Naito neckbreakers him. Mox release suplexes him then 2nd rope powerbombs him. Naito tornado ddt's him. Naito diamond dusts him off the buckles then Mox for sleepers. Naito hits destino. Mox ddt's him off his 2nd destino attempt.

They trade forearms and Naito step up enzugiri's him. Mox lariats him and hits a death rider for 2. Mox grab a chair and the ref takes it away. Naito hits another destino and wins.

Thoughts: These two are the most natural of combinations and it wasn't that great. If you were looking for some great storyline or even some big spots, we just didn't get it here. Nobody went all out on this one and it was really just a match. 

AEW World Title - Swerve Strickland (c) vs Will Ospreay

They lock up and trade forearms. They both go for flying headscissors. SS headflips through and Will flips through. Will hook kicks him and they stand off.

SS hits shots on Will then Will chops him. SS facekicks him. Will plancha's him outside and hits shots on him out there. Will drive by dropkicks him on the apron. Will is pulled down off the 2nd rope and SS 2nd rope euros him in the back of the head.

SS neckbreakers Will then neckbreakers him over the 2nd rope. SS pulls on his chin. Will handspring back corkscrew kicks him. Will is thrown into the rails but jumps over them. Will is dropped face first on the rails. Will hurricanrana's SS off the rail then springboard lariats him.

SS backbreakers him. SS sitout hiptosses him into a keylock. SS hits bullying kicks. They trade shots and duck each others moves. SS jumps up and is caught in a powerbomb then a styles clash for 2. SS and Will go in the air and Will catches him with an os cutter. Daniel Garcia watching in the stands.

SS hits kicks and flips over the top, handspringing off the apron. SS hits a top rope angle slam for 2. Will hook kicks him on the apron then misses an os cutter, going back first on the apron. SS goes up top and double stomps Will into the commentary table in a cool spot. SS piledrivers him on the rail top and lifting sitout reverse ddt's him.

SS is crotched on the top rope then Will top rope cutters him. Will hits an os cutter for 2. Will hits a hidden blade and SS no sells it mostly. Will hook kicks him and SS turns an os cutter into an arm hold. Will rolls him up off of it. Will os cutters him then hits a stormbreaker for 2.

We see MJF watching in the back. Will headbutts him. SS rolls him up and hits his own hidden blade. Swerve misses a top rope double stomp and Will hidden blades the ref when SS moves. SS poisonrana's him, Will no sells it and hits a hidden blade. Don Callis gives Will a screwdriver. Nana tries to stop Don and pushes him over.

Will threatens Nana but throws the screwdriver down. SS hits a house call kick as Will gets in. Will top rope double stomps Will for 2. SS cranks the arm and house call kicks him for 2. SS pats Will on the head when he tries to go for hidden blade but can't stand. SS hits a house call kick then hits a half-nelson sitout driver to win.

Thoughts: Selling wasn't much of a priority here on top of there not being any real clear face and heels lines on this one. I thought Will made the os cutter seem weak in particular. I thought it was just an average main overall.

Overall thoughts: It was not the best Forbidden Door card possible. It was okay overall but just not that great. The main was so-so as expected. Naito/Mox was a poor effort. Mone/Vaquer was just a match as expected. The ladder match was what it was. Zack/OC was everything that was wrong with OC and MJF/Hechicer was nothing also. There was nothing must-see on this one and it was really tame by AEW standards.

Monday, July 1, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/1/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/1/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see Jey Uso arrive through groups of a fans. Jey gets on the mic. Jey says he will grab the contract MITB. Chad Gable comes out and says enough. He says yeet isn't a word but miracle is. And he says what he's survived over the last few weeks has been a miracle with him getting into MITB, surviving The Wyatt's and dealing with his group leaving him. He says he will call himself, "Master In The Bank" at the PPV.

Jey says "didn't The Wyatt's get to you?". Chad says they should be able after him for stealing the fireflies and for ditching his family. He said he got out of a manipulative scumbag like Chad's family/group did. Chad then hits him. They fight and Jey superkicks him.

They lights go out for The Wyatt's and they mute the "holy sh!t" cants, hurting the moment. Chad goes up into the stands to get away.

The security guards for the commentators get knocked out again and the girl (Sarah Logan) gives something to the commentators. Cole ends up receiving another box.

Xavier Woods vs Karrion Kross

Woods hits chops on Kross. Kross hits a big forearm in the corner then exploders him. They each hit chops and Kross chokes him with his leg over the ropes. Kross is pulled down over the top rope and Woods plancha's him. Kross powerbombs him into the post. We go to break and return.

We go to break and return. They trade shots and Woods chop flurries him. Woods hits a weak spinning shot then corner forearms him. Woods hits corner punches. Woods superkicks him then Kross headbutts him in the shoulder. Woods jumps off the top and takes a forearm. Woods cradles him out of nowhere.

It was short and nothing of note. The finish wasn't that good here.

The Final Testament beat up New Day after. Kofi goes to dive and takes a forearm from Kross. Woods is thrown into the rails. Kross armlocks Kofi after and they say he has to get medical attention. Kross asks Woods if he wants to shake his hand.  

Dominik Mysterio and Damian Priest talk in the back. DP asks if he talked to Rhea. Dom says they all good. DP says he just talked to Rhea and says she's p!ssed. Dom says he will handle it and DP says he says that every week and does nothing.

We go to The Judgment Day handout and Liv Morgan is playing video games with the crew. She then leaves. DP says Liv can't hang with them in the clubhouse. Finn says she helped bring the tag titles back to them. Finn says the problem is DP, putting his spot up in the match with Seth. Finn says he doesn't like DP calling him a sidekick. DP says he's the champ and of course they need him more. DP says they need each other. Finn says he will always have his back and tell him the truth and said he changed since he won the title.

We get a video on Wild Samoan Sika.

Zelina Vega is interviewed. She says she's interested in chasing the women's title. she says Liv and everyone will see what a real champ looks like.

Women's Title - Liv Morgan (c) vs Zelina Vega

Liv throws her back. Vega armdrags her then springboard armdrags her out of the casadora. Liv camel clutches her on the ropes. Vega is knocked off the apron then Dom comes out. Vega meteora's Liv off the apron. Rey Mysterio comes out and Dom backs up.

We go to break and return. Liv hits three amigos suplexes and does Eddie's shimmy. Liv ties up Vega's legs. Vega back rolls her and rolling kicks her. Vega axe kicks Liv in the back. Vega to prope moonsaults Liv for 2. Liv blocks a code red with a b-driver then step up enzugiri's her.

They fight on the buckles and Vega 2nd rope code red's her. Dom and Rey have words and Rey shoves him. Live baseball slides Rey. Vega 619's Liv then ddt's her for 2. Dom slides a chair in and Vega hits Dom with it for some reason. Liv hits oblivion and wins.

Thoughts: It was a circus here with a bunch of shenanigans with Dom and Rey. The match was really secondary to all of that and wasn't that special. They did somewhat sell me on Vega possibly winning though so this did work.

Liv is interviewed in the entrance way. She says she feels like the luckiest girl in the world. She says The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour is going as she planned it. She said she dedicates her victories to Dom, who she calls the most gorgeous man in WWE.

Drew McIntyre talks over video clips. He said he was screwed out of the title and sent to the back of the line. He said he's at peace as he will do to people who get in his way what he did to Punk. Drew says he will win the three-way tonight and go to MITB. He says he will rip the dreams out his opponents out of their hands like they did his. He says he can't be stopped. 

Seth Rollins comes out to talk. He says he will stand in the ring World Champ next week. He puts over Boston as a championship city. He said he needs to win back the title. He says he will have to reinvent himself if he doesn't. He says he will beat Priest and break-up Judgment Day, but says his goal isn't to break up Judgment Day.

Finn Balor comes out. He said he's in a bad mood when he should be in a good mood. He said everything around here is changing including Priest and what it means to be in Judgment Day. He says it's all Seth's fault. Seth said he thinks Finn is jealous of Priest and said he will knock his teeth down his throat if he gets in the ring.

Damian Priest comes down. Seth said it's a trap and Priest said it's not. Priest tells Finn this is his business and no one else is getting involved in it. Priest says Seth's days of running Raw are over. Seth says let's do this thing right now. Finn takes a shot at Seth but Priest doesn't touch him or help. Finn pounds on Seth and Seth pulls Finn off.

Seth superkicks the both of them and curbstomps Finn. Priest hits a south of heaven chokeslam on Seth.

They announce they are working with Bojangles and releasing WWE cups. 

Ludwig Kaiser does a video on Bron and Sheamus. He said Sheamus broke his ribs last week. He said Sheamus showed him who he is and says he is nothing but a coward. Kaiser says it was about beating him before and says his goal will be to beat him, humiliate him and end him once and for all.

Priest helps Finn to the back. He tells him to stay out of his match at MITB. Finn says "yep" and holds his jaw.

Women's MITB Qualifying Match - Dakota Kai vs Zoey Stark vs Ivy Nile

Zoey goes up and over Kai then kicks her. Kai pump kicks Ivy while she's hanging off the apron then Zoey baseball slides Kai. Zoey is dropkicked off the apron. Ivy hits a combo punch + kick on her opponents. Ivy flying corner kicks Kai. Zoey springboard dropkicks Kai for 2.

We go to break and return. Ivy hits a double bulldog off the ropes. Ivy germans Kai then Ivy spinning headscissors Zoey. Ivy germans Zoey then we get a double german suplex spot. Zoey overhead germans Ivy for 2. Kai scorpion kicks Zoey. Ivy high kicks Zoey then germans her for 2. Zoey tornado ddt's Ivy then Kai does a sunset flip backcracker.

Kairi Sane comes down. Ivy gets distracted and Kai stomps her in the back. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn throw Sane into the rails. Zoey hits a Z360 on Kai and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too great but the sunset flip backbraker was cool and I popped for the double german spot. I expected disaster here and they surpassed expectations.

Cole says we will see footage from the VHS that he was given in a box earlier.

We see Bo Dallas and Uncle Howdy talk. Howdy asks if him he thought he brought him to live. Bo says he was destined to do this. He said he doesn't think he's special and says we're the ones everyone wanted to forget about and abandoned. Bo says they made them notice us.

Bo is asked how he thinks he can bring them to life. He says The Wyatts Sicks weren't chosen, they offered themselves. He says they've become a family. Bo says people belittling their family is disgusting and says they must pay for their sings. Bo says he's the voice of the reckoning and Howdy says he's the reckoning. They say the same things at the same time, talking about freeing them from the cave and saying they are nobody. They switch places and Howdy disappears. He says they set them free. We then see Howdy appear again and he says, "there you are".

Thoughts: It was weird and unusual stuff. It's hard to judge it until we know where it is going and it's going to be hard to tie this into something wrestling related.

Otis is eating and Chad Gable sits down next to him. Chad thinks The Wyatt's are talking about him. He says he's been critical of him and his choices. He says he knows he said hurtful things and he knows Otis hates him. Otis says he doesn't hate him. He says they aren't helping and it's not his problem, it's Chad's. Chad says it could be Otis or Tozawa attacked next. Chad says he will have his back if he is attacked next. Maxxine and Tozawa walk in and asks if everything is okay. Chad says everything is great.

Rey Mysterio vs Dominik Mysterio

Rey headflips out of a wristlock. Dom dropkicks him. Dom back rolls and Rey stomps him. Rey headscissors Dom over then jumps off the apron and headscissors him on the floor. We go to break and return. Rey gets crotched on the ropes on an up and over. Dom hits mounted punches.

Dom hits chops on Rey then throws him into the buckles chest first. Dom is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Rey bangs Dom's head off the buckles. Rey springboard crossbodies Dom. Rey kicks him in the head off a sunset flip. Liv Morgan comes down. Rey gets distracted.

Dom rolls through a sunset flip and catapults Rey down onto the mat. Dom rolls into a half-crab. Dom hits two of three amigos. Rey goes for the 619 and Liv pulls Dom out. Rey baseball slides Dom on top of Liv and Liv holds Dom there. Rey argues with Liv then Dom suplexes Rey for 2. Vega comes out and jumps on Liv and hits her. Dom dropkicks Rey into the ropes and 619's him. Liv and Vega pull each other off the apron and Liv crotches Dom on accident.

Rey 619's Dom who is hanging over the buckles. Rey slingshot splashes him and wins.

Thoughts: It was an okay match but the shenanigans made this one really fun. This Liv/Dom storyline is really good stuff.

Sheamus says it's been 15 years since he debuted in WWE. He said he fulfilled his dream and gets a chance to do it again and become a 2x Mr. MITB. He says it will be a war tonight. He says Ilja reminds him of himself and said Drew is always getting involved in his business. Sheamus says he gets one step closer to becoming champ tonight.

We see Nakamura visiting Rey Tsuruya at her UFC fight.

Sami Zayn comes out. He says it feels good to walk back in the arena as IC champ. He says he knows his next challenger is Bron Breakker and says everyone thinks Bron will run through him. Sami says he will beat him at MITB.

Bron Breakker comes out. He says Sami gained some of his respect as he showed he wasn't afraid f him. He says he has guts but says he doesn't know what he's in for. He says the respect is out the window as he will beat him down and decimate him in the ring to become the new IC champ.

Sami says a lot of people said they would break him in half and said he has put himself back together eveyr time. He says he gets back up every time and says the proof is in his title. He says he wants Bron to want his title. He says to try and take it from him.

He says maybe Bron hasn't done his homework and isn't as smart as he thinks he is. He says maybe he's not as good as he thinks he is. He says he will see him at MITB. Bron spears him. They both get out and Bron runs around the ring. He tries to spear him but Sami leapfrogs and Bron goes into the steps.

Sami hits punches on Bron and bangs his head off the table. Sami exploders him in the corner. Bron then spears him and poses over top of him.

Damage Ctrl are interviewed. Kai says the plans stay the same at MITB and Iyo will win the MITB briefcase. She says she's tired of people getting involved in Damage Ctrl business. Lyra Valkyria walks in. She says Kai can't climb the ladder for Iyo and says she will climb it faster. Damage Ctrl then get jumped by Katana Chance and Kayden Carter and a brawl erupts.

Ilja Dragunov talks about tonight's match. He says the MITB contract can take you from the bottom to the top. He says it's time to breathe the air of a new level. He say careers can be short when people like Bron try to end you. He says he will win tonight.

Men's MITB Qualifying Match - Ilja Dragunov vs Drew McIntyre vs Sheamus

Sheamus and Drew go face to face and argue. Drag jumping kicks Drew out. Ilja boots him and is lariated. Sheamus takes chops from Ilja then Ilja flying kicks him. Sheamus backbreakers Ilja and Drew. Drew throws Sheamus over the rails outside.

Ilja enzugiri's Drew. Sheamus pops up behind Drew and clubs his chest. We go to break and return. Ilja enzugiri's Drew then Drew belly to belly suplexes him. Sheamus top rope lariats Drew.

Ilja hits shots on both opponents and enzuigiri's both. Ilja running knees Sheamus. Ilja top rope dropkicks Drew then h-bombs Sheamus, who is laying on the floor. Ilja top rope sentons Drew then h-bombs him for 2. Sheamus sends Ilja into the rails. 

We go to break and return. Drew superplexes Sheamus and is german'd off the buckles by Ilja in the process. Ilja constantine special lariats Sheamus. Drew headbutts Ilja then Ilja flying headbutts him. Ilja springboards and gets hit with a brogue kick from Sheamus.

Sheamus pump kicks Ilja and Drew pulls Ilja out. Drew throws Ilja over the rails. Sheamus and Drew stare down. Thye trade shots and Sheamus powerslams him. Sheamus hits chest clubs on Drew. Drew rolls up Sheamus for 2. Drew claymore kicks him and wins.

Thoughts: You know the deal with three ways. It had its limitations and all of these matches probably would have been better on their own. We did get some Ilja/Drew fighting that I don't know if we would have gotten otherwise. It was good with everyone throwing bombs but not a classic. Drew winning wasn't a shock at all. I fully expect Punk to screw him at MITB though.

Drew is interviewed in the ring after. He said he told us he would win this war. He says he will walk into MITB this Saturday and leave Toronto champ.

Overall thoughts: There was probably about an hour total of commercials and various in-show ads here. As usual, the Liv/Dom stuff is carrying the show. We didn't see Awesome Truth for some reason here which was a surprise. Due to it being the Raw go home show before the PPV, there weren't any real major happenings. I liked the show overall but none of the matches were must see affairs and you probably could skip this one without missing too much.

WCW Monday Nitro 11/6/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 11/6/1995

Last week's show is here:

Halloween Havoc 1995 is here:

Mongo, Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan are our hosts. Mongo's dog is dressed up like a clown. They said we get to call in to pick tonight's main event and of course that costs $0.99 cents. They have two locker rooms an you can choose someone from each for the match.

They said Macho is injured from Lex Luger torture racking him last night. They say Macho has lost it backstage. Heenan said he lost it before he got here. Heenan tells people to call and request Tony Schiavone vs Mean Gene Okerlund.

The Giant vs Cobra

Giant isn't champ but wore the WCW Title out. He grabbed David Penzer and made him say it's a title match. Giant quickly chokeslams Cobra and wins in seconds.

We go to the phones for the "You Call The Shots" match where fans can pick the match. Gene is in the red locker room with The Blue Bloods, Flair, Shark Norton, Bubba and DDP. Norton and Shark fight. Tony Schiavone is with Hacksaw, Badd, Alex Wright, The Nasty Boys, Sting, Dave Sullivan and Mr. JL.

We go to Venice Beach and see Hulk and Macho hanging with the homeless and entertainers at Venice Beach. Hulk said they replaced Jimmy Hart with a hobo who is "The Head of The Wargames". Macho is wearing all black and Hulk said he has come to the darkside. Hulk says to stick with him to take out Sullivan, Lex, Hart and The Dungeon of Doom. Macho asks him how much more he needs to sacrifice.

Macho says he's too involved and says he should take the low road while Macho takes the high road. Hulk says they need to find out who is friend and foe and does his whatcha gonna do line.

Thoughts: Was I dreaming during this? This was absolutely bizarre. I think the idea was that the hobo was part of the darkside Hulk talked about. Don't get me wrong, the idea of Hogan and Macho doing segments with hobos and hobos doing run in's sounds awesome but I'm not real sure that's what this horrid feud with The Dungeon of Doom really needs.

Mongo asks Eric if the hobo was one of his relatives and Heenan says it was the pilsbury dough boy.

The Taskmasker vs The Renegade

Ren runs in and stiff Task with a lariat. Task has no idea where it's coming from and is lariated over the top. Hart distracts Ren outside and Task nails him from behind with a lariat. Ren is crotched on the the rail and lariated down.

Task double stomps on Ren as Mongo says "the ultimate power of the universe is chaos". Task hits chops on Ren then headbutts him. Heenan said he struck up a deal through Ono with the Japanese and said we will see them in WCW. Sullivan tries to slingshot swanton in but Ren gets his knees up. Ren powerslams him then does a cartwheel back elbow in the corner.

Ren gets caught in tree of woe and Task running knees him. Task 2nd rope double stomps him (Heenan calls it The Dungeon of Doom Heimlich Maneuver) and Task wins.

Jimmy Hart throws a drink at Ren after and wipes the facepaint off of his face. He brings up Hulk Hogan and tells him he's a nobody. 

Thoughts: It was actually a solid match, just short. They stiffed each other really good here. I assume this is close to the end of Renegade's run. I thought Ren had a good look and maybe could have done something had he not been given the ripoff Warrior gimmick.

Gene Okerlund is with the heels again for the "You Call The Shots" match tonight. The lights get turned off somehow. Flair says he has the power to turn the lights on and off and tells Sting to do something about him turning on him if he doesn't like it.

On Saturday Night this week, Hacksaw Jim Duggan goes to Ireland and Disco Inferno debuts a new music video.  

Chris Benoit vs Eddie Guerrero

CB knees him as he gets in and double throat thrusts him. CB suplexes him and backdrops him. CB spinebusters him then does a lion tamer. We see various NJPW wrestlers and Sonny Ono at a table watching the match. Eddie armdrags out of a powerbomb then springboard diving armdrags him. Eddie tilt-a-whirl slams him.

Eddie plancha's him off the ringpost outside. Eddie suplexes him. CB hits a top rope suplex for 2. CB jack knife powerbombs him for 2. CB short arm lariats him. Eddie rolls him up for 2. CB knees him in the gut and Eddie rolls him up. CB germans him for 2 then hits a northern lights suplex for 2.

Eddie is dropped on the top rope gut first. CB tries to backdrop him into the ring while Eddie's on the apron and Eddie rolls on him. Eddie then pins him with CB's foot in the ropes.

Thoughts: They did way too much here with a nasty powerbomb not meaning too much and various suplexes. The finish is likely going to lead a rematch. 

Tony is in the face's room for the "You Call The Shots" match tonight. Sting said Flair turned his back on him and used little Stingers to do it. Sting says if there's ever a time where he will do what he says, it's tonight when he told him to do something about it.

The fans have picked Sting vs Ric Flair for the "You Call The Shots" match tonight. Shockingly, Dave Sullivan vs Bobby Eaton didn't win.

"You Call The Shots" Match - Ric Flair vs Sting

Flair delays getting in the ring then takes mounted shots. Sting gorilla press slams him then hits mounted punches. Flair is sent into the corner and goes onto the apron where Sting clotheslines him. Flair's head is banged off the buckles and his chops get him nowhere on Sting. Sting bangs Flair's head off the rails then Flair suplexes him on the floor. Flair struts and Sting tries to splash him on the rails but misses.

We go to break and return. Flair hits chops and punches on Sting. Flair backdrops him then puts him in the figure four. Flair holds onto the ropes then Sting reverses the figure four. Flair immediately let's go of it.

Sting no sells Flair's shots and tells him to come on. Sting gorilla press slams him then hiptosses him. Sting dropkicks him then Flair eye pokes him. Sting is thrown out then Flair double axe handles him off the apron. Flair eye rakes Sting. Flair grabs a chair but the ref takes it away.

Flair and the ref shove each other. Flair punches Sting down. Eric says we have special news at the end of the broadcast. Flair tries to pin Sting with his feet blatantly on the ropes. Flair side headlock takeovers Sting. Sting bridges up and backslides Flair for 2.

Flair is thrown off the buckles then Sting hits shots on Flair in the corner. The ref gets in the way and Sting picks up the ref and puts him on the buckles. Flair grabs brass knucks and decks Sting. Flair struts then elbow drops him for 2.

Sting is back up and no selling Flair's shots. Sting gorilla press slams him then superplexes him. Sting scorpion deathlocks Flair and Flair submits.

Sting won't let go of the hold after. Various refs come down to pull him off. We are told Lex Luger is coming out but he doesn't then Mr. JL and Eddie Guerrero try to get Sting to break the hold. Dave Sullivan, Hacksaw, Badd and Doug Dillinger finally get Sting off. Sting then puts the hold back on and Lex Luger finally comes down. Lex has words for Sting face to face but we can't hear it. Lex and Sting then walk out together.

Thoughts: I thought they should have made more of the brass knucks shot. It hurt Sting for a few seconds and then he just popped back up like nothing had happened. It felt like they were just filling a little time here for some parts of this as they ended up going to the floor twice. Lex coming down was interesting since he's now a Dungeon of Doom member and Sting should want a piece of him.

We go to break and return. Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Giant, Kevin Sullivan and Jimmy Hart in the ring. Gene says Giant is not the champ. Hart calls Hulk Hogan stupid. He said when Hulk was making b-grade movies, Hart had the power of attorney and was doing business.

Hart said he signed The Giant/Hulk match at Halloween Havoc 1995. He said when he signed the contract, he added a stipulation to it. It said if Hulk got DQ'd, he would lose the WCW Title. Therefore, he says Giant is the new WCW Champ.

Mean Gene Okerlund brings in an attorney named Nick Ambrose. The attorney says Hart is partially correct. He said Hart does have the power of attorney but says Giant is not WCW Champ. The attorney says he has a statement from WCW Commissioner Nick Bockwinkle and The Championship Committee. The attorney says the title will be held up and awarded to the winner of the World War 3 battle royale. Hart says he's not a lawyer and Gene tells him to take the contract to the men's room as it won't do him any more good than that.

Gene asks for Giant to give him the title. Giant says he won't give p the title. Taskmaster says this is part of Hulk and WCW's agenda. Task lets Nick take the title as Hart complains.

Thoughts: Well, at least they didn't let that farce go through.

The commentators hype up the World War 3 battle royale. Heenan says someone will get hurt and sent to the hospital. Heenan is mad about Giant getting stripped of the title.

Next week has Macho Man vs Meng, Sting vs Dean Malenko and Johnny B. Badd vs Eddie Guerrero.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it was an interesting show. I'm sure some people would probably like the matches more than I did. It's not like the work was bad in Benoit/Eddie or Sting/Flair but the selling just wasn't there for me in either bout. Hulk and Macho hanging out with hobos was odd and entertaining for the wrong reasons. I don't think it really got the point over of Hulk trying to discover The Dark Side. I'm most interested to see what happens with Lex/Sting/Dungeon of Doom and they definitely got me hyped for World War 3, so that was mission accomplished. It also seemed that WCW was already moving on from The Yeti here after his debut as it's been two weeks and he hasn't been seen.