Thursday, June 13, 2024

WCW Monday Nitro 9/25/1995

WCW Monday Nitro 9/25/1995

Last week's show is here:

Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan and Mongo McMichael welcome us to the show.

Alex Wright vs Disco Inferno

Disco hits Alex from behind then back elbows him. Disco elbow drops him then throws him out. Alex 2nd rope dropkicks him then leg lariats him. Disco is thrown out and Alex suicide dives him. Alex cartwheels out of an irish whip then is stungunned.

Disco short arm clotheslines him. Disco is on the buckles and is dropkicked. Alex hits euros then Disco backdrops him. Alex then backslides him to win.

Thoughts: It was a little shorter than it should have been as they were nowhere near the finish. It was okay though with Alex flying around and looking impressive.

Hulk Hogan is in a neckbrace and Jimmy is making him lift the title with his neck. Hulk says he's down but not out. He says he hasn't missed a workout yet. He says he will takedown this no-good stinking giant. He said his hands and arms went numb and he thought it was over. He said he's going to build a stronger monster truck than Giant has and says he will pull Giant all around the arena. He says he will put the WCW title on the line. He says he will prove that Hulkamania is the most powerful force in the universe and slam him on the mat. He said he will be laid to rest next to his father. He then does his whatcha gonna do line.

Thoughts: I always wondered how they got to having a monster truck match and it looks like this is how they do it. It still sounds stupid though.

We see clips of Macho Man's and Lex's argument last week.

Macho Man and Lex Luger are interviewed by Mean Gene. Lex says what we have is a severe lack of respect. He says Macho has been thumbs down on him since day one. Lex says sometimes you gotta go to war with each other to see what they got. He says anyone who would slap him on TV is missing common sense and concern for their well being. Lex asks how about a real match next week on Nitro. Macho agrees. Lex says he will put his title shot on the line and says he will leave WCW if he can't beat Macho. Macho asks "really?". Macho says it's strong and says they have a date with destiny next week. He says we've got a deal.

Thoughts: It's about time we got to this one. I laughed at Savage going "really" when Lex said he'd put his title shot and career on the line. I thought it was interesting how Savage put nothing on the line.

Kurosawa vs Sgt. Craig Pittman

Sarge flying headbutts him in the gut twice. Sarge lifts him off the wristlock and throws him over. Kuro hits some kicks and knocks him out of the ring. Kuro baseball slides him then water wheel drops him on the cement floor.

Kuro stomps on Sarge then armbreakers him. Sarge back body drops him over the top and then knocks him off the apron. Kuro's arm is sent into the apron. Sarge hits headbutts and belly to belly suplexes him. Sarge flying headbutts him then armbars him. Kuro goes for an armbar and Sarge gutwrench suplexes him. Kuro hits a german for 2. Sarge seems to kick out but they count the pin anyway.

Thoughts: They did too much here with people getting suplexed on the cement floor and still being able to keep going. I didn't think they sold enough here but it was faster paced and a lot more high impact than I expected.

Mean Gene interviews Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman. Gene says it seems they have collaborated. Brian says Flair is at an all-time low, on his knees and begging. Brian says while Flair looks for a partner, they will exercise their right to bear arms, assemble and take down anyone who gets in their path. Arn says the better man won their match and says if you jump on him, you jump on Arn and Brian. Arn says what goes around comes around and says it came around in his face.

Thoughts: I feel like there was probably more to this on the B-shows. At least we finally know Brian and Arn are officially together.

"The Tasmasker" Kevin Sullivan vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Macho chases Kevin around the ring. Zodiac is out there with Macho and sends Macho into the post. Kevin double chops and headbutts Macho. Macho is sent out then crotched on the rail. Kevin lariats him off the rail.

Kevin pounds on Macho then throws him out. Macho back body drops Kevin on the floor then bangs his head off the rail. Macho top rope double axe handles him. Macho pulls Zodiac in and back elbows him. Macho throws down the ref and slams Zodiac. Macho slams Kevin on Zodaic. He stacks them and top rope elbow drops Zodiac when Kevin moves.

The Giant comes out and chokeslams Macho. Some jobbers come out to help Macho and get chokeslammed for it. Alex Wright comes off the top is caught with a bearhug and slammed. Lex Luger then comes out as Macho takes another chokeslam. Lex checks on Macho then hits Giant. Giant hits him back and chokeslams him.

Thoughts: The match wasn't much here with lots of shenanigans and a lame finish. Lex coming out continues to make what is going on with Lex and Macho unclear.

Lex Luger vs Meng

Lex is down as Meng's theme music hits. Meng clubs on Lex then footchokes him. Lex gets his head banged off the buckles then Meng chokes him. Meng foot chokes him and chokes him. Meng piledrivers Lex for 2.

Meng suplexes him for 2 then puts him in a trap hold. Lex hits shots on Meng then Meng gutwrench backbreakers him for 2. Meng chinlocks him.

Meng legdrops him and sleepers him. Lex hits elbows to the gut then Meng samoan drops him. Meng comes of the 2nd rope and is pushed face first down into the mat. Meng charges at Lex. Lex gets a knee and a boot up. Lex corner lariats him.

Lex stomp flurries him in the corner. Meng gets a weapon that they call a spike that goes over his thumb and nails Lex in the throat with it. Meng then gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was fine but not the most interesting match. There were a lot of rest holds here and they didn't do anything too crazy. The loaded thumb was hard to buy as a finisher, especially with Lex selling it like it was a knockout shot.

Overall thoughts: Definitely the worst episode so far. Disco/Wright needed more time. Hulk challenging Giant to monster truck sumo doesn't even sound good on paper. Kurosawa and Pittman did too much in their match but it was a lot more action packed than you would expect. Macho/Taskmaster wasn't much due to shenanigans and a DQ finish. The main was okay but not super interesting. I wouldn't recommend this.

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