Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 10/14/2024 NOAH Star Navigation Premium ~ Akitoshi Saito Ridge Road Last Korakuen ~

Pro Wrestling NOAH 10/14/2024 NOAH Star Navigation Premium ~ Akitoshi Saito Ridge Road Last Korakuen ~

Pre-Show Match - HAYATA vs. Daiki Odashima

They go through some basic holds fast. Haya upkicks him then side headlocks him. Haya shoulders him over then Daiki dropkicks him. Haya atomic drops him then dropkicks him in the side of the head. Haya atomic drops him. Haya slams him then suplexes him.

Daiki hits chest forearms. Daiki slingshot sunset flips him for 2. Haya snapmares him, falls over then boots him. Haya slams him then 2nd rope moonsaults him for 2. Daiki hits some dropkicks. Daiki misses a top rope dropkick. Haya elevated underhook ddt's him.

Haya grabs his title belt, puts it on his shoulder and knees on Daiki to pin him.

Thoughts: Daiki looked really good here. He can move really well and hit everything he did clean. It's just a shame he's so small because I'd be raving hard over him if he was bigger. He actually looked better than Haya did here. It was mostly a rookie vs vet match with Haya getting most of the offense in.

Eita & Shuhei Taniguchi vs. Alpha Wolf & Galeno Del Mal

Here is uh something alright. We got some different styles here and I don't know how it will work. Mal and Shu start us off as they trade basic holds. Mal shoulders him over for 2. Shu hits forearms then takes a dropkick.

Wolf and Eita go at it. Wolf bites him then shoulders him over. Eita hits armdrags and they try to dropkick each other at the same time. Eita kips up and Wolf dropkicks him.

Mal boots Eita then misses a running splash. Eita pulls Wolf off the buckles, making him dropkick Mal. Eita back body drops Mal then tags in Shu. Shu slams both opponents and slams Wolf onto Shu. Mal boots Eita then is pulled over the top. Wolf superkicks and headbutts Shu for 2.

Wolf misses a top rope moonsault. Shu lariats and waistlock bombs him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one that ended before it really developed into anything. 

AMAKUSA, Dragon Bane, YO-HEY & Yuto Kikuchi vs. Junta Miyawaki, Kai Fujimura, Tadasuke & Yu Owada

Everyone fights to start. Bane kips down out of Kai's lariat then Kai gets his knees up on Bane's standing moonsault. Bane misses another standing moonsault. Kai does a tilt-a-whirl into an armdag and dropkicks Bane.

Yu and Yuto go at it. Yuto shoulders him over. Yuto walks up the buckles and ropes with Yu's arm then armdrags him from there. Yuto flying headscisssors him.  Yu flips over Yo using the buckles then dropkicks her. Yo basement dropkicks Junta. Junta running forearms him then hits mounted corner forearms.

Junta corner basement dropkicks Yo. Tada then blindsides yo with a lariat. Tada spinning toe holds ama and is stopped. Ama flying headscissors him. Ama does a hard tope outside and Yuto springboard dropkicks Yu. Kai springboard lariats Yuto. Bane hits a handspring back elbow on Ka. Bane walks up the buckles and does a blind moonsault outside.

Yo superkicks Junta then meteora's him for 2. Junta rolls up Yo and wins.

Thoughts: It was another one that was too short. What we got was fine though with them keeping it moving and not overdoing it.

Kai and Bane have words after.

Daga & Jack Morris vs. Anthony Greene & LJ Cleary

Daga and Jack come out with a guy in a hood, long jacket and skull mask with an X on it. AG and LJ hit topes to start. They fight outside and Jack gets beaten up on the commentary table. Daga is sent into and over the rails. AG is dropped throat first on the rails. LJ is thrown in the rails. Jack then is sent into and over the rails.  The masked guy stomps on AG outside.

Jack stomps on AG in the ring. Daga bites AG's head. Daga spits at LJ. Daga beats up on AG. AG back body drops him and tags in LJ. LJ enzugiri's Daga. LJ rolls Daga and uses the momentum to ddt Jack. LJ flying knees Daga then Daga spinning heel kicks him.

AG hits mounted punches on Jack then lariats him. AG chinbreakers him and neckbreakers him. Daga is thrown over the top. LJ double stomps Jack's back and tope con hilos outside. AG rope walk twisting crossbodies Jack for 2. AG hits a neat driver on Jack for 2.

The masked guy trips LJ. Jack gets a bat and the ref takes it. Jack then uses another bat on AG and tiger drivers him for the win.

Thoughts: It was another shorter on here. It was okay for what it was. The finish was dirty.

The masked man beats up LJ after and chokes him with a bat. Jack gets on the mic after and says he doesn't owe the fans anything. 

He says he gave everyone the most precious thing he could give - his time. He said he sacrified and worked twice as hard as anyone else. He says he wasn't paid nearly enough for it. He says the company keeps pushing the same 2 people. He asks if he has to dye his hair blonde and be a Mutoh impersonator to get a push. He asks if he has to stand like an @sshole with his fist out like Kenoh. The masked man then takes the mask off and it's Yoshitatus with facepaint on. Yoshi talks in Japanese. Jack says they are Team 2000X and says they will stop this ship from sinking.

I'm not a big fan of shoot promos. This is supposed to be real, not fake. Pushes wouldn't exist if this was real.

GHC Tag Team Title Match - Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura (c) vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro & Kenoh)

Ken and Ale hit kicks to start and Ale plancha's Sugi. Ken chest kicks Maru down and PK's him. Ken top rope double stomps Maru for 2. Maru hits a shiranui. Sugi misses a corner charge and is dropkicked by Ale. Ale springboard dropkicks him and taunts him. Ale dropkicks him in the knee then hits a short ddt for 2.

Sugi suplexes him. Ale is thrown into the rails. Sugi slaps Ale around and Ale slaps back. Sugi knees Ale in the gut. Sugi hits forearms on Ale in the corner and running knees him. Maru does Ken's fist pose.

Ale bodyscissors rolls Maru then dropkicks him. Ken hits forearms and a facekick on Maru. Ken kicks both opponents. Maru takes a double stomp from Ken then Ken suplexes Maru. Ken PK's Maru. Maru hits hook kicks and pumping knees Ken.

Sugi corner facekicks Ken then superplexes him for 2. Ken and Sugi trade. Sugi knees him in the gut and Ken back elbows him. Ale top rope dropkicks Sugi then tope con hilos him. Ale slingshot splashes Sugi for 2. Ken lifts Ale into a double boot on Sugi then Sugi lariats both opponents over. Sugi and Maru double team Ale. Ale fights back. Ken hits a top rope double stomp on Sugi then Ale top rope splashes Sugi.

Ale shiranui's Maru (his own move). Ale tries to olympic slam Sugi and does after help from Ken. Sugi 2nd rope olympic slams Ale and wins.

Thoughts: It was a great tag here. Ale was the underdog face and punked out both opponents, doing their own moves to them. They really made you feel like Ale could pull off the upset and I thought it got Ale over. The vets did their part and this felt like something out of the early 2000's when times were better.

Kazuyuki Fujita & Masakatsu Funaki vs. Josh Barnett & Ulka Sasaki

Ulka leg locks Funaki. Funaki front facelocks him then goes for the armbar. Ulka side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Funaki hiptosses him. Josh and Kaz get in. They wrestle on the mat and Kaz takes him down. Josh goes for the armbar.

They trade forearms. Josh hits leg kicks then takes knees. Funaki then breaks them up. Funaki takes him down and leglocks him. Funaki and Josh roll on the mat. Funaki hits leg kicks on Josh. Kaz hits forearms on Josh then running back elbows him. Kaz suplexes Josh for 2.

Josh hits kicks and totally misses a spinning heel kick.  Josh backdrops him. Ulka hits chest kicks and forearms on Kaz. Kaz slams Ulka. Ulka is thrown off on a sleeper from Kaz and is lariated. Funaki hits a PK and sentonon Ulka.

Ulka pumping knees Funaki then Josh backdrops Funaki for 2. Ulka flying kicks Funaki then Josh lariats Funaki. Funaki hits a koppo kick on Josh's chin for 2. Funaki tries to triangle him then Josh giant swings him. Josh then does a leg lock. Funaki then taps him out with a toe hold.

It wasn't that interesting as expected. It had a sudden finish and was all shoot style wrestling here.

They announce an upcoming Shinsuke Nakamura vs Ulka Sasaki match.

GHC National Title Match - Manabu Soya (c) vs. El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.

Soya side headlocks him. Hijo hits a strike combo then is lariated over. Soya is sent into the rails then boots Hijo as he charges in. Soya shoulders him over outside. Hijo hits chops and eye pokes him. Hijo goes up and over in the corner then gets speared.

Soya suplexes Hijo. Hijo hits him from behind and step up knees him. Hijo hits a corner meteora for 2. Hijo hits chops and Soya flying lariats him. Soya neckbreakers him for 2. Hijo hits three amigos then hits a top rope frogsplash for 2.

They trade chops. Soya flying headscissors him then Hijo lariats him. Hijo michinoku drives him. Soya death valley drivers him for 2. Hijo running lariats Soya then michinoku drivers him for 2.

Soya running lariats him for 1 then hits another for 2. Soya jumping ddt's Hijo and wins.

Thoughts: It was about an average strong style match. Hijo didn't bring a lot to the table here and Soya had to carry things as usual. 

Soya gets on the mic after and thanks Hijo. He challenges Go Shiozaki.

AKIRA, Akitoshi Saito & Shiro Koshinaka vs. Atsushi Kotoge, Go Shiozaki & Mohammed Yone

Shiro hits hip attacks on Yone. Yone suplexes him. Saito gets in. He trades forearms with Yone. Saito shoulders him over. Akira and Kotoge go at it. Akira cartwheels out of a wristlock then Kotoge headscissors him down. Akira ddt's Kotoge. Shiro comes in and hits hip attacks on Kotoe. Shiro slams him then Kotoge takes a double shoulderblock.

Kotoge takes clubs from all of his opponents. Kotoge's legs are split. Saito takes a double shoulderblock. Go comes in and knee drops Saito. Yone hits forearms on Saito then foot chokes him in the corner.

Yone corner lariats Saito. Saito uranages him. Shiro comes in and hits a hiptoss and slam on Go. Akira planchas out then takes a dropkick through the ropes of Kotoge. Shiro then hip attacks off the apron.

Shiro russian legsweeps Yone for 2. Akira enzugiri's Yone then flying lariats him. Go flying shoulders Akira.  Go hits machine gun chops on Akira. Akira dropkicks Go in the knee then enzugiri's him. Saito knees Go in the gut. Go and Saito trade then Go chops him over. Kotoge running knees Saito then they trade shots. Saito claw slams him for 2.

Kotoge running knees Saito then Saito fights off all 3 opponents. Shiro top rope diving hip attacks Kotogoe then Akira top rope splashes Kotoge. Saito fisherman suplexes Kotoge then hits a falcon arrow type of move on Kotoge to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special and Kotoge ended up doing the job as expected. It was basically  a nostalgia match. The work was fine and all but this was not going to be a classic. I thought it also went longer than needed.

GHC Heavyweight Title Match - Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs. Masa Kitamiya

Masa side headlocks him then Kaito headsicssors and dropkicks him. Masa hits chops and a dropkick. They trade forearms. Kaito back elbows him then 2nd rope twisting forearms him. Kaito goes to tope con hilo him and takes a belly to belly suplex over the top rope to the floor/apron.

Masa works the arm outside and sends Kaito into the post. Masa wraps Kaito's arm around the rails and kicks it. Kaito's arm is banged off the mat then he is hiptossed. Masa stomps on Kaito's arm then pulls on it. Masa yanks on the arm and Kaito euros him. Masa back body drops him.

Masa bulldogs him then Kaito flying lariats him. Kaito hits some running shots then top rope dropkicks Masa. Kaito euros him then dropkicks him in the knee multiple times. Masa double chops him then takes a dropkick to the knee.

Kaito flying knees Masa then Masa lariats him. Kaito dragon screws him then Masa backdrops him. Kaito backdrops him and they trade tiger suplexes. They trade forearms.  Kaito dropkicks him in the knee then dragon screws him. Kaito top rope dropkicks him in the knee then backdrops him.

Kaito hits shining wizards for 2. Masa samoan drops and sentons him for 2. Masa prison locks him then kimura's him on top of it. Masa yanks Kaito around by the arm then piledrivers him. Masa misses a top rope senton.

Kaito walks up the buckles and shining wizards Masa. Kaito shining wizards him in the back of the head. Masa slams him down. Masa hit a big spear on Kaito for 2. Kaito rolls him up for 2. Masa lariats him twice for 2.

Masa backdrops him for 2. Kaito figure fours him and taps him out for the win.

Thoughts: This was a limb work match with Masa working the arm and Kaito working the knee. Kaito eventually won out. It was fine and made sense logic wise but I would have rather seen Masa throw Kaito around and see Kaito make a comeback to win. Outside of the belly to belly suplex over the top there weren't many big spots or big moments here that would have helped put this over the edge. I also didn't really buy that Masa was beating Kaito.

Sugi and Marufuji come out after. Sugi wants to fight Kaito for the title at Saito's retirement show. I think Maru says him and Sugi should fight for a shot at Kaito. It seems like Kaito and Sugi is set for Saito's retirement show but it's really not clear.

Kaito's All Rebellion Crew comes out after. Taishi Ozawa has joined them and has a new goofy look.  Kaito closes the show with them.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer show. The tag title match was the best thing on here. The main was fine and Odashima had a good opening match. The undercard matches didn't get much time and the tag with the 4 shooters wasn't that interesting as expected. I would maybe check out the tag title match and Odashima's match but not much else.

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