Dragon Gate Final Gate 2020 12/20/2020
【ドラゴンゲート】12.20 福岡国際センター THE FINAL GATE 2020
Gamma, Ho Ho Lun & Super Shisa vs. Team Dragon Gate (Mondai Ryu & Yosuke Santa Maria) & Taketo Kamei
○亀井丈人 問題龍 ヨースケ♡サンタマリア VS ホーホー・ルン Gamma● スペル・シーサー
Kamei goes for an armdrag but Gamma holds on and Kamei armdrags nothing. Yosuke does these gay jumps over Lun, so Lun lifts his body up and Yosuke trips. Yosuke hits a butt bump. Shisa did a surfboard plus another hold on Yosuke at the same time in a cool spot. Kamei gets some good chops in on Gamma. Ryu hits a pair of flying clotheslines on his opponents and Yosuke hits a dive on the outside. Shisa grabs onto the second rope and hurricanrana's Kamei on top. Gamma hits a big lariat on Kamei and Kamei hits a surprise roll-up for the win.
Takashi Yoshida vs Jason Lee
吉田隆司(7 分 24 秒 死亡遊戯)ジェイソン・リー○
I could go without ever seeing a Yoshida match again. Lee gets picked up like a backdrop and then is just thrown forward. Lee comes back with strikes on Yoshida and gets nowhere, and Yoshida just grabs his nose. Yoshida rubs Lee's eyes on the rope and then chokes him with tape as he dominates Lee. Lee gets Yoshida outside and flips on him, then does a strike combo. Yoshida ducks an enzugiri and Lee gives him one from the opposite direction on the rebound. Lee gets caught in the wheelbarrow position and then thrown backwards. He then takes a big powerbomb for 2. Lee does a big flip sell on a clotheline for another 2 count. Yoshida runs the ropes and Lee wraps around his arm and pins him in a surprise win. This was fine as it didn't go too long and Lee kept it moving against a usually slow Yoshida.
R.E.D. (Dia Inferno, Diamante & KAZMA SAKAMOTO) vs. Team Toryumon (Shuji Kondo, Ultimo Dragon & Yasushi Kanda) vs. Team Dragon Gate (Kzy, U-T & YAMATO) vs. MASQUERADE (Dragon Dia, Kota Minoura & La Estrella)
U-T Kzy YAMATO VS 近藤修司 神田裕之 ウルティモ・ドラゴン VS ラ・エストレージャ ド ゴン・ダイヤ 箕浦康太 VS ダイヤ・インフェルノ ディアマンテ KAZMA SAKAMOTO
Masquerade is the new unit on the scene here and Dia has a great entrance robe on. There's really no reason this should be bad. They do a 4 person headlock early and Kazma shoulders everyone, runs over everyone's drop down, then kicks them all before getting kicked out. Minoura and Yamato do a shoulderblock battle and I dig this already.
Estrella does some flips early and armdrags Diamante, then U-T flies in with a dropkick on Kondo. Estrella does Titan's handstand into the headscissors only to get shoved by Inferno. Inferno and DD go at it and DD takes him out. Ultimo 2v1's Diamante and Yamato. Dia gets thrown upwards and he turns it into a hurricanrana onto Diamante. U-T, Yamato and Kzy all hit dives and Ultimo gets his asai stopped before it happens. Kanda throws everyone into the corner against the other and he domino-style John Woo's everyone. We get a group suplex and Kzy takes a pop-up powerslam by Kondo. Inferno takes abuse from everyone and Kzy splashes Kota from the top while he is trying to pin Inferno. Estrella runs the top rope into a dropkick and then does a moonsault from inside to out. Kota then ligerbombs Kzy for the win.
Estrella does some flips early and armdrags Diamante, then U-T flies in with a dropkick on Kondo. Estrella does Titan's handstand into the headscissors only to get shoved by Inferno. Inferno and DD go at it and DD takes him out. Ultimo 2v1's Diamante and Yamato. Dia gets thrown upwards and he turns it into a hurricanrana onto Diamante. U-T, Yamato and Kzy all hit dives and Ultimo gets his asai stopped before it happens. Kanda throws everyone into the corner against the other and he domino-style John Woo's everyone. We get a group suplex and Kzy takes a pop-up powerslam by Kondo. Inferno takes abuse from everyone and Kzy splashes Kota from the top while he is trying to pin Inferno. Estrella runs the top rope into a dropkick and then does a moonsault from inside to out. Kota then ligerbombs Kzy for the win.
A really good match here with the usual good DG spots, a fast pace and lots of cool moves. This is what the 11/15 multiman match should have been.
Open The Brave Gate Title Match - Keisuke Okuda (c) vs. Kagetora
《王者》奥田啓介(15 分 22 秒 胴締めスリーパー)《挑戦者》Kagetora●
They go to the mat to start. Okuda does a great kip-up into an abdominal stretch. He then nails Kage in the face and combo's him. Okuda gets his knee dropkicked and does a nice flip bump off it. Kage then starts going after the knee hard. He does a neat move where he grabs both legs and then drives them down knees first. Kage then does a very unusual leg lock but Okuda hits the ropes. Okuda really seels the knee here.
Kage hits a wild flying clothesline and then later they exchange forearms with Okuda getting in control. Kage like cartwheels off the top to get to the mat and powerbomb Okuda, then hits a nast shotei or two. Kaget hits his gurumakakari for 2. Okuda gets up at kicks him in the head twice and Kage does a nice half nelson and leg roll-up, then he does like a flipping reverse dragon screw. He runs into Okuda who catches him with the Go 2 Sleep and Okuda hits a great knee that causes him pain, but it's only good for 2. Okuda sleeper's him and over the back sleeper throws him into a sleeper for the win.
Good match. I would have liked to have seen Kagetora focus on the leg more and see Okuda sell it just a tiny bit more, but this was good stuff. They hit some great looking offense here and did some neat stuff.
Kage hits a wild flying clothesline and then later they exchange forearms with Okuda getting in control. Kage like cartwheels off the top to get to the mat and powerbomb Okuda, then hits a nast shotei or two. Kaget hits his gurumakakari for 2. Okuda gets up at kicks him in the head twice and Kage does a nice half nelson and leg roll-up, then he does like a flipping reverse dragon screw. He runs into Okuda who catches him with the Go 2 Sleep and Okuda hits a great knee that causes him pain, but it's only good for 2. Okuda sleeper's him and over the back sleeper throws him into a sleeper for the win.
Good match. I would have liked to have seen Kagetora focus on the leg more and see Okuda sell it just a tiny bit more, but this was good stuff. They hit some great looking offense here and did some neat stuff.
Open The Twin Gate Title Match - R.E.D. (BxB Hulk & KAI) (c) vs. Don Fujii & Masaaki Mochizuki
KAI ○B×Bハルク VS ドン・フジイ 望月成晃●
Hulk and Mochy trade kicks early and evade each other's kicks. Fuji and Kai go at it then Fuji works Hulk's leg when he gets in. Hulk does like a flipping northern lights and kicks Mochy. Hulk kick combo's Mochy for 2. Red beats up on Mochy some and Mochy surprises Hulk with his springboard kick. He gets Fuji in and he battles Red 1v2. The faces then double chokeslam Kai for 2. Hulk then comes in, helping out Kai. He kicks and does a corkscrew onto him for 2 then does a spinning emerald flowsion for 2.
Mochy dives outside onto multiple Red members and Fuji gets a 2 on a german. Mochi goes up for his traingle kick, but gets caught by Hulk and takes a big lariat from Kai. Kai powerbombs Mochy but Fuji saves him from the pin and Fuji again takes Red on 1v2. Red double superkicks Mochy for another 2 and wins it with a cradle shock and a superkick on Mochy.
I wasn't expecting the Red win here as they 2v1'd the faces all match and you would expect a big comeback, but it didn't happen. It was fine just nothing that great or memorable.
Mochy dives outside onto multiple Red members and Fuji gets a 2 on a german. Mochi goes up for his traingle kick, but gets caught by Hulk and takes a big lariat from Kai. Kai powerbombs Mochy but Fuji saves him from the pin and Fuji again takes Red on 1v2. Red double superkicks Mochy for another 2 and wins it with a cradle shock and a superkick on Mochy.
I wasn't expecting the Red win here as they 2v1'd the faces all match and you would expect a big comeback, but it didn't happen. It was fine just nothing that great or memorable.
No Disqualification Ten Man Tag Team Elimination Match - Losing group breaks up - R.E.D. (Eita, H.Y.O, HipHop Kikuta, Kaito Ishida & SB KENTo) vs. Team Toryumon (Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi & Susumu Yokosuka)
《R・E・D》HipHop 菊田 SB KENTo H・Y・O 石田凱士 Eita VS《闘龍門》堀口元気 横須賀ススム ドラゴン・キッド 吉野正人 土井成樹
I hate Red, so obviously I'm cheering for Toryumon here. It should be a good match.
The action starts at the bell and everyone goes outside. Kikuta hits a butt bump on DK and Yoshino grabs Ishida by the hair and bangs him onto the mat. The faces all take turns with a double axe handle on Kikuta. Doi and Yoshino do their combination sequence that ends in a Yoshino dropkick on Eita and Susumu swings Kid around into a double kick on Eita. Yoshino uses a baton on Kikuta and Eita tries to come in but Doi kicks the rope in his crotch. Hyo senton's Genki and later I'll go into a bit why I'm not digging this so far.
Eita shoves a stick in Genki's gut and Yoshino low blows Eita. RED grabs Genki by the hair and twists it around, then members double axe handle him. Red throws Susumu in the corner and then he lariats htem all one by one and hits Kikuta in the head with a box. Kid asai moonsaults off the post onto Red on the outside.
Doi hangs Eita on the ropes and DDT's him, Eita does a full handstand for the sell. Kikuta does more hip attacks and they bring in a ladder. Doi goes into it and Eita takes off the turnbuckle pads on another corner. A barbed wire board is brought in. Eita gets powerbombed through it, gets it stuck on him and gets pinned for the elimination.
HYO gets bridged on the middle rope and Doi swanton's him. Yoshino does his senton/missiple dropkick combo. Hyo gets a Doi dropkick to the face with a sign. Red brings in something like a kids pool and Yoshino hits everyone with it. Yoshino gets dropped on a pile of chairs and Kikuta takes out Yoshino with a lariat for the Yoshino elimination.
It's 4v4 now. Red beats up on Doi and hits a pile of chairs on his arm with a chair. Kento then armbars him with the chair on the arm and it's 4v3 Red. Kid does his super hurricanrana onto HYO. Susumu hits the Jumbo No Kachi lariat on Hyo and hits a Mugen on a chair to eliminate Hyo and make it 3v3. Genki poisonrana's Kento and Susumu makes him flip on a lariat for 2. Kaito throws salt in Susumu's face and Red eliminates him to go 3v2. Genki mists Kikuta and does the backslide from heaven to eliminate him at 2v2. Ishida hits Kid and Genki with a box.
Red brings out the SBK table and Ishida handcuffs Kid to the ropes. Kento piledrivers Genki through the table and eliminates him with only Dragon Kid left. Red rips off most of Kid's mask, exposing his face bad. Kid fires up and beats the snot out of SBK for it. We get a duel of the boxes on the apron and Ishida takes one then Kid does a springboard hurricanrana to make it 1v1 against KENTo. Kid nails Kento hard and knocks him down. Kid goes all the way around and swings with a DDT. He tries another springboard hurricanrana and gets caught then RED all runs in and does an elbow corner train on him. Team Toryumon then returns the favor on Kento. STALKER then hits the big german on Kento and it looks like Kid will win it but the count is interrupted. Eita hits Kid with a box and superkicks him and KENTO scorpion deathlocks him. Kid then taps for the RED win as Team Toryumon must disband.
The match some issues, but I think it's an MOTYC. My main issue was that this was a No DQ multi-man elimination match. It's No DQ, so everyone should have had weapons from the beginning and should have been in the action at all times. There were times when especially Team Toryumon was watching someone take a 1v5 and not doing anything about it. That part I didn't like because who would do that in a match where there is no way to get disqualified?
Despite that, I still thought it was pretty good. It went long and needed to go long. I liked Red using their numbers to cheat and I liked them bringing out the big weapons for this. The Dragon Kid unmasking spot really turned this one around as at least in what I have watched, Kid doesn't get unmasked much so it meant something. Then Kid firing up was the perfect reason for him to overcome the odds. I also did appreciate the Stalker spot. I thought it probably would have been the better ending if Toryumon won(my dislike for Red withstanding), since the Kid spot was rather notable, but it didn't happen. Even though it had flaws, it still told a good story and that's what this is really all about.
Eita shoves a stick in Genki's gut and Yoshino low blows Eita. RED grabs Genki by the hair and twists it around, then members double axe handle him. Red throws Susumu in the corner and then he lariats htem all one by one and hits Kikuta in the head with a box. Kid asai moonsaults off the post onto Red on the outside.
Doi hangs Eita on the ropes and DDT's him, Eita does a full handstand for the sell. Kikuta does more hip attacks and they bring in a ladder. Doi goes into it and Eita takes off the turnbuckle pads on another corner. A barbed wire board is brought in. Eita gets powerbombed through it, gets it stuck on him and gets pinned for the elimination.
HYO gets bridged on the middle rope and Doi swanton's him. Yoshino does his senton/missiple dropkick combo. Hyo gets a Doi dropkick to the face with a sign. Red brings in something like a kids pool and Yoshino hits everyone with it. Yoshino gets dropped on a pile of chairs and Kikuta takes out Yoshino with a lariat for the Yoshino elimination.
It's 4v4 now. Red beats up on Doi and hits a pile of chairs on his arm with a chair. Kento then armbars him with the chair on the arm and it's 4v3 Red. Kid does his super hurricanrana onto HYO. Susumu hits the Jumbo No Kachi lariat on Hyo and hits a Mugen on a chair to eliminate Hyo and make it 3v3. Genki poisonrana's Kento and Susumu makes him flip on a lariat for 2. Kaito throws salt in Susumu's face and Red eliminates him to go 3v2. Genki mists Kikuta and does the backslide from heaven to eliminate him at 2v2. Ishida hits Kid and Genki with a box.
Red brings out the SBK table and Ishida handcuffs Kid to the ropes. Kento piledrivers Genki through the table and eliminates him with only Dragon Kid left. Red rips off most of Kid's mask, exposing his face bad. Kid fires up and beats the snot out of SBK for it. We get a duel of the boxes on the apron and Ishida takes one then Kid does a springboard hurricanrana to make it 1v1 against KENTo. Kid nails Kento hard and knocks him down. Kid goes all the way around and swings with a DDT. He tries another springboard hurricanrana and gets caught then RED all runs in and does an elbow corner train on him. Team Toryumon then returns the favor on Kento. STALKER then hits the big german on Kento and it looks like Kid will win it but the count is interrupted. Eita hits Kid with a box and superkicks him and KENTO scorpion deathlocks him. Kid then taps for the RED win as Team Toryumon must disband.
The match some issues, but I think it's an MOTYC. My main issue was that this was a No DQ multi-man elimination match. It's No DQ, so everyone should have had weapons from the beginning and should have been in the action at all times. There were times when especially Team Toryumon was watching someone take a 1v5 and not doing anything about it. That part I didn't like because who would do that in a match where there is no way to get disqualified?
Despite that, I still thought it was pretty good. It went long and needed to go long. I liked Red using their numbers to cheat and I liked them bringing out the big weapons for this. The Dragon Kid unmasking spot really turned this one around as at least in what I have watched, Kid doesn't get unmasked much so it meant something. Then Kid firing up was the perfect reason for him to overcome the odds. I also did appreciate the Stalker spot. I thought it probably would have been the better ending if Toryumon won(my dislike for Red withstanding), since the Kid spot was rather notable, but it didn't happen. Even though it had flaws, it still told a good story and that's what this is really all about.
Open The Dream Gate Title Match - Shun Skywalker (c) vs. Ben-K
シュン・スカイウォーカー VS 《挑戦者》Ben-K●
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Ben-K gets knocked out cold |
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Shun moonsaults a knocked out Ben-K |
These two are in a bad spot having to follow the elimination match. They go slow early and face off after a little technical wrestling. Shun hits a nice dropkick early. K then hits a hard knee to Shun's gut then hits a delayed brainbuster for 1. Shun gets driven into the corner hard and K tries to spear him in the corner but hits the post. Back in and Shun ties up K then does it again with a seated octopus hold. They trade some strikes.
K's ear is busted open and he hits an overhead suplex. Ken hits 2 hard missile dropkicks from the top. shun botches some kind of move that ended in a keylock. K powers Shun over with a backdrop and Shun does a tiger driver back to him.
Shun hits a big brogue kick to K's face in the corner. After a head butt on the top rope, Shun does a flying kick and a moonsault. It's not sold much though as Ben pops up and spears him. They trade forearms for a while. K hits a release half-nelson suplex and a german for 2. Shun hits a big splash mountain and then goes up for a moonsault where K puts his knees up. K runs the ropes, gets knocked out legit by a shot then Shun moonsaults him from the mat and from the top. Then as he is still out of it, Shun moonsaults him again like an idiot.
I didn't like this one. These two just don't mesh that well and K doesn't mesh with a lot of people well in DG. The selling wasn't there and the story wasn't there on top of a bad ending where K gets knocked out.
K's ear is busted open and he hits an overhead suplex. Ken hits 2 hard missile dropkicks from the top. shun botches some kind of move that ended in a keylock. K powers Shun over with a backdrop and Shun does a tiger driver back to him.
Shun hits a big brogue kick to K's face in the corner. After a head butt on the top rope, Shun does a flying kick and a moonsault. It's not sold much though as Ben pops up and spears him. They trade forearms for a while. K hits a release half-nelson suplex and a german for 2. Shun hits a big splash mountain and then goes up for a moonsault where K puts his knees up. K runs the ropes, gets knocked out legit by a shot then Shun moonsaults him from the mat and from the top. Then as he is still out of it, Shun moonsaults him again like an idiot.
I didn't like this one. These two just don't mesh that well and K doesn't mesh with a lot of people well in DG. The selling wasn't there and the story wasn't there on top of a bad ending where K gets knocked out.
Overall thoughts: This was a good show. The elimination match was the core of this and the other stuff was good enough to help fill the rest of the show out.
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