Sunday, September 22, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/18/2024 Lunacy Episode 4

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/18/2024 Lunacy Episode 4

Last week's show is here:

The Brothers of Funstruction are interviewed. They call James Storm a dirty son b!tch. They say he's gotta pay. They tell him to pick a member of The Southern Six to team with and say the titles are on the line.

Kongo Kong vs Santana Jackson

Eric Smalls is with Kong. SJ comes out in a wolf mask and they say he has transformed. SJ ducks lariats then spears Kong. SJ dances over him and dances into an elbow drop. SJ takes his mask off and Kong blocks a moonwalk ddt. Kong does a fire thunder driver and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash and went as expected here with SJ being beaten quick. SJ got some of his Michael Jackson routine in before it ended.

Madman Pondo is interviewed by Joe Galli. Pondo says he knows what The Juggalos want and says he's a JCW hall of famer. He says he will show what violence is all about.

Deathmatch - Madman Pondo vs Dimitri Alexander

This is from another set of tapings. They duel with a scissor bat and saw-stick. DA gets the saw stick spun on his back then gets a light tube kicked in his crotch. Pondo has a light tube lariated into him.

DA shoves the scissors bat into Pondo's head and busts Pondo open. Pondo gets a tube broken over his head. They trade forearms and Pondo kicks him in the crotch. Pondo hits him with a keyboard in the head.

Pondo staples money on DA's butt. DA then staples money onto Pondo's head. DA hits Pondo with the keyboard. DA takes an STO on the seat of a chair and Pondo staples DA in the nuts twice. 

Pondo stabs DA in the head with a knife then cuts DA with it. Pondo puts the knife in DA's mouth. DA hits forearms on Pondo then basement dropkicks tubes into Pondo for 2. DA hits Pondo with a tube then headbutts a tube into him. Pondo takes a botched slam on tubes.

A door is bridged on two chairs. DA is whipped into some kind of board or maybe rug in the corner. DA kneels over the door then Pondo falls off the top rope onto him and pins him.

Thoughts: The finish was botched here with Pondo slipping. The match was your usual hardcore match with all hardcore spots and little actual wrestling. They sold though and it wasn't bad.

Willie Mack is interviewed. He is asked about fighting Matt Cross again tonight. He says he will give him another shot and says Matt has more to offer. He says they will tear things down like they are supposed to.

Eric Smalls comes out with The Redwood Giants. He said they aren't afraid to beat the sh!t out of some juggalo b!tches tonight. The Giants then beat up two of the juggalos.

Smalls hits a low blow and an attitude adjustment on one of the juggalos. The other juggalo then takes a double chokeslam. Smalls says "night night b!tch" and then "f*ck all you juggalos".

The Southern Six go up to Violent J and Joe Galli. They complain about not getting a JCW Title shot. J says Matt Cross is getting the shot and calls them pathetic. J says Matt can bounce if he loses tonight and says The Six can get a turn.

JCW Title - Willie Mack (c) vs Matt Cross

Mack backs him up and they clean break. Matt wristlocks him and Mack side headlocks him. Mack shoulders him over. Mack hits an armdrag and a flying headscissors. Matt goes out.

Matt goes for a dive and gets hit. Mack misses a top rope swanton. Matt hits chops then Mack chops him back. Matt snapmares him for 2. Matt hits a cartwheel back elbow in the corner. He tries it a second time and Mack catches him .

Matt pump kicks him for 2. Mack gets his knees up Matt's split legged moonsault. Mack running lariats him then pop-up forearms him. Mack hits a standing moonsault for 2.  Matt rebounds off the ropes into a cutter. Matt goes up top and Alex Taylor pushes Matt off the buckles, sending him throat first on the ropes. Mack stunners him and wins.

Thoughts: The crowd wasn't that into it and it was a slower paced match with a bad finish. It just didn't really click like it was supposed to. At least there was a reason for the finish though.

Matt and Mack shake hands after.

Joe Galli interviews James Storm. James doesn't get how he stabbed The Brothers of Funstruction in the back. He says he doesn't know them. He says he's here to drink beer and have fun. He says there is no friends in wrestling and he only trusts himself. Storm is asked who his tag partner will be. He says he told Joe who it is but Joe didn't hear it. They then do cheers.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy talks about The Redwood Giants. He says both are 7'2+ and there's no scales that go high enough to weight them. We see clips of The Giants.

Joe tells The Brothers of Funstruction that Kerry Morton will be James Storm's partner. The Brothers tell James he has a target on his back and to be careful. 

JCW Tag Titles - The Brothers of Funstruction (Yabbo and Ruffo) (c) vs James Storm and Kerry Morton

The clowns nail Storm and Kerry as they enter. Kerry is thrown in and takes corner punches. Kerryy gets hit with a tie as Storm fights outside. Storm sends Ruffo into the rails. The Southern Six are on commentary.

Storm is held for tie shots and gets hit in the head with a beer. Kerry is snapmared and kicked in the back. Kerry is choked with a tie. Storm hits a spinning razor's edge and Kerry gets a 2 count off of it.

Storm drinks a beer in the ring and spits it at Kerry on accident. Storm takes a samoan drop. Kerry takes a double flapjack and Silas Mason pulls the ref out of the ring. Alex Taylor grabs the ref too. Silas gets in and spears a clown into the door. Storm hits a superkick on the other clown and pulls Kerry on top of the clown. Kerry gets the pin. Storm and Morton win the tag titles.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. There was nothing wrong with it. It made sense for what it was but wasn't great or anything.

One of the clowns takes a razor's edge through a tab;e after and Alex gets some fan wanting to jump the rail to get to him. The other clown then takes a razor's edge.

Overall thoughts: This was pretty similar to the other shows. They do have some stories and feuds going on so that's fine, but the matches are mostly on the shorter end and none have really stood out so far. The matches aren't awful, just they are too short to really get going most of the time and the crowd is not a typical wrestling crowd who knows how to react. It was fine overall just this one was not must see.

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