Thursday, June 20, 2024

TNA Impact 6/20/2024

TNA Impact 6/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

The System and Dirty Dango come out. Alisha gets booed and yells at the fans. She said we should be grateful for witnessing history. She says we are looking at the most dominant force in wrestling. Eddie says we are witnessing history.

Eddie says we are looking at the one and only true super team in wrestling. Eddie said they walked into the PPV with all the titles and walked out the same way. Brian says they are the greatest faction in wrestling history.

Dirty Dango's name is now Johnny Dango Curtis. Dango says what do you do when you sit at home for 3 months, not booked, overlooked and underappreciated? He says you start to question yourself. You ask if you can still do this thing you did your entire life and that's wrestling. Dango says he can and says he's one of the best wrestlers in the world.

Dango says him and Eddie started together 21 years ago in Boston. He said he knew Alisha since she was 15 years old and considers her a sister. He says he considers Brian a brother. He says they started in developmental together and hopes they finish together. He says he wants Moose to believe that he trusts in The System and says he can trust him.

Moose tells him to slow his role. He says they appreciate everything he has done but says he's not part of The System, yet. Moose says The System is unbeatable and he's unbeatable. He says he hasn't lost a singles match in 2 years and there's not one soul who can beat him. He says outsiders are brought in to try and beat him but things remain the same.

Santino Marella comes out. He says Moose is on an incredible run but the way he does things makes him look like a son of a gun. Santino says it's hard to find competition for him but it's because it's just difficult to pick one. He says the roster is stacked and jacked. He says we will have The Road to Slammiversary over the next few weeks. The winners of 5 matches will face him in a 6-way at Slammiversary.

Santino said he saw what happened at the PPV and says JDC will face Ryan Nemeth tonight. Santino then says The Road starts tonight and Josh Alexander vs Eric Young.

Thoughts: I don't buy Dango as a System member. The System doesn't fit that great together and Dango isn't exactly the missing piece. He's just been too goofy of a character. He's not a member yet though and he may never be. It's hard to get excited about a 6-way as it'll just end up being a 1v1 with 4 people watching outside for most of it.

ABC does a promo. Ace says 3 is a magic number and everything comes in 3's. They saw TNA have a good ppv, they saw the return of Jeff Hardy and they got the win over Alexander and Young. They congratulate The System but say it's time they get back to those belts. Ace says they need one more victory to get their 3rd title run.

We see Frankie Kazarian arrive. He says Joe Hendry stole his thunder. He says Joe is just an obstacel everywhere he goes.

Spitfire (Jody Threat and Dani Luna) vs The Hex (Allysin Kay and Marti Belle)

Jody and MB lock up. MB hits shots on her in the corner then Jody shoulders her over. Jody corner lariats her several times then exploders her. Jody boots Kay. Kay takes dropkicks, a sliding lariat and a low crossbody.

Kay takes a double suplex. Kay slaps Jody then Kay pump kicks Jody for 2. Jody takes a corner hip attack and a corner facekick. Jody is snapmared into a headhunter and a PK for 2. Belle sleepers Jody. Jody elbows her way out and tags in Dani.

Dani hits lariats on MB then topes Kay. Dani spinning high kicks her for 2. Kay backdrops Dani for 2. Dani forearms MB then Jody top rope flip dives both opponents. MB takes a double team spinebuster and is pinned.

Thoughts: I don't like The Hex losing like this. They just returned and need to look strong. It's not like this division has that many teams where they can afford to have things like this happen. Maybe it's not the end of it, but we will see. It was just average here though Jody's top rope flip dive onto both oppponents was neat.

We see Matt Hardy talk after the PPV with Reby and Jeff Hardy. Matt said The System put their hands on his wife and says nobody does that. Matt said he had Moose beat until Alisha interfered. Reby threatens Alisha. Matt says nobody what Moose did to him. Matt says he's not alone anymore. He says they will create bedlam and chaos and take TNA over.

Alan Angels interviews Kushida. We see clips of Kushida grabbing some of the ink from Gresham and testing it. Alan asks him for an explanation. Kushida said Gresham made everyone get sick and he's looking for the cure. Alan asks if he's qualified for it.

Alan said Kushida is trying to monetize this and sell snake oil to people. Kushida said he doesn't need him to believe him and yells at him. Alan asks if he's trying to start a fight and Kushida says let's fight next week.

Thoughts: I like this Kushida super scientist character. He really needs to roll with it as it'll be better than what he is doing now.

Chicago Street Fight - Frankie Kazarian vs Ace Steel

Kaz throws a trash can in and they trade punches. Ace hits corner spears and Kaz kicks him in the back. Kaz is lariated over the top then Ace throws a trash can at his head. Ace suplexes him on a trash can. Ace is thrown in the corner and goes over the top to the floor. They fight outside and Ace takes a coconut crush. Ace is slammed on the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Kaz slams him and drops a chair on him. Ace gets is hand banged off the chair then Kaz pillmanizes the chair. Kaz misses a springboard legdrop. Ace hits lariats and chairs him.

Ace hits shots in the corner then dropkicks him while he's on the 2nd rope. Ace neckbreakers him on a open chair. Kaz slingshot ddt's him for 2. Ace low blows him. Ace has the chair in his hands, is catapulted and bangs the chair off his head when he goes int othe corner. Kaz hits a samurai driver on the chair to win it.

Thoughts: It was an okay hardcore match here. I'm still not sure I understand the physics behind the catapult spot. They showed some decent aggression here.

Kaz chickenwings Ace and Joe Hendry comes out to make the save. Joe hits a single arm spinebuster on Kaz.

Mustafa Ali talks to Champagne Singh and complains about the video shown at the PPV. He wants to know who leaked the video and tasks Singh to try and figure it out. Ali says he wants to do a state of the union next week and Singh says he's a genius and champion.

We see people in the back line-up and clap for PCO. PCO then scares them off.

PCO/Steph De Lander Date

A table for PCO's and Steph De Lander's date is set up in the ring. PCO tries to swing thee chair and Steph stops him. PCO lights candles.

Steph says she has dated so many weirdos and it's nice to be on a nice date. Steph asks what he likes to do for fun outside of wrestling and he yells. Steph says she loves The Notebook as well in agreement. PCO pulls out some jar with some black goo and drinks it, spilling it all over himself. He gives her some and she is disgusted by it.

Steph asks for wine to be poured out. PCO overfills the glass and Steph says she's enough as she is driving tonight. PCO opens the plate up to eat and it looks like black noodles. Steph asks what is it and PCO says it's the "Stephanie Special". Steph says she has to take a photo for "the gram". She asks what his handle is and he goes to say he's not human.

PCO shoves a bunch of noodles in his mouth and tries to do it to Steph. Steph says let's put that down. She grabs a fork and tries to show him how it works. She goes to put some in his mouth then First Class comes out.

AJ says he wasn't going to let PCO dive on him and put his hands on Swann. AJ says he wants to give him a toast to internal unded love. I think AJ throws the drink in PCO's face then Swann superkicks PCO. Steph is thrown over then AJ hits an attitude adjustment on him. Swann zipties PCO to the ropes.

Steph slaps AJ. AJ then chokeslams her through the table as PCO is forced to watch. PCO then yells for Steph.

Thoughts: I loved the dinner date part of the segment. We haven't really seen that happen in a ring before and it was something creative and fun. I was shocked they had AJ put his hands on Steph. You don't see a lot of men hitting women in 2024, but you sure do see women hit men every week.

Ash By Elegance vs Heather Reckless

George Iceman introduces Ash. He says the only thing reckless about Heather is her tattoos. Ash hits HR off the handshake. She throws her out but HR holds onto the ropes. HR side headlock takeovers her.

Ash chinlocks her. HR gets a few shots in then takes a facekick. HR slaps her. George holds onto Ash and stops a seated spanish fly off the buckles. Ash hits a swanton and wins.

Thoughts: It was nice to see a new face here in Heather Reckless. She didn't get to do a ton here but she seems like someone who should maybe get a chance to show what she can do.

Ash beats up on Heather after. She goes for a juggernaut driver then Jordynne Grace comes out. Grace lariats and slams her. Grace goes for a juggernaut driver and George breaks it up. Grace grabs him by the throat. Ash pulls her off then hits her with a title belt. 

Jordynne Grace says Ash started out as a minor annoyance but has become more than that. She says she will talk to Santino and get her hands on her once and for all.

JDC (Dirty Dango) vs Ryan Nemeth

Dirty Dango is now going by Johnny Dango Curtis. Ryan dropkicks him then waistlock takedowns him. Ryan fistdrops him then bangs his head off the buckles. Ryan corner spears JDC then JDC backbreakers him. JDC hits knees to the back then pulls his arms back.

JDC running euros Ryan in the corner. Ryan hits a jumping ddt then neckbreakers him. JDC rolls out and Ryan throws him back in. JDC boots him as he tries to get in and hits an air raid crash. JDC hits a top rope legdrop and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like Ryan losing this. He's a good talent and someone else should have taken the loss instead. Don't get me wrong though, JDC needed to win. It was too short to be anything special.'

Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards help beat up Nemeth after. Nic Nemeth comes out to make the save after. 

Eric Young talks about the importance of Slammiversary. He says it's in Canada os it's more important. Josh says he can't say he has the edge over Eric. Eric says it'll be tough and brutal. Josh says he wants to go to Slammiversary and said he missed the show last year.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifier - Josh Alexander vs Eric Young

They shake hands and lock up. EY backs him up into the corner and Josh wristlocks him. They each reverse a wristlock and Josh back elbows him. The ropes are very loose here and EY back elbows him.

We go to PiP break and return. EY chinlocks him then Josh back body drops him. Josh finlay rolls him then destiny hammer knees him off the 2nd rope. Josh hits germans and EY death valley drivers him for 2. Josh crossbodies EY's back while he sits on the apron.

Josh misses a top rope moonsault. EY top rope elbow drops him for 2. Josh ankle locks him. EY rolls through it and wheelbarrows him into a neckbreaker. EY piledrivers him for 2.

Josh ankle locks EY then cradles him. EY lariats him.  Josh hits forearms and a german. Josh hits a jay driller and wins it.

Thoughts: It was an okay back and forth match between these two. It wasn't great or anything but the two worked well enough and didn't overdo it before the finish.

Overall thoughts: It was an okay show overall. Nothing great or must see here. I liked the PCO dinner segment best as it was a fun segment and something different. I'm not liking Dango as a cohort of The System but we'll have to see if they keep him around or not. I didn't like Ryan Nemeth losing and I didn't like The Hex losing. The main was an okay main. Slammiversary is the next PPV and TNA is already setting things up for it with Moose defending in a 6-way, Kaz vs Hendry and a likely Grace vs Ash match.

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