Thursday, September 26, 2024

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/25/2024 Lunacy Episode 5

Juggalo Championship Wrestling 9/25/2024 Lunacy Episode 5

Last week's show is here:

JCW has a PPV on 10/30 called JCW Lunacy Devil's Night.

We see Matt Cardona come out.

Joe Galli talks. He says there will be a JCW Women's Title and JCW Women's Tag Title.

Heather Reckless vs Christina Marie

Matt Cardona is on commentary here with Manny Fresh and Joe Galli. HR tries to hit her off the handshake and is caught. HR slaps her then CM corner spears her. HR does a ripcord slap then CM is pulled into the ropes. HR footchokes her then dragon screws her while she's on the 2nd rope.

HR hits a euro and drives CM into the buckles. HR shotgun dropkicks her against the buckles. CM goes up and over then dropkicks her for 2. HR rolls out of a shot, gets a couple in then jumps and takes a german. CM hits back elbows and dropkicks. 

CM corner splashes her then samoan drops her for 2. CM is hit while seated on the top rope. HR hits a seated spanish fly off the top for 2. HR flips out of a uranage then hits a stunner. HR is thrown off the buckles and CM hits a 2nd rope diving spear to win.

Thoughts: I didn't like it. HR does not have good looking offense and the spanish fly off the buckles meant nothing here.

Darren Ultra vs The Ultimate Ellsworth

Ellsworth is doing an Ultimate Warrior impersonation hee. He runs in and hits a flying shoulder. He flying lariats Ultra and shakes the ropes. Ultra hits him from behind then Ells blocks punches. Ultra pokes him then Ells throws him off the top rope. Ells hits a big splash and wins.

Thoughts: It was funnier the first time. I'm not sure where they are going with this and I don't think this gimmick has a long shelf life.

Officer Colt Cabana talks from a vehicle. He says he was left off of Lunacy as he was patrolling the streets. He says that will end and says, "Police brutality, you better believe". 

Kongo Kong and The Redwood Giants (Painful Paul and Hurtful Kurt) vs Santana Jackson, Zach Gowen and A.O.D.

SJ = Santana Jackson

John E. Bravo is with Kong's team instead of Eric Smalls. He says Smalls is no longer the contract holder of these guys. AOD stands for Angel of Death.

SJ and Kurt go at it. Kurt pushes him off the lock-up. SJ tries to make him dance and Kurt goes for the chokeslam. SJ hits chops then walks up the buckles, does an MJ dance and is swatted down.

Zach boots Kurt out of the corner and is caught on a crossbody. Zach then takes a fallaway slam. Kong swings Zach by the leg. Paul stomps Zach and abuses him on the ropes.

Paul side slams Zach. Kurt misses an elbow drop on Zach as does Paul. AOD is tagged in. He flying shoulders Kong. AOD takes a double chokeslam then Kong hits a to prope splash on AOD and wins.

It was a short and one-sided match with the big guys winning as expected. No real surprises here on this one.

Shaggy's Spotlight

Shaggy 2 Dope says we will take a look at 2 Tuff Tony. He says he's been champ so many times that they have lost track. We then see highlights of Tony's.

Moonshine and Swine Celebration

The Couthern Six and James Storm come out for this, throwing streamers and using confetti shooters.

Kerry tells everyone to shut the f--k up when they talk. He says welcome to the celebration. Silas says they brought the shine and says the crowd brought the swine. Kerry says the belts will be with them for a "long f--king time".

Silas thanks Detroit for reminding them how great it is not to become them. He says The Detroit Lions will never win the Superbowl. He says they won't give anyone a tag title shot. Kerry has drinks thrown at him and tells the announcers to take the night off and go home. Kerry says they won't defend the tag titles tonight.

Violent J comes out. He says they are not taking the night off and are defending the belts right now. He says it'll be without the help of Silas (who he calls a f--king sasquatch) or Alex Taylor (who he calls a f--king t--nt). He says both are banned from ringside. He then says they will face The Backseat Boys.

JCW Tag Titles - James Storm and Kerry Morton (c) The New Backseat Boys (JP and Tommy)

The Boys hits punches on the heels. The Boys do a dosey-do and hit stereo boots and dropkicks. The Boys then do stereo planchas. Kerry catches one of them and sends him into the apron and the rail. Storm drops one of his opponents onto the rails and Kerry rams the other into the apron edge. Storm then sends Tommy (long hair) into the steps.

Kerry slams JP then hits a punch to the face. Storm hits shots on JP then does a neat swinging flatliner. Storm stands on JP then sends him into Kerry's foot on the apron. Kerry backdrops JP then hits a standing dropkick.

JP is choked by Storm with a confetti shooter. Kerry neckbreakers JP. JP sunset flips him. Kerry holds onto the ropes, the ref kicks Kerry's hands off the ropes and JP picks up the pin.

This was your usual shorter match. I didn't really get what the idea was behind this. The heels just won the titles and already lost them. The Boys hadn't appeared on the show before yet became the #1 contenders somehow and won it. The match needed more time and could have used a stronger finishing stretch.

Overall thoughts: As usual, the show had a bunch of shorter matches with none of them being particularly great. It wasn't hard to watch or sit through, but I wouldn't recommend this.

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