Saturday, August 3, 2024

AEW Collision 8/3/2024

AEW Collision 8/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

This aired at 5PM due to Summerslam.

The Patriarchy come out. Christian says he hates it here in Arlington, Texas and has a private plane waiting. He says they walked in here and out of here as trio champs as he said they would. He said he would use the titles are a path to get to the World Title and to reward his family. He said they aren't belts, but titles as belts hold your pants up.

He says he will present the family with their titles. He says Nick Wayne is special and a prodigy. He says Nick is the youngest champion in the history of AEW. He says he deserves the title.

He says Killswitch is his finisher and muscle. He says he does all the dirty work. He says The Patriarchy doesn't work without him. He hugs him but says he didn't give birth to a prodigy. He then gives the trios title to Mother Wayne. He says let it be a warning to any trio in the back.

The House of Black come out. He calls Brody "Jelly Roll" ala WWE. He says HoB isn't a trio anymore due to Buddy being out. He says they won't be a trio for a long time. He says the distinction of them being #1 contenders is null and void. He said Black hasn't lived up to expectations and is maybe just looking for advice out here. He asks what they were thinking to come out here with only 2 people.

They say "this". The lights go out and Buddy Matthews appears in the ring with them. The Patriarchy then try to leave but run into The Bang Bang Gang. Nick Wayne tries to leave through the crowd but Kip Sabian throws him in. Nick takes offense from HoB in the ring.

The Gang and HoB then stare down in the ring.

Thoughts: This was a good segment that tied together multiple stories at once and maybe set up something with HoB and The Bang Bang Gang.

Lexi Nair interviews Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erich's. Dustin says it's been an emotional few weeks. He says he's 55 years old. He says the stars aligned with The Rhodes and The Von Erich's. He says we are looking t Texas' best now.

Marshall says the fans don't see the peaks and valleys but say they are here for the payoff. Ross says The Von Erich-Rhodes era has officially begun. Sammy Guevarra walks in. He says Dustin may not trust him and Dustin says trust is earned. Sammy says he wants to earn his trust and team with him in ROH. He says he wants to team with all of them. They then shake on it.

Thoughts: This was a follow-up from ROH, which they did show clips of.

Mistico and Hologram vs The Premier Athletes (Ari Daivari and Tony Nese)

Mark Sterling talks on the mic and says they don't belong in the same ring as them. He says they should be flipping at The Olympics in Paris and losing there.

Holo gets out of a wristlock and takes down Ari. Holo flying headscissors him and dropkicks him. Mistico springboard dropkicks in. Mist handsprings and back flips. Mist and Holo do a silly string and Mist hits a headscissors off of it. Mist walks up the buckles and does an armdrag + headsicssors combo. Mist is then popped up into a double dropkick. 

We go to break and return. Nese has a chinlock on Mist. Mist does a handspring double back elbow then he flying headscissors Nese. Mist walks up the buckles and corkscrew armdrags Ari. Holo gets in and hits kicks on Ari. He pushes Nese into Ari, jumps off Ari's shoulders and armdrags Nese.

Holo hits a weird drop on Ari. Nese fire thunders Holo for 2. Holo stops a 2v1. Ari hits Holo from behind then Holo topes Mark Sterling outside for getting involved. Nese superkicks Holo. Mist springboard dropkicks Nese.

Mist is popped up and tornillos The Athlete's outside. Holo rope walk flip dives everyone outside. Holo 450's Ari and wins.

Thoughts: It was random but it was a good match. Mist has been having some real good nights lately and this was one of them. Holo had one botch here. The faces were good faces and the heels were good heels.

Toni Storm is supposed to have a match. Mariah May gets on commentary and comes out before Toni. Toni comes out and they fight. May hits her with the shoe and Christopher Daniels breaks it up. Toni then dives on May and Daniels. May and Toni fight in the aisle. Toni's opponent then hits her.

Toni Storm vs Rache Chanel

Toni is sent into the steps then pump kicked. Toni germans her. Toni corner attacks her. Toni hits storm zero and wins.

Thoughts: It was ridiculous that the match still went on as planned after Toni had already fought with May and got attacked before the match by Chanel. It was a short square.

We get a video on Will Ospreay and Kyle Fletcher. Kyle says he doesn't know why Will took him under his wing. He says the only thing he can do for him is to promise to have his back after al lthe things Will did for him.

We see clips of MJF in Mexico and see him beating Templario. Thank you for the spoiler AEW.

Kyle Fletcher vs Brian Cage

They trade some shots. Kyle side headlocks him and Cage running back elbows him. Kyle leg lariats him off the apron. Kyle topes Cage outside then Kyle is sent into the steps. Kyle superkicks him on the ramp then cannonballs him as he runs down the ramp.

We go to break and return. Cage hits a horrible looking spinning slam off the 2nd rope (this is the 2nd botch of this move and it needs to be retired). Kyle cradles him for 2 then forearms him. Cage superkicks him, takes a spinning forearm and superkick. Kyle tombstones him and wins.

It was pointless jobbing of Cage here. It was too short to be special and I don't think it did anything for Kyle. Cage botched his spinning slam move off the 2nd rope here again and that move needs to be done with. It doesn't look good and it's dangerous.

Kyle has words for MJF after. He says he's self centered. He said he dropped a 300lb monster on his neck and said it could happen to MJF. He asks MJF to put the American Title on the line so he can win and then face Will at All In.

MJF appears on the tron and does his accent. He says Kyle sounds like an accent. He said Kyle is trying to steal from hardworking Americans like himself. MJF says there's a lot of people who want a shot at his title. He says Kyle isn't an American hero like himself. MJF says he will give Kyle an eliminator match and says he will give him a title shot the following week if he wins.

Bryan Danielson does a video. He says he is training at 100%. Wheeler Yut says he's the most focused and violent he has ever been. Bryan tells him to go after the neck. Yuta says Swerve isn't ready for Bryan. Bryan says it's the biggest match of his career and he's training like it.

Jeff Jarrett and his crew are interviewed. Jay says Jeff would have a title shot if it wasn't for Adam Page. Karen says they need to do something about Page. Jeff says neither of them got what they wanted but he will make the most of his situation. He said he's happy to get him ready for All In. He says Swerve is the most dangerous man in AEW. He challenges him for Dynamite. Jeff says he will introduce Bryan to the last hour.

#1 Contenders to the Continental Title - Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Lee Moriarty

They trade shots to start. Ishii and CC trade forearms. Lee takes a double shoulder. Ishii hits forearms on CC. CC shoulders him over. Lee dropkicks both. Lee cravates Ishii. CC backdrops Ishii.

Lee dropkicks CC out then topes CC. We go to PiP break and return. CC takes a double chop from both. Lee backdrops Ishii then Ishii shoulders him over. Ishii germans CC then Lee germans Ishii. CC double lariats his opponents.

Ishii larias CC over. Lee facekicks Ishii and CC giant swings Lee. Lee avoids a sliding lariat from Ishii. Ishii lariats Lee for 2. CC and Ishii trade. Lee rolls up CC then Ishii for 2. Lee border city stretches Ishii. Lee sunset flips CC which makes him suplex Ishii. CC neutralizers Lee for 2. Ishii sliding lariats Lee then CC running euros Lee to win.

Thoughts: It was your usual three way. There was a lot of people coming in and out. Unlike a lot of three ways, it was mostly all strike based. It was fine but singles matches would have been better.

Top Flight and Leila Grey are interviewed. Grey says when they rang her flight attendant call button, she stepped up. She says they are taking off and going to the top. MxM Collection interrupt. Mansoor says TSA stands for "Their Style is @ss".

They rip their fashion sense. Darius says they are put on the no fly list and say that don't fly. MxM say the interview is over then Top Flight say it's their interview. MxM then pose. Dante mocks them after.

Thoughts: The audio was off here but it was a fun segment.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Thunder Rosa

Rosa came out in a mask for some reason. Rosa runs at Taya and flurries on her. Johnny TV distracts Rosa and Taya nails her. Taya stomps on Rosa in the corner. Taya hits more kicks and stomps. Rosa double knees her in the corner then sliding lariats her.

We go to PiP break > full break and return. Rosa hits shots and flurries on her. Rosa hits an enzugiri and a dropkick. Rosa dropkicks Taya against the bottom rope for 2. Rosa rolls her into a double stomp for 2. JTV pulls Taya out.

Taya spears Rosa on the floor. Rosa dropkicks JTV through the ropes. Rosa sits on her back and taps her out with a cobra clutch.

Thoughts: There was a lot of shenanigans here. It might have been good without it but was just average.

Rosa gets on the mic after and calls out Deonna Purrazzo. DP comes out. She says Rosa is on a winning streak, like she was when she beat her 3 times in a row. Rosa said she never beat her and Deonna says she did. Rosa said they should fight next week in a texas bullrope match.

The Beast Mortos & The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett & Roderick Strong) vs. Darby Allin, FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) & Mark Briscoe

RS = Roderick Strong, Mort = The Beast Mortos

Dax and RS go at it. Dax headlock takeovers him and side headlocks him. RS headlocks him and hits chops.  Dax shoulders him over. Dax armdrags RS. Mark yanks on RS' arm.

There's some issue with the video and it cuts ahead. Mike and Dax trade shots. Dax snap suplexes him into a legdrop for 2. Mike takes a double shoulderblock. Mark foot chokes Mike in the corner.

Mike hits a big forearm on Mark. Taven 2nd rope diving lariats Mark. Mark suplexes Taven. Darby armdrags Taven then side headlocks him. RS and Mort fight over who gets in and Mort gets in. Cash side headlocks Mort.  Mort hits headbutts on FTR then pop-up drops Darby nearly on his head. 

 Cash hits chops on RS then back body drops him and Mike. RS olympic slams Cash then Cash is triple stomped outside. We go to PiP break and return.

Cash hits shots on Taven then 2nd rope diving bulldogs him. Mike russian legsweeps Darby off the apron to the floor. Cash hurricanrana's RS. Mark hits shots on Taven and Mike. Mark headhunters Mort off the apron outside.

Cash diving lariats Taven then lariats Mike over the top and goes with him. Mark rolling death valley drivers Taven. Taven takes a razor's edge throw into a neckbreaker. Mark froggy bows Taven for 2.

Mort does a tornillo tope outside the Taven spinning high kicks Dax. Mort cannonballs Dax in the corner. Mort corkscrew moonsaults Dax then clubs on him. RS and Dax lariat each other down at the same time. Mark fights Taven and Mike on the apron then takes a death valley driver on the apron. Strong step up knees Dax.

RS gutbusters Dax then Mort top rope splashes Dax for 2. Dax spinebusters Mort. Darby is tagged in. Darby springboard double back elbows RS and Taven. Darby hits code red on RS for 2. Mark and Mort lariat each other outside. Taven springboard enzugiri's Darby then RS sick kick's Darby.

RS is thrown into the rails. Taven gets crotched on the buckles and Mike takes a john woo into them. Cash and Darby do stereo ropes out. Mark tope con hilos through the ropes. Dax superplexes Taven then Mark top rope elbow drops Taven. Darby coffin drops Taven and wins.

Thoughts: It was a longer and hectic tag with action happening in and outside the ring for most of the match. It was entertaining but a little tough to follow.

Dax gets on the mic after. He says he loves wrestling and AEW. He says his team is the life blood of AEW. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn then come out.

Max asks where Dax was when they were fighting in Blood and Guts last week. Bowens says he gave his body for AEW. He says he doesn't care about their legacy, he cares about expanding theirs. He says they are the heart of AEW. Bowens says FTR doesn't get to cut the line to fight The Bucks. Bowens says the scoreboard reads The Acclaimed 1-0 FTR. Bowens says to nut up or shut up if you have a problem with that.

They fight and Mark says this is what The Bucks want. Mark says let's show some unity and says we are AEW.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show and different from the usual offerings. They actually followed up on some storylines and feuds here though the matches were still a bit random. The main, the lucha tag and the three way were all decent matches and those definitely helped this one out.

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