Saturday, October 5, 2024

Stardom 10/5/2024 Nagoya Golden Fight 2024

Stardom 10/5/2024 Nagoya Golden Fight 2024

Future of Stardom Title - Rina (c) vs Miyu Amasaki

Rina side headlock takeoversher and headscissors her. They trade chest forearms and hit each other on the ropes. Miyu dropkicks her and Rina pulls her down by the hair. Rina throws her by the hair and foot chokes her. Rina slams her then ties her arms up.

Rina slaps and facekicks her. Miyu hits forearms. Rina chest kicks her over. Miyu diving spinning facebusters her off the bottom rope. Miyu ddt's her then does a head an arm lock on her. Rina ropebreaks. 

Miyu hits facekicks on the ropes then takes one. Rina hip throws her then northern lights suplexes her. Miyu ddt's her then flying back elbows her. Miyu does another head and arm lock on her.

Miyu tornado ddt's her then Rina does a grounded octopus. Rina hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Rina double knee drops her off the ropes. Miyu rolls her up with a bridge for 2. Rina gori bombs her for 2.

Miyu hits a dropkick and Rina does a reverse suplex. They fight on the buckles and Miyu 2nd rope ddt's her. Miyu gutwrench suplexes her and hits a ddt variation for 2. Miyu does a sitout pedigree for 2. Rina does a crucifix bomb for 2. Miyu ddt's her then lifts her in the air and ddt's her. Miyu hits a sitout pedigree and wins.

Miyu talks on the mic after

It wasn't good. This went long for some reason and there was just nothing there to justify it. They didn't botch anything at least. 

Saya Kamitani vs Sayaka Kurara

Kurara hits flying dropkicks to start. Kamitani no sells them then takes a chest forearm flurry. Kamitani double stomps her back and hits a bade basement dropkick. Kurara is thrown out then she jumps as she gets thrown into the chairs. Kamitani sits in a chair in the ring and waits for her, then baseball slides her as she gets near.

Kamitani 2nd rope dropkicks her then stomps on her. Kamitani hair throws her and foot chokes her. Kurara hits chest forearms and dropkicks her. Kamitani facekicks her. Kurara dropkicks her and sleepers her.

Kurara slams her for 1. Kurara is pulled down off the top rope and Kamitani flying knees her. Kamitani springboard crossbodies her. Kamitani hits her in the gut then Kurara gets her back with a sleeper. Kurara dropkicks her off the apron then crossbodies her off the apron. Kurara 2nd rope dropkicks Kamitani multiple times. Kurara hits a top rope dropkick. Kamitani basement dropkicks her in the corner and suplexes her for 2.

Kamitani grabs her arm and does a front kick. Kurara cradles her for 2 then spears her. Kurara hits another spear for 2. Kurara hits a sliced bread #2 for 2. Kurara hits forearms while both are on their knees. Kamitani pump kicks her then Kurara tries a jack knife pin for 2. Kamitani pump kicks her and spinning heel kicks her. Kamitani then corkscrew kicks her back for 2. Kamitani hits a ki krusher and wins.

Kamitani stands on her face after and Kurara grabs her by the boot. Kamitani says something in her ear and pushes her over.

The winner was never in doubt here and they let it go a little longer than needed. Kurara showed some fire though and got some offense in.

Maika, Mina Shirakawa, Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, HANAKO & Rian vs Dump Matsumoto, ZAP, Natsuko Tora, Momo Watanabe, Konami & Ruaka

Dum phits the ring announcer and Maika with her kendo stick before it starts and everyone but dump goes out to fight. The faces get thrown into the seats. Dump beats up Rian with a kendo stick then hits a nice lariat. Zap slams Rian. Dump hits kendo stick shots on Mina.

Mina fights back with forearms then is slapped. Mina tries to german Dump and Dump just kind of falls on her. Momo slams Mina and Mina is beaten up by multiple opponents. Mina takes corner attacks and a running chest kick from Momo.

Mina is choked on the ropes with a Zap's foot and a kendo stick. Mina takes kicks to the chest from Momo and Kon then Kon PK's her. Waka hits a flying double crossbody then Mina step up enzugiri's Kon. Mina spinning forearms Momo.

Hana gets in and shoulders over Kon. Hana and Xena hit stereo corner attacks. Kon is double hiptossed into a double throw backwards. Maika shoulders over Zap then Kon takes a suplex + backbreaker combo. Waka hits dropkicks on Kon then Tora lariats Waka for 2. Waka takes shots from a trash can then Tora death valley drivers her to win.

Thoughts: It was a pretty one-sided match in favor of the heels. They just beat up the faces all throughout and the faces didn't get much in. I expected the faces to eventually make a decent comeback but it never happened.

They keep fighting after with Mina and Dump going at it. Tora gets on the mic after.

Great-O-Khan comes out and talks.

Hazuki vs Starlight Kid

Kid flying dropkicks her. Haz takes her down and they each hit mounted forearms. They roll out and Kid hits mounted forearms. Haz is thrown hard into the chairs outside. Kid thne gets thrown into the chairs and post. They bang each others head's off the table.

Haz hair throws her. Kid hits a big forearm then hair throws her. Kid chokes her on the ropes then does facewash kicks. Kid foot slaps her and hits a stiff basement dropkick.

Haz 2nd rope dropkicks her then hits facewash kicks. Haz sentons her then does a crossface. Kid armdrags Haz off the ropes. Kid rolls her into a texas cloverleaf. Kid axe kicks Haz's back. Haz forearm flurries her.
Haz ddt's Kid over the 2nd rope and rips her mask. The ref tries to stop it and Haz beats him up. Haz rips the mask up more. Kid takes off her wristguards and gloves then slaps Haz around. Kid hits a punch flurry then a chest slap flurry. Kid knees her then hits a double stomp.

Haz smiles at her then headbutt flurries her. Kid suplexes her then hits a big forearm. Haz pump kicks her and they headbutt each other at the same time. Haz running back elbows Kid then codebreakers her as she is on the 2nd rope. 

Haz hits a top rope senton for 2. Haz twisting drops her off her shoulder then bites on her mask while she does a crossface. Haz single leg crabs her. Kid hits a shiranui. Kid stretch mufflers her.

Kid hits a 180 splash for 2. Haz gets her kneees up on Kid's top rope moonsault. Kid meteora's her in the back of the neck. Kid hits a top rope moonsault for 2. Haz release germans her. Haz pumping knees her then Kid does a momo latch for the win.

Thoughts: It was an odd one. They showed a lot of hatred in the middle part of this one then pretty much just went back to normal. I liked it overall but it could have been more consistent and done better. It also got more time than it needed and Haz should have been DQ'd for hitting the ref.

Haz hits a shot on Kid after and they fight outside before it is broken up. Haz throws the ref into the seats and they fight more. Haz brainbusters her in the ring and then pulls Kid's mask off and poses with it. Kid then does a promo with a shirt over her head to hide her face. 

Mei Seira & AZM vs Syuri & Lady C vs Saori Anou & Aya Sakura vs Hanan & Saya Iida

Thoughts: Syuri picked up the win over Aya in this. It was a fast paced affair as expected. We got a tower of doom spot here. Saya had a good showing in this one and C hit a great chokeslam on here. It was just a match to get everyone on the card.

Wonder of Stardom Title - Natspoi (c) vs Thekla

Poi gets the edge to start and hair throws her. Poi footchokes her on the ropes then dropkicks her on the ropes. Poi top rope planchas her outside. Poit comes off the top and Thek hits her with a bat in the gut. Thek spears her.

Thek hits corner spears then stomps on her. Thek sharpshooters her and Poi ropebreaks. Thek facewash kicks her on the ropes then boots her as she hangs over the middle rope.

Poi hits forearms then Thek hits her with a belt. Thek suplexes her on the floor. Thek suplexes her inside and tries to use a weapon on her but the ref stops it. Poi running headhunters Thek.  Poi goes up top and is beaten up by HATE. Yuna Mizumori and Anou help out Poi. Poi misses a 180 splash off the apron. Poi is then sent into the post. Thek grabs the title and says there's your next champion. Thek hits her with a title belt.

Thek crossfaces her and pulls on the mouth. Poi's head is banged off the buckles. They fight up top and Thek overhead suplexes her off the buckles. Thek gets caught in tree of woe and takes a basement dropkick. Poi germans her for 2. Poi does a 180 splash off the buckles but Thek gets her knees up. 

Poi hits a bunch of headbutts and slaps her. Thek hits a big forearm then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Thek low blows her and buzzsaw kicks her. Thek double stomps her head into the mat for 2. Thek hits mounted slaps and facekicks her. Poi superkicks her and jack knifes her for 2.

Thek double underhook twisting drops her. Poi gets a pin attempt and she gets hit with a box from the heels. Poi superkicks Momo in the ring then superkicks a box out of Thek's hands. Thek bridge pins her and they forearm each other down at the same time.

Poi germans her then Thek spears her. Poi hits more germans and does a ranhei for 2. Poi hits a 180 splash on Thek for 2. Thek grabs a her weapon and Poi spin kicks her. Poi lightning spirals her then hits a 180 splash off the top.

Poi does a rare tornillo off the top onto Thek and wins. 

Poi yells at her on the mic after. Thekla either says that's fine or that's mine and spits at her. Poi then talks more on the mic after.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to but it was a decent match with Thek having control early and cheating then Poi making her comeback and eventually winning. It wasn't great but it made enough sense and I was fine with it.

IWGP Women's Title - Mayu Iwatani (c) vs Toni Storm

Toni gets a side headlock on and front facelocks her. Mayu hammerlocks her and side headlocks her. Toni side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Toni hits a flying back elbow. Mayu gets booted and Toni chokes her on the ropes.

Mayu hits some shots and kicks her in the back. Mayu knee chokes her on the ropes then dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Toni bridging ddt's Mayu on the floor. Toni suplexes her on the floor.

Mayu is sent into the post then Toni spinning backbreakers her for 2. Mayu's head is banged off the buckles. Mayu hits a crucifix bomb then topes her outside. Mayu hits a top rope dropkick then a top rope splash.

Toni hits punches then Mayu forearms her. Toni headbutts Mayu then fisherman suplexes her for 2. Toni texas cloverleafs her and Mayu ropebreaks. They fight on the buckles. Mayu hits a top rope hurricanrana. Mayu then is caught on the ropes and Toni running powerbombs her for 2.

Toni boots her down. Mayu headkicks her and germans her for 2. Mayu rebound germans Toni then superkicks her in the head. Mayu dragon suplexes her for 2. Mayu slingblades her then hits a top rope moonsault for 2. Toni germans her then hits a storm zero.

They trade forearms. Mayu hits kicks to the body. Toni hits another storm zero for 1. Toni hits three more storm zero's for 2. Mayu superkicks her and does a double jump poisonrana to win.

Mayu gets on the mic after. Toni says Mayu is not a baka b!tch but a good b!tch and an icon. She says she respects her more than any wreslter on the planet. Toni says she leaves Japan tomorrow and says she loves Mayu. They then hug.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish that much. Mayu should have gotten more in and they should have traded more moves before the finish. It was alright otherwise with Toni controlling most of it. It felt more like an American style match than a Japanese style match.

World of Stardom Title - Tam Nakano vs Suzu Suzuki

Suzu gets on top of her and misses a big punch. Tam snapmares her and they butt heads. They trade forearms.  Suzu hits forearms and snapmares here. Tam holds on and snapmares her then Suzu does it again. Suzu forearms her down.

Suzu snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Suzu drive by kicks her outside. Tam's hed is banged off a table and Suzu holds up the title. Tam is thrown on the floor by the hair and Suzu roughs her up more. Tam then runs at Suzu and flurries her with forearms and sends her int othe post. Tam is then hit with forearms and sent into the post.

Tam goes after her again and they hit slaps. Tam slams her on the floor. Tam runs down the ramp into a Suzu kick. Suzu running knees her. Suzu sets a table up outside. They fight on the apron then Suzu spears her inside.

Tam pumping knees her on the ropes. Tam hanging sleepers Suzu. Tam then plancha's her outside off the top. Tam germans her. They get back on the apron and Tam goes for a tiger suplex off of it. Suzu half-nelson suplexes Tam off the apron through part of a table.

Suzu hits Tam with a piece of a table. Suzu hits kicks to the head inside and drops Tam for 2. Suzu hits a tequila shot for 2. They go up top and Suzu top rope germans her. Suzu hits two germans in a row for 2.

Tam 2nd rope tiger suplexes her. Suzu pushes the ref away and superkicks Tam. Tam spinning heel kicks her and germans her for 1. Suzu hits a poisonrana for 1. Tam backdrops her three times for 2. Tam falcon arrows her for 2.

Tam running knees her then straightjacket germans her to win.

They did too much here with a full-nelson slam through a table and a top rope german not meaning much here. I thought they did okay with Tam being the face and taking a beatdown before making her comeback but this wasn't as good as it could have been. They talk on the mic after and Tam closes the show on the mic.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual Stardom PPV with most of the matches going longer than needed and with multiple singles matches on top of the show. I'm never really a big fan of these shows. The semi-main was a decent American style match. Thek/Poi was fine. Hazuki/Kid had their match about half-right but it could have been more focused and the undercard wasn't much as usual. I didn't like the main event on this one. It was about average overall.

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