Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Marigold 10/5/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 1

Marigold 10/5/2024 Fantastic Adventure Day 1

The last show is here:

Kizuna Tanaka vs. Flying Penguin

Flying Penguin is from 2.5 Joshi Pro Wrestling which is Super Delfin's new fed. Pen sings her theme as she enters.

Pen clean breaks Kiz and Kiz hits forearms on the ropes. Kiz misses a dropkick then Pen basement dropkicks her. Pen ties her legs up and they stand off after a pin attempt. They trade chest forearms. Kiz chest forearm flurries her then is shouldered over. Pen slams her then does a bad falling splash for 2.

Pen abdominal stretches her and Kiz ropebreaks. Kiz hits chest forearms and Pen double axe handles her. Pen underhook suplexes her then camel clutches her. Kiz crossbodies her and is caught with a backbreaker. Pen single leg crabs her.

Pen hits a cutter for 2 and Kiz bridges out. Kiz flying neckbreakers her rolls into an indian deathlock on her. Kiz rolling snapmares her and running knees her. Kiz top rope dropkicks her. Pen samoan drops her for 2. Pen running lariats her for 2.

Pen tornado ddt's her. Kiz cradles her for 2. Pen sunset flips her and they try pin attempts. Kiz spinning high kicks her and botches her re:dream move. Kiz then hits the re:dream correctly and pins her.

Thoughts: The crowd was dead for this one. It wasn't any good. They only botched the finish but it was just people doing moves that didn't always look the best. It also went longer than it needed to.  

4v1 Handicap Match - Bozilla vs. Komomo Minami, Minami Yuuki, Myla Grace & Nao Ishikawa

KM = Komomo Minami

A 4v1 Handicap Match may be a record. All 4 girls offer Boz a handshake and she flips them all off. Boz fights off a triple forearm then throws 3 of the girls. Myla tries to make friends with her. Boz puts Myla on her shoulders and throws her out onto the other girls.

Boz suplexes KM then slams her for 2. Nao and Yuuki try to double suplex her but get double suplexed. Myla gets on Boz's back but is rammed into the corner. Boz bolo punches her out. Boz takes a 3v1 and throws the 3 girls into the corner. Boz misses a corner splash then lariats all 3 of them.

Boz sentons all 3 girls at once. Boz misses a dropkick off the ropes then takes a 4 person basement dropkick. Boz then takes another 4 person dropkick for 2. Boz throws her opponents around then takes a double stunner on the ropes. Boz takes a double dropkick then a double backdrop. The 4 girls try to pin her for 2. 

Boz piledrivers Yuuki. Boz has Nao and KM on her shoulders and samoan drops both. Boz powerbombs Myla onto KM and stacks the girls on top of each other and pins them all.

Thoughts: This was a burial job for 4 girls and wasn't needed at all. Yeah, you want to put over Boz, but not at the expense of 4 people at once. Where do you really go from there? I don't think there has ever been a great handicap match and this certainly wasn't it. 

Misa Matsui & Rea Seto vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

We haven't seen Rea for a while due to injuries. She's been at the shows but not wrestling. Rea misses a dropkick on Chi and gets stomped on. Rea hits chest forearms then is forearmed over. Chi stomps her back.

Chi rubs a towel in Rea's face on the ropes while NN pulls on Misa's chin on the ropes. NN and Chi dropkick their opponents against the ropes. Chi half crabs KM. NN stands on Rea's back then double knee drops it.

NN backbreakers Rea and crabs her. Misa breaks it up. Rea hits chest forearms on NN then takes one back. Rea dropkicks NN then NN stomps on her back. NN takes dropkicks from both opponents and Misa crossbodies NN. NN facekicks Misa.

Misa ddt's NN then puts Chi on her. Misa double stomps both. NN shotgun dropkicks Misa then facekicks her in the corner. NN pendulum kicks Misa. NN bullies her with knees.

Chi rolling spears Misa. Misa hits knees to Chi's face. Chi claws her and rakes the eyes. Misa 2nd rope crossbodies Chi then Chi backbreakers her. Misa running knees and crossbodies Chi against the ropes.

Misa is caught on the buckles and Chi claw slams her down. Misa rolls Chi into a double stomp. Misa top rope dropkicks Chi then Rea dropkicks Chi. Rea hits more dropkicks on her then goes for the armbar. Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Rea then cartwheel double knees her for 2.

Misa knocks over Chi on a move attempt then Rea slams Chi for 2. Rea double stomps Chi's back then gets her cattle mutilation broken up. Rea does a pin attempt on Chi then Chi powerslams her for 2. Chi sit out burning hammers Rea for 2. NN superkicks Misa in the face. Chi fisherman busters Rea and wins despite Rea's shoulders being up.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. There was just nothing real positive going on here and I have nothing good to say about this one. It also went longer than it needed to. 

Mai Sakurai vs. Chika Goto

Chika boots Mai as she enters and hits chest forearms. Mai just stares her down and Chika slaps her. They pull at each others hair on the ropes. Mai dropkicks her then Chika shoulders her over. Mai and Chika trade forearms.

They go outside and trade forearms. Mai is thrown into the rails then Chika chairs her. Chika giant swings her on the floor then chairs her. Mai chairs Chika in the back. Chika is thrown into the chairs.

Mai steps on Chika's neck then pulls her by the hair. Mai abuses her on the ropes and headkicks her. Chika abdominal stretches her. Chika hip attacks her on the ropes and throws her over.

Chika hits mounted forearms. Mai suplexes her then sits on her while she does a guillotine. Mai legslices her for 2. Mai goes up top, gets slapped and is pulled down. Chika running lariats her for 2. Chika slams her for 2.

Mai backrolls her then does a shining enzugiri for 2. Chika slams her for 2. Mai flying kicks her then crucifixes her for 2. Mai backdrops her then Chika lariats her for 2. Mai facekicks her then pump kicks her for 2.

Mai STF's her and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was probably the best match Chika was ever involved in. They went at it right from the start and never slowed down. They roughed each other up some and Chika hung in there pretty well with Mai. Chika could have been better but she's showing some improvement and did okay here.

They both talk on the mic after. Chika hits some weak shots and is pushed over.

MIRAI, Utami Hayashishita & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Kouki Amarei, Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki, Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Mirai and Kouki go at it on the mat. Mirai puts some holds on. Kouki takes her down and they stand off. Miku and Utami fight. Utami backs her up on the ropes. They double knuckle lock and collide in the middle with lariats. Yuz and Nat go at it. They run fast and trade armdrags. They then stand off.

Yuz takes corner attacks. She takes a Kouki facekick and Nat is lifted and dropped onto her. Miku slams Yuz then bodyscissors her. Miku pulls Yuz's arms back then slams her. Kouki slams and falling splashes Yuz for 2. Kouki crabs Yuz and Yuz ropebreaks.

Nat springboard double knee drops Yuz for 2. Yuz flying headscissors and basement dropkicks Nat. Utami shoulders over Nat twice then uranages her. Utami camel clutches Nat and Kouki breaks it up. Utami slams Nat. Mirai shoulders Nat over. Mira hen ties up her legs while holding her in the air by the arms. Utami and Yuz then grab onto Nat while she's in the air.

Nat dropkicks Mirai. Nat takes offense from her opponents then takes a wheelbarrow half-nelson suplex. Mirai cradle shocks Nat then Nat crucifix bombs her.  Miku dropkicks Utami and Mirai in the corner together. Yuz and Mirai then get it and Mirai takes a corner dropkick for 2. Mirai does a drop on Miku.

Utami gets in. Utami running back elbows and dropkicks Yuz for 2. Utami forearms her then Miku slams Utami. Miku kicks Utami in the back and chest. Miku and Utami lariat battle and Miku goes down. Utami then is lariated down. Miku short arm lariats her.

Kouki corner facekicks Utami then Utami samoan drops her. Kouki hits facekicks on Mirai. Mirai corner lariats her for 2 then armbars her. Mirai ties up Kouki's arms then Nat breaks it up. Mirai chop flurries Kouki. Kouki facekicks her over then cutters her. Kouki hits facekicks for a while. Mirai chops her back. Miku and Utami both get knocked over by them then Mirai and Kouki trade more chops for facekicks.

Kouki facekicks her on the ropes then is lariated. Kouki backdrops Mirai. Nat and Yuz get in. Nat footchokes her on the ropes then does a meteora. Nat corner dropkicks and meteora's Yuz. Nat fisherman suplexes her for 2.

Yuz hip throws her and they trade forearms on their knees. They get up and trade. Nat hits knees to the gut and Yuz sleepers her. Nat ropebreaks then Yuz puts another sleeper on her. Nat does a grounded octopus and Yuz ropebreaks. Yuz sleepers her. 

Yuz dropkicks Nat against the ropes and northern lights suplexes her. Nat takes a sandwich lariat then a superkick from Yuz. Nat and Yuz try pin attempts. Kouki, Miku and Nat all get on top at the same time. Kouki misses her move while the other two hit theirs. The 30 minute time limit expires.

Thoughts: Of course Marigold was going to have this one go 30 minutes. What's a Marigold show without a draw? There were only 5 matches so something was going long. It should have been better than it was but it just never really clicked. They hyper focused on the Mirai/Kouki and Nat/Yuz feuds. And that's fine while one of the pairings was in there but then the other pairing got in and it basically became a 2nd match. I found the Mirai/Kouki section boring as they did nothing but facekicks, lariats and chops. The match went on logner than it needed to and dragged at times. I didn't think this was good.

Nat talks on the mic after. Yuzuki responds and they argue with each other. Ther other four girls then talk on the mic and all stand together for the Marigold tagline to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a weird looking Marigold show with a 4v1 handicap match, a 30 minute draw, Chika and Mai having the match of the night and a lot of people missing from the event. This was one of my least favorite Marigold shows so far and I would not recommend this.

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