Tuesday, October 8, 2024

GLEAT 10/6/2024 Ver. MEGA in OSAKA

GLEAT 10/6/2024 Ver. MEGA in OSAKA

It has not been a good year for Gleat coverage on the site, I'll admit. I wanted to do one of the shows, but they didn't livestream it and I ended up forgetting about it and it all went off the rails. Gleat is also the buffet of wrestling but like a buffet, the various dishes are not top quality and not exactly worth going out of your way for.

They have the roster on the stage and do a nice little intro with torches, smoke and music. They then bring all the wrestlers in the ring and have Soma Watanabe do a speech.

Issei Onitsuka, JD Lee, Jessy Queen & Junjie vs. BULK Orchestra (KAZMA SAKAMOTO & Quiet Storm) & BBB (Mirko Mori & Nico Inverardi)

Issei gets on the mic before the match and introduces his team. Mirko is the bald one and Nico has hair.

Jessy and Storm. Jess twerks at Storm. Storm chops him. Jess is taken down and poses as they stand off. Jess triesto kiss Storm. Mirko and Jun go at it. Jun takes corner attacks then takes a baseball slide and a slingshot basement dropkick. Jun takes a big double team sequence and Miro standing moonsaults Jun.

Jun takes a double shoulderblock and hits forearms on Storm. Storm takes him down and hits chops. Jun backdrops him. Jess and Kazmar go at it. Jess hits a flying headscissors and slaps Kazma. Jess walks the ropes and diving armdrags Kazma down. Jess corner lariats Kaz then basement dropkicks him.

JD double jump corkscrew moonsaults Kazmar. Jess kisses JD then superkicks Storm. Jess topes Storm outside. Jun, Issei, Mirko and Niko trade. Jun double lariats both in the corner htne is held for a flying dropkick. Mirko and Niko do stereo dives out. Kazmar enzugiri's JD then pop-up powerbombs him. Kazma hits a jay driller on JD and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short tag and we didn't see much of anyone here. It's a shame Jessy does exotico stuff as I think he's a talented wrestler. We didn't see much of Niko and Mirko here but they did a lot of double team moves. It was an okay opener but not what it could have been. I will never understand Gleat's habit of bringing people in from overseas and putting them in a short tag where they barely get anything in. It seems like an enormous waste of money.

Black Generation International (Kotaro Suzuki & So Daimonji) vs. Anti-GLE Monsters (Brass Knuckle JUN & Ryuichi Kawakami)

So's team get attacked before it starts and Suzuki is sent out by Jun. Suzuki is sent into the post. So and Jun fight Ryu fight in the crowd. So is sent into seats. Suzuki is thrown into seats.

Jun running boots Suzuki in the ring then Ryu swantons Suzuki. Jun writes on Suzuki's head with a marker. Jun eye rakes Suzuki then Ryu eye rakes Suzuki. Ryu flying forearms Suzuki and they trade forearms. Suzuki ddt's him.

So comes off the buckles and does a diving shoulder. So flying lariats Ryu. Jun eye rakes So then So corner lariats both opponents. So does a fallway slam + samoan drop combo for 2. so is tripped into the ropes and kicked.

Jun pulls So's hair then So spinning lariats him. Suzuki forearm flurries Jun. Suzuki tries to fight off a 2v1 but is lariated over. Suzuki's mouth is busted open. Jun tries to hit him with brass knuckles but Suzuki armbreakers him. Suzuki step up knees Jun in the corner. Jun takes a spinebuster and release backdrop. Suzuki hits a widows peak neckbreaker on Jun but Ryu pulls the ref out on the pin attempt.

Ryu chairs Suzuki then throws the chair at So's head. Jun hits Suzuki with brass knuckles and wins.

Jun writes something on a paper and him and Ryu pose for photos with a knocked out Suzuki.

Thoughts: The crowd was totally dead here. I thought Jun did a decent job as a heel. I didn't like the ref being pulled out on a pin and nothing happening over it. It wasn't a bad match.

T-Hawk vs. Takehiro Yamamura

They start off fast. T shoulders Take over then Take flying forearms him. They trade chops and Take tope con hilos him. Take misses a top rope swanton and T chops him down from the top. They go out. T pops him up into the apron edge then hits a big chop.

T slaps him and throws him in. They trade forearms. T chops him then Take springboard dropkicks him. Take step up enzugiri's him then takes a uranage.

T hits chops then takes a suplex. Take misses a corkscrew moonsault off the top. Take and T trade chops. T hits a spinning chop and they slap each other. T pops him up into a knee and hits chops then reverse slams him. Take gets a close nearfall with a roll-up.

T running knees him in the back of the head. Take tries to roll him into a pin but T reverses it and pins him.

Thoughts: I liked this one. They had Take going for the upset here and trying to show T he belonged in there with him. T didn't have to do a lot of selling which helped him out and they had more of a match based around fighting spirit. Take looked good here and it was one T's better outings.

El Lindaman, Faby Apache & Octagon Jr. vs. Chris Ridgeway, MICHIKO & Sam Adonis

What an oddball match this one is. It's like someone came up with this using a dartboard.

Mich and Faby start us off. Faby takes her down and they trade wristlocks. Faby flips out of one and gets armdragged. Faby takes legsweeps and they stand off. Linda and Chris go at it.

Chris side headlocks him and they trade forearms. Linda blocks a kick then Chris crossfaces him. Chris crucifixes him then Linda dropkicks him in the back of the head. Linda neckbreakers Cris as he sits on the 2nd rope.

Oct and Sam go at it. Sam dances and says the people love him in Osaka. Oct then dances as well. They shoulderblock battle. Oct springboards and is caught. Sam dances and Oct top rope tornillos him. Oct walks up the ropes and does a corkscrew armdrag down.

Linda comes in and double axe handles Sam's arm. Sam hits a nice back elbow. Chris works Linda's arm then rolls him into a hammerlock. Sam suplexes Linda for 2. Mich wristlocks and armbreakers Linda. Mich boot flurries Linda in the corner. 

Chris takes Linda down by the arm and splits his fingers. Linda suplexes Sam. Mcih and Faby gets in. Mich hits a top rope dropkick. Faby hits some slaps then is armdragged. Mich armbars her and Oct breaks it up.

Linda dropkicks Sam out then Oct tornillos outside onto Sam. Everything gets awkward for a second and someone must have forgotten a spot. Faby boots Mich over then surfboards her. Oct and Linda put submissions on at the same.

Oct springboard crossbodies Sam amd Sam gets his feet up on Oct's double jump moonsault. Sam canadian destroyers Oct then does a suplex lift in an emerald flowsion for 2. Lindg springboard dropkicks Sam. Chris backdrops Lind and Mich and Faby trade facekicks. They then facekick each other down at the same time.

Sam slams Oct then misses a vader bomb. Oct walks up the buckles and cutters Sam for the win.

Thoughts: The crowd wasn't that hot for this one and it just wasn't that good of a match. There were too many pieces here and the men and women being in the same match further messed things up. They definitely forgot some sequence at one point here as everyone was standing around and doing nothing.

Sam cheapshots Oct and Linda after.

TEAM GLEAT vs Tokyo Sabres MMA Rules Exhibition Match #1 - Daisuke Nakamura vs. Masaki Takeura

I don't know what this is and I don't think I want to watch it.

They go to the mat. MT goes for an armbar and DN ties his legs up. MT double legbars him and does an anklelock and leglock. MT front facelocks him. MT goes for another leglock. MT goes for the arm and DN grabs the leg. The time limit then expires.

TEAM GLEAT vs Tokyo Sabres MMA Rules Exhibition Match #2 - Hideki Sekine vs. Kanten Man

HS backs him up in the corner. Kan gets on top and is rolled over. The match gets stopped and we can't really see what happened. Kan seems like he got hurt and HS won somehow.

TEAM GLEAT vs Tokyo Sabres MMA Rules Exhibition Match #3 - Yu Iizuka vs. Caol Uno

Yu tries to grab an arm and they end up in the corner with Yu having his arms locked around him. Uno tries to take him down in the corner but can't. Yu blocks a takedown in the corner. Yu bodyscissors him and hooks Uno's arm over his head.

Uno gets the mount and gets nowhere with. Uno lays on top of him, grabs the arm and the time expires.

Thoughts: This whole series was just grappling and it was boring. It was just a bunch of people trying MMA holds and getting nowhere with it. Kanten Man seemed to have gotten hurt and Sekine ended up getting the only fall of this series due to it. Sekine's team was declared the winner of this.

Minoru Tanaka, Seichi Ikemoto, Takanori Ito & Tsutenkaku vs. Kikutaro, Kota Ibushi, Ryo Aitaka & Yukimitsu Takahashi

Ryo and Yuki are former kickboxers. Yuki is in the orange. Everyone starts fighting at the bell then goes outside to fight. Ikemoto hits a nice spin kick on the outside and kicks Ryo in the chest sveeral times. He then hits mounted palm strikes and goes for the armbar. Ryo powerbombs him to escape it.

Ikemoto and Ryo kick each other in the body and Ryo hits a nice punch. Yuki and Minoru get in. Yuki wristlocks him. Minoru wristlocks him and they try to dropkick each other at the same time before doing a stand off.

Minoru spin kicks him in the gut then Yuki does a hurricanrana. Minoru 2nd rope dropkicks him. Tsu gets in. Yuki takes a double boot and double chop. Yuki gets clubbed on by 4 people at once then takes a corner lariat from Tsu. Yuki boots Tsu out of the corner and drops him with a chest kick.

Kiku gets in and lariats Tsu over. He tries to do it to Ito and gets nowhere. He dragon screws Ito while Ito has Tsu's leg and causes a domino effect dragon screw on both. Kiku misses a facebuster on Tsu then Tsu corner lariats him. Tsu running lariats him for 2.

Kiku brainbusters Tsu. Kota gets in. Kota takes a facekick from Ito and forearms. Kota and Ito trade chest kicks. Ito euros him down.  Kota takes a flying headbutt to the gut then a spinning heel kick in the corner.

Ito takes corner attacks then is suplex lifted into a Ryo powerbomb. Ito backdrops Kota and hits footslaps. Kota slaps him down then bullies him with kicks. Ito legsweeps him then spin kicks him, just grazing the top of his head. Ito germans Kota for 2.

Kota hits a stiff lariat on Ito then pulls him into a knee to the face ofr the win.

Thoughts: Kota looked better here than he had been looking. He really has put on weight though and didn't do any real flying. Like the Faby Apache tag, this had a lot of different parts in it. Kikutaro didn't do much here. Yuki and Ryo didn't mess anything up but it was obvious Yuki was working together with people on spots and didn't quite know what he was doing. It wasn't awful and Kota/Ito's section was the best part of this.

G-INFINITY Title Match - Black Generation International (Kaito Ishida & Tetsuya Izuchi (c) vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

TI = Tetsuya Izuchi

TI and Trey go at it. Trey takes him down by the arm. TI headscissors him. They get up and trade wristlocks. Trey armdrags him into an armlock. Trey spears him form the apron then does a hurricanrana from the mat. TI dropkicks him.

Kaito wristlocks Wentz. Wentz backflips to get out and armdrags him. Wentz basement dropkicks him then kips up. Kaito is held for a baseball slide for 2. TI takes kicks from both opponents then a double stomp on the back for 2. 

Wentz stomps on TI's back. TI takes a double back elbow, has his legs split then takes a double basement dropkick for 2. TI takes boots in the corner then Wentz slingshot swantons him for 2. TI hits slaps on Wentz then Wentz slaps back. TI suplexes Wentz.

Kaito dragon screws Wentz then Kaito does a dragon screw on Wentz while making him dragon screw Trey. Kaito then The Rascalz's taunt. Wentz and Trey hit stereo dropkicks then stereo topes.

Wentz rolls Kaito into a chest kick. Kaito tells him to give him more. Wentz PK's him. Kaito then hits a german. Wentz pulls him down off a leapfrog and hits a german. Kaito step up enzugiri's Wentz. 

Trey and TI trade. TI spin kicks him and takes a step up enzugiri. TI takes a slingshot codebreaker into a cutter and a standing ssp for 2. Kaito top rope german Wentz. Wentz tries to go up and over in the corner but is kicked by Kaito. TI suplexes Trye onto Wentz then Kaito brainbusters Trey. TI headkicks Trey for 2.

Trey double stomps TI's back. Kaito dropkicks Trey as he tries for tiger feint then Wentz hits a handspring jumping knee. TI hits kicks on Wentz and drops him with a spinning high kick. TI takes a 619 to the head then a top rope double stomp into a reverse attitude adjustment.

Wentz is back body dropped over the top. Kaito pump kicks Trey then TI hiptosses Trey into a pin for 2. Trey hurricanrana's TI and TI rolls him into a spin attempt. TI germans Trey for 2. Wentz and Kaito go over the top. TI is catapulted into a superkick then held for a double stomp off the buckles. Trey then pins TI.

It was an indy style tag here with tons of moves and no real selling whatsoever. The Rascalz would hit their move and keep moving onto the next one. I thought they did way too much here with reverse attitude adjustments and top rope germans. The action never slowed down here.

CIMA & Ricochet vs. El Hijo del Vikingo & Soma Watanabe

Vik = Vikingo

Cima is bald now which is something I never thought I'd see. He also has new gear that mirrors Ric's gear.

Cima and Soma start us off. Soma slaps him in the head off the break. Cima side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Soma sunset flips him, Cima back rolls through it and they legsweep each other. They then stand off.

Vik and Ric get in. They stare down. Vik rolls out of a headscissors then Ric flips out of a headscissors. They stand off. Ric rolls over Vik's back then backflips into a headsicssors. Ric kips up and Vik flips out of it. Ric superkicks him. 

Vik takes a double back elbow. Ric is flipped into a pele kick on Vik. Vik corkscrew kicks Cima. Soma pump kicks Ric out. Soma pops up Cima into a Vik top rope dropkick. Soma spin kicks Cima for 2. Ric step up enzugiri's Vik.

Ric hits jawbreakers on Soma then dropkicks him. Cima slingshot swantons Soma. Ric kneeling springboard swantons Soma. Ric holds Soma in a back rack and bangs his head off the buckles while Cima has a submission on Vik.

Soma and Ric trade. Rich chinlocks him. Soma rolls at Ric and is caught. Soma slingshot rolls in and dropkicks him. Vik does a double springboard armdrag on Cima then walks up the ropes and springboard dropkicks Cima. Vik rope walks and corkscrews out onto everyone, nailing his own partner too. Vik does a 2nd rope outside to inside phoenixsplash on Cima for 2.

Cima headscissors Vik into the buckles then Ric 619's Vik there. Ric springboard flying lariats Vik then asai moonsaults him for 2. Ric spins Vik on his shoulders and Vik hurricanrana's him. Soma comes in and top rope dropkicks Ric. They trade forearms. Ric jumping knees him then Soma poisonrana's him. Ric no sells it and poisonrana's him. Soma hits a high dropkick on Ric for 2. Soma top rope 450's Ric for 2.

Cima fights off a 2v1 then codebreakers Vik. Cima rolls into a shotei on Soma, iconoclams him and Ric running ssp's him. Ric handspring cutters him. Ric hits a to prope 630 on Soma and wins.

Thoughts: It was pretty similar to the last match. It was a total spotfest here with no real faces or heels and people doing cool moves. It didn't get as crazy as it should have. Ric looked better here than he has looked since he started in AEW. 

G-REX Title Match - Hayato Tamura (c) vs. Parker Boudreaux

Parker continues to have one of the most bizarre careers in wrestling. He does look cool though.

They shoulder battle. Parker blocks a slam and thye trade chops. Parker shoulders him over. Tamura ddt's him and hits a corner lariat. Parker spinning backdrops him.

Parker suplexes him. Tamura blocks a suplex then hits his own. Tamura slams him. Tamura hits corner lariats then ddt's him. Tamura diving shoulderblocks him off the top then crossfaces him.

They trade forearms and euros. Tamura spinning forearms him and they lariat bttle. Parker goes down then slams him. Tamura superplexes him. They lariat battle and double lariat each other down. Parker spinning backdrops him then backdrops him for 2.

Parker hits a rock bottom. Tamura spinning lariats him then hits another lariat. Tamura backdrops him for 2. Tamura hits a stiff running lariat and wins.

Thoughts: The match was a little slow at times and could have used a bit more between the various moves. But it wasn't a bad effort. They had the right idea here of a strong style hard hitting match. Parker did a good job for guy in the semi-main with less than 30 matches under his belt.

LIDET UWF Title Match - Katsuhiko Nakajima (c) vs. Masakatsu Funaki

They have 5 ropebreaks each here. They hit leg kicks early. Masa punches him in the face and takes him down. KN holds on. Mas grabs the leg and KN gets up. KN is on top of him on the mat. Masa grabs a leg and ankle locks him. KN ropebreaks.

KT hits a palm strike flurry and double foot chokes him in the corner. Masa hits some slaps then slap flurries him. Masa hits knees to the head and KN goes down.

KN high kicks him and they slap each other. KN backdrops him. Masa hits slaps then gets knocked down with them. KN hits two shots then is knocked down with a backfist.

Funaki hits slaps and they trade knees. KN drops him with a big slap. KN sleepers him and chokes him out to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't bad. The first part of it wasn't that interesting but once they got into strikes it got better. I would have had KN overpower Masa from the start. I would have given him a couple of knockdowns. Then I would have had Masa get a surprise knockdown on KN and take over. Then I would have had KN win from there to push the idea of the old guy being the underdog face against the younger guy.

They both talk to each other on the mic after and KN walks to the back with him.

The GLEAT roster comes out to talk after then go on the stage together and bow.

Overall thoughts: They brought in a lot of different people here and put together a unique show. It was just average with good, bad and things that weren't even wrestling. The main and semi-main were fine. Ricochet and The Rascalz had spotty matches as expected. The MMA stuff didn't work and the undercard had a decent T-Hawk match and some multi-person matches that didn't get enough time. What can you say other than it's GLEAT. It's a strange promotion where every act is separate from the rest and it's hard to get too invested into anything.

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