Monday, October 7, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 10/6/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 10/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

Drew Abenhaus and Glenn Williams welcome us to the show. Glenn shows off Billy McNeil's hair that he has in a bag. Drew runs down the card.

Cade Maxen vs Jayson Breed

JB is really getting fit and is turning into a tank. Cade slingblades him to start for 2. JB rolls him up for 2. Cade hits forearms in the corner and a step up knee. Cade neckbreakers him for 2. Cade knees him in the gut. JB blocks a sliced bread and hits a ddt for the win.

They shake hands after.

They had some sloppy moments here. I think they had the right idea but it was just not their night. Breed should have thrown Cade around a bit more.

Trent Daniels and Glenn Williams are interviewed. Trent talks about Glenn winning against Billy. Glenn syas he always gets called a cheater and Trent asks how can you cheat in a No DQ match (referencing the one he had with Billy). Glenn says they got some wins lately and wonder when they will get their tag title match. Glenn says he has Billy's hair and wants his title. He also shouts out Sean Vincent who he says is suffering from "Canadian poison ivy". 

"Trending" Trent Daniels vs "Night Train" Gary Jackson

They lock up and Trent is backed up in the corner. Gary blocks a punch and they end up standing off, ready to punch the other. Gary hiptosses and armdrags him. Gary armlocks him.

Trent reverses a hammerlock then Gary hiptosses him. Gary side headlock takeovers him. Trent back elbows him for 2. Trent hits punches and boots in the corner. Trent foot chokes him. 

Trent is thrown into the corner then Gary backdrops him for 2. Gary slams him then misses an elbow drop. Trent stomps on him then foot chokes him. Gary euros him then hits a gutwrench suplex for 2.

Gary misses a corner charge then running facekicks him. Trent snapmares him for 2. Trent is taken over by the leg and then Gary does a texas cloverleaf variation. Gary then picks up the win via submission.

Thoughts: It was pretty average for the most part. There was nothing that particularly stood out here.

Glenn Williams threatens Gary from the commentary desk after. Glenn calls the crowd alcoholics. 

Drew interviews Stephen E., Lucky P. Larson and Lillith Khan. E says Devastation Inc and Dogtown Underground are on top of the ladder. E says Herb Simmons needs to sign SICW over and get it over with. E promises to take over and do big things. Laron says him and E have taken over SICW. He tells Herb to sell the company to them. He says the company can only improve if E runs things. Larson says Lillith Khan is on every magazine in the middle east including "Ankles Monthly" and "Mongolia Yearly". Larson offers his legal advice in the sale of SICW to Stephen E. E says Larson will be the legal advisor for this company when this deal is done.

E says Drew will be fired and says Glenn Williams will be the head commentator. Larson says him and Glenn will make the ratings explode. E says they will bring, smoke, pyro and move the company to Dubai. 

Thoughts: As expected, this a fun promo.

Big Joe Helms vs "Roughcut" Rick Ruby

Ruby charges him and hits boots. Joe's eyes are raked on the ropes. Joe ducks a lariat and then hits his own.  Joe clubs on Ruby then hits punches and chops. Joe corner splashes Ruby and hits corner spears.

Ruby lariats Joe in the corner then running knees him. Ruby foot chokes Joe. Ruby back elbows Joe then elbow drops him for 2. Ruby foot chokes Joe in the corner. Joe hits an impressive bubba bomb. Joe hits a nice top rope diving shoulderblock and wins.

Thoughts: I liked the finish here and the bubba bomb onto Ruby looked good. Joe threw some really bad strikes here though that need to get fixed.

SICW Classic Title - The Big Texan (c) vs Waco

This is from one of their recent racetrack shows and is outside. This is outside so we get someone performing in the background.

Waco is backed up and yell at the ref to get Texan off. Waco slaps him. Waco tries it again when he backs him up but Texan hits punches. Texan hiptosses him then corner splashes him. Texan chops Waco up outside.

Texan suplexes him inside. Texan side slams him. Texan hits chops inside then misses a corner splash. Waco hits forearms to Texan's back then chokes him. Texan slams Waco.

Texan clubs on him. Waco hits a double throat thrust and chokes him on the ropes. Waco leg lariats him on the ropes. Waco chokes him with tape. Waco hits shots from the buckles then is pulled off off them into a lariat for the win.

Thoughts: This was unusual with someone playing a song over the match. The match wasn't bad and was definitely stiff. You could really see the shots connect and they timed it about right.

Kowalski runs in after and beats up on Texan. Kowalski misses a splash and stands on him. Kowalski pounds on him. Kowalski eye rakes him then misses a vader bomb. Kowalski runs away as Texan goes for a lariat. Texan hits some shots outside and hits him with a title belt. 

Peyton Ayres and Kowalski vs The Top Guns (Brandon Beretta and Joey Vinetti)

Stephen E and Lucky P. Laron are with the heels. Joey and Ayres lock-up and Joey is put in the corner. Ayres throws Joey across the ring and hits a nasty forearm. Ayres chokes him. Kowalski corner spears Joey then double throat thrusts him.

Kowalski pounds on Joey in the corner. Kowalski presses the ropes into Joey then Lillith Khan chokes Joey. Joey's neck is catapulted into the ropes. Ayres and Kowalski choke Joey in the corner.

Kowalski throws Joey and we are told Stephen E and Herb Simmons shook each others hands at ringside. Kowalski splashes Joey then hits a nice chokeslam. Ayres almost nails Kowalski on a failed double team. Joey rolls up Ayres then crucifixes him.

Joey slingshot sunset flips Ayres. Joey rolls at him and takes a big uranage. Ayres steps on Joey. Joey step up enzugiri's him. Brandon is tagged in.

Brandon hits a nice flying lariat on Ayres then Joey is dropped onto Ayres. Ayres takes a double shoulderblock then Brandon sentons Ayres. Brandon suplexes Ayres. Ayres takes elbow drops.

Kowalski stops a rocket launcher. Ayres throws Brandon out and nails Joey on the apron. Brandon's head is banged off the apron. Kowalski does a wrist-clutch half-nelson suplex on Brandon then misses a splash.

Brandon 2nd rope diving shoulders Kowalski. Joey dropkicks Kowalski three times but he won't go down. Joey misses a top rope dive and Kowalski hits a vader bomb on Joey to win.

Thoughts: I liked this one. Ayres had a good showing here with some nasty forearms and Kowalski moved well. I think something went wrong on the rocket launcher spot but it wasn't a big deal. It was a solid main.

Ayres beats up on Brandon outside.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main and Waco/Texan here. They continue to focus on the storyline of SICW maybe being sold to Stephen E. I was expecting a bit more out of Helms/Ruby but at least the finishing stretch was nice. It was an easy to watch show and it was fine overall.

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