Sunday, October 13, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 10/12/2024 Season 5, Episode 5

WOW Women of Wrestling 10/12/2024 Season 5, Episode 5

Last week's show is here:

We see The Mother Truckers arrive at Lana Starr's mansion. She tells them not to touch anything. She gives them maid outfits to wear. 

Animal Instinct (Goldie Collins and Katarina Jinx) vs Chantilly Chella and Holidead

Chella looks like a completely different person with her new look. Kat and Holi go at it. Kat hits shots from behind and rakes her back. Kat side headlocks her. Holi atomic drops her and manhattan drops her. Holi lariats and legdrops her for 2. Goldie is tripped into a legdrop. Goldie takes corner attacks and Chella is dropped by Holi onto her.

Chella side headlocks Goldie. Chella springboard armdrags her. Chella headscissors her down then dropkicks her. Chella side headlocks her then gets hit on the apron by Kat.

Kat boots Chella in the corner and foot chokes her. Chella hair throws her for 1. Kat ties Chella's legs up and chinlocks her. Holi breaks it up. Goldie spinning side slams Chella for 2 and bangs her head off the mat. Goldie suplexes her for 2.

Chella goes for the tag and Goldie knocks Holi down. Chella hits a double boot out of the corner. Holi is tagged in. Holi throws the heels into each other and double splashes them in the corner. Holi spinebusters Kat for 2.

All 4 girls square off. Kat does a weird leg drop on Holi. Kat takes a cutter from Chella. Holi does an angel's wings on Goldie and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was about average. There was nothing too great here but no horrible botches either. I'm curious as to where they are going with these teams as they continue to be featured. They got a lot of time for this one.

Brittany Bay debuts next.

Genesis vs Brittany Bay

This is the WOW debut of Brittany Bay. Bay is said to be from California and is basically dressed like one of the Spring Break 24/7 girls. I assume she will be paired with them.

Gen armlocks her and is tripped. Bay side headlocks her.  Bay side headlock takeovers her. Dave says Bay was supposed to debut months ago but got injured. Gen headscissors Bay. Bay headflips into a pin attempt. Gen blocks a boot in the corner and pulls Bay's leg down over the middle rope. Bay's leg is rammed into the mat.

Gen leg locks Bay then wraps her leg around the ropes and pulls. Bay boots her out of the corner. Gen misses a corner charge and is rolled up. Bay backslides her for 2. Gen does an unusual sharpshooter type of move called "the excommunicator" on Bay and wins via submission.

Thoughts: Bay didn't get a lot in here and still seems pretty green. She didn't botch anything though. I don't love Bay losing on her debut but she's obviously more of a longterm project. 

Genesis says Dave McClane is not taking her seriously. She says she's done being overlooked and exiled. She says until Dave realizes she means what she says, she's putting the WOW roster on notice. She says she's coming for the WOW Title and says whoever holds it will face her for it. She says she was the leader of Exile and soon will be the leader of the whole company.

Thoughts: I thought it was obvious Genesis was going to get a big singles push when she left Exile and that seems to be the case. 

The Alliance talk in the back. BK Rhythm has a rap for Reina Del Rey. Rey dances with her and Adrianna Gambino tries to get them under control.

The Alliance (Gigi Gianni and BK Rhythm) vs The All-American Girls (Santana Garrett and Americana)

SG = Santana Garrett

The Alliance are out in full here. SG has the red hair. The graphic says Gigi and BK are The Brat Pack. It's not technically wrong but that's not the name they are using now. Ameri cartwheels out of a wristlock and puts her on own. Ameri side headlock takeovers her. BK headscissors her. Ameri headflips out.

Ameri armdrags BK twice then backflip back elbows BK. BK takes a low crossbody and a kick. BK stomps SG's foot then SG takes a double shoulderblock. SG uses the ropes to do a double armdrag then armlocks Gigi.

Ameri double axe handles Gigi's arm off the 2nd rope. Ameri misses a dropkick when Reina saves Gigi on the ropes. Gigi elbow drops Ameri then hits corner spears. Gigi basement dropkicks her for 2. Ameri is lifted for a side slam then has her neck dropped on BK's knee. 

BK hiptoss neckbreakers Ameri then cobra twists her. Ameri hiptosses out of it. SG and Gigi get in. SG cleans house and forearms her off a headflip. SG russian legsweeps her. BK does a full-nelson slam on SG then Ameri top rope crossbodies BK.

Gigi side codebreakers Ameri. SG superkicks Gigi then Reina pulls Gigi out of the way on a move. Reina then holds Gigi's feet on the ropes for a pin on SG.

Thoughts: There were some moves that didn't hit very hard at here. It was fine otherwise though.  The Alliance had to win this one and they saved the faces some by not having it be clean.

BK gets on the mic after. She says it's just the start and says The Alliance is rising to the top of the charts. Gigi says things have changed around here and said she surrounded herself with the right ones. Reina says this is her family and says if you mess with one of them, you mess with her. Adrianna says this is the beginning of The Alliance and calls it the "antipasto". She says there's more to come and hopes you are hungry.

We go back to The Mother Truckers in Lana's mansion. She complains and says they missed spots. The Fab Four are near the pool. Holly gives 2 of them drinks and Pink complains that she didn't get one. They complain about not getting cucumbers for their eyes for their spa day. Holly licks them and then swaps the cucumbers for pickles.

The Carlson Twins scream when the pickles get put on their eyes. Holly laughs. We cut ahead and see Holly and Betty cleaning the pool. Lana tells Holly to come in so she can help her clean the closet. Lana doesn't want some of the clothes and Holly wants it. She said she never had clothes this nice and says they are pretty. Lana lets her keep them. Betty then asks what was wrong with their clothes.

Outside in the pool area, Betty accidentally knocks Lindsay into the pool with the pool stick then knocks Lori into it as well. Holly thinks is hilarious and The Twin's are mad. Holly and Betty then talk and Holly says Lana isn't that bad.

Thoughts: This was a great segment and was very entertaining.

The Mother Truckers (Holly Swagg and Big Rig Betty) vs Chainsaw and Siren The Voodoo Doll

The Truckers come out in some of Lana's old clothes. Betty isn't please and Holly loves it. Angelica Dante is with Chainsaw.

Betty side headlocks Siren and shoulderblocks her. Betty hits a big headbutt. Betty goes for the tag maybe in the corner but Holly doesn't see it as she's goofing off with the crowd. Betty yells at Holly and superkicks Siren.

Siren takes a changing lanes and Holly's in the ring with sunglasses, a hat and scarf. Holly sliding knees Siren and stomps Siren in the corner. Holly is pulled into the buckles. Chain chokes Holly with the scarf and bangs her head off the buckles. Chain foot chokes her.

Chain throws Holly by the scarf. Holly's head is banged off the buckles and Siren clubs on Holly's chest. Chain corner splashes holly then Siren corner cannonballs her. Siren release northern lights suplexes Holly for 2.

Holly ddt's Siren. Betty gets in and beats up the heels.  Betty rainmakers Siren for 2. Betty hits forearms on Chain. Chain bearhugs her. Betty hits headbutts and can't tag in Holly as Holly isn't paying attention. Chain swinging neckbreakers Betty and splashes her for the win.

Thoughts: This was interesting with Holly goofing off and costing her team the match in the end. It was nice to see Chainsaw and Siren pick up a win for a change. I don't mind the faces losing as there was a reason for it and it will lead to something.

Overall thoughts: It was fun episode of WOW. The stuff with The Truckers cleaning the house was the best of the show. We got a new debut as well. Nothing was great here but the wrestling was okay enough for WOW standards. I liked this one and think WOW fans would too.

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